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Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business
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Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 22, No 4 (2007): October
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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Dalam kacamata manajemen operasi, kapabilitas strategik mendukung danmembentuk strategi korporat, dan, pada gilirannya, akan membantu kesuksesanperusahaan dalam persaingan. Tujuan dari artikel berikut adalah untuk mengujihubungan antara kapabilitas pemanufakturan strategik pada perusahaan-perusahaanmanufaktur di Indonesia. Survei dilakukan menggunakan kuesioner berbasis internet danuji statistik, dalam hal ini Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), digunakan untukmemahami konsep ini.Analisis terhadap data yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa kapabilitas qualitymenjadi basis bagi kapabilitas delivery, yang juga menjadi basis bagi kapabilitasflexibility dan cost. Apakah kapabilitas tersebut dicapai secara eksklusif ataupun secarasimultan, terlihat adanya keterkaitan dengan implementasi sejumlah program peningkatantertentu. Pola umum dari akumulasi kapabilitas tersebut dapat digunakan untukmengestimasi perilaku potensial maupun cara kerja yang lebih inovatif.Keywords: manufacturing capabilities, strategic manufacturing, resource-based view
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 22, No 4 (2007): October
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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Indonesia mempunyai masalah keagenan yang unik. Konflik antara prinsipal denganprinsipal lebih mempengaruhi nilai perusahaan dibandingkan konflik antara prinsipaldengan manajer (agen). Kebijakan dividen memegang peranan penting dalam mengatasimasalah keagenan. Dividen dapat menjadi mekanisme pengikat (bonding) untuk mengikatkepentingan manajemen dengan kepentingan pemegang saham. Selain itu aliran kasbebas, dan aset sebagai kolateral (collateral assets) juga memegang peranan pentinguntuk mengurangi masalah keagenan antara pemegang saham dengan pemegang utang(debtholders). Aset kolateral merupakan mekanisme covenant utang untuk mengurangikonflik antara pemegang saham dengan pemegang utang (debtholders).Penelitian ini menguji hipotesis substitusi dalam teori keagenan antara dividen danstruktur kepemilikan (manajerial dan outsiders). Penelitian ini berargumen walaupunkebijakan dividen, dan struktur kepemilikan (manajerial dan outsiders) merupakanmekanisme untuk mengurangi konflik keagenan namun semua mekanisme yang ada selalusaling meniadakan, karena manajemen sangat memperhatikan biaya keagenan dariadanya pengendalian konflik keagenan. Sedangkan kaitan antara struktur kepemilikan,aliran kas bebas, dan aset kolateral juga mempunyai efek yang berbeda terhadap dividen.Penelitian ini menguji lima hipotesis yaitu hipotesis mengenai efek substitusi, asetkolateral, dan hipotesis pengaruh aliran kas bebas dalam menpengaruhi dividendibandingkan dengan struktur kepemilikan. Sampel adalah perusahaan non-keuanganyang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Jakarta (sekarang Bursa Efek Indonesia) selama perioda1995 sampai dengan 2004. Penelitian ini menggunakan model Logit dengan Andrew danHosmer-Lemeshow Goodness-of-Fit Tests, dan Wald test untuk menguji hipotesis. Hasilpenelitian mendukung hipotesis substitusi, dan aset kolateral sebagai debt covenant.Hipotesis mengenai aliran kas bebas tidak terdukung. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwamanajer tidak bersedia mengorbankan aliran kas bebas untuk pemegang saham, sehinggakebijakan dividen dalam mengendalikan konflik keagenan kurang efektif di Indonesia.Masalah keagenan melalui ekspropriasi aliran kas bebas oleh manajer tidak berdampakbesar pada nilai perusahaan dibandingkan dengan ekspropriasi aliran kas bebas olehpemegang saham mayoritas.Keywords: Ownership Structures, Free Cash Flow, Dividend Policy, Agency Theory
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 22, No 4 (2007): October
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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Using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as a theoretical framework, this studyinvestigates the effect of a set of individual differences (computer self-efficacy andknowledge of search domain) and system characteristics (relevance, terminology, andscreen design) on intention to use digital libraries. The aim of this study is to test thecorrelation between perceived ease-of-use variable and perceived usefulness variable,beliefs (perceived ease-of-use and perceived usefulness) against behavior intention to use.This study also to test the relationship between individual differences (computer selfefficacy and knowledge of search domain) and system characteristics, which consist ofrelevance terminology and screen design against belief variables. The study replicatesTechnology Acceptence Model (TAM) by Hong et al (2002) and implements in e-libraryarea. Based on a sample 100 users of a university’s Gadjah Mada digital library, theresults strongly support the utilization of TAM in predicting users’ intention to adoptdigital libraries, and demonstrate the effects of critical external variables on behaviorintention through perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. All of the individualdifferences and system characteristics have significant effects on perceived ease of usedigital libraries. In addition, relevance has strongest effect on perceived usefulness ofdigital libraries.Keywords: Individual differences, system characteristics, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) perceived ease-of-use, perceived usefulness, e-library.
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 22, No 4 (2007): October
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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This research investigates stock returns to be consistently positively skewed. Thefrequency of positive skewness is found to be relatively stable over varying time periods.Controversially, in regards to others empirical research, past positively-skewed returns donot predict future positively-skewed returns. This research used daily and weekly data inJSX (Jakarta Stock Exchange). Samples of the data are the firms ever listed in LQ 45indexes for the year of 2001-2006.The positively-skewed returns of individual stocks are relatively rare (small proportion).Furthermore, the positively-skewed returns are likely occured incidentally only.Sequentially, this research conducted to control using 100 portfolios that composed withfive stocks and 20 stocks in each portfolio. Having controlled, this research concludedequivalent results with individual stock before. This research also suggests that pastpositively-skewed returns do not predict future positively-skewed returns. Finally, theskewness of individual stocks and portfolios does not persist across different periods. Thisresearch inffered that investors in JSX face uncertainty.Keywords: skewness persistence, consistently, mean (first-moment), variance (secondmoment), skewness (third-moment), random portfolios, distribution of stock returns, multiperiod case.
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 22, No 4 (2007): October
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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This paper evalutes the determination of competitive products implemented by localgovernment. We use the five aspects of business feasibility and the Revealed ComparativeAdvantages (RCA) analysis. The five aspects include marketing, financial, technique andproduction, management and legal, and social and environmental aspects. The RCAmesures comparative advantages of a product in a region in compare to its competitorwithin the same province. The paper found the competitive product selection implementedby the local government are not always inline with the five aspects of business feasibilityand the RCA. The use of the 5 aspects can help the banking sector to finance thecompetitive products and the use of the RCA can increase the possibility of the sector tohelp solving the local economic problems.Keywords: Komoditi Unggulan, RCA, MFEP, Location Quotion, Jawa Tengah

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