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Wuri Handayani, Ph.D.
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Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business
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Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business (JIEB) is open access, peer-reviewed journal whose objectives is to publish original research papers related to the Indonesian economy and business issues. This journal is also dedicated to disseminating the published articles freely for international academicians, researchers, practitioners, regulators, and public societies. The journal welcomes author from any institutional backgrounds and accepts rigorous empirical or theoretical research paper with any methods or approach that is relevant to the Indonesian economy and business content, as long as the research fits one of three salient disciplines: economics, business, or accounting.
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Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 22, No 2 (2007): April
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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This research is focused on management in small-scale industries in BandarLampung seen from entrepreneurs’ leadership aspect consisting of technical,interpersonal, and conceptual skills. The success of management in the industries isinseparable from the leadership skills. Without these skills, it is anxious that graduallythe industries might develop slowly and be difficult to adapt to the change anddevelopment of their environment.This research is aimed at finding out leadership skills of the entrepreneurs insmall-scale industries reflected in the employees’ performance, satisfaction andcommitment to the industries. The analysis unit was at small-scale processing industriesin Bandar Lampung. The number of the samples was 63 units consisting of 26 foodindustries, 16 printing industries, and 21 furniture industries. The assessment ofleadership skills and their influence on employees’ performance, satisfaction andcommitment was performed by giving questionnaires to the 371 employees. Thestandards used in the questionnaires were semantic differential scale and analysis toolusing Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with software Lisrel 8.30.The research result shows that the leadership skills comprising technical,interpersonal and conceptual skills collectively influenced the employees’ performance,satisfaction and commitment to the industries. While, individually, this can be seen asfollows: 1) technical skill did not significantly influence their performance, satisfactionand commitment to the industries; 2) interpersonal skill significantly influenced theirperformance and satisfaction, except commitment; 3) conceptual skill significantlyinfluenced their performance and commitment, except satisfaction. Furthermore, it wasfound that the employees’ performance in small-scale industries in Bandar Lampungdid not significantly influence their commitment, but their satisfaction significantlyinfluenced their commitment to the industries. It also was found that the employees’satisfaction significantly influenced their performance.Keywords: Leadership skills: technical skill, interpersonal skill, conceptual skill, Employees’ performance, satisfaction, commitment, small-scaleindustries in Bandar Lampung.
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 22, No 2 (2007): April
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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This research tested Monday effect over day of the week. Especially, this researchinvestigated the existance or not of excessively negative intraday return on Monday which are notidentical in comparison with the same periods in others day. Having identified the existance ofMonday effect, this research continued to investigate the intraday returns on Monday trading andnontrading periods in comparison with intraday return in others day. This study used meancomparison F-test. This research resulted that nontrading weekend effect and psychological effectwere not fully supported, or the both effects were partially and incidentally only. Finally, thisresearch evidenced that Monday effect influenced by combination of nontrading weekend effectand psychological effect.Keywords: monday effect, intraday data, trading periods, nontrading periods, nontrading weekend effect, psychological effect
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 22, No 2 (2007): April
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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EOC (Employee Organizational Commitment) regarded as work attitude lately hasalways been a strategic issue and is believed to be something essential that must be won by anyorganization for it influences behaviors that lead an organization to functioning effectively.Hipothetically, the EOC is determined by QWL (Quality of Work Life). This research was aimedat finding out the most dominant determinants of EOC in state-owned banks in Jakarta. Thesewould then serve as solution variables to formulating strategy in winning the EOC. This appliedexplanatory research used the hypothetico-deductive method and path analysis. Two hundredand forty-nine respondents participated in this study. All of the hypotheses were empericallysupported and this meant the QWL subvariables have jointly influenced the EOC. Theinfluencing QWL subvariables serving as solution variables were financial compensation,advancement opportunities and job characteristics. The strategies and operations based on thesesolution variables had been formulated to winning the EOC.Keywords : EOC, QWL, financial compensation, job characteristics, advancement opportunities
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 22, No 2 (2007): April
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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Negara merupakan jaringan yang menghubungkan antara masyarakat (principal)dengan pihak- pihak yang mereka pilih sebagai wakil mereka (agent). Dengan posisi ini,pemerintah merupakan pihak yang dominan dalam menentukan dan menegakkanperaturan dalam negara tersebut (the rule of the game). Berdasarkan teori agensi,negara memiliki peran sebagai nexus dari kontrak yang terjalin di dalam sistempemerintahan. Karena informasi yang tersedia tidak simetris, maka seringkali terdapatpotensi bagi pemerintah untuk melakukan aktivitas oportunis. Berdasarkan konsepmengenai desentralisasi fiskal, kekuatan fiskal pemerintah daerah terletak padakemampuan mereka untuk mengelola pajak dan pengeluaran. Pajak sendiri merupakanaspek terpenting untuk mengevaluasi kekuatan fiskal suatu pemerintahan. Terkait denganberjalannya otonomi daerah, pemerintah daerah juga harus memikiki kemampuan untukmemperoleh pendapatan. Salah satu elemen penting dalam mengukur derajat otonomisuatu daerah adalah kemampuan suatu daerah untuk menarik pajak dari masyarakatnya.Namun demikian, hingga saat ini rata-rata penerimaan pajak di seluruh daerah diIndonesia masih relatif kecil. Oleh karena itu reformasi pajak perlu dilakukan untukmeningkatkan penerimaan pajak pemerintah sekaligus menghindari terjadinya ekspoitasiberlebih yang merugikan kepentingan principal.Kata kunci: The role of the state, tax reform, fiscal decentralization.
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 22, No 2 (2007): April
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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The research aims at examining market reaction to CEO turnover announcements.The samples of the research consist of 59 CEO turnover announcements during 1992-2003periods. The author use security returns variance to examine information content of CEOturnover announcement. Friedman and Singh (1989) argue that contextual factorsmoderating the market reaction to the CEO turnover announcements. Therefore the authorconsidering two factors: the succession process and the origin of incoming CEO. The authordivide sample based on the succession process: routine and non-routine, and the origin ofincoming CEO: inside and outside firm. In the analyses process we observe market reactionto: (1) all sample of CEO turnover announcement, (2) routine CEO turnover, (3) non-routineCEO turnover, (4) inside CEO turnover, (5) outside CEO turnover, (6) routine inside CEOturnover, (7) routine outside CEO turnover, (8) non-routine inside turnover, (9) non-routineoutside turnover. The results from security return variance test shows that there areindifference variance returns to all sample, routine turnover, nonroutine turnover, insideCEO, outside CEO. When the author combines the contextual factor, he find market alsodoes not reacts to: (1) non-routine process turnover and incoming CEO come from insideand (2) routine process turnover and incoming CEO comes from outside. But, there areinformation content from: (1) routine process turnover and incoming CEO comes from insideand (2) non-routine process turnover and incoming CEO comes from outside. These resultshows that market react to smooth process succession (routine inside CEO turnover) becauseit can reduce uncertainty and incoming CEO tend to follow previous CEO strategy. Ifsuccession process is non-routine market prefer to candidate from outside because he willbring a different strategy.Keywords: CEO turnover, inside and outside CEO, routine, nonroutine

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