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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Code, Codes Mixing, Gameloft, 9mm Bilingual people mix their language from one language to another regardless of the topic and place. They do code mixing not only in everyday life, but is now also grown in some video games. This study aimed to investigate the code mixing used by all of the characters in "9mm". "9mm" is the title of a video game that was released for mobile phones. This study is to identify the types of code mixing used by all of the characters in "9mm".This research used theory by Hoffman because this theory has an adequateexplanation and details about the types of code mixing. Thus, there are 4 types of mixed code: 1) intra-sentential switching / code mixing, 2) intra-lexical code mixing, 3) making emblematic, 4) involving a change of pronunciation.There are several steps taken in processing and analyzing the data, by collecting all the data based on the characters in the game, then the data is classified according to the type and cause, and then identified the data or performs the categorization of data and provided a brief description of each data sample. The analysis focused on the type and cause of the events that occurred in the code mixing in the "9mm". Based on the results of the data analysis, it was concluded that the developers of the game "9mm", Gameloft usingEnglish as the primary language used by the characters. Data collection was done by downloading the game "9mm" from Google Play Store, copy words that appear throughout the game, identify and mark utterances that experienced code mixing from English to Spanish.From the research, the authors found four types of mixing languages in the game, namely intra-sentential switching / code mixing, intra-lexical code mixing, making emblematic and involving a change of pronunciation. Types of events over the code and the most dominant code mixing is a type of intra sentential code switching / mixing because the game "9mm" There are a lot of speech interspersed with words in Spanish. In addition there are several causes of the code mixing events, and the most dominant is expressing group identity. This is because most of the characters portrayed in this game live in communities Latin American drug cartels so they get used to mix English and Spanish in their daily conversations.The writer suggests the Sociolinguistics students analyze the reason of codemixing. It is also suggested that the results of this study be used as reference for the future researchers in exploring and expanding the investigation of some other phenomena of code mixing in a video game.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords : Illocutionary Acts, Talk show. Speech act is action perform via utterance. Speech act does not only occurin daily life, it can also occur in a television program like in a talk show program.In this research the writer used Just Alvin talk show program as the object to findlocutionary and illocutionary acts used by the presenter and also the guest stars.The research questions are focused on two answer namely the locutionary andillocutionary acts based on the theory of Levinson and Searle. This research used descriptive qualitative method. The data were explained and analyzed using speech act theory.After finding the locutionary and illocutionary act in Just Alvin talk show,the types of locutionary act can be described as follows: declarative, imperativeand interrogative. The most frequent of the locutionary acts  performed  isdeclarative. Meanwhile, the types of illocutionary act can be described as follows:first, most speakers use representatives to represent a statement. Second, thespeakers use dirrectives to command or request some one to do an action. Third, the speakers use commisives to commit him or herself to the  performance of action. Fourth, the speakers use expressives type to express the psychological condition about the situation or state, like pleasure or sadness. Meanwhile, the declaration type is not found in this research. It is hoped that this research contributes important information for the next researcher who is interested in doing the same kind of study. It is suggested for further researchers to use another theory of illocutionary acts, so that different results might be found. Moreover, they can analyze another objects which might contain declaration illocutionary act.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Rebellion, Anna Fitzgerald, My Sister Keeper. My Sister Keeper is the one of the films directed by Nick Cassavetes explored the problem of family. Anna as a major character in the film is in the difficult position, when she is eleven,  she begins to think about herself. She wants to stop donates her body’s part to her sister, Kate, who is suffering from Leukimia. Sara and Brian tried to make programmed baby, that was Anna, because Kate needs a perfect match donor for her life. The strong desires of Anna’s mother to care Kate’s sickness using Anna’s part of body make Anna powerless. This problem arises more complicated when Anna sues her parents to court for her medical emancipation. In line with that, the problems of the study proposed by the researcher is; how is Anna’s rebellion toward her mother in her early adolescence period in Nick Cassavete’s My Sister’s Keeper?.This research is aimed to describe how is Anna’s rebellion towards her mother inMy Sister Keeper film. This study uses Carl Pickhard’s theory of rebellion in earlyadolescence to conduct the research. Moreover, the data of this research are collected from My Sister Keeper and then analyzed in terms of how Anna Fitzgerald’s rebellion to her mother.The researcher found Anna’s rebellions towards her mother which arecategorized by emotional changes and cognitive changes. In the emotional changes there are concern on body image, high expectation and unpredictable changes of mood. In the cognitive changes, there are complex thought and ability to express feelings.The researcher hopes the future researcher who is interested in My Sister Keeperas the object can use Sigmund’s Freud theory and give new complete references.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords : parenting style, developmental psychology, attachmentHumans cannot livealone in this world. They also need a place to stay andform their personalities. The first place that forms their personality is home, aplace where they live, set affection, feeling, and aspiration. At home, they meetpeople who take roles in their development, and parents are the first that form it. The way the parents raise their children takes a big role in their childrendevelopment. Everything that they teach to their children will affect theirchildrens’ developments and lives. Related to the background of the study, thisstudy aims to answer two following questions. The first, what kinds of parentingstyles are used by Ansiedad’s parents? And the second, what are the effects of the parenting style to the attachment between Ansiedad and her parents?In this study, developmental psychology will be applied and only focusedon the adolescent developmental psychology. Then to analyze the data,theparenting style that is used by Ansiedad’s mother will be explained by the writer. The attachments as the result of parenting styles will also be explained.Based on the result of the study, the writer found that neglectful parentingstyle is used by Ansiedad’s parent. The effect of parenting style to the attachment between Ansiedad and her parents is insecure attachment. In this study, the writer found the kinds of insecure attachment, dismissing or avoidant attachment, resistant or ambivalent attachment, and unresolved or disorganized attachment.In conclusion, the way the parents raise their children is very important.Because, if the parents raised her children in a good way, it can make her children be a good children. On the other hand, if the parents raised her children with badly, it can make the children be bad children.This study is expected to be useful for English Department students. Moreover, the writer hopes the futureresearchers who are interested in developmental psychology, especially inparenting style, may use new complete references and different object of study.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: face threatening acts, politeness strategies, lecturer This study is about politeness strategies performed by lecturers in EnglishStudy Program at Universitas Brawijaya. There are two problems to be solved; (1) What are FTA strategies commonly performed by lecturers in proposal seminars in English Study Program Faculty of Cultural Studies at Universitas Brawijaya, (2) What politeness are commonly performed by lecturers in proposal seminars in English Study Program Faculty of Cultural Studies at Universitas Brawijaya.This study is categorized as a case study using qualitative approach since itwas made of a group of individuals consisting of English Study Program lecturers. To get the data, the writer observed proposal seminars activities at Universitas Brawijaya.This study reveals that there were 70 utterances containing FTA strategiesperformed by lecturers of English study program. There were 31 Face Threatening Acts (FTAs) performed in baldly on-record strategy, 21 performed in negative politeness strategy which consists of 20 use hedge expression and 1 be pessimistic strategy, 9 performed in positive politeness strategy which consists of 4 noticing hearer’s interests, 2 seek agreement, 1 be optimistic, 1 congratulating, and 1 asserting speaker’s knowledge of and concern for hearer’s wants, and 9 performed in off record strategy. The subject of this study performed 4 type of FTA strategies based on Brown and Levinson (1987), they were bald-on record strategy, positive politeness strategy, negative politeness strategy, and off record strategy. Most lecturers tend to use bald-on record strategy in which they show and express their opinions and suggestions directly and clearly, so that the hearer, in this case is the students, can get the point easily.The researcher suggests the next researchers to conduct studies by obtainingdata from different contexts and situations, such as in result seminar. Theresearcher also suggests the next researcher to use more theories in analysing the data, especially in analysing how another subject of the study in deifferent ages, relationships, or status can applied politeness in daily life.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: error analysis, error, hortatory exposition paragraphs, kinds of errors.English is one of international languages in this world. It plays an important role in every aspect of modern life such as education, politics,economics and science. In Indonesia, English becomes a subject of education inschools and universities. In the process of learning, Indonesian learners may make errors. It is natural because English and Indonesian have different grammatical rules.In this study, the researcher examines (1) the kinds of errors in the pre-testand post-test and (2) the differences result in the number of errors in the pre-test and post-test found in hortatory exposition paragraphs by acceleration students.The researcher uses descriptive qualitative approach and document analysis inorder to answer the research problems. In this research, the researcher classifiesthe errors based on Dulay’s theory. The data are 14 hortatory expositionparagraphs in the pre-test and 14 hortatory exposition paragraphs in the post-test made by eleventh grade acceleration students of SMA Negeri 1 Lawang. In data collection in the pre-test, the researcher provides writing with a topic provided and gave 90 minutes to finish their hortatory exposition paragraphs. The researcher gives a test again at least one month after pre-test to collect data for the post-test. The researcher gives the same topic and the students are asked to write a hortatory paragraphs with same topic in pre-test.The writer finds errors appear in various kinds of cases, such as omissionthat was divided into five. They were omission of article, omission of preposition,omission of noun/pronoun, omission of verb and omission of plural marker. Then, addition was divided into three. They were regularization, double marking and simple addition. Also misformation was divided into six. They were misformation of plural marker, misformation of verb, misformation of noun, misformation ofbe, misformation adjective and misformation of preposition. The last was misordering. The total number of errors is 190 errors in the pre-test and 144 errors in the post-test.The researcher suggests the next researcher who wants to conduct a similarresearch use another theory or the same theory and give not only one pre-test and post-test but also give more test to know the progress of the students deeply.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Semiotics, Piercean Model, Icons, Indexes, Symbols, and A Mild cigarette advertisement Advertisement is media to deliver messages to people with the goal toinfluence them to use certain products. In this study, semiotic approach is employed to investigate the signs, symbols, icons, and indexes in A Mild “Bukan Basa Basi” billboard advertisements. This study aims at identifying (1) the semiotic signs that are used in the A Mild “Bukan Basa Basi” cigarette advertisements, and (2) the interpretation of semiotic signs in the A Mild “Bukan Basa Basi” cigarette advertisements.This study used qualitative approach in the form of document analysis. Thetheory employed this study is Piercean theory, which presents three sign modes,icon, index, and symbol. The data were two A Mild “Bukan Basa Basi” billboardadvertisements. The first advertisement of A Mild “Daripada Gak Dapet-dapetKerja, Mending Gak Dapet-dapet Gelar” version was published in mid 2009, andthe advertisement of A Mild “Yang Lebih Muda yang Gak Dipercaya” waspublished in the end of 2009 in Indonesia. The procedures to collect the data were downloading, observing, and listing the advertisements. Then, the writer classified the sign into icon, index, or symbol and interpreted the signs meanings appearing on the advertisements, then drew the conclusion after analyzing the data.The result of this research showed that each advertisement contains semioticsigns comprising symbol, icon, and index. The icons are found in the pictures of the billboard; the symbols are found in the logo and slogan; and the indexes are found in the expressions of characters. There are eight signs found in the first advertisement and six signs found in the second advertisement. The iconic mode appears the most in the two A Mild Bukan Basa Basi billboard cigaretteadvertisement. The interpretation of the semiotic signs is related to the theme of the advertisements.Suggestion is made for next researchers to choose the semiotic study toobtain various results. Next researchers may also conduct further studies byobserving people’s interpretation on certain advertisements.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: semiotics, signs, code, icon, index, symbol, cartoon, clekit. Language and sign are connected since language is also the part of sign. The study of sign can be defined as Semiotics in linguistics. Semiotics is used to understand and interpreting every sign. The researcher conducted a study about semiotics in Wahyu Kokkang’s cartoon in Clekit Jawa Post which shows the interpretations of the cartoons that are published in one of the mostfamous newspapers in Indonesia. There are two problems to be solved in the study, namely (1) what are the Semiotics signs that can be found in Wahyu Kokkang’s cartoon in Clekit Jawa Post and (2) what are the interpretations of Semiotic signs that can be made in Wahyu Kokkang’s cartoon in Clekit Jawa Post.As the data of the study, the researcher took the signs from 7 cartoons that were published on Clekit Jawa Post. The researcher selected the political cartoons on March and April 2009 with the upcoming national election on April 2009 as the consideration of collecting the data. This study used qualitative approach in relation to the use of clear and systematic description about the phenomena being studied. The researcher had 3 steps in analyzing the data:(1) identifying the types of signs found in Clekit Jawa Post by using Pierce’s theory of sign,(2) interpreting the cartoons by combining all the signs employed, and (3) drawing conclusion of all findings that have been analyzed.This study reveals that all elements of sign which are icon, index, and symbol are applied in those seven cartoons. Overall, there are 22 icons, 9 indexes, and 14 symbols that are applied in the cartoons. This study also reveals that the cartoons are related to the reality that happened in the society, especially is related to politics.Furthermore, five out of seven cartoons are used to satirizea group of person or institution. On the other hand, two out of seven cartoons are used to remind some persons andan institution.The researcher suggests English Study Program students conduct a study about the signs and interpretations from other themes of cartoons such as cartoons related to education in order to enrich the interpretations of Clekit cartoons.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords : Error, Error Analysis, Surface Strategy Taxonomy, Story TellingUnderstanding the grammatical structure of target language is one of the ways to determine how far a learner understands the target language.The learner can show his understanding of the target language from some ways. One of them is by having competition. In this study, the writer analyzed the error which occured in story telling done by Smart Education Center (SEC) courseparticipants. Furthermore, the writer proposed three problems of the study,(1)What errors found in the story telling of the palrtcipants (2).What errors mostfrequently made by the participants? (3).What the causes of the errors were?In the process of learning the second language, the learner sometimesproduces some errors and Error Analysis (EA) has a methodology to figure themout. One of the methodologies used is surface strategy taxonomy by Dulay (Dulay et al, 1982, p.150). In dealing with the sources of errors, the writer used the theory of Richard (as cited by Ellis,1994, p.58) which divides them into three categories namely, developmental, interference, and intralingual.This study revealed that there were 151 errors which were divided into91 misformations, 5 misorderings, 19 additions, and 36 ommisions. In terms ofsource of error, the writer found 50 (33%) intralingual error and 101 (67%)interference error. All errors were categorized as developmental error occuringfrom limited language experience. In terms of general type of error, the writercategorized all errors into local error because the errors which occured did notblock the meaning of sentences or phrases.The writer suggests to the next researcher who wants to conduct thesimilar research to use another subject and theory. Furthermore, the writersuggests him to find another criteria in determining the subject. In this research,the writer used the class and times of practicing, the next researcher can use thescore of speaking as the criteria.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords : racism, stereotype, prejudice, discrimination Slavery in the United States is closely connected to the American CivilWar between the North and the South which was happened in 1861-1865. Slavery deals with the ill-treatment of the Whites to the Blacks. Moreover, thosetreatments to the Blacks became the bad issues in illustrating the racism duringAmerican Civil War. Besides, the writer conducted a study by using sociologicalapproach about racism of critical race theory during the American Civil War.This study attempts to reveal the problem of how racism toward the Blacks during American Civil War is depicted in Doctorow’s The March novel. It is alsoassociated with the existence of stereotype, prejudice, and discrimination to the Blacks. Then, this study uses qualitative approach in order to observe and determine the data by the writer’s way of thinking.For the findings, the writer found the data in form of sentences as the evidences of racism to the Blacks. Besides, the writer separates racism in two perspectives to analyze the data, those are stereotype and prejudice, also discrimination. The most often points appeared in The March are discrimination perspective. While, stereotype and prejudice are the least appeared. Directly or indirectly, the Whites perform the racism attide through their negative stereotype and prejudice to the Blacks.

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