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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 6 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Cooperative principle, Flouting maxim, Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs This study is about maxims in conversations which are flouted in the movie Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs. There are two problems of the study to be solved, namely: (1) what are the types and the implied meaning of the flouting of maxims found in the characters of Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs? (2) what is the purpose of the flouting of maxims by the characters’ utterances of Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs?This study uses qualitative approach to analyze movie conversations in orderto answer the research problems that have been stated.The result of the study shows that there are 42 flouting of maxims consisting of 11 maxims of quantity, 7 maxims of quality, 16 maxims of relation, and 8 maxims of manner. There are some implied meanings of the characters in Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs such as: the characters flout the maxim to hide his feeling, to convince people, to make detail explanation, and to have comfortable situation. The purpose of flouting maxims are delivering their expression, hiding the truth, avoiding bad things which might occur, and keeping the other feeling.It is suggested to the next researchers to consider about context in analyzingtheir data by using consecutive scenes. The next researchers could continueinvestigating the most flouted maxim found by applying other theory of context. The next researchers could also use the various approaches to analyze the utterances in Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs movie such as speech act, politeness, etc.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 6 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Cooperative Principle, Conversational Maxims, Flouting Maxims, Humor and Laughter Cooperative Principle that deals with conversational maxims is the rule that needs to be maintained during conversation. However, people realize they are not always supposed to be serious in having conversation. Sometimes, they break the Cooperative Principle by creating jokes. Therefore, to reveal this humor creations, this study uses “Hadidie dan Maimun” Opera Van Java’s episode as the subject of the study. There are three research problems in this study, namely: (1) what types of conversational maxims are flouted in causing laughter of the audiences in the episode “Hadidie dan Maimun” Opera Van Java Show Trans 7, (2) what are the intended meanings of maxims being flouted in the episode “Hadidie dan Maimun” Opera Van Java Show Trans 7, and (3) how can the flouting of the maxims cause humorous effect in the episode “Hadidie dan Maimun” Opera Van Java Show Trans 7.This study uses qualitative approach by using document analysis to identify the data. In this study, the writer found that all four maxims had been flouted by the players to cause laughter of the audiences. The flouting of the maxims could cause humorous effect was when the players had their particular intentions on their utterances. To cause humor, they flouted Maxim of Quality to avoid and conceal anger, play a fool, conceal enviousness and perform ridiculous action. They flouted Maxim of Quantity as a self-teasing, self-defense, and dejection. They flouted Maxim of Relation by word-playing, demonstrate selfmockery,self-defense, insensibility and foolishness. They flouted Maxim of Manner in making the utterances obscure by word-playing. The maxims which were flouted most were Maxim of Relation because they could easily cause humor by being irrelevant toward the topic of conversation. The maxims which were flouted least were Maxim of Quantity.There were also some factors encourage the players to flout the Maxims such as the different status as the player, relationship, behavior, emotion, unconsciousness, and the benefit of the language usage. In result, the writersuggests the next researcher to find out other theories of humor with the different subject of study such as Talk Show, Stand-Up Comedy Show, etc.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 6 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Politeness, Face, FTA (face threathening acts) People in the world cannot live without interaction and communication with someone else because they belong to social community. One of strategy which is used in communication is politeness. This study is about politeness strategy. The meaning of politeness in this study is the act of people to please someone’s feeling or minimize the face threatening acts (FTA). It is important for people to know various standards of politeness as a way to have better communication with other people. Object of the study is Indonesian Stand Up Comedy Season I. Two problems of the study are formulated as follows: (1) What FTA strategies are performed by Ryan in “Indonesian Stand Up Comedy I Season I” ? and (2) What politeness strategies are used by Ryan in “Indonesian Stand Up Comedy I Season I” ?This research uses qualitative approach. The data source is the transcript of Ryan’s utterances in “Indonesian Stand Up Comedy Season I”. In this research,the researcher used document analysis because the data which are analyzed are the utterances containing of FTA and politeness strategies in “Indonesian Stand Up Comedy Season I”.The writer found that Ryan applies FTA strategies containing on record and off record with baldly on record is the most used.In performing FTA, the speaker intended to use strategies which can make audiences laugh. It means that the baldly on-record strategy is the most effective strategy to  make a joke andmake  audience laugh rather than another strategy.The writer suggests to the next researchers to use the other objects which reflect more about the appliance of FTA in daily life to make the readers more understand the concept of performing FTA in real life, especially in analyzing how another stand up comedian apply politeness strategies. The next  researchers can compare the result of their analysis to know whether baldly on-record strategy is the most effective way to make jokes and make audiences laugh or not.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 6 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Semiotic, printed advertisement, sign, icon, symbol, index, connotation, myth Printed advertisement has a promotional function as medium to advertise aproduct. It implicitly persuades people to create demand of product which is being advertised. In this study, the writer uses printed advertisement of McDonald’s fast food company as the object. The printed advertisement was analyzed by usingSemiotics study. There are seven printed advertisements that were analyzes in this study. All of the printed advertisements taken were under different themes ofpromotions. The themes are promotions on Opened New Store, Birthday Party, McBreakfast, Coffee, French Fries, Burger and Milkshake. There are threequestions to be answered: (1) What are the semiotic signs found in McDonald’sprinted advertisements?; (2) What are the connotations found in McDonald’s printed advertisements?; (3) What kind of mythical significationcould be interpreted in  McDonald’s logo?.This study uses qualitative approach by document analysis because the study focuses on identifying sign, interpreting connotation and interpreting mythfound in McDonald’s printed advertisements. The writer collected the data bylooking at the verbal and visual sign contained within the McDonald’s printedadvertisements. In analyzing the data, the writer applied Peirce’s typology of signtheory and also Barthes’ connotation and myth theories.The writer found that there were 66 signs in total consisting of 30 icons, 14 indexes and 22 symbols. Most of the connotation meanings of the printedadvertisements reflect a certain messages related to the theme or product that is promoted. Each sign has a very important role to build up expected additional ideaof the advertisement. It has function to make clear, support and strengthen up aparticular message. The logo of McDonald’s is considered to have strongest mythical signification because it always appears on all of McDonald’s advertisements. Moreover, by the time goes on the yellow colored capital letter“M” contains the myth of American culture way of life in terms of eating anddaily habits which lead Americans to be quick in anything.The writer suggests that the next researchers conduct a study on semiotics by using another form of advertisement. The next researchers are also suggested that they use some other theories to gain better understanding about semiotics.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 6 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Learning Style, VAK Learning Style Model, VAK Learning Style SelfAssessment QuestionnaireLanguage is one of communication device which is used to deliver feeling message, or opinion within society. In learning language, many people are not aware of their own way in learning. Whereas, knowing the style of learning is useful which also influences the learning outcome. Therefore, this study is conducted to investigate learning style used by the students and its correlation on the students’ learning outcome. There are two objectives in this study, (1) to find out the learning style used by the first-year students at Study Program of English, and (2) to observe the correlation between learning style and learning outcome of the first-year students at Study Program of English. The writer also states two hypotheses, namely: (1) visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning style are found and used by the students of Study Program of English in structure analysis class, and (2) there is a correlation between learning style and learning outcome in the first-year students of Study Program of English.This study uses quantitative approach because the data are in form of number. It is also a correlation study since it tries to find out the correlation between learning style and learning outcome. The writer applies VAK model that divides learning style into visual (V), auditory (A) and kinesthetic (K). VAK Learning Style Self-Assessment Questionnaire is used as the instrument. It is regarded as the most appropriate questionnaire since the writer uses VAK model to find out the students’ learning style.The result shows that the students of English Study Program in structure analysis class use three types of learning style. The first type is auditory which is mostly used by the students and it is followed by kinesthetic and visual. Moreover, the writer also finds that the students’ learning style influences the final test score. It can be concluded that there is a correlation between learning style on learning outcome. Based on the finding, the first and second hypotheses are accepted.To complete this study, the writer suggests the next researcher to use the different theory, participants and other parameters such as age, gender or personality. The writer also suggests the readers and the students to find out their learning style surely. Besides, the writer suggests the lecturer to give suitable treatment based on the students’ learning style.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 6 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Pragmatics, Commissive and Directive Acts, Davos Speech, David    Cameron. Pragmatics can be defined as a study talking about the relationship between language and context. It covers commissive and directive acts as the kinds of speech act. Commissive acts are acts that commit the speaker to some future course of action. While directive acts are acts that attempt by the speaker to get the addressee to do something. The writer takes a speech that David Cameron  has delivered in the World of Economic Forum (WEF) as the object of data. This study is aimed to know the types of commissive acts and also the types of directive acts performed by David Cameron in his Davos speech.This study uses qualitative approach to find out the answers of the problems. In collecting the data the writer had two steps, they are downloading the video and also the script, after that selecting the utterances which are the case of commissive and directive acts. The writer had four steps in analyzing the data, firstly, listing the selected utterances and putting it into table, secondly, identifying the type of selected utterances, then analyzing and discussing the data based on the theory proposed by Searle (1983), and the last is concluding the result of the data analysis.This study reveals that commissive acts are applied by the speaker in 25 utterances containing promising (17 utterances), warning (5 utterances), offering (1 utterance), and threatening (1 utterance). The directive acts are applied in 32 utterances containing suggesting (11 utterances), questioning (3 utterances), commanding (8 utterances), and requesting (10 utterances). Based on the finding it is known that David Cameron applied promising which is a kind of commissive acts in 17 utterances. Such a kind of commissive acts is mostly used by David Cameron in his Davos speech in order to promise the audiences about what he will do in the future. He also applied suggesting in 11 utterances which is a kind of directive acts. Such a kind of directive acts is mostly used by David Cameron in his Davos speech in order to advise the audiences because there are so many problems that G8 faced at that time so that the speaker tried to give solutions for them.The next researcher who will conduct the similar study in case of commissive and directive acts are suggested to find other objects to be analyzed like newspaper, advertisement, TV program, etc. They are also expected to conduct studies which involve other kinds of speech act such as representative, expressive, performative, and assertive acts, since those four types have not been studied by the writer.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 6 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Condom Commercials, Relevance, Explicature, Higher-level Explicature, Implicature Condom commercials broadcasted in Indonesian television have uniqueness in delivering the messages. This phenomenon has encouraged the writer to analyze the implicature used in condom commercials. Pragmatic approach especially the theory of relevance is applied in this study. This study aims at analyzing the implicature used in condom commercials using relevance theory derived from explicature, higher level explicature, and implicature.The data source of this study was condom commercials broadcasted in Indonesian television. There were 13 data taken from 5 Sutra condom commercials, 7 Fiesta condom commercials, and 1 Durex condom commercial. The writer used qualitative approach with document analysis to analyze the relevance.This study revealed that in uncovering the implicature used in condom commercials, three stage processes were done. Explicature is used to give detailed explanation about the utterances uttered by the speakers helped by the context. In this study, the explicating process was derived via reference assignment and bridging. Deriving higher-level explicature is needed to find the propositional attitude toward the speakers’ utterances by analyzing non-linguistic aspects where in this study tone voice is used by the speakers. Deriving the implicature requires the viewers’ knowledge and the most suitable context which are represented in implicit premises that are constructed based on the context and implicated conclusion obtained by drawing conclusion from the whole process. It can be inferred that the implicit meaning coming from condom commercials are about introducing the products with their characteristics or specialties which differ from other competitors. The message about the importance of using condom before having sexual activities are also delivered by the advertisers. It is concluded that explicature, higher-level explicature, and implicature are interpreted by drawing inferences retrieved from the context, background knowledge, and assumptions.The next writers are recommended that they conduct similar studies aboutrelevance theory with different objects such as cigarette and birth pill controlcommercials broadcasted on television. The writer also suggests the televisionviewers understand deeply the message delivered in televsion commercials.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 6 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci : pragmatik, praanggapan, pengetahuan bersama, konteks situasi,prinsip intrepetasi. Sebagai insan sosial, manusia berkomunikasi untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu. Dalam proses komunikasi, bahasa dipilih sebagai sarana yang dapat mempermudah mencapai tujuan-tujuan tersebut. Pemilihan bahasa oleh penuturnya haruslah tepat dan sesuai dengan konteksnya agar komunikasi yang terjalin tidak menimbulkan kesalahpahaman makna. Untuk menjalin komunikasi yang berterima, maka diperlukan pengetahuan akan segala sesuatu yang melatari tuturan yang akan disampaikan. Pada fase ini, manusia menggunakan praanggapan sebagai tolak ukur dalam menentukan pilihan bahasa yang dirasa paling sesuai. Praanggapan adalah asumsi sebelum bertutur, sehingga pengetahuan tentang apa yang akan dituturkan telah lebih dahulu diasumsikan oleh pengguna bahasa. Akan tetapi terkadang terjadi perbedaan. Antara praanggapan penutur dengan informasi yang dimiliki petutur, atau kesalahan informasi yang diterima petutur dari asumsi penutur. Maka pada kenyataannya kegagalan komunikasi menjadi tidak dapat dihindari.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan bahwa masalah komunikasi dapat terjadi karena perbedaan praanggapan penutur dalam menggunakan pilihan bahasa tertentu dengan informasi yang dipraanggapkan oleh petuturnya. Masalah komunikasi dikaji dengan melihat indikasi gangguan-gangguan komunikasi, selanjutnya diidentifikasi bentuk perbedaan praanggapan yang terjadi. Terakhir, faktor-faktor penyebab perbedaan praanggapan dideskripsikan dengan melihat dari sudut konteks situasi, pengetahuan bersama, dan prinsip intrepetasi.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 6 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: American minorities, struggle, Great Depression, MarxistNovella is one of fictions which the event happens in the story does not really happen in reality. But since it is a literary work, it may depict the real condition of an era. In the era of Great Depression, it is known that United States of America suffered from big economic crisis. In this study a novella entitled Of Mice and Men is chosen as the object of the study. This study is purposed to identify about how the struggle of America minorities during Great Depression.This study uses Marxist theory as the main tool of analyzing. In the process of the research, the theory of Marxist is correlated to the concept of minority also the concept of equality. The data is collected from the narration, characterization, and the dialogue of the characters. The procedure of analysis is started by collecting data, interpreting and analyzing related object of the study in the story, and drawing the conclusion.The result of the study shows about the struggle of American minorities during Great Depression. The struggle can be found by classifying the object of the study based on their factors of minority. There are five classes found in the research: the struggle of minority group in terms of (1) economic, (2) race, (3) age, (4) sex, and (5) disability. Basically, every group struggles to get equality based on their terms of minority, but the analysis shows that some groups intend to get equality of respect as their main aim.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 6 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keyword: Deixis, Types of Deixis and Article. Deixis is a study about language phenomena which discusses words that have a relative meaning. Deixis can be found in the spoken and written language. In this study, the writer intends to analyze deixis contained in sentences of the online newspaper articles. This study is conducted to find out, (1) deixis types contained in sentences of the article, (2) interpretations of deixis in sentences ofthe article. The writer uses Levinson’s theory in analyzing the data.This study is qualitative study since the writer analyzes three articles in Editor’s Choice in the Jakarta Post online edition. The data of this study were taken from the sentences that contain deictic expresssion in Editor’s Choice section since 17th January to 26th January 2013.In this study the writer found 87 deictic expressions in the 67 sentences. The deictic expressions are person deixis, place deixis, time deixis, discourse deixis and social deixis based on Stephen C. Levinson. According to the analysis, the writer finds 14 person deixis, 27 place deixis, 40 time deixis and 6 discourse deixis. The types of deixis most commonly found is time deixis because thesearticles mostly contain reports which describe about time of the event. The  second majority goes to the person deixis especially third person deixis. It refers to the referent not identified as the speaker or addressee in the context. First and second person deixis is not mostly used since refers to the speaker who produces the utterance because the articles less contain opinions report of interview. The third tendency goes to place deixis. It refers to the location of the event that reports by the journalist as well as has been shown in the context. Discourse deixis is used to connect the previous discourse to the surrounding text. There is no Social deixis in the articles since there are no sentences that show the social distinction among participant roles in the sentence.This study hopefully can provide appropriate references for further researcher to conduct the research in deixis area. The further researcher can compare deeply between deixis and pronoun in the data analysis. Not only focuses on the types of deixis but also analyzes the difference between the deixis and pronoun. Besides, the writer suggests to the further researcher uses the same theory but different in the data source, not only in written but also in spoken language such as daily conversation which can be formal or informal dialogue or in any literary work such as the spoken dialogue in the movie or drama.

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