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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Rhetoric, Expository or analysis essay, Comparison and ContrastEssay, English Students of Faculty of Cultural Studies. There are different ways to deliver ideas inside the heads effectively. Here, rhetoric is the best way to learn how to deliver any thought or idea using good structure and organization in an effective way. Although rhetoric is much closed with speaking or persuasion, it can be applied in writing process especially for academic essays. Here, the researcher wants to knowThe data are the 30 expository essays written on 24 May 2014 by the fourth semester English students in the Faculty of Cultural Studies. There, this research is a textual analysis. In analyzing the data, the researcher does not include the whole essays from the students, because there are three essays do not have criteria as it was determined by the researcher. Then, the researcher analyzed it by using essay checklist proposed by Oshima and Hogue.From the finding, the researcher found two data which do not have thesis statement and twenty four data which have clearly focused on the thesis statement for the whole essay in the introductory paragraph. In the body paragraph were found twenty five data which have clearly topic sentence with the controlling idea, twenty two data which have sufficient supporting details, and twenty six data which have paragraph support only one main idea.Based on the findings, the researcher concludes that the most of the essay written by fourth semester English students in the faculty of Cultural Studies is have good essay organization. Then, it is suggested that the students think rhetorically in delivering their ideas in writing essays. Besides, the researcher also suggests the next researcher to analyze rhetoric and its influences by using other subjects.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Aggression, Apotheosis, Hierarchy of Needs, The Lost Symbol, Self-Actualization, Zachary Solomon The basic concept of self-actualization is that people tend to be the best that they can be. This phenomenon is also portrayed in Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol. The Lost Symbol deals with a character named Zachary Solomon who wants to transform into status of God or it is called as apotheosis. In achieving the apotheosis, Zachary Solomon should satisfy his needs according to Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs which are divided into physiological needs, safety needs, love and belongingness, self-esteem, and self-actualization.On the process to achieve the apotheosis, Zachary Solomon does several actions if he thinks someone tries to hamper his goal. His actions often hurt others.  Psychologically, his actions indicate an aggression. In relation with this phenomenon the writer conducts a study about Zachary Solomon’s aggression in achieving the apotheosis as depicted in Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol. The research employs psychological approach, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and aggression theory.It results that Zachary Solomon does several kinds of aggression toward some people whom he thinks as his obstacle in achieving his apotheosis. It shows that most of aggressions which were done by Zachary Solomon were caused by situational factors, however the social-learning mechanism also becomes one of the factor of his aggression.In the end, it is expected that this research helps others who want to do research related to material object and psychological field, especially for self-actualization and aggression. It is suggested also for other researchers to analyze any other psychological problem that is faced by Zachary Solomon in The Lost Symbol.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords : Representation, Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL) The study of language use in newspaper has grown attention from many studies, including Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). CDA explores the language practice used by newspaper which potentially produces bias. Transitivity analysis can be used as applicable and adequate tools in analysing discourse critically. The researcher conducts this study to know the non-neutral attitude in representing Mursi’s  and military’s supporters in Kompas and Republika news report. There are two problems to be solved in this study, namely : (1) How Mursi’s and Military’s supporters are represented through transivity process in Kompas and Republika?; (2) What is the meaning of different representation of Mursi’s and Military’s supporters constructed through transitivity process in news report of Kompas and Republika?.The  problems are analized using Systemic Functional Linguistic’s theory.This study uses qualitative approach that applies content or document analysis. Document analysis is used because the aim of this study is to describe the meaning and textual analysis of news report from Kompas and Republika. The data used in this study are 36 clauses from a news report of Kompas and 30 clauses from Republika’s containing transitivity processes.This study finds that  there are different representations Kompas news report has  cover tendency to give more support for military and less support for Mursi’s supporters. It also indicates intentional discrediting and denunciation of Mursi’s supporters. Different from Kompas, Republika has palpable tendency to give more support to Mursi’s supporter and indicates intentional discrediting and denunciation of military. Consequently, the reader can be positioned to participate in military’s action in Kompas whereas they are positioned to participate in Mursi’s supporters’ apprehension.The researcher suggests that the utilizing of critical thinking in CDA with the application of SFL should be more in time and activity thus it will be very useful and helpful for the students to do more. Besides, the next researchers can develop and explore the theory of CDA and SFL in different topics or objects by including the context. So, it will be very useful for rich studies of language especially in critical discourse analysis.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Semiotics, Sign, Connotative Meaning, AdvertisementSemiotics is well known as the study of sign. This study aims to analyze the signs andthe meanings found in the advertisements of Bear Brand Sterilized Milk “preventing” and “recovering” version. There are two problems to be solved, namely: (1) What signs are found in advertisements of Bear brand Sterilized Milk “preventing” and “recovering” version?; (2) What meanings are found from the signs in advertisements of Bear Brand Sterilized Milk preventing” and “recovering” version?This study is a qualitative approach which is conducted though descriptive method.This study applies Peirce’s three modes of signs to investigate the signs employed in the advertisements. Barthes’ connotative meaning concept is applied in this study to analyze the meaning of the advertisements. The research design is document analysis since the data are the seven advertisements of Bear Brand Sterilized Milk “Preventing” and “Recovering” version. There are 17 (seventeen) advertisements of Bear Brand Sterilized Milk and reduced to 7 (seven) samples of the advertisements which contain “Preventing” and “Recovering”.There are 126 signs in total. The symbolic sign is mostly used in all advertisements.Every icon could be an index, and a symbol also could be an index. Each sign found in the advertisement has certain message related to the topic of the advertisements. The texts in the advertisements support the images to strengthen the meanings of the advertisements.Based on the results of the study, two suggestions can be recommended. The nextwriters or researchers might use other versions of Bear Brand Sterilized Milk and they might analyze the data by using other semiotics theories, such as Peirce’s triadic model of sign, Saussure’s dyadic model of sign, theory of codes by Chandler, etc.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Main character, Psychological, Hallucination Hallucination is the condition when a person who experiences it sees, hears, feels, smells, and tastes things that are not real. There are many things that cause hallucination. One of the causes is bad experience. Shutter Island is a film that shows so many evidences of hallucination experienced by the main character, Teddy Daniels. Teddy Daniels had bad experiences in the past which lead him to change his identity in order to forget his past.Psychological approach is used in the analysis, specifically Freudian Psychoanalysis theory. Psychological approach can be used to analyze character in a work. The main character and his hallucination matters to analyze. The analysis of the movie is based on the script and some scenes in the movie, so the writer also put several scenes from the film to help the writer to explain the argument.There are two findings in this research, the first finding is the confirmation of Teddy Daniels’ hallucination. Teddy Daniels’ life in the past is the reason of his hallucination. Teddy Daniels’ hallucination is confirmed by two methods, the first is from Teddy’s behavior and attitude, and the second is from other character’s responses. Then, the second finding is the type of Teddy’s hallucination. Teddy’s hallucination is considered as multimodal hallucination, which means he experiences both visual and auditory hallucinations.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: stereotypes, terrorist, exclusivity, radicalism, Moslems American.Humans are social beings and groups who are capable to live in harmony. However it is possible that different group of people will have a different assessment to the other groups, it can be positive and negative. The writer conducts a study of stereotypes in the movie entitled My Name Is Khan . The movie shows the phenomena occurring in America after the tragedy of 9/11. There is a problem that will be answered in this study, namely Khan’s struggle against negative stereotypes labeled to Moslem Americans in My Name is Khan Movie. This study uses the theory of stereotypes to analyze the data for discovering the kinds of stereotype suffered by Moslems in America.The results of the study shows that there are three struggles made by the main character, Khan, to fight against negative stereotypes, (1) In the fight against this stereotype, Khan tries to explain to everyone that his name is Khan and he is not a terrorist, (2) Khan tries to tell a group of people at the mosque that think Moslems are not radical, but a peaceful religion, (3) Khan tries to help others regardless of differences in race, religion and color of skin, so the assumption of most Americans who think that Moslems are difficult to mingle with other people is not true.In conclusion all the assumptions and negative stereotypes directed towards Moslem is not true and it can be proved by the struggles made by Khan to fight against negative stereotypes labeled to Moslem Americans. Thus, the writer suggests to another researcher to conduct further research Discrimination by using discrimination theories to analyze this movie, for example by using discrimination theory to reveal whether there is a discrimination to create bad image towards moslems in America.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Sociolinguistics, Jargon, Salon, Rabel Beauty Salon, StylistSociolinguistics is the study related to the language and society. In Sociolinguistics, we know the concept of jargon. Jargon is the certain language that is usually used by group of society. Jargon is a language variety contain a set of unique vocabulary that used by people who have same interest, class (social status), or same position in certain area, for instance in working area. This study uses theory of Yule (1996, p.245) defines Jargon is one of the key features to register in a certain group, which can be defined as technical vocabularies associated with a special activity or group. There are three research problems of this study: (1) What are the jargons used by stylist in Rabel beauty salon (2) What are the jargons used by stylist in Rabel beauty salon (3) What are the possible reasons of using those jargons by stylist in Rabel beauty salon. This study uses qualitative descriptive approach because the writer describes the jargon used by stylist in Rabel beauty salon, the meanings and also the possible reasons  of using those jargons.  As  the data,  the writer uses  the utterances which contain jargon when the stylists talk among each other. The result of the interview is also regarded as the supporting data. The writer finds the stylists in Rabel beauty salon use 19 jargons when they are providing salon’s treatment. They use jargon for certain reasons. First it is done keep their secret talk. Secret here means that their talk that do not want to be known by other people who do not belong to this community. Second, they use jargon  to  build  their  own  identity.  They  want  their  community has  different characteristic from the others. The writer suggests that, hopefully, the future researcher presents better research. First is for the next researchers are expected to explore and investigate some other phenomena of jargon happen in society in any speech community in order to add other types of jargons, so it will be found more various languages than before. Second, try to investigate other studies in some linguistics field such as pragmatics, syntaxes, and others. The last suggestion, hopefully the next researchers have a lot of other theories which are support their study and make the sources to be more various.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: deviant sexual orientation, zoophile, queer politics, the goat, or who isSylvia? Social phenomenon shows a significant and rapid movement toward the existence of deviant sexual orientation, like zoophilic, a sexual desire to the animals. In assessing the whole life of a zoophile, people are preferable to use some prejudices which attach behind their sexual desire. A drama entitled The Goat, or Who is Sylvia? is interested in portraying about the life of a zoophile in the presentation of the main character named Martin. Yet, this drama describes his image as different from the preconceived notion of society. Hence, it emerges a question that this drama may have political interest toward the existence of a zoophile in the society. Therefore, this research is conducted to verify about this premise.This research uses queer theory, specifically queer politics to investigate the political purposes behind the normalization of a queerness to reject intolerance and discrimination in the society. Besides, this research also applies a qualitative approach through document analysis to examine the data taken from the drama.Some forms of normalization are used to depict the life of a zoophile. First, this drama presents Martin to have 4 (four) positive and 2 (two) major negative traits. Besides, his normalization also covers 3 (three) social roles fulfillment as a part of family and peers group. Furthermore, other presentation shows that he has 2 (two) higher achievement as a smart and successful person. Those findings finally can detect the intention of this drama to portray the real life of a zoophile. It happens because queer politics views that zoophile also undergoes the same life as other normal people, thus a zoophile does not deserve to be treated bad among the society.Based on the study findings, this research concludes that the presentations of Martin have a political purpose to gain societal acceptance for alleviating intolerance and discrimination toward the existence of a zoophile. Furthermore,  the next research can be suggested to explore this drama in term of his psychological perspective while having inner conflict to come out as a zoophile or his surrounding responses to reject his zoophile identity using socio-psychological approach.  
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Key words: Sociolinguistics, Register, English debate, Malang Debating Union, Debater. English debate becomes one of popular competitions which is participated by senior high school and university students. This activity aims to improve English speaking skill and sharpen critical thinking. One of communities which gets involved in English debate is Malang Debating Union (MDU). As a community, MDU has registers which are used to interact with each other during practice time. Hence, in this research, the writer formulates two problems to discuss: (1) What the registers are used by debaters in MDU and (2) How are the situational contexts dealing with participants, relation among participants, and communicative purpose performed by debaters in MDU. In answering those problems, the writer applies theory of register proposed by Biber and Conrad (2009) which focuses on situational context.This research belongs to qualitative research which uses utterances containing registers delivered by debaters and adjudicator (juror) during practice times as the data. The writer undergoes observation, recording, transcribing, highlighting, and interview to collect the data. Meanwhile, the writer goes for classifying registers within a table, describing register application in relation to situational contexts, applying data triangulation from field notes and result of interview on checking the data and drawing conclusion.In this research, the writer finds 14 registers which have similar meaning with the literal one, but they are different in use. In terms of situational contexts, there are 3 participants involved in the debate: adjudicator (juror), government/positive and opposition/negative team. Adjudicator has higher power in deciding the winner of the debate compared to the two teams. Therefore, the communicative purposes applied by him are informing, announcing, and providing procedural information about how to perform certain activities or suggesting what needs to add within argumentation. Meanwhile, government team and opposition team occupy themselves as rivals during the debate. As the result, the communicative purposes come up to argue or break down the opponent’s argument and persuade the adjudicator (juror) to go with their team’s argument.Based on the result of this research, the writer suggests that the next researchers who are interested in conducting the same topic take other communities, such as mass media community. In addition, the next researchers might analyze the same object related to debate community by using different linguistics branches, such as Pragmatics (speech act) or Second Language Acquisition (error in grammar or pronunciation).
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keyword: Barthes, Semiotic, cockroach. This research is aimed to know the significations behind the giant cockroach in “The Metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka based on Barthes’ semiotic perspective. In Barthes’ semiotic, the signification does not stop at the signifier and signified meaning but it continues to the meta-language meaning; myth. Then, this signification is called as the second order of signification. Cockroach is signifier and disgusting animal is the signified. In the first order of signification, cockroach denotes a disgusting animal. Inthis case, cockroach is not only viewed as a disgusting animal but beyond that, because Gregor’s transformed into disgusting animal which leads to him to be avoided by his family and society. His family avoids him because he cannot work again. Gregor isolated from the other after the transformation is the second order of signification.This research finds many clues in the novella that Gregor’s transformation symbolizes something else. As cockroach, Gregor dislikes milk and prefers to eat spoiled food means he can survive in in different way. Gregor dislikes what people usually like and Gregor needs what usually people do not need. It means the tolerance is important thing in real life because the difference is a certainty. Gregor sleeps under the chairmeans his father’s pressure for a long time makes him weak. His weakness relates to the sofa or chair that also means power. Indeed, Gregor’s conflict with his father makes him lose his power in his family. This behavior also means that Gregor has closed-personality and feelings, which Gregor always hides under it. Crawling all over the room means that he cannot be stagnant and he entertains himself to forget his nightmare and his suffering for a moment. Then, the impact of the transformation makes Gregor to be isolated from his job, his family, and even from his own thought. Gregor’s death is a way to escape from his strangeness and suffering.

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