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Wuri Handayani, Ph.D.
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Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business
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Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business (JIEB) is open access, peer-reviewed journal whose objectives is to publish original research papers related to the Indonesian economy and business issues. This journal is also dedicated to disseminating the published articles freely for international academicians, researchers, practitioners, regulators, and public societies. The journal welcomes author from any institutional backgrounds and accepts rigorous empirical or theoretical research paper with any methods or approach that is relevant to the Indonesian economy and business content, as long as the research fits one of three salient disciplines: economics, business, or accounting.
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Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 21, No 4 (2006): October
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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This study examined the model development causal that can predict the greenconsumer behavior on organic food as green product. This study tested the influenceof values orientation on environmental consciousness. This study also explained theeffect of ecological knowledge, ecological affect, premium price and environmentconsciousness on green purchase intention. The role of domicile area as moderatingvariables on the causal model development. The analysis of 723 respondents all ofthose are people who influence and purchase their daily food. The result, based onpath analysis using multi group structural equation modeling, indicated that themodel tested had an acceptable fit. The idea implied in this research will be muchhelp in resolving problem and decision making, connected to reinforce the greenJurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Indonesia, Vol 21 No.4 Tahun 2006purchasing.Keywords: green consumer behavior, organic food, domicile area
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business (JIEB) Vol 21, No 4 (2006): October
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (491.865 KB)


This research is intended to analyze the influence of the change of interest rate spread to macroeconomic performance in Indonesia. The interest rate spread includes of Fed rate, Germany rate, and China rate. The realization of banking restructuring, which emphasized on program of credit restructuring as result from presence of currency crisis and banking crisis, is held with considered on condition of Indonesian’s macroeconomic. Finally, this research will effected on activity of real sector. In this research, macroeconomic condition is indicated by real Gross Domestic Product (GDP), real credit behavior, real exchange rate, and also real sector condition itself. The activity of real sector is showed by behavior of manufacturing sector and construction sector. The data employed in the study are secondary time series data from quarterly data for period of 1993:I-2005:II. They constitute observation consisting of 50 series of data of picked from several publication. The method of analysis used in the study are structural vector autoregression model with emphasized on impulse response analysis. The result of structural vector autoregression model, which be showed by impulse response analysis, suggests that Gross Domestic Product (GDP), credit behavior, and real sector give negatively response to positive shocks or Gross Domestic Product (GDP), credit behavior, and real sector decreased. This estimation result offer strong empirical evidence for effectiveness and relevance of a credit channel in Indonesia. Positive shocks are shocks to increases in interest rate spread. In this research, interest rate spread are spread between domestic lending rate and US interest rate, domestic lending rate and German interest rate, and domestic lending rate and China interest rate. Futhermore, the estimation result also show that shocks of an increase in interest rate spread caused real appreciation.
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business (JIEB) Vol 21, No 4 (2006): October
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada

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This research examines factors that explain the variation of value-relevance of accounting information for stock market in Indonesia. A hypothesis namely alternative information hypothesis was proposed in the study. In the alternative information hypothesis, researcher argues that value-relevance of accounting information is getting decreasing from time to time because of the response change of the users on accounting information, as the result of alternative information that is available and used in the company valuation nowadays. To examine the alternative information hypothesis, examining the value-relevance variation of accounting information between the time and between the factors of company characteristic is done. Industry factors, negative earnings, one-time items are examined, to find out whether those factors are able to explain the variation of the value-relevance of accounting information. The period of study samples are from 1990 to 2001. The analysis uses five models of company valuation and two kinds of value-relevance measures, those are R2 and abnormal pricing errors. The results of this study proved that there is decreasing of value-relevance of accounting information from time to time. Industry variable and transitory earnings variables (negative earnings characteristic and one-time items proportion) can not explain the variation of value-relevance of accounting information. Overall, this research can draw conclusion that for stock market in Indonesia, there has been decreasing of value-relevance of accounting information from time to time. It can not be attributed to the industry variable, negative earnings characteristic, or one-time items proportion. So that, the decreasing is explained by the lower value-relevance of accounting information from time to time, which reflects the users response on accounting information. This study results support the alternative information hypothesis.
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business (JIEB) Vol 21, No 4 (2006): October
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada

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Paper ini membahas sejarah ekonomi Indonesia yang dapat dibagi menjadi beberapa periode yaitu pre-kolonialisasi, intrusi Eropa, pendudukan Jepang dan masa kemerdekaan. Negara Eropa yang paling mewarnai sejarah Indonesia adalah Belanda. Paper ini menganalisis evolusi pendekatan ekonomi dan politis yang dilakukan Belanda pada masa kolonialisasi di Indonesia kaitannya dengan sejarah pemikiran ekonomi di Belanda. Paper ini memiliki beberapa kesimpulan. Pertama, hubungan internasional Indonesia telah dilakukan jauh sebelum intrusi Eropa yang ditandai dengan perdagangan internasional. Kerajaan-kerajaan Hindu, Budha dan Islam memainkan peranan penting dalam perdagangan internasional pada masa sebelum intrusi Eropa. Kedua, era intrusi Eropa khususnya Belanda dan masa kemerdekaan mewarnai sejarah perekonomian Indonesia. Perspektif sejarah menunjukkan fakta bahwa terdapat hubungan kuat antara politik dan kinerja perekonomian Indonesia. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan oleh pertumbuhan GDP, volume perdagangan, harga ekspor dan pengeluaran pemerintah pada masa sistem Tanam Paksa, Liberal, Politik Etis, Orde Lama dan Orde Baru. Ketiga, terdapat hubungan erat antara perkembangan sejarah pemikiran ekonomi di Belanda dan kebijakan-kebijakan masa kolonialisasi. Dalam kasus Indonesia, hal tersebut direfleksikan dengan pembentukan Dutch East India Company- Vereenigde Oost-Indische Companie, VOC- oleh Belanda (Indices Company oleh British Mercantilism), Sistem Tanam Paksa, Politik Etis dan Liberal. Keempat dari perpektif sejarah ekonomi, Indonesia beberapa kali kehilangan kesempatan (missed opportunity) untuk memiliki kinerja ekonomi yang baik dikarenakan kondisi institusi dan politik.
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business (JIEB) Vol 21, No 4 (2006): October
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (10.248 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jieb.6513


This study examined the model development causal that can predict the greenconsumer behavior on organic food as green product. This study tested the influenceof values orientation on environmental consciousness. This study also explained theeffect of ecological knowledge, ecological affect, premium price and environmentconsciousness on green purchase intention. The role of domicile area as moderatingvariables on the causal model development. The analysis of 723 respondents all ofthose are people who influence and purchase their daily food. The result, based onpath analysis using multi group structural equation modeling, indicated that themodel tested had an acceptable fit. The idea implied in this research will be muchhelp in resolving problem and decision making, connected to reinforce the greenJurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Indonesia, Vol 21 No.4 Tahun 2006purchasing.Keywords: green consumer behavior, organic food, domicile area
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business (JIEB) Vol 21, No 4 (2006): October
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (558.607 KB)


This research is aimed to identify regional disparity of per capita GRDP at 1993 constant price of 30 provinces in Indonesia over the period 1993-2003. It attempts to address one fundamental question: to what extent is the economic performance of these provinces converging or diverging? It used secondary and establishment data BPS (Indonesia’s Bureau Statistic). The methods of analysis are Williamson Index, OLS (Ordinary Least Square) regression using panel data, and convergence analysis. The research showed that the regional disparity using Williamson Index tend to decrease towards the equalization. OLS regression analysis showed that key factors that affect significantly increasing speed of convergence the growth of per capita GRDP are initial income, human capital characteristic, dummy resources, and dummy crisis. Convergence analysis indicated that Indonesia should growth at least 4.5 percent per year for its convergence growth. This result is consistent with Williamson index which shows that the dispersion of per capita GRDP reduced over time. This research has a same conclusion with Lall & Yilmaz (2000), about catching-up hypothesis, in which “poor” provinces, as measured by low per capita GRDP, displayed faster growth rates in per capita GRDP than “rich” provinces with higher per capita GRDP.
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business (JIEB) Vol 21, No 4 (2006): October
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (362.992 KB)


This paper is mainly aimed to measure labor supply shocks and their effects to national economy through “theory-guided view” mechanism by using such indicators as unemployment rate, real Gross Domestic Product, and real wages. By implementing structural VAR methodological framework, it makes possible to trace and to identify how an economy works through imposing restrictions in order to conform to theory. Our results suggest that long-term unemployment affected the process of policy making of both monetary and real sector in achieving objectives set in national development planning.

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