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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Ayuningsih, Ika Kusti. 2014. The Hedging of Maxims by David Beckham in Google+ Interview. Study Program of English, Department of Languages and Literature, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas  Brawijaya.Supervisor: Iis Nur Rodliyah; Co-supervisor: Agus GozaliKeywords: Pragmatics, Cooperative Principle, Maxim, Hedging, Google+ Interview Communication is the process of exchanging information. In conversation, speakers sometimes use particular words or phrases to mitigate their statements and to indicate uncertainty in their utterances. The using of those particular words and phrases are known as hedging. In linguistics, the sub field studying contextual meaning in conversation and hedging is pragmatics. This study aims to answer two problems, which are (1) to find out the types of the hedging of maxims used by David Beckham in Google+ Interview and (2) to find out the contexts that cause the occurance of the hedging of maxims applied by David Beckham in Google+ Interview.This research is a descriptive qualitative because this research focuses ondescribing the data about what types of hedging maxim produced by DavidBeckham in Google+ interview held in January 2012. The writer also analyzes thecontexts of using hedging maxim found in David Beckham’s utterances. In thisresearch, the writer uses Hymes’s  SPEAKING theory (1974) to analyze the data.This research reveals that David Beckham hedged maxim of quality, maxim of quantity and maxim of manner in his utterances. The writer found 37 utterances which consist of the hedging of maxims. There are 31 hedging maxim of quality, 5 hedging maxim of quantity and 1 hedging maxim of manner. The SPEAKING features theory is used by the writer to help analyze the contexts that cause the occurance of the hedging of maxims by David Beckham in Google+ Interview.The writer suggests that the next researcher analyze different objects from this research and also use different theories of the hedging of maxims from the ones used in this research.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Rachmad, Anggi. 2014. Politeness Strategies Performed by James Bond in SKYFALL Movie. Study Program of English. Universitas Brawijaya. Supervisor:Nurul Choyimah; Co-supervisor: Yana Shanti ManipuspikaKeywords: Politeness, Face, Face Threatening Act (FTA).Communication is one of the important things for human as a social creature. In doing the communication people need polite language to give respect to the hearer and maintain a good relationship with the hearer. The writer conducted a study about politeness on SKYFALL Movie which presents about politeness phenomena happening in life aspect in this modern era. There are two problems to be solved, they are: (1) what FTA strategies are used by main Character James Bond in SKYFALL movie and (2) what politeness strategies are used by main character James Bond in SKYFALL movie.This study used qualitative approach to gather and analyze the data. It isincluded into document analysis in analyzing and interpreting the utterances produced by the main character of SKYFALL movie through the script of the movie.As for the result of this study, it shows that there are four strategies inperforming FTA applied by the main character of the movie, namely: Bald on-record, positive politeness, negative politeness, and indirect strategy. In the application of politeness strategies, Bond mostly used positive politeness in his utterance to show cooperation and effort to minimize the social distance with others. However, he still considers to perform FTA baldly in giving orders to his colleagues.Based on the results, the writer suggests to the next researchers to use otherobjects reflecting more about politeness strategy in daily life and use theories inanalyzing the implicit meanings of the speaker’s utterances more.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Lutfi Hakim, Mohammad. Representation of the Espresso as Popular Culture in Malang. Study Program of English, Department of Languages and Literature, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya.Supervisor: Scarletina Vidyayani Eka; Co-supervisor: Aris Siswanti.Keywords: Espresso, Popular Culture, Representation, ConstructionistThis study focused on Malang Coffee Houses using the Espresso machine. This study aimed at discovering  the relation on  (1) How the capital owners with their strategies, knowledge/power, technologies, and apparatuses (Barista) change the perspective of society to consume Espresso  (2)  How the implication of Espresso by the society becoming a form of new culture in Malang. Popular culture is  a product  of  culture  itself  which  is appealing new culture. Espresso popularity is marked with the propagation of Coffee houses that use Espresso machines. The representation of Espresso includes things, concepts, and signs.  Furthermore, this study uses Constructionist  approach  referred  to the social practices  constructing  feedback  toward espresso culture.  This study used ethnomethodology  including participant and non-participant observation  through (1) documentation, (2) surveys, and (3) interview conducted in 8oz Coffee Studio, Golden Heritage Koffie, and Coffee Story Malang. This study found out  that the Informant (the apparatus) and the Respondent (customer or society) constructed the same implication of Espresso. Apparatus as the constructor  of Espresso popularity  constructed  the society mindset that Espresso is part of modern society to replace conventional coffee. This mindset is not in a certain social class only, but also in all of social classes which finally like to consume Espresso. Representation of Espresso can be stated as popular culture.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Dewi, Wahyu Hanggar. 2014. Word Formation Processes of Register Used By Hamster Malang Community in Facebook.  Study Program of English, Department of Languages and Literature, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya. Supervisor: Emy Sudarwati;Co-Supervisor: Ida Puji LestariKeywords: Sociolinguistics, Word Formation Processes, Register, Hamster Malang Community, facebook group “Jual Beli Hamster”Register is another complicating factor in any study of language varieties. Registers are sets of language items associated with discrete accupational or social group. In this case the writer is interested  in studying  the registers used by Hamster Malang Community in Facebook. There are three problems of the study, namely; (1) What are the  registers used by Hamster Malang Community? (2) What are the meaning of registers that used by Hamster Malang Community? and (3) What are the word formation processes of the registers used by Hamster Malang Community? This study is qualitative research which aims at getting the description about registers used by Hamster Malang Community. It was conducted not only to understand but also to describe the implementation of the registers used by Hamster Malang Community in Facebook.  This study used  the meaning  of register  to analyze the registers used by Hamster malang Community.  This study has found out 56  registers used by Hamster Malang Community. The register is classified into three, namely; register of borrowing consisting of 22 terms, register of acronym consisting 25  terms and register of clipping consisting 9 terms used by Hamster Malang Community in facebook. Register is a variety of language and its use in specific community and situation. Thus, the meanings and their usages are significant for communication.  It can be concluded that registers are very specific in meaning used in some community, especially in Hamster Malang Community. The writer hopes to the further researchers to do similar field on register with different techniques and subjects in  order to give more contribution to the study of linguistics. Actually with new complete references and also different object to study. The writer hopes that this study will be a great  method  to conduct deeper analysis on Sociolinguistics.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Astri, Linda. 2014. Non-Verbal Symbolic Mode in Kebo-keboan Ceremony in Dusun Krajan  Kabupaten Banyuwangi.  Study Program of English, Language and Literature Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies. Universitas  Brawijaya. Supervisor:Winda Candra Hantari;Co-supervisor: Aris SiwantiKeywords:  Non-verbal symbolic mode, connotation, denotation, mythology, BlambanganRitual ceremony contains many symbols as the reflection of feelings, emotions, attitudes, and myth in the society. Semiotics is deeply concerned about signs including symbol, icon, and index that can be found in daily phenomenon of human environment. The symbols represent the communication between culture and society is very interesting to investigate as the semiotic analysis. This study was conducted to discover non-verbal symbolic mode in Kebo-keboan ceremony in Dusun Krajan Kabupaten Banyuwangi and mythology which is influenced that symbols.    This study uses qualitative approach focused on the phenomena being studied. Content analysis as the type of the research because it analyzed the data obtained from the observation of  Kebo-keboan  ceremony 2013 and in-depth interview with some people who know well about the ritual ceremony, such as the Culture Expert of Banyuwangi to get some data based on the research problem.   There are three classifications of non-verbal symbol found in Kebo-keboan ceremony. Those are physical objects (subjects or actors of  Kebo-keboan ceremony and supporting equipment), behaviors (the action and the movement of the parade of  Kebo-keboan  in  Ider  Bumi); and setting (time, location, atmosphere). Moreover the interpretation of symbol found in  Kebo-keboan ceremony can be conducted in denotation and connotation theory by Roland Barthes. The mythologies in Dusun Krajan also influenced the interpretation of non-verbal symbolic mode in Kebo-keboan ceremony.    The suggestion for the next study is to have a good time management during research field to get the deep information. Furthermore, the next study better to conduct both verbal and non-verbal symbolic mode of myth to get the whole meaning of Kebo-keboan ceremony.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Structural, Semiotics, Symbol, Fairy tale Fairy tale is the oldest genre of human culture. Its aims are to conveymoral and entertainment. Fairy tale is the reflection of social custom. One ofEnglish Fairy Tale, Jack the Giant Killer consists of moral value and societycustom that represents signs. This research aims to investigate: the kind of symbol found in the Jack the Giant Killer and its relation with English society.This research applies semiotic analysis by Peirce and structural by Propp.Structural narrative by Propp deals with the sequences of event in the fairy tale.The sequences of event is known as function; the act of character. Semiotics is the study of signs. Everything can be signs while it is interpreted as a sign. For further information, sign is divided into three; icon, index and symbol. The symbol is a sign that shows the relation between signified and signifier, and the relation between it are arbitrary.The result of this research based on Peirce’s concept shows there are threeicon finds in this tale; imaginal, diagrammatic and metaphoric icon. The indexical sign is the reason, cause-effect relation that shows the giant as the villain in the tales. The symbolic sign is giant character in this tale is a symbol of powerful and tyrant character of English’ upper-class in 18th century. The signs found in Jack the Giant Killer supported by function of Propp’s structural.The researcher suggests the next researchers who have the same field mustbe more careful when they interpret something as a symbol so that the study willbe more accurate. Making the new concept of problem and make the limitationalso can help the next researcher to focus and make the study better.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: interference, dialect, lexical Language is important for human to deliver message and communicate insociety. There are hundreds languages in this world, one of them is Javanese.Javanese is a language with around 75.5 million users over the world. Those users spread over East Java, Central Java, Banten, Lampung, Riau, and included in some countries around the world such as Suriname, New Caledonia, Dutch, and west coast of Johor. Because of the big users of Javanese language, it shows many variations called dialect. There are three main dialects of Javanese, there are standard Javanese dialect, East Javanese dialect and Banyumas dialect. This study answers the following research problem. First, what are the lexical interferences of Magetan students in Malang, and the second what are the causes of dialect change by Magetan students in Malang.This study use qualitative approach. The data are utterances from conversation with the subject. The subjects of this study are Magetan students that studying in Brawijaya University. There are total three participants in this study. In analyzing the data, the writer uses Weinreich’s (1979) theory of lexicalinterference and individual factors of interference.The results of this study reveal that there are six lexical interferences of Magetan students in Malang. Those lexicons are mari, awakmu, kon, ndek, yo opo and arek. The factors of interference show there are different levels for each subject to accept lexical interference. This study also shows that interfered vocabulary is not always use by the subject.In conclusion, this study show there are lexical interference of Magetan students in Universitas Brawijaya and each subject has different level of interference. Finally after finishing this study, the writer hopes that there will be more students in Faculty of Cultural Studies use interference as focus of the study.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (305.963 KB)


Kata Kunci: Dongeng, Strukturalisme, Perbandingan sastraLatar belakang penelitian ini didasari oleh ketertarikan penulis pada sastra Jepang, terutama pada dongeng. Dengan membaca dan mempelajari dongengdongeng tersebut, penulis menemukan banyak hal secara tidak langsung di dalam pengetahuan sastra, baik pengetahuan berhubungan karya sastra Jepang, maupun sastra anak antar negara berupa membandingkan. Ada dongeng Jepang yang mempunyai kemiripan tema dengan dongeng-dongeng dari berbagai daerah di Nusantara. Dari sekian jenis dongeng-dongeng yang ada, penulis memilih dongeng yang berjudul Saru no Omukosan untuk dibandingkan dengan dongeng yang berjudul Roro Jonggrang.Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menjawab rumusan masalahyakni: bagaimanakah persamaan dan perbedaan unsur-unsur struktural cerita yang terdapat dalam dongeng Roro Jonggrang dan dongeng Saru no Omukosan. Untuk menjawab rumusan masalah tersebut, penulis menggunakan kajian strukturalisme pada unsur intrinsik di sastra anak, dan kajian sastra bandingan. Kedua kajian tersebut digunakan karena yang menjadi objek penelitian ini adalah dua dongeng karya sastra anak berbeda bahasa, yang kemudian dibandingkan dari segi persamaan dan perbedaan dalam unsur strukturalismenya.Dari dua bahan naskah yang berupa dongeng berjudul “Roro Jonggrang”dan dongeng “Saru no Omukosan”, tersebut menghasilkan penelitian yangmenunjukkan bahwa dua dongeng tersebut memiliki isi makna dan gagasan yang sama pada tema, latar waktu, penokohan dan tokoh protagonis, alur, sudut pandang orang ketiga, dan ilustrasi gambar. Kemudian memiliki perbedaan yang ditemukan pada latar, penokohan dan tokoh antagonis dan gaya bahasa dari unsur intrinsik struktur di dua dongeng tersebut. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari ciri khas unsur intrinsik struktur masing-masing di isi cerita dua dongeng ini.Penulis menyarankan kepada penelitian selanjutnya mahasiswa fakultas ilmu kebudayaan menganalisis dari segi kebudayaan yang tersirat dalam isi cerita rakyat. Di sisi lain, disarankan pada penulis selanjutnya untuk menganalisis cerita rakyat yang lainnya sebab disetiap cerita rakyat mengandung nilai kebudayaan rakyat yang digambarkan oleh pengarang cerita.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Raden Sapu Jagad Ritual, Mukso, Premonition Raden Sapu Jagad is the nobleman who is very religious and has highest levelof supranatural ability. Raden Sapu Jagad had experienced Mukso or the ability to live in 2 worlds. Because of that, until now there are a lot of people believe that Raden Sapu Jagad still alive around Kawi Mountain. The people believe if they can conduct inner interaction with him, they can get some premonitions to increase their jobs degree. However, only unmarried women/ single female can perform this ritual directly. The writer wants to uncover this phenomenon deeper about the construction of meaning Raden Sapu Jagad ritual process.This study uses qualitative approach in relation to the use of clear andsystematic description about the phenomena being studied. Descriptive study inobservation and open interview with ritual expert and the performer of this ritual is applied in this study to analyze the meaning of ritual procession and about women’s role in this ritual.This study reveals that all the meaning of ritual procession have correlationswith women’s role in this ritual. Women considered as a holy creatures and lofty one who is proper to get some premonitions from Raden Sapu Jagad. This phenomenon becomes stronger because of folk-belief theory. That is about belief concept that influences to validate the data of this research which is talking about supernatural in ritual.The writer suggests English Department students learn more about socialculture concepts that exist in our environments. The writer also suggests the next researcher conduct their analysis about cultural phenomenon and try to link up with literary works.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: speech, speech acts, expressive acts Human have their own ways to express their feelings. One of the mediumto express emotion is language. Expressing emotion through language also can be performed when a person has a speech. It can be analyzed through one of speech acts theories, that is expressive act theory. Expressive act is psychological state of the speaker. It can be statements of thanking, pardoning, apologizing, welcoming, praising, etc. The researcher conducted a research about expressive act in Barrack Obama’s presidential speech in Jakarta, November, 10th 2010. There are two problems to be solved, namely: (1) what expressive acts are found in Barrack Obama’s presidential speech, and (2) what the strategies are used by Barrack Obama in uttering expressive acts.This research used qualitative approach because the analysis is in the form of description rather than number. Then, the research was conducted through documentary analysis since the researcher analyzed Obama’s utterances in his transcript speech containing expressive acts. The result of the research shows that there are six types of expressive acts used by Obama in his speech, namely (1) thanking, (2) greeting, (3) happiness, (4) sadness, (5) condolence, and (6) wishes. There are also five strategies used by Obama in performing those acts. Those were literal direct act, non literal direct act, literal indirect act, literal direct act + non literal direct act, and literal direct act + non literal indirect act. After discussing all of the data, it is concluded that the type of expressive act used more often in this speech is happiness. Since, the emotion that madeObama happy with the situation of his come back to Indonesia as a President ofUSA, so that he showed his happiness repeatedly. Based on the result of the study, the writer wants to give suggestions for the next researchers who are interested in the same field to conduct a research about expressive act in daily conversations. Since, by conducting a research in daily conversations, we can extend the theory of expressive act because daily conversations contain more complex utterances than formal speech. Moreover, the researcher hopes that this thesis can help to give a little vision or as a reference about expressive act.

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