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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: NHK WORLD, Newsline, Pronunciation, Error Analysis. NHK WORLD is a Japanese International broadcasting media whose jobs is to give information of Japan to the world. Interestingly, the reporters of international levels of the media committed some errors on their pronunciation. Thus, there are two objectives to achieve in this research, (1) to identify the errors of pronunciation in vowels and consonants and (2) to identify the possible causes of the pronunciation errors in vowels and consonants that are made by NHK WORLD TV Newsline Reporters.This study used a descriptive qualitative approach and document analysis to analyze five video of the five speakers which were downloaded from the NHK WORLD website. Further, the writer used the surface strategy taxonomies by Dulay,et al. (1982) in identifying the errors and Saville-Troike (2006) theory of interference of the first language and differences in learners to identify the possible causes of the pronunciation error.The result in this study found that in vowels, there are 20 kinds of substitution, 6 kinds of addition and 1 omission and the vowel errors committed mostly are the substitution of vowel /ə/ to /a/ that reaches 10 errors. Meanwhile, the consonant errors have 11 kinds of substitution, 4 kinds of omission and 1 addition and the error committed mostly is the substitution of /l/ to /r/ which has a total of 10 errors. Moreover, the writer elaborates two possible causes of errors made by the reporters which the first is the Japanese language characteristic and the second is the aptitudes of the learner. In conclusion, this study has proven that Japanese reporters have difficulties in pronouncing English vowels rather than the consonant, and the interference of the first language is the possible reason of committing errors.The writer suggests the next writer  use other subjects from other countries or other media. Moreover, the next writer can also use the same subjects with the concern of gender in language learning.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: semiotics, sign, myth, novel cover, ‘Diary of a Wimpy Vampire:because the undead have feelings too’. Novel cover contains some signs in the form of verbal and visual to give a clear message about the content of the novel that can be analyzed with semiotics approach. This study applies semiotic study based on Peirce’s typology of sign and Barthes’ mythology. Based on those reasons, this study aims at analyzing: (1) the signs found in both the original cover and the Indonesian version of the first series novel cover of ‘Diary of a Wimpy Vampire: because the undead have feelings too’ by Tim Collins, and (2) the myth built in the novel covers both the original cover and the Indonesian version of the first series novel cover.This study is classified into qualitative research since it is intended to analyze visual and text form. The type of the study is document analysis since it uses novel covers as the source of the data.The study reveals that the iconic signs are used more on the novel covers, both the original cover and Indonesian version than the symbolic and indexical signs. In the point of mythology, those two novel covers illustrate that the main vampire character in this novel is different from the vampire characters in the other vampire novels that are well known before. He has feelings like human being as he experiences love and sadness. The meanings of colors used in those two novel covers also support in building the meaning behind the signs appearing in the novel. It can be concluded that although  there are many signs that are different in both covers, they still build the same myth that is even though the main character of this novel is a blood sucking and immortal, he still has the same feelings like human being in general. Moreover, the original cover also describes the content of the novel more implicitly than the Indonesian one.Through this research, the researcher gives several suggestions for the next researchers to be more sensitive in recognizing the signs as every sign should be described in detail including their meaning and functions. Moreover, they should be  objective in defining and interpreting signs. In addition, the researcher also suggests the next researchers use the application of mythology or different semiotics theories in the other novel cover series of ‘Diary of a Wimpy Vampire’ or other printed media such as album cover and magazine cover.  
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci : Prosa, Fiksi, Unsur Intrinsik, Latar SosialProsa dalam pengertian kesusastraan disebut fiksi (fiction), teks naratif (narrative text), atau wacana naratif (narrative discourse).Istilah fiksi dalam pengertian ini berarti cerita rekaan (cerkan) atau cerita khayalan. Dalam karya sastra mempunyai dua unsur yang membangun yaitu unsur intrinsik dan unsur ekstrinsik. Pada prosa fiksi unsur intrinsik yang membangun adalah tema, alur, latar, penokohan, amanat, sudut pandang, dan gaya bahasa.Latar sosial berhubungan dengan perilaku kehidupan sosial masyarakat di suatu tempat yang diceritakan dalam karya fiksi. Dalam skripsi ini penulis akan menjawab rumusan masalah yaitu bagaimana gambaran latar sosial pada zaman Heian dalam cerpen Rashoumon karya Akutagawa Ryounosuke.Dalam skripsi ini penulis menggunakan metode formal.Ciri utama metode formal adalah analisis terhadap unsur-unsur karya sastra, untuk menjelaskan keadaan latar sosial pada zaman Heian dengan bantuan penjelasan unsur intrinsik lainnya.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan keadaan kota Kyoto yang sedang mengalami kemerosotan perekonomian akibat dari bencana alam beruntun dan karena adanya pemindahan ibukota dari Nara ke Heian (Kyoto) menyebabkan kondisi ekonomi yang tidak stabil. Selain itu, keadaan kota Kyoto menjadi buruk dengan adanya struktur kepemilikan tanah pada zaman Heian yang berpusat pada tanah pertanian pribadi (Shoen). Tanah pertanian tersebut dimiliki oleh kaum bangsawan sejak pembukaan tanah-tanah baru pada zaman Nara.Pada penelitian selanjutnya disarankan untuk meneliti cerpen ini dengan menggunakan teori yang berbeda, misalnya teori historis.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Politeness, Face, Face Threatening Act (FTA), Stand-up Comedy.Face threatening act (FTA) is inseparable from verbal communication. As a result, both speaker’s and the hearer’s faces are in danger. This leads to a huge problem for stand-up comedians, who only rely on verbal jokes to make their audiences listen and pay attention. The writer then chooses Jerry Seinfeld, an American stand-up comedian whose genre is observational comedy, as the object of this study. This study aims to find out what strategies that are performed by Jerry Seinfeld in his stand-up comedy show entitled I’m Telling You for The Last Time in threatening his and the audiences’ faces.Qualitative approach is used in this study to collect and examine the data. In addition, this study applies document analysis to analyze and interpret the utterances produced by Jerry Seinfeld that contain face threatening acts and their strategies based on the face threatening act strategies theory proposed by Brown and Levinson (1987).The findings of this study reveal that all face threatening strategies are used by Jerry Seinfeld in his act, with domination in strategies with redressive actions, in particular negative politeness strategy. This strategy is more exploited as he wanted to respect his hearers’ want to stay free and be funny by stating his own insights inside his jokes at the same time. Moreover, the least used strategy is bald on record, as it is too unsafe to state opinions without softening the speaker’s intention. This indication shows that in his comedy performance, the stand-up comedian still considers respecting his own and audiences’ faces when he performs verbal communication through his jokes.Based on the results, the writer suggests that the next researchers analyze different genre, gender, or nationality of various stand-up comedians on how they perform their face threatening act strategies in their comedy performance.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Register, Sociolinguistics, Process of Making Movie, Community. Register is a variety of language used in particular setting and situation. Certain community uses register for delivering messages between members easily. In this study, the writer investigated the register used in cinematography community come from Universitas Brawijaya named Nol Derajat film when they make Reflection movie. Therefore, this study was conducted to answer the following questions: 1). What are the registers and their meaning used in the process of making Reflection movie by Nol Derajat film community? 2). What are the functional contexts of register found in the process of making Reflection movie by Nol Derajat film community? and 3). What are the factors facilitating the use of the registers?This study used a qualitative approach. The data were utterances which contain register. In collecting the data, the writer used documentation (as the primary instrument) and interview. In data analysis, the writer put the data into a table to define the literal meaning and register meaning. Then, the writer analyze the aspect of functional context which consist of field, mode and tenor using Halliday and Hasan’s (1985) theory and analyzed the factor facilitating the use of register using Yule’s (2006) theory.The result of this study revealed that there were 20 registers used in the process of making movie. They are Action, bocor, camera, choose, clipper, cut, detail, focus, freeze, in-frame, lighting, longshot, noise, reflector, rolling, scene, shot, sound, take, and talent. All those registers have 2 different meanings namely literal meaning and register meaning. The writer found the field and the tenor of all utterances different due to different topic and speaker in each conversation.However, the mode of all utterances is the same that is spoken language. Then, thewriter found the factor facilitating the use of those registers that is the context of the sentence. The context was divided into situational context (shooting location), occupational (among filmmaker), and topical (talking about something importantin making movie).For further study in register, the writer suggests that the next writers who want to conduct a study on register phenomena analyze it in other communities, such as photography community and use different technique, such as key person technique. Lastly, the next writer may apply different theories from other linguistics field in analyzing the finding so the result can be richer and more various.  
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Syntax, Negation, Negative Markers, Category, Distribution, Function, The Jakarta Post. In communication, people usually deliver information, agreement, denial or negation, and many more. The concept of negation is universal or exists in every language in the world. Negation is the contradiction or denial of something. The writer chose the negat ive markers ‘no’ and ‘not’ as the object in discussing the negation in this research. They are just like having the same distribution and conveying the similar meaning in negation. Therefore, this study was done to answer the problems of the research, namely: (1) What are the categories of ‘no’ and ‘not’ based on their distribution in phrase found in The Jakarta Post June 2013; (2) What are thecategories of ‘no’ and ‘not’ based on their distribution in clause found in The Jakarta Post June 2013; and (3) What is the funct ion of negative markers ‘no’ and ‘not’ based on the scope and focus of the sentences found in The Jakarta Post June 2013.The method used in this research is qualitative approach and content or document analysis as the type of study. The data of this research were the sentences containing negative markers of ‘no’ and ‘not’ taken from the 4 articles of The Jakarta Post June 2013 which discussed the political issues. The writer took 4 articles based on their variety of negat ive markers of ‘no’ and ‘not’ in their distribution in phrase and clause.The result of this research shows that there were seven categories of negative marker ‘not’ based on its distribution in phrase. Four of them were discovered in the objects, and there were five categories of negat ive marker ‘no’ based on its distribution in phrase,  in which only one of them discovered in the objects. Meanwhile, there were three categories of negat ive markers ‘no’ and ‘not’ based on their distribution in clause,  in which all of them are discovered in the objects.On the other hand, the function of negative markers based on scope and focus gave variety to their meaning.The writer suggests the next researchers who want to do further research of this topic use other theories or the other negative markers in English. The next researcher can also conduct a research on the negation in its syntactic feature or semantic feature, or elaborate it with another field of study such as the morphological features to make their study more complete.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Politeness strategies, The Ugly Truth. In doing communication, people share information, tell their emotions, ask something, and so on. In order to make a good communication, people should use the words that intended to convey politeness, respect, humility, and lesser social status so that it will be easy to building a relationship with each other. Politeness is the expression of the speaker ’s intention to mitigate face threat carried by certain face threatening acts towards another. In this research, The Ugly Truth movie is chosen as the object. It is done to answer the problems of the research, they are: (1) What types of politeness strategies are used by the characters in The Ugly Truth movie? and (2) What are the factors influencing the choice of strategies used by the characters in The Ugly Truth movie?The method that is used in this research is qualitative and content or document analysis as the type of study. The data of this research are the selected utterances by the characters in The Ugly Truth movie. There are 12 dialogues used by 5 characters in the movie that analyzed as the object.The result of this research shows that there are 12 utterances using politeness strategies, consist of Bald on Record Strategy, Positive Politeness Strategy, Negative Politeness Strategy, and Off Record Strategy. Each strategy consists of three examples. The factor that influenced the different politeness strategy consists of three factors, social distance, relative power, and absolute ranking. The data showed that the social distance is the most used as the factor that influenced the different politeness strategy.The writer suggests that the next researchers use other theories in Pragmatic. The next researcher can also conduct a research on the politeness strategies in its semantic feature, or elaborate it with another field of study such as the critical discourse analysis to make this study more complete.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Apologizing act, apology strategies, and speechApology is an act that used to restore relationship between addresser and addressee after addresser has offended addressee intentionally or unintentionally. In this study, the writer intends to analyze apologizing strategies used in Barack Obama’s speech at Strasbourg Town Hall. This study is conducted to find out (1) the  types  of  apologizing  strategies  (direct  and  indirect)  performed  in  Barack Obama’s speech, and (2) the apologizing strategies performed in Barack Obama’s speech.This study is qualitative  approach with document analysis since the  data consists largely of words.  The data are the utterances which contain apology in Barack Obama’s speech at Strasbourg Town Hall.  From the data, the writer tried to identify the apologizing strategies by using Olshtain and Cohen’s apologizing strategy (1983).In this study the writer found 8 strategies of apology in the 12 excerpts. The  strategies  are  (a)  IFID  with  exclamations,  (b)  IFID followed  by  humor downgrading, (c)  IFID for politeness,  (d) taking on responsibility followed bysharing guilt, (e) admission followed by blaming, (f) implicit apology followed by regret,  (g)  explanation  or  account,  and  (h)  offer  of  repair.  According  to  theanalysis, the writer finds IFID with exclamations by 1 datum, IFID followed by humor  downgrading  by 1 datum,  IFID for  politeness  by 1 datum,  taking  on responsibility followed by sharing guilt by 4 data, admission followed by blaming by 1 datum,  implicit  apology followed by regret  by 1 datum,  explanation or account by 1 datum,  and offer of repair by 2 data.  The mostly used strategy is taking on responsibility followed by sharing guilt  that  occurred 4 times.  This happens because the speech indicated that  every nation bears responsibility for problems in the world such as climate change, terrorism, drug trafficking, poverty, and the proliferation of nuclear weapons. This strategy was used to minimize the degree of offense that United States is partly responsible.This  study  hopefully  can  provide  appropriate  reference  for  further researcher to conduct the research in apologizing act. It is recommended that the next researchers examine apology strategy used in diplomatic context. Hopefully, the results  of this  study can be used as  the starting point  to analyze apology strategies more deeply.  Finally,  the future researcher may conduct a research on languages other than English.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Implicature, Relevance Theory, and MovieImplicature is what the addresser wants to convey without stating it explicitly. In this study, the writer intends to analyze an implicature in Megamind Movie  using  Relevance Theory.  This study is conducted to find out (1) the explicature conveyed in the utterances of the main character in Megamind movie. (2) The implicated premises and implicated conclusion conveyed in the utterances of the main character in Megamind movie. The writer uses Sperber and Wilson’s theory in analyzing the data.This study is qualitative study since the writer analyzed utterances taken from the dialogue of the main characters in Megamind Movie. Research design is document  analysis.  From the  data  obtained,  the  writer  tried  to  find  out  the explicature,  implicated premise,  and implicated conclusion based on Relevance Theory proposed by Sperber and Wilson (1995).In this study the writer found 14 utterances that convey an implicature. To answer research problem the writer gave an example from the conversation that were taken from datum 2. The context of this conversation is when Megamind crashing Metroman’s Memorial Day by kidnapping Roxanne Ritchi. Metroman is threatening Megamind to put him into jail by saying We all know how this ends, with you behind the bars. The word ‘we’ refers to Metroman and all the citizen of Metro city, while ‘this’ refers to the battle between Megamind and Metroman. The last, ‘you’ refers to Megamind. Then, Megamind responses Metroman’s threat by saying Oh, I am shaking in my custom baby seal-leather boot. The word ‘I’ refers to Megamind. From the explicature, Megamind responds may irrelevant.  But it conveys an implicature. There are many causes to make people shaking and that creates  the  implicated  premises; Megamind is  shaking because it is  cold; Megamind is shaking because of terrifying; Megamind is shaking just because he wants to; Megamind  is  shaking  just  because  he  pretends  to  be.  From the implicated premise.  It  may seem that  Megamind terrifies  being threatened by Metroman, but in reality Megamind does not fear at all. The intended meaning is he just pretending to be and mocking Metroman by showing his baby seal leather boot. Thus the implicated conclusion is Megamind does not fear of Metroman.The  writer  draws  conclusion  that  Relevance  Theory  is  concern  with ostensive communication that is intentional communication through an addressee that  can  understand  the  speaker’s  thought.  This  study hopefully  can  provide appropriate  references  for  further  researcher  to  conduct  the  research  in implicature. It is recommended for the next researchers to conduct similar studies to  be  analyzed  using  Relevance  Theory with  different  object  such  as  novel,  magazine or even article.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Diglossia, Standard English language characterization, Non-standardEnglish language characterization, Language variation factors. In delivering ideas of conversation, language is the most important part to make it success. Language varies according to the social structure of a speech community. This phenomena creates the different use of language for different purpose called Diglossia. There are two varieties in Diglossia, High variety language and low variety language. Standard English language is the example of high variety and non standard English language is the example of low variety language. The researcher conducts a study about diglossia in main character dialogue in “Pursuit of Happiness” movie. There are two problems in this research, namely: (1) What are the English language characteristics of standard language and non-standard language used by main character of “Pursuit of Happiness” movie, and  (2) What are the factors infuencing the main character for using language variety in the “Pursuit of Happiness” movie.This study uses qualitative approach in relation to the use of clear and systematic description about the utterances being studied. Descriptive study in textual analysis is applied in this study to analyze conversation of the main characters through the script and the movie of  “Pursuit of Happiness”.This study reveals that the main character use standard English language by using modal auxiliary, irregular form of the verb to be in the past form and the use ofirregular form of the verb to be in the present form. The main character use Non-standard English language by using Slang words, harsh swearing word, the use of verb ain’t, and combined word that less meaning, The researcher found 5 factors ofmain character to using language variation, those are Gender,  Age, Social classes,Ethnic background, and Speech community.The researcher suggests that for the researchers who are interested in doing research on Diglossia can explore and investigate more about the use of Standard English language and Non-standard English language in real life.

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