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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Key Words: Politeness, Face Threatening Acts (FTA), Politeness Strategies, Australiatapping Indonesia issue, Political Speech, Tony Abbott’s Speech, House of Representatives Politeness as one of linguistic phenomena always exists when people communicate with each other. We can find politeness not only in face to faceconversation, but also in a speech. There are many types of speech, one of the types is political speech. This study analyzed political speech from Australia’s Prime MinisterTony Abbot and it discussed politeness strategies in Tony Abbot’s speech concerningAustralia-Indonesia tapping issue. There two problems to be solved in this study: (1)what face is being threatened in Tony Abbott’s Speech concerning Australia-IndonesiaTapping Issue and (2) what are the politeness strategies in Tony Abbott’s Speech concerning Australia-Indonesia Tapping Issue. This study applied qualitative approach in which the data were collected in the form of words or sentences. This study used document analysis in analyzing thepoliteness strategies in Tony Abbott’s Speech concerning Australia-Indonesia Tapping Issue.This study revealed that the positive face and the negative face are threatened.The positive face of the speaker and the positive face of the hearer are  threatened. Meanwhile for the negative face, only the negative face of the hearer is threatened. For politeness strategies, there are four politeness strategies that were found in this study,those are bald on record, positive politeness strategies, negative politeness strategies andoff record. Tony Abbott’s in his speech concerning Australia-Indonesia tapping issuemostly threatened positive face of the hearer and frequently used positive politenessstrategies because he wants to the hearer agree and corroborate his opinion thatAustralia intelligence is doing tapping to protect the country, advance national interest and help the allies. In other words, it is a kind of act of caring for what Australiaintelligence already did.  In this study, Tony Abbott also threatened negative face usingpositive politeness strategies. It means that there is an effort of teasing the hearer ortoward the hearer’s attitude.For the next researchers, the writer suggests that the next researcher should use the other theory which is different from this study to enrich the analysis in the further research. Also, the next researcher can use the other objects in analyzing politeness strategies and FTA.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Key words: presupposition, presupposition trigger, pragmatic presupposition.Presupposition is an important element in a communication process. It is defined as the common knowledge belonging to the speaker. Presupposition could be identified by two ways; presupposition trigger referring to the triggered word in a utterance or written expression, and pragmatic presupposition referring to presupposition which is made by considering the speaker as the one producing the utterance or written expression. Presupposition can be found in daily communication such as, in the campaign. In this study, the writer analyzes presupposition within written expression of the green campaign stickers on IAAS Universitas Brawijaya. There are two problems to be solved, namely (1) What are the presupposition triggers of the written expression used in green campaign stickers of International Association of Students in Agriculture and Related Sciences ‘IAAS’ Universitas Brawijaya? and (2) What are the pragmatic presupposition of the written expression used in green campaign stickers ofInternational Association of Students in Agriculture and Related Sciences ‘IAAS’Universitas Brawijaya?.This study used qualitative approach in document analysis since it focused on analyzing the written expression in the campaign. The data were collected from the green campaign stickers in IAAS Universitas Brawijaya when the stickers were distributed in Car Free Day Malang on Sunday, September 23, 2012. Then, data were analyzed by using Levinson’s theory of presupposition trigger (1983) and Karttunen and Stalnaker’s theory of strategy of pragmatic presupposition (1974).Definite description, change of state verb, question, temporal clasuse, iterative, contrast and comparison, and counter factual condition were categories of presupposition trigger found in the written expressions of 7 green campaign stickers. Then, the result of presupposition triggers became a reference to construct pragmatic presupposition in the written expression of green campaign stickers.The writer suggests the sticker makers make effective and good media. This study is also suggested for the students of linguistics to use this study as an example of presupposition used in mass media. It is also suggested for the next researchers that this study can be used as a reference in the same topic.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci   : Modalitas, toui, beki, hou ga ii Bahasa memiliki peran sangat penting dalam kehidupan sosial, sehingga banyak orang mempelajari bahasa selain bahasa ibu yang lebih dulu dipahaminya dan sudah menjadi kebiasaan. Bahasa Jepang adalah salah satu bahasa asing yang diminati di negara Indonesia. Bahasa Jepang mempunyai banyak ciri khusus, salah satunya adalah dalam pembentukan struktur kalimat, kalimat berfungsi untuk menyampaikan makna. Fungsi dan makna dalam suatu kalimat ditentukan oleh  predikat.  Penggolongan bentuk, fungsi, makna dalam satuan bahasa disebut kategori gramatikal. Dalam bahasa Jepang modalitas termasuk dalam ketegori gramatikal dalam predikat. Lebih sempit  terdapat modalitas toui, yaitu modalitas yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kewajiban atau saran. Di antara bentuknya terdapat beki dan hou ga ii yang mempunyai kemiripan makna, yaitu keduanya mengandung makna saran. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, diadakan penelitian yang berjudul “Penggunaan Beki dan Hou ga ii sebagai Modalitas Toui (Deontik) dalam Drama Hanzawa Naoki Episode 1-10 Karya Katsuo Fukuzawa”.  Rumusan masalah pada penelitian ini adalah : (1) Apakah perbedaan penggunaan beki dan hou ga ii sebagai modalitas toui, dan (2) Apakah kedua bentuk tersebut dapat disubtitusikan dalam penggunaannya.Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Sumber data yang diambil berasal dari drama Hanzawa Naoki karya sutradara Katsuo Fukuzawa. Adapun cara menganalisisnya yaitu dengan menguraikan situasi percakapan, mengsubtitusikan, menganalisis dan membuat tabel kesimpulan.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa beki dan hou ga ii termasuk dalam modalitas toui, yaitu modalitas yang menyatakan kewajiban atau saran. Dalam pengungkapan makna saran, penggunaan beki lebih didasarkan pada pertimbangan moral dan sosial, sedangkan penggunaan hou ga ii didasarkan pada pertimbangan praktis.Penulis menyarankan kepada pembelajar, khususnya pembelajar bahasa Jepang maupun sastra Jepang untuk meneliti lebih lanjut mengenai modalitas.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Les mots clés : Le Roman “La Dernier Jour d’un Condamné à Mort”, La psychologie littéraire, L’anxiété, Le mécanisme de la défense et du conflit. Le roman est un exemple d’un oeuvre littéraire qui est une expression d’âme d’humain dans laquelle existe un sens psychologique. Il possède des expressionspsychologiques qui sont representées par des personnages avec lesquelles on trouvele conflit. La majorité du conflit spirituel est décrit à travers le personnage principal.Elle existe à cause d’une lutte qui n’est pas en accord avec les désirs des personnages principaux, si bien qu’il cause de l’anxiété. Ce conflit spirituel est présent avec le personnage principal dans le roman ”Le Dernier Jour d’un Condamné à Mort” par Victor Hugo. Il dévoile des problèmes sur “comment est la forme d’anxiété du héros principal et sa manière de surpasser son anxiété”. L’approche psychologique littéraire est utilisée pour analyser les problèmes. C’est la théorie d’anxiété de Sigmund Freud qui distingue l’anxiété sous trois types ; l’anxiété réaliste, morale et neurotique. De plus, on utilise de même le mécanisme de la défense et du conflit pour surmonter les anxiétés. Ce mécanisme de la défense et duconflit est divisé comme le rejet, la répression, l’introjection, la sublimation, la rationalitation, la réaction et la fantaisie. Le résultat de cette analyse montre que l’anxiété neurotique domine la psychologie du personnage principal. Elle est liée avec la nervosité et la perte du contrôle de son propre corps et sa pensée. Ce personnage pratique de même sept types du mécanisme de la défense et du conflit pour surmonter des anxiétés; le rejet, la répression, l’interjection, la sublimation, la rationalitation, la réaction et la fantaisie. Enfin, nous conseillons aux autres chercheurs de prendre les differentes idées comme la sociologie littéraire du fait que l’histoire qui se déroule au 19ème siècle dans le roman “Le Dernier Jour d’un Condamné à Mort” est interessante à analyser.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords : semiotics, sign, advertisement, television, pdi-perjuangan Advertisement becomes a device to promote their product, vision, and even ideology. General Election was held on 9 April 2014 and General Election for electing president was held 9 July 2014 (KPU, 2014). In this research, the researcher analyzes the sign of PDI-Perjuangan entitled “Tumpeng Sebagai Kedaulatan Rakyat”. The researcher would like to answer two problems of the study; what are the signs found in PDI-P TV political campaign advertisement and what is the meaning of signs found in PDI-P TV political campaign advertisement. The purposes of this study are to find out the signs and the meaning of the signs found in PDI-P TV political campaign advertisement. Thisstudy uses triadic taxonomy of Peirce (1958) to analyze and find the signs.This study uses qualitative research. The data of this study are taken from the advertisement of PDI-Perjuangan entitled “Tumpeng Sebagai Kedaulatan Pangan”. PDI-Perjuangan is one of political parties which compete in General Election on 9th April 2014. In this study, the researcher chooses the advertisement because there are many kinds of element of sign in this advertisement. The researcher picks the data on Youtube because this website is trusted and protected.The finding shows that based on the triadic concept of sign by Peirce (1931-1958). There are 96 signs found in this advertisement. In this advertisement, there are 59 symbols, 34  icons,and 3 indexes. Symbols is the highest numbers in one of three kinds of signs. From this finding, most of symbols are texts in this advertisement. All of the signs prove that this advertisement uses symbol as the sign to inform the viewer about the advertisement.The advertisement is found the symbol, icon, and index together and the people can know the goal of this advertisement. Most signs found are symbols. Most symbols found in this advertisement are text.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci: semantik, makna idiom, yojijukugo, chibi maruko chanDalam Bahasa Jepang yojijukugo memiliki keunikan karena selain sebagai kata benda juga ada yojijukugo yang mengandung makna idiomatik. Oleh karena penelitian mengenai yojijukugo dapat dikatakan jarang, serta tidak diajarkan secara khusus di Sastra Jepang Universitas Brawijaya, penulis mengadakan penelitian mengenai yojijukugo ini dengan melakukan analisis pada makna idiomnya. Dalampenelitian ini, penulis menjawab tiga rumusan masalah yaitu, (1) apa saja makna idiom yang terkandung di setiap yojijukugo (2) bagaimana konteks situasi yang dikandungnya (3) apakah masih dapat ditemukan unsur angka satu setelah yojijukugo tersebut diubah dalam makna harfiah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Data yang diteliti berupa 35 yojijukugo pada manga Chibi Maruko Chan NoYojijukugo Kyoushitsu buku 1 dan 2.Hasil  penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  dari 35 data ditemukan:  (1) 5 data bermakna sikap, 7 data bermakna karakteristik, 3 data bermakna perasaan, 6 data bermakna proses, 7 data bermakna hasil, 6 data bermakna waktu, 1 data bermakna seni berbicara; (2) 24 data dengan konteks situasi positif; 11 data dengan konteks situasi negatif; (3) 20 data masih mengandung unsur angka satu setelah diubah dalammakna harfiah, 15 data lainnya tidak.Penelitian serupa dapat dilakukan pada yojijukugo yang lain, dan dapat dikembangkan lebih lanjut dengan mencari tahu apa yang menjadi dasar yojijukugoyang berawalan dengan angka satu lebih banyak ditemukan.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: lexical classification, culture, ethnosemantics, batik Mojokerto         Language and culture is unity in a society. The bridge for studying culture and language is ethnolinguistics. In this study the writer focuses more on ethnosemanticapproach to analyze the names of Batik Mojokerto motifs. This research tries to answer the problems of study i.e: 1). what are the lexical units of motif of Batik Mojokerto? 2). What are the references of the name of Batik Mojokerto? 3). What are the relationship between the names of batik and socio – cultural values of Mojokertosociety?.Qualitative approach and interview are research design in this research. Interview is used to gain the information. The data is taken from informant who is maker of Batik Mojokerto and supporting data of the description of Batik Mojokerto from office of Dinas Koperasi, Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Kota Mojokerto.This research reveals that there are 15 names of Batik Mojokerto motifs. In lexical classification there are 13 Noun Phrases, 1 Verb Phrase, and 1 Adjective Phrase. Besides, there are distinctive names of the motif which comprise animal reference, that is Sisik, plant reference there are Mrico, Koro, and Talas, then the nature elements of Alas, Kali, Surya, and Bulan. There are 7 batik motif names which areinfluenced by socio – cultural values of Mojokerto society. The names are: MricoBolong, Sisik Gringsing, Mahkota Majapahit, Teratai Surya Majapahit, Surya Majapahit, Satrio Manah, and Gerbang Mahkota Raja. There are 5 batik names which refer to nature. The names are Bunga Matahari, Daun Talas, Koro Renteng, TerangBulan and Lerek Kali. The last background is influenced by human lifestyle, are: NamKloso, Rawan Inggek, and Alas Mojopahit.The writer expects the result of the research will be useful for the readers who are interested in the similar topic. The writer suggests the next researcher to conduct a similar research about relationship between language and culture to deeper analysis in socio–cultural contexts.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (305.952 KB)


Kata kunci  : imigran, demonstrasi, rasisme, Maghribi, TionghoaSejumlah warga negara dunia melakukan proses imigrasi disebabkan oleh faktor ekonomi dan politik. Mereka terlibat dalam perubahan yang terjadi di negara tujuan imigrasi yang berkaitan dengan kalangan imigran sendiri maupun masyarakat umum, seperti imigran Maghribi dalam Peristiwa Mei 1968 di Prancis dan imigran Tionghoa dalam Peristiwa Mei 1998 di Indonesia.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui posisi imigran Maghribi dalam Peristiwa Mei 1968 di Prancis yang akan dibandingkan dengan posisi imigran Tionghoa dalam Peristiwa Mei 1998 di Indonesia serta dampak yang kemudian dirasakan oleh kedua kalangan imigran tersebut pasca kedua peristiwa tersebut. Metode penelitian yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif yang menggunakan teori paralelisme horizontal.Hasil penelitian ini mengindikasikan bahwa kedua kalangan imigran tersebut memiliki posisi aktif sebagai penggerak dari kalangan masing-masing yaitu turut bergabung dalam kedua peristiwa Mei. Perbedaannya adalah dalam posisi selanjutnya yakni imigran Maghribi menyatu dengan masyarakat lokal Prancis dalam mengkritisi pemerintah Prancis, sedangkan imigran Tionghoa menjadi sasaran pelampiasan kemarahan masyarakat Indonesia yang berujung pada tindak kekerasan dan penjarahan terhadap properti imigran Tionghoa. Pasca kedua Peristiwa Mei tersebut masih terdapat tindak diskriminatif dalam kehidupan imigran Maghribi sedangkan imigran Tionghoa mendapat kebebasan berekspresi. Akan tetapi, masih terdapat pertanyaan yang belum terjawab mengenai pelaku sesungguhnya dari Peristiwa Mei 1998 yang menelan korban jiwa dan material baik dari imigran Tionghoa maupun masyarakat Indonesia.Penulis menyarankan agar penelitian selanjutnya menganalisis kontribusi yangdiberikan oleh kedua kalangan imigran tersebut terhadap pemerintah negara tujuan imigrasi di era sekarang.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Speech Acts, Commisive Speect Acts Verbs, Direct Speech acts, Indirect Speech, Second US Presidential Debate.Communicating is one of the fundamental requirements for someone to be able to understand each other. In this study, the writer examined the commissive speech act inherent in the debate between President Barrack Obama and Mitt Romney in Second U.S. Presidential Debate edition. There are three problems in this study: (1a) what types of commisive speech act (1b) what are the classifications of commisive speech acts (2) what are the direct and indirect commisive speech act.This study used a qualitative approach. Research design was text analysis which was applied to analyze the data. The data were the sentences produced by Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in the Second U.S. Presidential Debate. The writer also put the results of the analysis in the table to make it easier to read the results of the analysis.The results showed there are kinds of commissive acts in the debate. Researchers found 23 conversations that indicate illocutionary acts of commissive. Of these 23, 2 were respectively offers, in which the President or governor speech aim to provide a quote form designs in revolution to the American nation. There were also 4 promises where the debater aimed to give a promise to perform his obligations as a good president for the country. After that, there are 6 refusings in which the speaker tried to give the refusal or denial of the statement that is not true. In addition, there are 6 vowing acts aimed to give oaths so that the listeners can be more confident and believe any major changes which are made to countries such as the U.S. increased the country's economy. Last is 5 volunteering acts which have a goal to not give immediate relief from the president who made volunteering acts without any specific purpose. All these results indicate that the debate contains move indirect sentences that have implied meaning and purposes.The writer suggests to the next reaserchers conduct a study on speech act focusing on two-way communication among other public figures because there will be more various types of illocutionary act in two-way communication.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Key words: translation shift, subtitle, Laskar Pelangi.Translation is the way or a process to transform a language into another language to convey messages or information from the author but still keeping the original sense. Despite comprehending the language structure, the translator should understand the method and procedures of translator to avoid misunderstanding among the readers/audiences. One of translation procedures is shift, where it is a translation phenomenon that cannot be avoided by the translator in translation process. In this study, the researcher analyses translation shift which occurs in the English subtitle of Laskar Pelangi movie. There are two problems to be solved: (1) What are the types of translation shift found in the subtitle of Laskar Pelangi movie; (2) What are the possible reasons for the translator of Laskar Pelangi to do shifting.This study used qualitative approach in document analysis since it focused on  analyzing the Indonesian utterances which were produced by the characters of Laskar Pelangi movie. The data source was movie scripts where for the Indonesian script the researcher transcribed the movie by herself and the English version is in the form of subtitle downloaded from Then the data were analyzed by using theory proposed by Newmark (1988).From 275 Indonesian utterances, the researcher found 203 utterances which contain shift; and it consists of 57 utterances belong to type 1, 8 utterances belong to type 2, 30 utterances belong to type 3, and 108 utterances belong to type 4. Then from the analysis, the researcher found several possible reasons for the translator to do shifting. The result showed that mostly, shift occurred because of the differences of grammar.The researcher suggests the next researchers to use another theory in order to enrich the various result of translation research. It is suggested to the next researchers to investigate other objects, such as novel, song lyric, bilingual story book, and many other media.

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