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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Learning English as a foreign language is not as easy as learning the first and the second language since there are some differences among foreign language, first language, and second language that may cause problems in learning process. In learning foreign language, it needs some strategies to help learners. By applying the strategies, it will make the learning process becomes more effective. Since the goals of English course students are to enhance their English competence by practicing English, this study is aimed to examine the language learning strategies applied by students of General English class of ILP Kediri, and the correlation between the application of language learning strategies and academic achievement.This study used descriptive quantitative approach and survey related to correlation study. The subjects of this study were 46 students out of 201 students of General English class of International Language Programs Kediri taken by random sampling. The data were taken from Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) questionnaire completed by the students and their academic score at the end of the level.The results show that the use of overall language learning strategies falls into medium level, meaning that the students sometimes used those strategies. In particular, metacognitive strategies are found as the most frequently used strategies, followed by social, affective, compensation, cognitive, and memory strategies. There is a positive low significant correlation among metacognitive and social strategies and academic achievement. The possible reason of low correlation is caused by the context of English use since English is considered as a foreign language in Indonesia.In suggestion, it is expected that the teachers can introduce and emphasize the application of language learning strategies to the students, especially metacognitive and social strategies intended for the better academic achievement.Keywords: language learning strategies, English course students, Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) questionnaire
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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 Language is one of the most important things in human’s life to express their thoughts and feelings. However, some problems dealing with language ability can happen because of language disorders, one of them is Aphasia. This study is aimed at describing (1) The symptoms of Aphasia that are found in Megumi’s character, (2) The communication gap between the interlocutor and Megumi as a patient who suffers from Aphasia, and (3) The communication strategies that are used by the interlocutor to communicate with Megumi as a patient who suffers from Aphasia.This research applied qualitative approach and document analysis in analyzing Aphasia phenomena in the subtitle and scenes of third episode of “Mr.Brain” dorama. The writer used a theory proposed by National Institute on Deafness and Communication Disorder (NIDCD, 2008) and a theory of communication gap proposed by Karten (2002) in analyzing dialogues of Megumi and the interlocutors in the movie script.The findings reveal that there are three Aphasia symptoms which refer to Wernicke’s Aphasia shown by Megumi as the Aphasia patient in the third episode of “Mr. Brain” dorama. They are having difficulties in understanding words, having the ability of speaking, and having no weakness in tactile sensor and body. She is also unable to reconnect memory bank which has an important role in gaining back her vocabularies. The writer also finds mismatched communication preferences and mistaken assumption of understanding as the factors that cause communication gap. Moreover, the therapist can avoid some gaps in order to find the appropriate treatment to heal Megumi. Furthermore, the writer figures out three communication strategies that are used in Megumi’s treatment. They are maintaining a natural conversational manner appropriate for an adult; repeating the content words and using prolongation in each word; and encouraging any type of communication, whether it is speech, gesture, pointing, or drawing. In Megumi’s case, a Japanese word game (Shiritori) becomes the best treatment to improve her vocabularies.Through this study, the writer suggests for the future researchers who are interested in exploring Aphasia to investigate other Aphasia phenomena. The future researchers can also do further investigation in the relation of communication strategies with the progression of the Aphasia patient in gaining back his or her language ability. Keywords: Aphasia, Speech Production, Symptom, Communication Gap, Communication Strategy, Megumi, “Mr. Brain Dorama”. 
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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People use language to communicate to others. However, when the language areas in the brain get injured, the speakers may not express their mind clearly to the hearers. There are many causes of language disorder, one of them is Tourette  Syndrome.  This  study  is  aimed  at  describing  (1)  the  symptoms  of Tourette Syndrome produced by Bradley Cohen in “Front of The Class” movie, and (2) the conditions that worsen the Tourette Syndrome experienced by Bradley Cohen in “Front of The Class” movie.This research applied qualitative approach and document analysis. The research data were taken from the “Front of the Class” movie script and scene that consist of utterances containing Tourette Syndrome produced by Bradley Cohen. The writer used theory proposed by NINDS (National Institute of Neurological Disorder and Stroke, 2012) in analyzing dialogues of Bradley Cohen in the movie script.The finding of the study revealed that there were 46 out of 57 scenes that showed utterances containing speech production problem produced by Bradley Cohen.  Through  this  study,  the  writer  only  found  simple  motor  tics.  The symptoms of Tourette Syndrome showed by Bradley Cohen were tics, tics followed by the presence of eye blinking, throat-clearing, facial grimacing, head jerking and leg jerking. Furthermore, the writer figured out that the symptoms of Tourette  Syndrome  were  getting  worse  when  Bradley  Cohen  was  anxious, stressed, and angry.The writer suggests the next researchers who want to analyze Tourette Syndrome to explore complex motor tics such as coprolalia in order to give more insight about Tourette Syndrome. The next researchers can investigate coprolalia from people who suffer from Tourette Syndrome or other media that show the occurrence of coprolalia such as video or newspaper. Keywords:  Psycholinguistics, Speech Production, Tourette Syndrome, Front of the Class movie, Bradley Cohen 
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Advertisement is a medium to deliver messages to people with the goal to influence them to use certain products. Semiotics is applied to develop a correlation within the element used in advertisement. In this study, the writer chooses the television advertisement of Coca Cola “ Reason to Believe: Indonesian Version” as the subject to be analyzed using semiotic study based on Peirce’s theory. Semiotic approach is employed in interpreting the sign, symbol, icon, and index in television advertisements. This study aims to identify: (1) the semiotic signs found in the Coca Cola advertisement, and (2) the interpretation of semiotic signs in the Coca Cola advertisement.This study is qualitative in the form of document analysis. The data are 20 scenes in the Coca Cola “Reason to Believe : Indonesian Version” TV advertisements. The result of this research shows that each advertisement contains semiotic signs such as symbol, icon and index. There are 20 symbols, 46 icons, and 16 index. Icon is mostly used rather than symbol and index. Text are provides as symbol in most scenes. The text use for emphazing the condition of each scene.Suggestion is made for next researchers to choose the signs of the advertisement from other media sources like radio, newspaper, or the internet, to obtain various results. Next researchers can also conduct further studies by seeing people’s interpretation on certain advertisements. Keywords: semiotics, sign, TV advertisement, Coca Cola. 
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Style adalah gaya dalam kalimat dan ucapan yang mempersoalkan cocok tidaknya pemakaian kata, frasa, atau klausa tertentu untuk menghadapi situasi tertentu. Style tidak bisa dipisahkan dengan gaya bahasa, akan tetapi dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan istilah style agar tidak rancuh dengan gaya bahasa figuratif. Penggunaan style banyak ditemui pada dialog yang mengandung peristiwa tutur. Adapun rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini ada 2, (1) Jenis style apakah yang digunakan oleh pemeran utama wanita dalam serial drama Zenkai Girl episode 1 (2) Peristiwa tutur apakah yang digunakan oleh pemeran utama wanita dalam serial drama Zenkai Girl episode 1.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Subyek yang akan diteliti adalah serial drama Zenkai Girl episode 1. Analisis dilakukan dengan melakukan pendataan jenis serta jumlah style yang digunakan pemeran utama wanita dan menganalisis peristiwa tutur dalam dialog tersebut. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa dialog yang digunakan oleh pemeran utama wanita yaitu sejumlah 68 dialog. Dari 68 dialog tersebut, penulis menganalisanya berdasarkan klasifikasi jenis-jenis style yang dikemukakan oleh Joos dan peristiwa tutur dikemukakan oleh Hymes.M.Joos membagi style menjadi 5 (lima) jenis yaitu frozen style, formal style, consultative style, casual style, dan intimate style. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa semua jenis style ditemukan dalam dialog tersebut. Frozen style berjumlah 2 dialog, formal style berjumlah 37 dialog, consultative style berjumlah 7 dialog, casual style berjumlah 9 dialog, dan intimate style berjumlah 5 dialog. Style yang paling banyak digunakan pemeran utama wanita adalah formal style karena serial drama Zenkai Girl memiliki setting formal; di samping itu, partisipan-partisipan dalam dialog di film ini adalah atasan di kantor dan orang yang baru dikenal. Sedangkan peristiwa tutur yang digunakan sebagian besar memiliki setting di kantor firma hukum, lawan tutur banyak digunakan dengan pemeran utama pria, jalur bahasa yang digunakan adalah jalur lisan, sedangkan komponen lain dalam peristiwa tutur memiliki isi yang berbeda-beda.Penulis menyarankan kepada peneliti selanjutnya untuk meneliti lebih dalam tentang style karena tema ini masih belum banyak diteliti dan menggunakan media yang berbeda sebagai sumber data. Kata kunci: style, peristiwa tutur
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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In learning language, making mistakes is normal among learners, because mistakesare needed in order to give better feedback for better improvement in learning process. Oneof problem arises in learning certain language is on the grammar. Subject-verb agreement isone of basic rules in English, and learners still producing errors in producing it. From theerrors, the mastery of the language system can be identified. There are two problems to besolved, namely: (1) grammatical errors on subject-verb agreement made by 11th students ofMAN 3 Tulungagung and (2) systematicity errors on subject-verb agreement made by 11th students of MAN 3 Tulungagung.In this research, the writer uses descriptive qualitative approach because it willdescribe and explain the data from the subjects. The research meant to describe and explainsubjects’ subject-verb agreement errors and their mastery on the rules.The research reveals that all grammatical errors (omission, addition, misformation,and misordering) on subject-verb agreement and systematicity error stages (pre-systematicerror, systematic error, and post-systematic error) on subject-verb agreement are identified.For the occurrence of grammatical error on subject-verb agreement, the subjects tend to omita certain item that must be presented in order to form a correct sentence, and the errors werecaused by the fact that the subject do not know that the item must be presented. For theoccurrence of systematicity errors on subject-verb agreement, mostly the subjects’ knowledgeon subject-verb agreement is identified on systematic error stage. It means that subjects haveknown some marker (rules), although the rules are wrong.The writer suggests that the student should study more on subject-verb agreement,and the writer suggests that the teacher should give more attention to students’ grammarespecially on subject-verb agreement. The writer should realize that he should pay moreattention to his works in order to minimize errors and unnecessary mistakes, and the writersuggests the next researcher conduct a research on larger circumstance of English grammar.   Key words: Error analysis, subject-verb agreement, surface strategy taxonomy, systematicityerror.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Jakarta as a capital city becomes the central of Indonesian goverment, business etc. Here, the candidates of Jakarta’s governors and vice governors involved in showing off their programs,  mission  and vision  to Jakarta’s  citizens.  As public politicians,   they   have   their   own   way   for   delivering   their intention such to do a promise. The purposes of this study are help  the  to  find  out  about  the  way  indirect  promising  act expressed by the candidates while also find out the implicit meaning of promising act. This research examines the transcript from the candidates. The data are utterances containing indirect promises that are produced by the candidates at debate program entitled  “Jakarta  Memilih:  The  Final  Round  on  Metro  TV” that’s  held on 16 September  2012.  This research  reveals  that there are 25 utterances include in indirect promising acts. From those findings, the researcher finds 23 utterances realized in declarative sentences and the other uses imperative and exclamative sentences. Besides, the researcher also finds 18 data of 25 utterances fulfill the condition of promising acts and 7 data do not fulfill the condition of promising act. Kata Kunci: Tindak Tutur, Janji Tak Langsung, Kondisi Janji, Jakarta Memilih: The Final Round di Metro TV
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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People need to communicate with other people to share their feeling, opinion, information, and etc. Here, people need language to communicate. In other words, language is the tool for communication. In this case, each person has his/her own way to deliver message. In communication, they can use some variations of language when they talk to other people. That is what we call it as style. Style can occur in written spoken discourse. The style that occurs in spoken discourse is called speech style. This study investigates the speech style produced by the judges of Indonesian Idol 2012 in giving comments to the finalists. In conducting the research, the writer analyzed three problems of the study which are: (1) What are the types of speech styles used by the judges of Indonesian Idol 2012? (2) What are the mostly used types of speech styles by the judges of Indonesian Idol 2012? (3) How do male and female judges speech styles differ? The main theory used in this study is by Joos (1961, cited in Brown and Attardo 2009) and supported by Chaer and Agustina (2010), Kridalaksana (1992), and Holmes (2001, cited in Abraham 2011).This study used qualitative document analysis since the writer tried to analyze the transcription of the judges’ utterances. The data of this study were the judges’ utterances in Indonesian Idol 2012 containing speech styles in Result and Reunion episode.The writer found that from 5 (five) types of speech styles (frozen style, casual style, consultative style, casual style, and intimate style) based on Joos’ theory, the writer only found 2 (two) of them. They were consultative style and casual style. The type of speech styles mostly used by the judges were consultative style in 43 (fourty three) utterances or 66,1% and followed by casual style in 22 (twenty two) utterances or 33,9%. The writer also found that male and female judges’ speech styles were not different because the writer found that both male and female judges mostly used consultative style in giving comments to the finalists.Finally, the writer suggests the next researchers to investigate the other kinds of speech styles which are influenced by social status, occasion, personal aim, and etc. The future researchers can also use other objects for their studies. Keywords: Speech style, Judges, Indonesian Idol 2012.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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This study aimed at finding out; (1). the meaning constructions in the slogan ofKeywords: Critical Discourse Analysis, Slogan, Beauty pageant, Puteri Indonesia, Brain, Beauty, and BehaviorPuteri Indonesia beauty pageant “Brain, Beauty, and Behavior”, also (2). the social effects of the meaning constructions of 3Bs “Brain, Beauty, and Behavior” reflected on the image of Puteri Indonesia.This study uses qualitative approach. The writer conducted the study toward the construction meaning and the effect of the slogan Brain, Beauty, and Behavior according to the image of the winner of Puteri Indonesia beauty pageant produced in the articles. In analyzing the data found from the article, the researcher approached to several processes. Firstly, finding and selecting the articles related to Puteri Indonesia. Secondly, explaining textual analysis, discourse analysis, and also the social practice based on Norman Fairlough’s theory (2001) of Critical Discourse Analysis which then brings into the direct analysis to the social effect on the use of slogan Brain, Beauty, and Behavior” reflected on the image of Puteri Indonesia.This present study reveals that based on the textual analysis on the slogan, the use of the word Brain as the starting point has big impact towards the public opinion. It could influence public’s view to this pageant that it does not come out as a "stereotypical" pageant. The social effect on the using of slogan 3Bs for the winner can be seen in everyday life. The winner often gets many privileges in the society. The most recent phenomenon can be seen in Angelina Sondakh’s case. This former winner of Puteri Indonesia was accused in a graft case revolving around the high-profile SEA Games’ bribery case. However, a day before her court day she read a pledoi which contains all of her prestigious achievements. One of them is her title as the former winner of Puteri Indonesia that brought her to what she is now. In this case, her threat of punishment that used to be 20 years or life time sentence in prison becomes only 4.5 years in prison with 250 million of fine causing public to criticize the judge ’s decision.Finally, writer suggests for the future researcher to enrich the field of this study, by possibly exploring other numerous object with different theory for CDA. Moreover, it can be about CDA containing a critical thinking which in fact is very helpful for students to explore more about a subject given whether they will accept it or not. It can bring the students to have 'self actualization' and 'self evaluation’. 12
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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La créativité d’enfant est une chose très importante dans le développement d’un enfant . La créativité d’enfant peut aider un enfant de trouver une solution pour résoudre son problème. Mélanie dans Mélanie dans L’Île représentait une petite fille qui a une créativité et l’utilise bien pour trouver des solutions de ses problèmes. Cette recherche a le but de répondre deux questions principaux, (1) comment est-ce que les types de créativité de Mélanie, et (2) quelles sont les impacts de créativité contre les problèmes de Mélanie. Cette recherche est une recherche qualitative avec une approche structurelle pour mieux comprendre le texte et puis utiliser la théorie de créativité d’enfant pour analyser les types de créativité de Mélanie et les impacts de créativité. D’après les résultats obtenus, cette recherche montre qu’il y a cinq types de créativité d’enfant dans le texte; le jeu de rôle, le jeu constructif, le mensonge blanc, la blague, et raconter une histoire. La créativité de Mélanie lui a aidé de trouver la solution de ses problèmes, ce sont comment traverser le lac et rentrer chez elle. Il faut qu’il yait une recherche sur le caractère du père de Mélanie dans Mélanie dans L’Île. L’inaptitude du père pour trouver la solution de leurs problèmes est une chose intéressante à analyser en utilisant une approche psychologique.  Mots clés : la créativité, la créativitéd’enfant, les types de créativité, les impacts de créativités, Mélanie dans L’Île.

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