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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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This study uncovers how flouting maxim and hedging maxim are employed by the speakers in BBC Podcast The English We Speak from BBC Learning English. These scripts talk about daily phrases covering a broad range of factual matters which are used for communication. There are three problems of this study: (1) what types of maxims are flouted in the utterances found in the BBC Podcast The English We Speak scripts? (2) what types of maxims are hedged in the utterances found in the BBC Podcast The English We Speak scripts? (3) how the maxims are flouted and hedged in the utterances in the BBC Podcast The English We Speak scripts? It utilizes qualitative approach and document analysis. The result of analysis can be seen as follows: First, there are 37 utterances containing flouting maxims, which maxim of quantity takes the dominance as shown in 17 utterances. The speakers benefit from rhetorical strategies, such as irony, metaphor, tautology, overstatement and understatement to communicate the implied meaning. Second, 120 utterances of hedging maxims are found. Most speakers express uncertainty and inexactitude regarding the truth or their utterances so that hedges are used to avoid breaking the maxim also to minimize the imposition that may occur.  As a result, 74 utterances are said to hedge the maxim of quality. Overlapping incidence between flouting and hedging maxims also can be found referring that the speaker hopes the listener to interpret the meaning and to feel the speaker’s hesitation all at once so that a proper response can be derived. These findings suggest that flouting maxim is used when the speaker blatantly exploits the utterances based on a listener’s assumption. Besides, hedges are used to show that the speaker is still cooperative engaging in conversation, and as a way to opt out of conversational maxims. It is suggested that the next researchers to do deeper study and analysis in connection with cooperative principle and to apply various theories about maxim in conversation, such as politeness maxims. Keywords: Cooperative Principle, Flouting Maxims, Hedging Maxims, BBC Podcast The English We Speak
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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In Indonesia, western movies that are spoken in English make the need for Indonesian subtitles increase. To make subtitles in different language, translation has an important role. The translator must use appropriate methods to produce good translation. This study aims to find out the kinds of translation methods used in writing Indonesian subtitles of the movie “Kung Fu Panda Holiday” by using Newmark’s theory (1988). This study uses descriptive qualitative approach with document analysis. The data are the English and Indonesian subtitles of “Kung Fu Panda Holiday” containing complex sentences and compound sentences. The result shows that four utterances are translated using faithful translation, eight utterances are translated using semantic translation, one utterance is translated using free translation, two utterances are translated using idiomatic translation, and twenty utterances are translated using communicative translation. The translation methods mostly used by the translator is communicative translation. The result of communicative translation is very understandable for the TL reader especially for the audiences of an animation movie watched by people of all ages.         Kata Kunci : penerjemahan, metode penerjemahan, anak judul intrabahasa, “Kung Fu Panda Holiday”
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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    Psycholinguistics is the study about psychology and language. It also explains about how language is learned, produced, and processed. Psycholinguistics in Cognitive Science Period studies more about human in learning language as the nature, such as children who have stages in acquiring language. Children who do not go through these stages may get language disorder. One of language disorders is experienced by feral children. Feral Children are children who never get any input like normal human being so that they cannot do anything normally, especially in producing language. The writer focuses on the study of Katie as a feral child in Mockingbird Don’t Sing film. The aims of this study are to find out the linguistic characteristics of Katie and also the treatment to Katie.     This study uses qualitative approach because it analyses the phenomenon in children. Case study is applied in this study to get the detail description from the subject and the data of this study are linguistic characteristics and treatment of Katie as a feral child.     This study reveals that there are three types of linguistic characteristics of Katie as a feral child. Those are phonology, grammar, and semantic. The writer finds that Katie is actually still able to develop her language but it seems difficult because she already passes her critical period. From the film, the writer also finds that there are four types of treatment, those are focus on the individual profile, playing game, communication interactivity, and natural and rich communication. From those treatments Katie is able to communicate though she tends to use sign language.     The last, the writer suggests that the next researcher who wants to analyze feral child can specifically use theories of linguistic characteristics.Keywords: Psycholinguistics, A feral child, Linguistics characteristics, Treatment, Mockingbird Don’t Sing
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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            A restaurant’s name board can be used as a sign to inform people brief information about the restaurant, such as the restaurant’s name or the menus. The design of a restaurant’s name board should make people interested in visiting the restaurant. In this study, semiotic approach is employed to know the signs used on the restaurant’s name board, such as, symbol, index, and icon. This approach is also used to find out the differences in meaning carried by the objects of the study. The objects of the study are Spesial Sambal (SS) and Rumah Cabe restaurants’ name boards. Those restaurants are chosen as the object of this study because both of them are the most favorite restaurants in Malang. This study aims to identify (1) the signs found on Spesial Sambal (SS) and Rumah Cabe restaurants’ name boards and (2) the differences in meaning carried by Spesial Sambal (SS) and Rumah Cabe restaurants’ name boards based on paradigmatic analysis theory.      This study is qualitative in the form of document analysis. The data are the signs used on Spesial Sambal (SS) and Rumah Cabe restaurants’ name boards. In selecting the data, the writer chooses restaurants that serve spicy food which get highest rates from people on the internet. In analyzing the data, the writer uses some theories, such as from Smith, Peirce, and Saussure.            The results of this study show that each restaurant name board contains semiotic signs which are symbol, index, and icon. The differences in meaning carried by the restaurants’ name boards are based on the signs used on each name board. According to the paradigmatic analysis on each signifier used on the restaurants’ name boards, it can be seen that the original signs are possible to change with other alternative signs which have similar characteristics. However, it might change the messages which are delivered to the customers.            Some suggestions are made for the next writers to conduct similar study by choosing other sources as the objects, such as advertisements, video or movie to obtain various results. The next writers can also use other theories in order to enrich the results of the study.Keywords: Semiotics, Sign, Symbol, Index, Icon, Paradigmatic Analysis, Spesial Sambal (SS), Rumah Cabe
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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In order to communicate well with the readers, novel authors try to direct  the readers to understand the general life stories of the novel. They sometimes  insert some quotation or citation to complete  or support their works. In line with that, Grice (2002) notices when people communicate in daily conversations, they often make their literal expression implied. Thus, the researcher found that a case of creating implicature by flouting maxims in spoken quotation words is used by the main characters in 5CM novel. This research was conducted to answer two research problems ; (1) What are the types of flouted maxim found in spoken quotation  used by the main characters of 5CM novel?; (2) What are the implied meanings of flouted maxims found  in spoken quotation used by the main characters of 5CM  novel?. Those research problems had purposes to find out the types of flouting maxims and to describe the implied meanings of flouted maxims found  in spoken quotation used by the main characters of  5CM  novel.A descriptive qualitative method is used because the data are in the form of words which are explained descriptively and briefly by using Grice’s theory of implicature. The data are the main characters’ spoken quotation words that consist of twenty quotations. It was taken from Doni Dhirgantara’s 5CM novel.After the data were identified and analyzed, the reseracher finds that there are flouted maxim of quality, quantity, relevance, and manner. In this novel, the quotation which flout maxim of quality is absurd. Meanwhile, the contribution of maxim of quantity is overinformative. Flouting maxim of relevance happens when the speaker makes unrelated quotation with the topic being discussed. The flouting maxim of manner occurs when the speaker says too long winded that is ambigous. Then, the researcher also finds that the implied meanings behind flouted maxim are convincing something, expressing feeling and conditions, clarifying something and hiding feeling.Finally, it is suggested that this research will be one of additional references in the filed of Pragmatics. In addition, the next future researchers can study implicature more complete by using different subject and theory.Keywords: conversational implicature , flouting maxims, quotation words.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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            People need language to communicate with others during their life. In order to be understood by others, they are supposed to speak correctly. Yet, sometimes people cannot avoid a mistake, in this case is slip of the tongue (SOT). They produce utterances which are different from the concept that they have in their mind. Thus, in this study, the writer conducts a research about slip of the tongue found in news anchors’ utterances of Metro TV and TV One. There are two problems of the study, namely: (1) what are the types of slip of the tongue found in news anchors’ utterances at Indonesian private TV stations?; and (2) what are the possible factors influencing TV news anchor experiencing slip of the tongue?.            This research is a case study with qualitative approach. The data are the news anchors’ utterances of the news programs broadcasted on Metro TV and TV One. They were downloaded from Youtube from January 2013 to February 2013.            This research discloses that seven types of SOT (perseveration, anticipation, substitution, deletion, blend, exchange, misderivation) are found in the utterances that produced by the news anchors of Metro TV and TV One. The most dominant type of SOT found in this research is substitution. It occurs seven times and is found in several forms of substitution (noun, adverb, and preposition substitution). In further reading, there are various kinds of factors influencing the occurrence of SOT. The most dominant factors influencing Metro TV and TV One news anchors experiencing the SOT are internal and external difficulties which are proposed by Saksomo (2010). Those various conditions highly affect the news anchors’ performance in reporting the news.The writer suggests TV news anchors to be more aware and well prepared in their performance in order to minimize the occurrence of SOT. She also suggests to the next researchers to develop and explore this topic deeper in different object or theory. Keywords: slip of the tongue, Metro TV and TV One’s news anchors.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol is a controversial novel which adopts Freemasonry as the background of the story. Among the characters, Mal’akh is the interesting character to be analyzed because of his life phase which is coloured by myth, dream, and ancient knowledge. Related to this case, the theory of archetypes is used to analyze the object of the study. The archetypes is promoted by Carl G. Jung. The existence of archetypes can only be deduced indirectly by examining behavior, images, myths, religions, or dreams. The archetypes form a foundation of which each individual builds his own experience of life, colours them with his unique culture, personality and life events. This phase happened in the antagonist character named Mal’kah in Dan Brown The Lost Symbol. Related to this case, this study aims to show the manifestation of Mal’akh archetypes in the novel and to analyze the portrayal of Mal’akh’s archetypes as the representation of his images through his collective unconscious. This study uses qualitative approach particularly literary study to analyze phenomena related to the problem of the study.The finding of this study is that the images in Mal’akh’s early life while he was being Zachary Solomon and Andros Dareios were contained in Mal’akh collective unconscious. The motifs of Mal’akh which contains of the dream and knowledges also contained in Mal’akh collective unconscious. Those images are shaped Mal’akh unconscious mind  which manifest the Moloch image. Therefore, this study finally reveals the manifestation of Mal’akh as the archetypal ancient mythology.  It is suggested that the next researchers to do further study using the historical approach in order to broaden the critical analysis about the relationship between the archetypes and the ancients beliefs of the mythology.Keywords: Archetypes, Collective Unconscious, Dan Brown, Images, Mal’akh, Mythology , The Lost Symbol.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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To make a good communication, human must follow certain principles. That is why, Grice offers to use theory of cooperative principle to avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation between the speaker and the listener. However, some people do not fulfill those maxims to be used in the conversation for certain reasons, and when they violate the maxims it is called flouting maxims. A descriptive qualitative approach is used for this study because the data are in the form of words rather than of numbers and statistics. This study reveals that based on Grice’s Cooperative theory, there are three maxims which are flouted by the characters of “The Lorax” movie. Those flouting maxims are flouting maxim of quality, flouting maxim of quantity, and flouting maxim of relation. And the intended meaning of flouting maxims in this movie are not difficult to be understood. Keywords: Flouting Maxims, The Lorax Movie Script
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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People use language in their daily life to communicate to each others. In communicating, there are two forms of how language can be produced, namely oral and written forms. We can easily know the oral form of language through conversation in daily life. Meanwhile, the written form can be found in either formal or informal one, for example in the magazine, newspaper, novel, etc. Magazine is one way to get information. Like tourism magazine, people get information about place, hotel and many others things about traveling. Most of them offer news in English.The use of English in tourism magazine normally is not easily understood because there are some specific words that the readers do not know before. In this study, the writer is interested in analyzing word formation processes of traveling terms. It is because word formation processes is a way of forming new words or terms from the use of old words (Yule, 1985).This study is aimed to investigate the kind word formation processes of traveling terms and find out the meaning of the words formation processes of traveling terms in “Black Meetings & Tourism” magazine Nov/Dec 2012 edition. The writer uses Yule’s theory (1985)and O’Grady’s theory (1996) to analyze the data. The result of the study is expected to give significance to the next researchers who are interested in studying morphology especially about word formation processes. They are expected to conduct similar studies by using other media such as movie, newspaper and other magazine or maybe by using any other terms such as fashion, sports, etc. Kata Kunci: proses pembentukan kata, istilah-istilah pariwisata majalah.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Compliments are rarely uttered, and Indonesians tend to reject them. Moreover, there are not many studies investigating interlanguage compliments and compliment responses made by learners of English as a second or foreign language (Ernawati, 2004). As compliments are influenced greatly by the gender (Holmes, 1988), the writer conducted a study about compliments and compliment responses performed by teachers and students who are learners of English as a foreign language at ILP Kediri. There are two problems to be solved the study, namely; (1) How do compliments performed by female teachers differ from those performed by male ones? (2) How do compliment responses performed by female students differ from those performed by male ones?This study is categorized as a case study using qualitative approach since it was made of a group of individuals consisting of ILP Kediri teachers and students. To gather the data, the writer observes class activities at ILP Kediri.This study reveals that gender does not always influence the female and male teachers of ILP Kediri in giving compliments to their students and the female and male students in responding them. They share more similarities than differences. The teachers utter a word (Adjective), a noun phrase, or a simple sentence to compliment their students. A compliment in the form of a word is uttered the most by them. Regarding topics of compliments, the female teacher produces compliments on performance/ skill/ ability and on personality whereas the male one produces compliments on performance/ skill/ ability and on appearance. Yet, a compliment on performance/ skill/ ability is performed the most by two of them. Next, the female and male students either disagree or agree with compliments they got. They disagree with a compliment on performance/ skill/ ability by giving no response and agree with a compliment on personality by using a non-verbal acceptance. The differences occur when the male students also disagree with a compliment on performance/ skill/ ability by claiming that the compliment is overstated and showing flaw and agree with it by using non-verbal acceptance and when the female students agreed with a compliment on performance/ skill/ ability by mentioning her friends to transfer the complimentary force and using verbal acceptance and agree with a compliment on appearance by using non-verbal acceptance.The writer suggests ILP Kediri’s teacher keep complimenting their students in order to encourage them in studying and the future researchers conduct studies by obtaining data from different contexts and situations or investigating differences in compliments and compliment responses based on genders with different ages, relationships, or status. Keywords: speech acts, gender, compliments, compliment responses 

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