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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 8 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci : setsuzokushi, naskah, pidatoDalam bahasa Jepang terdapat banyak konjungsi.  Sebagai contoh desukara, shikashi, shoshite dan lainnya. Konjungsi tersebut sering digunakan dalam perlombaan bahasa Jepang. Alasannya ialah untuk menghubungkan konteks kalimat serta  alur percakapan yang disampaikan dalam bahasa Jepang. Konjungsi yang biasa dipakai yaitu junsetsu, gyaku setsu, wadai tenkan dan masih banyak yang lainnya. Konjungsi tersebut bukan hanya dipakai untuk menghubungkan saja, namun juga berguna untuk memberikan pemahaman yang lebih kepada pendengar tentang alur pembicaraan yang disampaikan.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui konjungsi jenis apakah yang dipakai dalam sebuah teks pidato. Kemudian apakah fungsi konjungsi tersebut serta  permasalahan yang muncul dalam penggunaan konjungsi dalam teks pidato bahasa Jepang. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode deskriptif kualitatif. Sedangkan data yang dipakai yaitu berupa 13 naskah pidato bahasa Jepang Tingkat Nasional Tahun 2012 yang telah dilaksanakan di Jakarta.Kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini ialah dalam teks tersebut ditemukan 104 buah konjungsi yang tersebar kedalam jenis junsetsu, gyakusetsu, heiritsu, sentaku, tenka, setsumei, dan wadai tenkan. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa tujuh jenis konjungsi dalam bahasa Jepang ada pada 13 naskah pidato tersebut. Dan yang paling banyak digunakan yaitu konjungsi shikashi dan soshite. Konjungsi yang dipakai dalam teks pidato sebagian besar berfungsi sebagai penghubung antar kalimat. Sedangkan yang berfungsi sebagai penghubung antar kata hanya ditemukan satu buah. Dalam pemakaiannya dijumpai pula teks pidato yang memakai konjungsi shikashi sebanyak 6 kali secara berturut-turut. Ini disebabkan karena konjungsi tersebut merupakan konjungsi yang paling populer di kalangan pembelajar bahasa Jepang. selain itu dikarenakan minimnya media pembelajaran serta informasi mengenai konjungsi bahasa Jepang serta faktor intern dari mahasiswa yang kurang aktif mencari informasi. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan pula penggunaan konjungsi soshite dan soredemo yang tidak sesuai dengan aturan yang telah ditentukan.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 8 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Politeness, Face, Face Threatening Act (FTA), Politeness Strategies, DebateLanguage is a tool for people to get and share information with others. When people get in interaction there are some different opinions between them. Sometimes these differences can cause a conflict in interaction if they do not payattention to their utterance and their interlocutor. Therefore people need politenessstrategy in the interaction. Politeness strategy is developed in order to minimize aconflict in interaction. The writer conducts a study about Politeness Strategies which shows the phenomena of politeness occuring in the debate program. Thereare two problems of the study that are proposed by the writer: (1) what FaceThreatening Act are performed by debaters in Intelligence Squared U.S debate program; (2) what types of politeness strategies are used by the debaters inminimizing threats in Intelligence Squared U.S debate program.This study used qualitative approach to describe the phenomena that  were studied clearly and systematically. Document analysis was also applied in  this study since the study analyzed the data from the transcript of utterances that were performed by debaters.This study showed that there were 16 utterances from the debaters that contain Face Threatening Act and Politeness Strategies. They threatened both positive and negative face but positive face was more threatened than negativeface. Disagreement, criticism, bringing of bad news, contradiction and challenge were the acts that threatened the other debaters’ positive face while suggestion and reminding were the acts that threatened the other debaters’ negative face. They also applied some of politeness strategies to redress their Face Threatening Act including 6 positive politeness, 4 negative politeness, 1 off record and 5 mix politeness strategies.The writer suggests the readers who conduct similar study to analyze theuse of Face Threatening Acts and Politeness Strategies such as the reason whysuch strategy is applied in other media like talk show program, movie, oradvertisement.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 8 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci : film, psikologi perkembangan anak, sosial, emosional.  Film merupakan karya seni berbentuk gambar bergerak yang mengangkat manusia dan segala bentuk kehidupannya sebagai objek. Salah satunya adalah kehidupan anak-anak yang dikisahkan dalam bentuk film berjudul Kerity La Maison Des Contes. Film ini menceritakan pertengkaran saudara kandung, yakni Angelica dan Nathanael yang mana Tokoh Angelica menjadi objek penelitian ini karena tindakan provokatifnya yang memicu pertengkaran dan perilaku-perilaku negatifnya yang ditujukan kepada adiknya. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana perilaku negatif tokoh Angelica apabila ditinjau dari aspek sosial dan emosional psikologi perkembangan anak.    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dan menggunakan teori psikologi perkembangan anak oleh Elizabeth B. Hurlock (1978) yang lebih fokus pada aspek sosial dan emosional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Angelica yang berusia sembilan (9) tahun memasuki kategori masa kanak-kanak akhir yang mana Angelica sudah mulai bersosialisasi dengan orang lain, terutama dengan keluarganya. Segala bentuk perilaku negatif Angelica merupakan reaksi kecemburuan yang dipengaruhi oleh sikap pilih kasih orang tua dan bibinya. Penulis menyarankan kepada peneliti selanjutnya untuk membandingkan karakter tokoh Angelica dan Nathanael ditinjau dari teori psikologi anak.  
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 8 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Language Learning Strategies, Academic Major English is a compulsory subject in high school in Indonesia. Therefore, high school students should know and manage their strategies in learning English. For students in senior high school, their strategies should be suitable with their major because different major may influence the strategies applied. This present study is aimed at investigating the learning strategies of science and social students of SMA Brawijaya Smart School and the correlation between the academic major and language learning strategies.The approach used is quantitative study. The participants of this study were 113 students consisting of 71 science and 42 social students. The survey comprised an individual background questionnaire and Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) adopted from Oxford (1990).This study reveals that the students moderately employs the six categories of learning strategies in their learning process. This finding can be measured by the overall language learning strategies which fall into medium level. The result shows that metacognitive strategies are the most frequently used by the students whereas affective strategies are the lowest frequently used. Although there are differences in the mean score for the overall language learning strategies used by science and social students, the T- test result shows that there is no significant difference in language learning strategies applied by science and social students.In addition, Chi-square result shows that there is no significant correlation between different academic major and the choice of language learning strategies. In conclusion, science students apply language learning strategies more than social student and the strategies mostly applied from overall language learning strategies is metacognitive strategies. Also, there is no significant correlation between academic major and language learning strategies. Hence, in choosing the efficient strategies it is suggested that the learners apply appropriate language learning strategies based on student’s respective goals.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 8 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Local Wisdoms, Ketoprakan, Drama, Ampak-Ampak Brang WetanLocal wisdoms is the reflexsive of human activity which is formed after long period, passed through generation and created the character of the society, especially in Tulungagung. There are harmonous life among human being, environment and their beliefs to the God. The local wisdoms is represented in the traditional art performance ketoprakan from Tulungagung entitled Ampak-Ampak Brang Wetan story tells about the legend of the early beginning of Tulungagung Region. The purpose of this research is to find the manifestation of local wisdoms in the ketoprakan entitled Ampak-Ampak Brang Wetan.The researcher analyzed about the manifestation of the local wisdoms which is delivered in the ketoprakan using folklore approach. There is the ability from the society to develop an oral tradition which is passed through generation in to a new shape-traditional art performance ketoprakan. The local wisdoms in Tulungagung Society is delivered in a new way through the elements of drama in performance, such as plot, characters and satire comedy.According to the result of the analysis, the researcher found so many manifestation of the local wisdoms which is delivered in ketoprakan about Ampak-Ampak Brang Wetan. In the performance, there are three manifestation of the local wisdoms; human should respect each other, evironment and believe in God which later, guide them to create harmonous life.The researcher finds the local wisdoms in the performance later can be the powerful media to influence the societ y’s way of thinking in creat ing harmonous life. The researcher suggests the next researcher to dig more about the local wisdoms and the impact for the society since the researcher only focuses on how local wisdoms is manifested in the ketoprakan traditional art performance entitled Ampak-Ampak Brang Wetan.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 8 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Deixis, Person Deixis, Place Deixis, Time Deixis, Social Deixis, Discourse Deixis, Movie. Deixis is a study about language phenomena which discusses words that have a relative meaning. Deixis can be found in the spoken and written language. In this study, the writer intends to analyze deixis contained in Iron Man 3 movie dialogue. This study is conducted to find out: (1) types of deixis used by Tony Stark character in the movie Iron Man 3: (2) meaning of deixis used by Tony Stark character in the Movie Iron Man 3. The writer uses Levinson’s theory about deixis and Cook’s theory about context in analyzing the data.This is a qualitative study since this research has the characteristics of qualitative research, such as natural setting, human instrument, inductive data analysis, descriptive discussion and focus more on process than the result. The data of this study were taken from Tony Stark utterances, the main character of Iron Man 3.In this study the writer found 91 deictic expressions in the movie transcript. Through the analysis using Levinson’s theory, the writer found 64 person deixis, 6 place deixis, 1 time deixis, 1 social deixis and 19 discourse deixis. The types of deixis most commonly found is third person deixis because Tony Stark often talks about other people. The second goes to discourse deixis that used to connect the previous discourse to the surrounding utterances to make the utterances clear. The first person deixis was used once in Tony’s utterances. The second person deixis was used to indicate the reference to one or more addressee. It was an addressee or the hearer of the speaker. Place deixis was used to describe a location related to the location of the participant in the speech event, as well as the ones that have been shown in the movie. Time deixis appeared when the utterance was produced by the speaker and when event occurs. Social deixis was the marking of social relationship in linguistics expressions which can be shown in the movie. The meaning of deixis that was based on context support, there were co-text and picture of the movie.The writer in this study only analyze the  types of deixis. It is different with pronoun, in which deixis is describes words or expressions of which the reference relies absolutely on context. Meanwhile, a pronoun is used to replace a noun. The next researcher hopefully not only focuses on types of deixis but also analyzes the difference between the deixis and pronoun. Besides, the writer suggests to the further researcher uses the same theory but different in the data source such as, article or in any literary work.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 8 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Karya sastra merupakan hasil tulisan pengarang yang menggambarkan kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat melalui sebuah proses kreatif. Demikian dengan novel Shayō karya Dazai Osamu yang menunjukkan kehidupan sosial orang Jepang pada zaman Taisho (1912-1926) - zaman Showa (1926-1945) yang mengalami westernisasi sebagai akibat restorasi Meiji yang diberlakukan oleh pemerintah. Westernisasi atau pembaratan di Jepang tidak hanya mempengaruhi keadaan ekonomi dan struktur militer Jepang, bahkan kehidupan sosial masyarakat Jepang pun turut mengalami perubahan. Adapun rumusan masalah yang akan dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana bentuk westernisasi yang tercermin dalam novel Shayō karya Dazai Osamu berdasarkan latar sosial.Penulis melakukan analisis latar sosial melalui pendekatan sosiologi sastra untuk mengemukakan westernisasi yang tercermin dalam novel Shayō. Analisis latar sosial yang digunakan sesuai dengan teori yang dijelaskan oleh Pradopo (1984), sedangkan teori sosiologi sastra sesuai dengan yang diungkapkan oleh Wiyatmi (2013). Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam melakukan penelitian adalah deskriptif analisis. Metode penelitian tersebut adalah teori yang diungkapkan oleh Ratna (2011).Hasil analisis yang dilakukan oleh penulis menunjukkan bahwa bentuk westernisasi yang tercermin dalam novel Shayō berdasarkan analisis latar sosial melalui pendekatan sosiologi sastra dapat digolongkan menjadi dua jenis klasifikasi sesuai dengan yang diungkapkan oleh Bestor (2009). Klasifikasi yang pertama adalah bentuk westernisasi yang dilakukan untuk kepentingan negara antara lain alat transportasi dan alat komunikasi modern, ilmu kedokteran dan pengobatan serta perubahan gelar kebangsawanan. Sedangkan klasifikasi yang kedua adalah bentuk westernisasi sebagai budaya populer dan bukan untuk kepentingan negara antara lain etika makan Barat, makanan dan minuman yang berasal dari Barat, cara berpakaian ala Barat, arsitektur bangunan dan taman bergaya Barat, penggunaan opium dan rokok, bidang seni dan kesusastraan serta penyebaran agama Kristen.Adapun kesimpulan dari penelitian yang dilakukan oleh penulis menunjukkan bahwa selain westernisasi yang diberlakukan oleh pemerintah Jepang demi kepentingan negara, kemudian muncul westernisasi sebagai budaya populer. Pada penelitian berikutnya sebaiknya menggunakan teori, metode maupun pendekatan yang berbeda, seperti pendekatan psikologi sastra atau pendekatan cultural studies agar penelitian yang dilakukan dapat memperluas khasanah ilmu pengetahuan sastra. Kata Kunci: latar sosial, sosiologi sastra, Shayō, westernisasi.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 8 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Discourse Analysis, Structured Content, Macrostructure, Microstructure, WRP Limited EditionDiscourse analysis is the subject that deals with the analysis of production and interpretation of the text. It concernswith the forms of language used. This research has one problem of the study that is how the WRP Limited Edition advertisement is constructed. This research is conducted to analyze the structure of WRP limited Edition advertisement.This research used a qualitative approach to analyze the data. The data are taken from the transcription of the utterancesin the advertisement.The source of the data is the script of the model’s utterance and the description of what she is doing in the advertisement. The data are taken from on February 27, 2014.The results reveal that there are three macrostructures based on the macrorule analysis of the advertisement. The first is the deletion rule in Wanita yang limited edition bisa memakai semua jenis baju karena WRP “The limited edition woman fit in every shirt because of WRP”. The second is the generalization rule which is Wanita yang gemuk menjadi langsing setelah mengonsumsi WRP “The fat women becomes slim after consuming WRP”. The last is the construction rule,in Dia frustasi dengan kegemukannya sebelum dia mengonsumsi WRP “She frustrates with her fat before she consumes WRP”. Moreover, in microstructure analysis, the advertisement maker uses adverbial time that show something happen in the past and in the present. The third structure reveals that the superstructureofthe product is guaranteed to solve the problem of the body shape which can be proven by the illustration of the advertisement.Based on the result of the analysis, it can be concluded that there are structures that are used by the advertisement maker to reveal the content of advertisement. It can be seen from the lexical choice that the advertisement maker uses the plot of the advertisement. The researcher suggeststhat the next researchers apply a structured content in discourse analysis so that it will be helpful for the readers to develop their knowledge about the structured content. 
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 8 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Patriarchy system, women trafficking, commodity of economyPatriarchy system basically is a social system in which men have higher levels of dominance than women. Similarly, the phenomenon of social system exists in Bosnia. Patriarchal system coupled with the chaos after the Balkan wars, has put this country in trouble trafficking of women. The number of Bosnians who are victims of war, especially men, resulting lost of social stability, both in the state and the family. A phenomenon which is also depicted in the film Whistleblower in which Bulkovac as the main character also struggle for women trafficking victims. To analyze this movie, the author uses the theory of feminism with a focus on how women are treated as an economic commodity.The results of this study show how the conditions of women trafficking victims from the point of view of Bulkovac as the main character. The victims here become economic commodity, shows how women snare to work, coupled with the dominance of patriarchy in Bosnia. Starting from the hopes of finding a better life, one of the key witnesses Bulkovac, joined the services of illegal labor brokers. The agencies have promised them to work as a waiter in a restaurant with high salaries. Without realizing it, a trap like this can pushed them down into the net that a lot of women trafficking in Bosnia as a country still ravaged. The victims, which has entered a country illegally causing them hesitate to seek legal counsel, especially due to their illegal status and also because many Bosnian police officers who took part in the woman trafficking. Furthermore, the victims must accept the fact that they are trapped in sexual commerciality, although it is not the victim's willingness. The conclusion, to be able to make up for their rights back, the victim must be willing to work for women trafficking of as sex labor. In this case Bulkovac as peacekeeper tasked to restore the social order was messed up due to the Balkan wars in Bosnia, as well as to help restore the rights of victims of trafficking of women who had taken away by the trafficker.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 8 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci: hànzì (汉字), Stuktural Analitik Sintetik (SAS) hànzì (汉字) dibentuk dari sebuah gambar objek, satu karakter digunakan untuk satu kata, sehingga ada banyak hànzì (汉字). Begitu banyaknya karakter, membuat orang-orang kesulitan dalam membaca hànzì (汉字). Salah satu metode praktis dalam mempelajari hànzì ( 汉字) yaitu menggunakan kegiatan belajar pengamatan secara langsung dengan menggunakan metode pembelajaran Struktural Analitik Sintetik (SAS). SAS merupakan metode pembelajaran yang digunakan untuk belajar membaca dan menulis dasar. Biasanya SAS digunakan dalam belajar bahasa Indonesia di SD. Karena  itulah  dalam  skripsi  ini penulis akan  menjawab  rumusan  masalah  dalam  penelitian  ini (1) Bagaimana penerapan metode pembelajaran Struktural Analitik Sintetik (SAS) dalam menulis hànzì (汉字) pada mahasiswa Bahasa dan Sastra Cina Semester II Universitas Brawijaya. (2) Bagaimana efektivitas metode pembelajaran Struktural Analitik Sintetik (SAS) dalam menulis hànzì (汉字) pada mahasiswa Sastra Cina Semester I Universitas Brawijaya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif-kuantitatif merupakan teknik statistik yang memberikan informasi hanya mengenai data yang dimiliki, tidak bermaksud untuk menguji hipotesis dan kemudian menarik inferensi untuk data yang lebih besar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata mahasiswa dapat menghafal hànzì (汉字)  sebanyak 7 karakter dan pada tes 2 sebanyak 7,90 karakter, dengan ratarata pīnyīn 5,37 pada tes 1 dan 7,37 pada tes 2, dan rata-rata arti sebanyak 4,70 dan 7,33. Selain itu juga terdapat rata-rata kesalahan dalam menulis aksara yaitu 0.90 pada tes 1 dan 0,23 pada tes 2. Dengan metode yang sudah diberikan dapatdilihat dengan jelas bahwa metode ini cukup efektif diterapkan pada mahasiswasemester II Bahasa dan Sastra Cina Universitas Brawijaya dan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan menulis hànzì (汉字).

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