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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 9 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Striving for superiority is a theory proposed by a well-known expertnamed Alfred Adler. This theory shows the struggle of human-being to achievesucces. The Help is one of movies showing the struggle of a maid, AibeleenClark, to fight for her right as a human-being. This study aims at finding out howthe striving for superiority is applied by Aibeelen in the movie "The Help".This study was classified as a qualitative reseach. The data in this studywere taken from scenes of the movie The Help which illustrated each process ofAibeleen’s struggle to achieve success or superiority. In data analysis, the writeranalysed scenes in the movie which showed the process of striving for superiorityin the character of Aibeleen.The result of this study shows that all of the processes in Adler’s theory isobviously applied by the character of Aibeleen in The Help. There are five pointsof proccesses proposed by Adler: from the inferiority side, the final goal, thestriving force as compensation, and as a result, shows the striving for individualsuccess or her strive for success.The conclusion of this study shows that every people has the steps ofstriving for success or superiority, as seen in The Help. The analysis done by thereseacher shows that the character of Aibeleen in The Help undergoes the phasesof her life where she fights for a goal to achieve her superiority. The reseachersuggests that other reseachers analyse the characters in this movie using differenttheories, such as self-actualization proposed by Maslow. Keywords: striving for superiority, Alfred Adler, The Help, Aibeleen Clark.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 9 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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There are many factors affecting language learning, one of them is learning style. According to Reid (1995), a learning style refers to an individual’s natural, habitual, and preferred ways of absorbing, processing, and retaining new information and skill which persist regardless of teaching methods or content area. In this study, the writer analyzes the learning styles performed by science and social programs students of 11 graders of SMAN 1 Kauman Tulungagung and find out whether there is significance difference English learning styles between the two programs or not.This study is conducted by using quantitative approach The data of the study are collected by using questionnaire named Perceptual Learning Style Preference Questionnaire (PLSPQ) designed by Reid (1984). The samples of this study are a class of science program and a class of social program from the population that consists of 6 classes of science and 5 classes of social program.This study finds that 87.9% (29) students of science program choose group learnig style as their major learning style preference. It means that most of students of science program can learn English best when they learn in a group. While for social program students, 64.5% (22) of them place kinesthetic learning style as their major learning style preference, means that most of social program students can learn English well when they learn by experience.In addition, there is significance difference between science and social programs in applying English learning styles and most of students from those programs have multiple English learning styles. The major learning style preferences performed by science students from the highest untill the the lowest are group, kinesthetic, auditory, visual, tactile, and individual learning style.On the other hand, the learning styles performed by social program from the highest untill the lowest are kinesthetic, auditory, group, tactile, visual, and individual learning styles. So, science students tend to learn well when they work with others while social program will be better if they learn by experience. Keywords: learning styles, science program and social program, Perceptual Learning Style Preference Questionnaire (PLSPQ).
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 9 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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This research is a sociolinguistics study focusing on analyzing the conversation of Suro and Boyo in the "Video Grammar Suroboyo", by usinWardhaugh’s theory. Taboo is related to the culture meanings, which are expressed inlanguage. It means that language is used to avoid saying certain thing which is considered immoral and improper to the certain thing. The writer condected a studto analyze the taboo words used by Suro and Boyo in the Video Grammar SuroboyoThis study attempts to answer the following research questions: (1) What are the taboo words used in "Video Grammar Suroboyo? (2) What are the types of taboowords uttered by characters in "Video Grammar Suroboyo"?This study is a descriptive qualitative research as it is concerned with thetaboo words used by Suro and Boyo in "Video Grammar Suroboyo". In order toobtain the valid data, the researcher collected the data by downloading the "VideGrammar Suroboyo". Then the researcher listened and watched the video "VideGrammar Suroboyo" carefully to make it clear and valid data before being analyzed.Last, the researcher took a note of the taboo words expressed by the characters in thvideo.The result of the study showed that the taboo words found in the video arejancok (cok), asu, gatel (guatel), gaplek (guaplek), matane, raimu, matek, siletmu,and then were classified into taboo sex/copulative term (75%), bodilfunction (10,7%), excretion (7,1%), certain game/animal (2,4%), death (2,4%) andthe left hand (2,4%).Finally, the researcher suggests future researchers who analyze the similatopic to develop a study by analyzing taboo expressions from another point of viewbecause there are still many categories that have not been analyzed yet, such areligious matter and the left hand. Key words: Taboo, Taboo Words, Utterance, Sociolinguistics and Video Gramma Surabaya
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 9 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Racism of colored people has become a peculiar issue recorded in thehistory of America. The practice of racism has made a great impact in every socialaspect between white American and the African-American citizen. At that time,colored people were oppressed by racial discrimination and injustice treatment.Some were struggling to get their rights, as it is portrayed in Men of Honor movie.It is a true story movie tells about Carl Brasshear’s struggle against racism in theUS Navy. After facing all discrimination and racial injustice, Carl succeeded tobecome the first colored people served in the US Navy.Related to the issue of racism occurs in the movie, Lawrence and Kelleherdefined the term of Structural racism as a system of hierarchy and inequity,primarily characterized by white supremacy to maintain their authority overoppressed people. The structural racism occurs in the institution is called asinstitutional racism. As it is shown in the movie, Carl had many obstacles infulfilling his dream caused by racial discrimination. The racial discrimination inthe US Navy is maintained by white supremacy to control their power and toeliminate the opportunity for colored people.This research found out (1) Racism which mostly occurs in the movie is aninstitutional racism where the setting and the story took place in the US Navy asan institution. (2) Spirit, faith, endurance, hard work, and promise to his fatherwere Carl’s strongest motivations to fight against racism. Even though he lost hisone leg, Carl kept struggling to serve as Master Diver and he finally became thefirst amputee to return in full active diving duty. Keywords: Carl Brasshear, racism, struggle, Men of Honor 
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 9 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Translation deals with two languages which have different terms ofstructure and culture. Those differences can create difficulties in finding the bestequivalent of the target language (TL) from the source language (SL). Related tothose difficulties, a translator requires the translation procedures. This study iscarried out to reveal the translation procedures applied by the translator intranslating English subtitle of the Indonesian movie entitled "The Raid".This study was a qualitative one, which was conducted through descriptivemethod. Research design was document analysis since the data was the dialogueand the subtitle of "The Raid" movie. In the analysis, the data were analyzed byusing three steps based on the theory of Miles & Huberman, i.e. data reduction,data display, conclusion drawing and verification.The results of the study revealed that the procedures applied by thetranslator involved: addition and transposition (structural procedure), borrowing,cultural equivalent, descriptive equivalent, synonym, addition, deletion/omissionand modulation (semantic procedure). Among all of the translation proceduresproposed by Suryawinata & Hariyanto, only four procedures were not applied inthis study namely subtraction, componential analysis, official translation, andreduction/expansion. In addition, there was no translation solution found for thesentence "Subhaana Rabbiyal a'laa wa bihamdih", so it was called resignationprocedure, the theory proposed by Hariyanto.From the results of the study, some suggestions may be derived. Thetranslator should give more attention to the diction because the result of thetranslation subtitle can indirectly increase the reputation of Indonesian movie. Thenext researcher can broaden this study by analyzing translation procedures appliedin particular objects from other points of view and theories. Keywords: Translation, Translation Procedure, Subtitle, Movie
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 9 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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The phenomenon of colonization is important part in a history. Colonization iscontributed in the development of nations in the world. The concept of 3G (Gold,Gospel, and Glory) which becomes the background of European colonizers travelaround. Africa as a big continent which is rich with natural resources becomes thedestination of European colonizers. In fact, Africa cannot be separated with thecolonization issue and this is portrayed in literary works as the medium of the authorto react towards the social phenomena around them. One of the most influentialAfrican writers, Chinua Achebe, wrote his idea of British colonization in Nigeriaespecially Igbo land in his first novel, Things Fall Apart. He describes the Igbopeople and their custom before the arrival of the White people and what happenedduring and after the arrival of them in Igbo land.Postcolonial approach is applied in this study because Things Fall Apartdepicts the first contact of White colonizer and indigenous people. This approachleads to open the indication and the process of colonization. In line with colonization,the arising of White Supremacy is the main focus of this study to be analyzed. Tomeet the proper analysis and interpretation, this study uses White Supremacy theoryand other supporting theories such as negative stereotyping and race theory. Inaddition the retention of the Igbo people of White Supremacy which is happenedaround them is also investigated.This study uncovers the aspects which are supported the figuration of WhiteSupremacy. The result of this study also confirms that there are four aspects whichsupported the formation of White Supremacy. They are religion, law, institution andtechnology. Then, the negative stereotyping which is addressed to the Igbo createsdiscrimination by the White as their racism action. Whereas the Igbo retention isdivided into two ways, that are verbal and action. Key words: White Supremacy, Negative Stereotyping, Racism, Chinua Achebe, Retention, Things Fall Apart
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 9 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Information about tourism is important, especially for guiding foreigntourists who want to go on vacation. Many media can be the source of information about tourism, one of them is website. In Indonesia, there are some websites which give information about tourism in English, but, still, there are errors appear in it. It is natural because English and Indonesian have different grammatical rules.In this study, the researcher examines (1) the kinds of errors and (2)calculates the frequency of occurrence of each type of error find on tourismarticles in website The researcher uses descriptivequalitative approach and document analysis in order to answer the researchproblems. In this research, the researcher classifies the errors based on Dulay etal’s theory. The data are sixteen tourism articles in website In data collection, the researcher provides the sixteentourism articles in website and analyzed them one by one.This study reveals errors that appear in various cases, there are omission,addition, misformation and misordering. Omission is devided into seven, they are omission of pronoun, omission of preposition, omission of be, omission of plural marker, omission of article, omission of noun, and omission of clause marker.The next is addition. Then, misformation is devided into seven, they are misformation of adverb, misformation of be, misformation of conjunction, misformation of singular verb, misformation of preposition, misformation of adjective, and misformation of verb. And for the last is misordering. The total number of errors is 223. The dominant errors that the writer find in the tourism article is omission (OM) with 141 errors (63%), followed by addition (AD) with 18 errors (8%), then misformation (MF) with 57 errors (26%), and the smallest number is misordering (MS) with 7 errors (3%).  The researcher suggests the next researcher who wants to conduct a similarresearch use another theory or other website articles like business, music, etc. Keywords: error analysis, surface strategy taxonomies, kinds of errors.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 9 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Communication is a process of giving understanding to the hearer aboutwhat is meant by the speaker. As stated by Raymond S. Ross (1983) as cited inMulyana (2004, p.62) that communication is a process in choosing and sendingsymbols by the speaker to be understood by the hearer. One of media which ismostly  used to communicate is messenger. LINE messenger is one of the newinstant messaging applications used by society. In this study, the writer conductsthe semiotics analysis of the stickers’ expressions in LINE messenger. There arethree problems to be solved in this study, namely: (1) Which stickers’ expressionsof each character are frequently used by the members of group FIB BersemiKembali in LINE messenger, (2) What are the meanings of the stickers’expressions of each character which are frequently used by the members of groupFIB Bersemi Kembali in LINE messenger, and (3) To what extent those stickers’expressions of each character support the users’ messages. This study uses descriptive qualitative approach since the writer analysesthe visual picture as signifiers and the concept of meanings as signified as thedata. The analysis is included to document analysis because the data are takenfrom the stickers’ expressions in LINE messenger.  The analysis aims to answer the problems of the study. In the analysis, thedata were analyzed based on Peirce’s triadic model of sign which consists ofrepresentamen, interpretant, and object. Moreover to support interpreting thestickers, the writer also uses the theory of colors based on theory of colors by Gonet al (2005), Morton (2000), and Smith (2013). This study reveals that Moon’s expressions which are frequently used bythe member of group FIB Bersemi Kembali are the expression number 4, 12, 15,and 2. James’ expressions which are frequently used are number 24, 18, 44, and17. Brown’s expressions which are frequently used are number 16, 13, 22, and 17.Meanwhile, Cony’s expressions which are frequently used are number 36, 16, 21,and 14. There are some elements to build the interpretation toward the stickers’expressions. They are colors, lines, dots, gestures and accessories of eachexpression. The stickers’ expressions also support the user’s messages since thewriter finds that the stickers’ expressions are multi-interpreted and can be used insome contexts of conversations. The writer suggests  the next researchers to broaden the semiotics scope inanalysing the stickers’ expressions by using other theories. Moreover, the writeralso suggests the next researchers to analyze other stickers’ expressions in LINEmessenger aside from those top four stickers’ expressions of each character whichhave been analyzed by the writer. Keywords: semiotics, Peirce’s triadic model of sign, LINE messenger, sticker,stickers’ expressions
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 9 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Jepang adalah negara yang terkenal dengan inovasinya dalam segalabidang, tak terkecuali dalam dunia hiburan. Dunia hiburan Jepang sejak dekade1980-an diperkaya dengan konsep baru yaitu grup idola dengan anggota yangbanyak. Masih dengan pencetus yang sama yaitu seorang penulis lirik sekaligusproduser ternama Yasushi Akimoto, pada tahun 2005 sebuah inovasi lagi terlahirdengan konsep baru yaitu “idola yang dapat ditemui” dengan terbentuknya grupidola AKB48.  Fenomena grup idola yang mengedepankan semangat kebersamaan dalamkelompok mencerminkan salah satu tradisi masyarakat Jepang yaitu konsepberkelompok yang disebut shuudan shugi. Konsep ini juga mempengaruhi banyakkarya sastra modern masyarakat Jepang. Salah satu diantaranya tercermin dalamsebuah lirik lagu berjudul New Ship karya sang produser Yasushi Akimoto yangdinyanyikan oleh AKB48.  Selain konsep shuudan shugi, penulis menggunakan pendekatan semiotik(Peirce) untuk menafsirkan tanda yang terkandung dalam lirik lagu ini. Tujuanpenelitian ini adalah menganalisis tanda – tanda yang terdapat dalam lirik lagu inidengan menggunakan teori semiotika Peirce untuk mengetahui manasajakah tandayang merepresentasikan makna konsep berkelompok ala Jepang atau shuudanshugi, beserta pembagiannya, yaitu shuudan shikou, shuudan seikatsu, danshuudan ishiki. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, terdapat tanda yang menggambarkan maknashuudan shugi beserta pembagiannya dalam lagu ini. Lirik lagu selain merupakanekspresi dari proses kreatif, juga dapat merupakan cerminan budaya dan konseppemikiran dalam sebuah masyarakat. Dengan demikian, penelitian tentang liriklagu juga akan dapat menambah wawasan bagi pembelajar budaya Jepang tentangmasyarakat dan konsep budaya Jepang. Penulis menyarankan kepada penelitiselanjutnya untuk menganalisis lagu ini dengan pendekatan lain atau menelitikarya Yasushi Akimoto yang lain yang juga banyak menggambarkan konsepshuudan shugi. Kata Kunci: Semiotika Peirce, shuudan shugi, lirik lagu, AKB48, New Ship.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 9 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Language Learning Strategies include certain activities of learners to learn second or foreign languages more easily and effectively. There are some factors affecting the choice of strategies including motivation. Motivation can determine human behavior to do something by energizing the behavior. In this study, the writer conducted an analysis about learning strategies and motivation of the students of BEC Pare. This study is conducted to discover: (1) language learning strategies applied by the students of TC 120 BEC Pare; (2) the motivation of the students of TC 120 BEC Pare; and (3) the correlation between the use of learning strategies and motivation of the students of TC 120 BEC Pare. This study uses descriptive quantitative approach as it deals with the statistical data to analyze the language learning strategies and motivation and also the correlations between those two variables. The participants of the study are the students of Training Class (TC) program of Basic English Course (BEC) Pare in the period of TC 120. The writer used two instruments to collect the data: Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) questionnaire and Motivated Strategies for Language Questionnaire (MSLQ). This study reveals that Social Strategies are the most dominant learning strategies and Task Value is the most motivational orientation of the students of TC 120 BEC Pare. It shows that most students tend to work with others and consider their interest and the importance of the course in learning English. In addition, this study reveals that there is a moderate correlation between language learning strategies and motivation. Five categories of learning strategies, namely: Memory-related Strategies, Cognitive, Meta-cognitive, Affective, and Social Strategies are significantly correlated with five motivational orientations: Extrinsic Goal Orientation, Task Value, Control of Learning Beliefs, Self-efficacy for Learning and Performance, and Test Anxiety. The writer suggests the next researchers to do further studies on learning strategies and motivation related to the students’ achievement. She also suggests the teachers of TC Program of BEC Pare to be aware of the students’ learning strategies and motivation because the teachers can influence their students to be motivated by certain learning program and tasks.Keywords: learning strategies, Social Strategies, motivation, Task Value, Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) questionnaire, Motivated Strategies for Language Questionnaire (MSLQ).

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