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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 10 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords:  Racism, Psychological Disturbance, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Psychosis   America is known for its long history dealing with  racism. Through categorization, many forms of racism such as stereotype, prejudice and discrimination are widespread and done by the majorities toward minorities. White Americans are the example of the majority group that is seen as the agent of racism that often practices racial actions toward the minorities such as Black Americans. Unfortunately, racism gives impacts on both White Americans and also Black Americans. “All God’s Chillun Got Wings” is a drama that elevates this phenomenon. This study focuses on how racism gives impacts on Ella Downey’s psychological condition as a White American that is seen as an agent of racism. This study employs socio-psychological approach to  discover the influence of a social construct, which is in this case is racism, and its impacts on psychological condition of Ella Downey as the agent of racism that also wife of Jim, one of a Black Americans that are seen as inferior ones in American society. This study reveals that there are significant impacts of racism on the psychological disturbances that are experienced by Ella as the agent of racism. Racism that she holds places her in many stressful conditions that make her has to endure post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and psychosis. These psychological disturbances are the impacts of racism which bring her to the confusion related to the way she treats Black Americans especially Jim Harris. Racism even brings her to be a violent mania
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 10 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Everyday when we go somewhere, we often see A Mild advertisements onbillboards on the side of street with imaginative picture and few lines of messages.Advertisement gives various information which aims at persuading the audiencesand also ensuring the reader or listener that their products are so good, so peoplewill be interested to buy the product. The writer is aimed to find out: (1) the kindsof signs found in A Mild billboard ads and (2) the kinds of codes found in A Mildbillboard ads.This study uses qualitative approach in terms of content analysis. Since thefocus of the study is on the signs and codes in the advertisements, the theories ofcode proposed by Barthes(1974) and Chandler ( 2002) are  used. The writerchooses four versions of A Mild Billboard advertisement.This study reveals that the iconic signs are mostly used in these ads. Thewriter sees that visual elements in the form of icons are mostly used. The writersees that theories are not only found in the form of visual elements of A Mildadvertisement which are divided into icon, index, and symbol but also in theverbal elements of A Mild advertisements in the form of symbol as thevisualization of verbal language in the form of words, phrases, sentences ordialogue. Based on the writer’s analysis to these A Mild advertisements, the codesusually use more iconic signs since the number of iconic signs used in the A Mildadvertisements is fewer than others.Finally, the next researchers can analyze how the codes are valuable inrelating signs and meaning in other visual communication forms and they cancompare their analysis to the result of this research. Keywords: sign, code, icon, index, A Mild billboard advertisement
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 10 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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This study aims to find out the figurative language used and its meaning inEmily Dickinson death poem. There are two research problems in this study,namely: (1) the types of figure of speech used in Emily’s death poems, and (2) themeaning of figure of speech that Emily used.This study uses qualitative approach in term of document or contentanalysis because it focuses on identifying and analyzing the figure of speech inEmily Dickinson death poem. This study applies the theory of Figure of speechproposed by Pierce (1969).This study reveals twelve types of figure of speech stated in Pierce’stheory, Emily commonly uses only six figures of speech like: personification,metaphor, simile, synecdoche, symbol and paradox. Emily uses that figure ofspeech to describe the abstract feeling of death.In the first poem entitled “I Heard a Fly Buzz When I Died”, the writerfinds three personifications, one simile, one synecdoche, and five symbols. In“I’ve Seen a Dying Eye” there are one personification, one simile, onesynecdoche and three symbols. The third poem is “Because I could not Stop forDeath”, this poem has four personifications, two metaphors, one synecdoche andfour symbols. The next poem is “My Life Closed Twice before Its Close” foundone personification, one simile, four symbols and one paradox. The fifth poem “INever Lost as Much but Twice”, the writer found one personification and fivesymbols. In “I Felt a Funeral in My Brain” there are one personification, twometaphors, two similes, and two symbols. The last poem “I Died for Beauty” hasfour personifications and three symbols.The writer suggests the next researchers can cover the limitations of thisstudy by taking further research. The next researcher can also apply semanticstudy about figure of speech in other objects, in example advertisement, sloganand poetry. Key words: Figurative language, Emily Dickinson, Poems
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 10 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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The connection between language and society can not be separated from critical discourse analysis (CDA). CDA explores the links between language use and socialpractice. It also investigates the power of language that can give influence to thesociety. The researcher conducts this study in order to know the power of Trans TVMilik Kita Bersama slogan used by Trans TV in influencing the TV viewers inBanjarwati.  However, the TV viewers are special people because they have specialcriteria such as they like Trans TV and remember Trans TV Milik Kita Bersamaslogan, and they watch TV five hours more in a day. There are three problems to besolved, namely: (1) What is the meaning of slogan Trans TV Milik Kita Bersama usedby Trans TV?; (2) How is the structure of slogan Trans TV Milik Kita Bersamaviewed from syntagmatic and paradigmatic perspectives?; (3) What is the impact ofslogan Trans TV Milik Kita Bersama used by Trans TV to the society in Banjarwativillage?. This study uses qualitative approach that applies two designs. They are contentor document analysis and case study. Document analysis is applied because the aimof this study is to describe the meaning and the structure analysis of slogan Trans TVMilik Kita Bersama. Meanwhile, case study is applied to understand the TV viewers’interpretation and the impact of slogan Trans TV Milik Kita Bersama to the society inBanjarwati by doing interview to 10 subjects (3 children, 5 adolescents, and 2 adults). This study reveals that there is the similar interpretation between the researcherand the subjects of this research about the meaning and the interpretation of sloganTrans TV Milik Kita Bersama. The subjects state that the meaning of Trans TV MilikKita Bersama is Trans TV can be owned by TV viewers covering all of level andarea. They interpret that they remember the slogan Trans TV Milik Kita Bersamabecause of the meaning and the intensity in watching Trans TV. Moreover sloganTrans TV Milik Kita Bersama is an advertisement that includes as promotional genreso they are interested and feel that they own Trans TV. However, there is differentinterpretation about the impact of slogan Trans TV Milik Kita Bersama. Theresearcher considers this slogan gives big impact to the TV viewers but they say themost powerful influence is the programs shown by Trans TV not the slogan. The researcher suggests the application of critical thinking in CDA should begiven more in time and activity thus it will be very helpful for the students to domore. Besides, the next researchers can develop and explore this topic deeper indifferent theory or object. So, it will be very useful for the knowledge developmentespecially in critical discourse analysis. Keywords: Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), TV Viewers’ Interpretation, Trans TV Milik Kita Bersama Slogan.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 10 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Destructive behavior is a behavior which is affected from the death drive thatmakes someone wants to destroy everything around them including themselves.Watanabe Shuuya, main character of Kokuhaku as the main object of this study hasbeen analyzed mainly wit h Freud’s psychoanalyt ic for his destructive behavior. Besideusing psychology’s theory, sociology’s theory has been used to analyze because of therelation between this film and the reality in Japan. Therefore, there are two problemsthat have been solved for this study, namely: (1) What is Watanabe Shuuya’s motive ofhis destructive behavior and what is Watanabe Shuuya’s character, and (2) HowWatanabe Shuuya’s psychology pheno mena related with the reality in Japan.This study was using psychosocial literature. From the psychological problem, Freud’s psychoanalyt ic has been used to analyze character’s unconscious behavior.From the sociological problem, report of Japan’s observers which is related with thisstudy has been used to analyze the relation between the film and reality. The result ofthe study has been proved by some character’s dialogs and some screenshots of the film.As the results, there are 16 unconscious behaviors of Watanabe Shuuya. 3 of Watanabe Shuuya’s unconscious behavior is destructive behaviors which is desire oreven act to kill, desire to suicide, and idea to make a destructive thing. Motive of thisdestructive behaviors are some acts that come from his desire to be loved by his mother,his emotional state and his despair. Related with the motives, Watanabe Shuuya’scharacter is dominant with id so he become an impulsive man who shows all his feelingwith his destructive behavior. The similarity of this film and the reality in Japan ismot ive of the destructive behavior in this film and juvenile crime’s mot ives in Japan. Keywords : destructive behavior, death drive, Kokuhaku, Freud’s psychoanalytic
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 10 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Nowadays, English is one of the international languages used in the world. However, Indonesians do not use English in their daily life. Although English is aforeign language, Indonesian students, from elementary up to university shouldlearn English because English is very important in this globalization era. In theprocess of learning, Indonesian students surely make errors. It is understandable since the rule of Bahasa Indonesia and English is different. This research aims: (1) to identify the types of errors and (2) to find the most frequently error in the narrative writing produced by the eighth grade students of bilingual class of SMP Negeri 4 Malang.This research is designed by using descriptive qualitative research anddocument analysis to answer the problems of the study. The data were collectedfrom the thirty two narrative writing produced by the eighth grade students ofbilingual class of SMP Negeri 4 Malang. In collecting the data, the researcherasked the students to write a narrative paragraph about 150 until 200 words with a topic chosen in 100 minutes. The researcher analyzed the data using the theory from Dulay, Burt, and Krashen (1982) about surface strategy taxonomy.The results of this research showed that the students did some types oferrors when they wrote a narrative writing. Those errors are omission, addition,misformation, and misordering. Omission was divided into some parts namely,omission of preposition, omission of ‘be’, omission of plural marker, andomission of article. Then, addition was divided into two types namely, addition of‘be’ and addition of verb. Misformation was also divided into two types namely,misformation of ‘be’ and misformation of verb. The last is misordering.The researcher suggests to the next writers who want to conduct thesimilar research use the different object and analyze the errors with other theories. Another suggestion is to use the same theory but with the different object like textbook or article for the data.  
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 10 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Prejudice, Black African American, Comparative Literature, The Help, The Blind Side movie Literature which uses visual and acoustic elements is movie. Racialprejudice between white and black in this movie continuously appear and becomeinteresting to be studied more. Racial prejudice can happen to anyone, but thewriter here more focus on how the racial prejudice happens to blacks people inAmerica. The writer tries to find the problem of studies about the differences andsimilarities of racial prejudice experienced by two main characters of the moviesThe Help and The Blind Side in 1960 and 2000. The writer uses comparativestudies as the methodology in her research while historical approach is used as aresearch approach. Postcolonialism theory and Cinematography elements are alsoused as a theory to guide the writer study the issue. The writer uses model of prejudice expression who divides by Allport,they are antilocution or spoken abuse, avoidance, discrimination or legalized(Institutionalized) racism, Physical attack or violence against people and property,and extermination or genocide. In the finding of both movies, there are only threemodel of prejudice expression. They are antilocution, avoidance and legalizedracism. Antilocution and avoidance are found in both of the movies, whilelegalized racism is only found in The Help movie. This happens because bothmovies have different time setting. From these differences we can see how racialprejudice still exists between those years. In the result of this research the racialprejudice has decreases in their phase. There is a rule about Black and Whitesegregation in 1960 era that the writer found in The Help movie, but this law doesnot exist anymore in 2000 era as depicted The Blind Side movie because thepeople are more aware about humanism.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 10 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Language is needed by human being because by language human can get their needsby communicating eachother.  As a verbal communication, language is a sound symbolwhich is arbitrary . the statement beforeencourages to study one of the lexeme of japaneselanguage which is often heard or known by Indonesian people,that is hai. Based on that, thissudy will analyze the research problem : (1) what are the hai contextual lexeme in detectiveconan comic volume 59, 63, and 64. (2) how to use the hai contextual lexeme in detectiveconan comic volume 59, 63, and 64. The source of this research taken from detective conan comic by aoyama gosho. Thecomic used because the story reflects the daily life, the lnguage used is also simple, and easyto be understood by every reader from children to adult. The data taken was dialogue whichcontains hai lexeme. Therefore, the researcher used descriptive qualitative method which is amethod that describes the phenomena where the activity is studied and then the conclusion ismade. This method is used to analyze the hai menaing in detective conan meaning. The mainreason of using this method is to show the fact, the condition, and the phenomenon thathappens when this research is done. In this detective conan comic, the researcher found sixty nine dialogues that containshai lexeme. From those three volume of the comic, the researcher found twenty nine hailexeme which means koutei, twenty one which means shoudake, twelve h ai lexeme whichmeans outou, three hai lexeme which means aizuchi, three hai lexeme which means kanki,and there is no hai l exeme that means tsuinin. Besides, from 5 hai meaning that is found,there are difference in the usage of hai lexeme, which are confirmation, approval on demand,approval on requirement, approval on invitation, answer when called, respond to informationsubmitted, and attract attention. for the next research, it is expected to find more source ofdata so the usage of hai lexeme can be found more complete. Keywords : lexeme, semantic, contextual
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 10 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Language is very important for everyone as the members of society inorder to interact with others. Society itself gives contribution in creating languagevariation since there are multilingual speakers in society. One of the languagevariations is jargon.  In this study, the writer is interested in analyzing informationtechnology jargon because in this globalization era, information technology hasdeveloped and given a great contribution toward society.   In this study, the writer uses PC Media magazine January 2013 edition asthe object of the study focusing on six articles chosen. The writer formulates threeproblems of the study as follows: (1) what are the information technology jargonsfound in PC Media magazine, (2) what are the types of word formation processesfound in information technology jargons in PC Media magazine? and (3) what isthe meaning of derived word of information technology jargons found in PCMedia magazine?. This study used textual analysis since the writer analyzed the texts fromsix articles in PC Media magazine January 2013 edition as the data. There are 33information technology jargons found. In addition, the types of word formationprocesses occurred are six derivation processes, seven multiple processes, twoacronym processes, five alphabetic abbreviation processes, three compoundingprocesses, six borrowing indirect processes, and four clipping processes. Besides,the writer also found out the meaning of each jargon based on co-text. For further researchers, the writer suggests them to use other jargons to beanalyzed to add the variation of the research. The writer also suggests the nextresearchers to conduct a field research about jargon in a certain community orcertain hobby in order to have the enrichment of the study. Keywords: Information Technology Jargon, Word Formation Processes, PC Media Magazine.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 10 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Patriarchal society puts a man in a dominant position which has more power than woman. Anything that has been defined by the man has to be followed by the wife and children. If theydo not obey the rules, they will be seen as a rebellious person who will be degraded by society.This system does not support women so there is a feminist movement to reject it.  To analyse Mirror Mirror movie, the writer applies feminism theory which focus onpatriarchy and movie study. This study uses qualitative approach in analyzing this movie. The writer applies movie study to show the actions which are done by Snow White usingpictures, dialogues, and narrations to strengthen it. The writer’s research is different from threeothers researchers in her previous study because she combines the theory into movie study whichmakes this research more compatible and more interesting to read.   From the analysis, the result of the study shows that there are five traits of Snow White toagainst the idea of patriarchy. The traits are her intelligence is become a problem solver, anegotiator, and a creative woman; her rebellious is rebel someone inside and outside theKingdom; her independence is handle everything which comes to her; her courageous is face thefear, and her leadership is become a leader of men.  The writer suggests that the literary criticism of Mirror Mirror Movie can be conductedmore comprehensively using different theories like Postcolonial theory or Marxism theory. Thewriter suggests to observe about another women characters in this movie so the researcher canget new insights form the study. Keywords: patriarchy, feminism, movie, Snow White

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