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Articles 4 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 4, No 1 (2007): Februari 2007" : 4 Documents clear
EFEKTIVITAS PERENDAMAN DAGING SAPI DALAM EKSTRAK PEGAGAN (Centelia asiatica L.) Yunardi Irdha; Mirdhayati dan; Endah Purnamasari
Jurnal Peternakan Vol 4, No 1 (2007): Februari 2007
Publisher : State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/jupet.v4i1.264


Meat preservation generally carries put by refrigeration, heating and adding chemical preservation materials. Purpose of the· preservation is to keep meat quality, because meat is one of high nutrient food materials. The content of nutrient in meat is good media for the growth of bacteria, and then they can decrease meat quality. Hence; it needs some treatments, one of them is a natural preservation such as extract of Centella asiatica L. that content salt minerals and bacterial compound, and it can block and remove bacteria.The purpose of this research is to determine influence extract of Centella asiatica 1. with different concentrations to water content, pH, and total bacterial colony, and sensorial value (color, texture, and aroma) of beef. This research uses a Complete Random Design that consists of four treatments with three repeat. The treatments are adding extract of Centella asiatica L. for 0 ml, 10 ml, 20 ml, 30 m1. Submersion of beef within the extract of Centella asiatica L. takes about 30 minutes. Resulted variables data statically processed by using various analysis. If the differences happen among the treatments, then must be perform following test by using Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Theresult of this research show that the beef submersions with adding 30 ml of extract of Centella asiatica L. is most effective in decreasing water content of beef to 61.32%, pH to 5.17, total bacterial colony to 5:1 x 105 CFU / gram and color change to undesirable brownish red. But it's not influential to texture and aroma. Beef have in a row pattern, approximately soft and nice look, fresh blood aroma.
Jurnal Peternakan Vol 4, No 1 (2007): Februari 2007
Publisher : State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/jupet.v4i1.254


The objectives of this research are to determine the characteristichs of St. Croix ram semen instead to semen cryopreservation.Results of the research revealed that the mean sperm volume is 1.54 ± OA1 mI, colour is crem, pH is 6.8 ± 0.01, concentration is 3.785 ± 343.79 million/ml, mean sperm motility is 81.67 ± 2.58%, live sperm cpunt is 89 ± 2.37%, apical rich (fAU) is 94 ±1.27%, intact plasma membrane (MPU) is 86.33 ±2.34% and abnormal sperm is 8.33 ±1.37%.Itis concluded that St. Croix ram semen have good quality and may be used for semen cryopreservation.
PENGGUNAAN EKSTRAK DAUN KATUK (Sauropus androgunus L. Merr) SEBAGAI BAHAN PE,NGA-WET ALAMI DAGINGSAPI SEGAR Bambang Kuntoro; Irdha Mirdhayati, dan; Triani Adelina
Jurnal Peternakan Vol 4, No 1 (2007): Februari 2007
Publisher : State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/jupet.v4i1.261


Meat is high nutrient food material because it consist much protein, fat, mineral and other substances that needed by human body. The .Meat nutrient pel'centage is the appropriate media for the growth of microorganism especially bacteria. The microorganism activity can decrease meat quality. Hence, itneed exact treatment for keep the meat quality. One of used the treatment is adding extract of the Sauropus and1'og}Jnus (L.) Me1'1'. Extract of the Sauropus androgynus constitute material that consist of antibacterial compounq. Content OrSO:UT0pu5 androgyrius characteristk is oxide bacteria that having ability to remove son}e bacteria sm;has seskuite,rna add. alkaloid papaVerlllt tanin,.. saponiri,. fiavonoiq, mineral salt, other compounds,The purpose of this research is to determine influence the meat submersion within e)."tract of the Sauropus androgynus to pH, water content, total of bacterial colony, storage endurance and sensorial value include color, tex'ture, and aroma. The research use 2.5 kilogram of ham's beef and extract of the Saurapus andmgynus as much as 240 mI. Experiment method is used in this research by use a Complete Random Design that consist of four treatments with three repeat. The treatments are the extract of the So:uropfls alldrogymes concentration's level consist of ' 0 mI, 10 ml. 20 mI, aud 30 ml. The submersion has. taken as long as 30 ffiillUI:e5. Variables that measured is pH, water content romlof 'bacterial colony, storage endurance and sensorial value of meat. The differences among the treatments have tested by DcJ1nc<.(l1fi l'vl~~h:ipJ;? Range Test(DJVrRT).'fh.e result vf the n.''5eaochshow5 that the submersion of beef within Extract of the Sauropus androgynus (1.) Mm30 in! can decrease pH to 5.17, in~storage'endtn:'am:e about19.33 hours and deerea5€' water content to 73.72% and 1.6 x lOS of total bacterial colony.hQwE"I<"et it cO.rmot influence to serl.sorialvaiu€ (coTe>!', textW:e and aroma). The resultof meat color is nndesired red, the texture have plaited pattern, tugged and not attractive,and m",,anwhile the aroma resulted is putrid taste.
Jurnal Peternakan Vol 4, No 1 (2007): Februari 2007
Publisher : State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/jupet.v4i1.263


This research aim to know companies patnership implementation toward broii~r chicken keeper; also to know the income differences at different company scales in Pekanbara city. This research was done during six month, from Juni to November 2003. Result of research of show that in Pekanbaru there are ~ partner pattel;'n which have been recognized in general, that is Ramah Tamah Indah (RTI), Makmur Jaya, Confred; and of Pokphand. Research methodology of this research was case study and u~ing propotiona,lsampli:ng techniqUe towanl 36 broiler chicken keepers as the sample. The sample were devided into three categories, sc~e1< 5.000 chic;ken, sca1ell (5.00010.000) chicken and scale 1lI > 10.000 chicken. The results show the patnership modeISthat could not be reciIized are letter of agreement, land ownership letter of chicken keepers, sapronak of the companies, companies technical assistance, devident calculating system and devident taking after harvest, minimal production 5.000 chicken, the continuity of sapronak delivery, sapronak prices, harvest schedule and the price of selling ..

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