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ARBITRER Jurnal Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia, merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang menyajikan artikel orisinil tentang pengetahuan dan informasi penelitian atau aplikasi penelitian dan pengembangan terkini dalam bidang ilmu bahasa (linguistik). Jurnal ini merupakan sarana publikasi dan ajang berbagi informasi keilmuan terkait dan pengembangannya di bidang humaniora khususnya linguistic, yang diterbitkan oleh program studi Linguistik Unand. Pemuatan artikel di jurnal ini dialamatkan ke alamat editor. Informasi lengkap untuk pemuatan artikel dan petunjuk penulisan artikel tersedia di dalam setiap terbitan. Artikel yang diterbitkan telah melalui proses seleksi oleh editior dan reviewer. Jurnal ini terbit secara berkala sebanyak dua kali dalam setahun (April dan Oktober). Artikel yang lolos seleksi akan dipungut biaya guna keberlanjutan jurnal, sedangkan pengiriman naskah tidak dipungut biaya. Diharapkan ARBITRER Jurnal Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia cabang Universitas Andalas dengan tampilan baru ini akan terbit berkelanjutan dan terakreditasi.
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Articles 173 Documents
JURNAL ARBITRER Vol 2, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/ar.2.1.44-53.2015


System of traditional medicine to this day is still alive, although the practices of modern medicine is growing rapidly with the emergence of centers of government and private health services. The phenomenon Back to Nature (back to nature) are increasingly intensified by the developed countries have a positive impact on the flourishing of the traditional medical systems. The method used to analyze the data are unified method. Unified method used is equivalent translational methods and methods of unified referential. In this study lexicon Minangkabau traditional medicine can be classified into three groups: the types of diseases, types of herbs and treatment process. Keywords: traditional medicine, Minangkabau, lexicon
JURNAL ARBITRER Vol 2, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/ar.2.1.54-72.2015


This article aims to describe the constraints of teaching Indonesian in South Korea in a qualitative and descriptive manner. They include the learning process in terms of linguistic and non-linguistic aspects. The data obtained through observation and written materials throughout the process of teaching in the Department of Interpretation and Translation of Malay-Indonesian, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Yongin, Korea and Indonesian Language Course for Regional Expert of Samsung at the same campus. The analysis results suggest that non-linguistic constraints consist of issues of cultural differences between Indonesia and Korea, strong influence of the environment that cause interference, and the negative impact of the use of the internet, especially when learners use google translation. Meanwhile, linguistic constraints include some aspects of language in the form of linguistic deviation such as language error. Frequent errors in the teaching process encompass error word choice, error sentence composition, error of affixes, and the error use of preposition.Keywords: Indonesian, error, Korean students, Samsung employees, teaching
JURNAL ARBITRER Vol 2, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/ar.2.1.73-80.2015


Revolution of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has changed the various areas of human life, including the revolution in education. Revolution of education occurs since people migrate their way of learning from conventional to digital learning, face-to-face at a certain time and place into a meeting from anywhere and anytime. In the past we used paper, now we already headed to paperless era. Several years ago, teachers and lecturers is the source of knowledge, it is the source of knowledge can be through a variety of media, such as CD-ROMs and the Internet. The way we learn is change to distant learning with free study hour. Then, it results the term e-learning, knowledge server and knowledge based society. This article discusses how to prepare simple e-learning material (web and cd-based) about Bahasa Indonesian. The program that employs to elaborate and modify the material is Hot Potatoes which is published by the University of Victoria and the Half-Baked Software. The material of Bahasa Indonesian use in this program is a set of questions on National Examination for Selection Admissions (SPMB). These questions will create an interactive multimedia material, especially web-based and CD-based material. Modules that are discussed in this article including input of data (questions, answers, etc.), output configuration (modification of the display and apperance), as well as techniques to publish on the website. In addition, it will also discuss how to keep the material in the web and cd. The final result (output) or material output from this program is the material that can be used as in learning Bahasa Indonesian, especially for self training and test. The Output will be in the form of website and CDs. Keywords: e-learning, Hot Potatoes, web and cd.
JURNAL ARBITRER Vol 2, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/ar.2.1.1-12.2015


It has been known that the right hemisphere is contributed to language processing, especially in macro level, including macrostructure or discourse processing. This research is aimed at evaluating the students’ ability in language processing concerning macrostructure and the right hemispher brain function. This research is based on Dharmaperwira-prins method “Right Hemisphere Communication Assessment” (Pemeriksaan Komunikasi Hemisfer Kanan/PKHK). Research on students’ ability in macrostructure processing is important to conduct since students nowadays are regarded lack of ability in well being communication. The research is conducted toward 38 students of English Department of Andalas University. The data are taken by paper test which is designed to evaluate the students’ ability in macrostructure. The result of research shows that most students have problems in providing important information, adjective, and feeling. By this result, it can be assumed that the participants have problem in right hemisphere competence concerning to language processing. These problems evoke not by accident or lesion in right hemisphere, yet it is caused by brain development which is focused on left hemisphere only.Keyword: Right Hemisphere, Language Assessment, Lexical Semantic, Macrostructure, Pragmatic
JURNAL ARBITRER Vol 2, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/ar.2.1.81-97.2015


This thesis is focused on the analysis threat language in Kaba Sabai Nan Aluih text. The aims of this thesis are to explain the form, meaning and motive of threaten language by employing several theory, including Searle (1969) and Wijana (1996), Aminuddin (2008) to figure out the meaning, while the motive form used the theory stated by Maslow (1943). The research is conducted by using observational method along with the techniques. In analyzing the data use distributional and identity method. Identity method that employs including reference and pragmatic identity method while in distributional method employs marker identification techniques. The result of analysis is presented in informal method. These method and techniques are identical with proposed by Sudaryanto (1993) and Mastoyo (2007). The result of the analysis shows that there are four types of language threat form; (1) direct speech act, (2) indirect speech act, (3) literal speech act, and (4) non literal speech act. The meaning of threaten language in KSNA are (1) think in every act, because if it is not doing so would cause harm to themselves; (2) pride and arrogance will lead to the destruction of those who have the attitude; (3) every person should have a sense of caring so that the people closest to us are not wrong in its attitude and decisions; (4) a form of error should be fixed even if the truth is painful; (5) is a self-esteem is everything, (6) to save themselves with a threats speech can be used if someone was in danger of being defeated; (7) not all forms of threat is a detrimental thing; (8) awaken the nearest fault has been done is a form of responsibility; (9) threatening to a motivation not an adverse thing; (10) awaken people closest guilt is a form of right action; (11) fixed price for an appropriate fee for the self-esteem that has been tarnished, and (12) very uncontrolled emotion can cause harm.The motive of threat language in KSNA are (1) dissatisfaction, (2) test of the intelligence, (3) pain, (4) displeasure of the attitude of a person, (5) self-esteem, (6) revenge, (7) self defended mechanism by using threat, (8) motivation, (9) mocking in order to direct people to do something, (10) sarcasme to boost spirit, (11) revenged, (12) motif of self defended, (13) grief.  Keywords: KSNA , threats form, threats meaning, threats motive
WATAK KATO DALAM BAHASA MINANGKABAU: Sebagai Cerminan Perilaku Berbahasa Masyarkat Minangbakabau Leni Syafyahya; Efriyades Efriyades; Delfia Elly
JURNAL ARBITRER Vol 2, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/ar.2.1.13-27.2015


The inappropriate use of nick name in dialy life may lead to misunderstanding in the interaction. It is because nickname has kato character or'word of manners' in its particular use. The paper will explain the forms nickname, Kato character contained in the nickname, lexical variation and variation of use of nickname. The paper is derived from the results of our research. Technically, the data are collected by using observational method and conversational method. Proficient method can be aligned with the interview method. The analysis of the data are conducted by using editing (examining the completeness and reliability of the data) and coding (classification data). Then the process is continued by interpreting the validity of the data that has been coded along with the appropriate theories. Moreover, the data analysis is conducted by using identity method and distributional method. Based on data analysis it can be foun found the form of nickname, Kato character contained in the nickname, lexical variation and variation of use. Nickname in Minangkabau language may take either complete form or incomplete form. From both complete and incomplete forms, kato characters can be categorized into 4 types, ie.'Kato mancari kawan' (friendship nickname), 'Kato mancari lawan (insulting nickname)' Kato indak bakawan' (unfriendly nickname), and 'Kato indak Balawan' non-opponent nickname. Moreover, the nickname in Minangkabau language has lexical variation and variation of use. Lexical variation occurs because of differences in the area of ​​use, while the variation of use occurs because of certain intention. Lexical variation can also occur in the in one particular area or in same area as well as the variation of its use.   Keywords: Character Kato, nickname, and Minangkabau language
JURNAL ARBITRER Vol 2, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/ar.2.2.170-183.2015


Kepatuhan pada prinsip-prinsip kerja sama Grice dalam berkomunikasi akan menyebabkan komunikasi berjalan efisien. Iklan merupakan salah satu bentuk mengkomunikasikan produk atau jasa. Bahasa Iklan dapat menciptakan efek persuasi yang kuat dengan melakukan pelanggaran terhadap maksim-maksim pada prinsip-prinsip kerja sama Grice. Pada makalah ini dipaparkan prinsip-prinsip kerja sama pada iklan Toyota versi Doraemon-Nobita BBQ dan tujuan pembuat iklan melakukan pelanggaran maksim-maksim tersebut.
Interferences of Minangkabau-Indonesian EFL Students’ Dialogues: A Result of Double Language Transfer Shally Amna
JURNAL ARBITRER Vol 5, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/ar.5.1.37-41.2018


Learning English as a foreign language is a long journey of language transfer for students in West Sumatera, Indonesia. When the students learn to produce a sentence in English, they often use double language transfers, that is, from Minangkabau language as their native language to Indonesian language as their national language and from Indonesian language to English Language. Furthermore, the effect of literal translation which is used as mainly method in the process of learning languages at schools worsen the students’ errors and mistakes in learning English language. This research seeks to investigate the interferences in English Conversation scripts made by students of UPI YPTK Padang who were assigned to create a conversation in groups to certain topics. The results of the lexical and syntactical interferences found in the scripts indicated that the students are struggling with noun-verb confusion, subject matters, word choices, tenses, and non-existence forms of auxiliaries in L1. The findings provide insight into English learning and teaching techniques and present suggestions for lectures and materials developers.
JURNAL ARBITRER Vol 3, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/ar.3.2.88-94.2016


Perguruan Tinggi Politeknik Negeri Padang merupakan salah satu wadah yang memberikan pengajaran bahasa asing. Dalam hal ini, bahasa Jepang, yang berperan dalam mengembangkan potensi SDM untuk membina mahasiswa yang mampu berkomunikasi dengan bahasa asing yang bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan, serta mempromosikan objek wisata dan kebudayaan Sumatera Barat khususnya dan Indonesia pada umumnya kepada wisatawan. Pembinaan bahasa asing kepada mahasiswa dilakukan dengan cara yang mudah dicerna oleh siswa maupun mahasiswa. Oleh sebab itu, dengan adanya program SCL yang berbasis multimedia (IT) sangat diharapkan dapat memudahkan, memotivasi, serta menumbuhkan minat mahasiswa, sehingga mendapatkan hasil yang optimal. Politeknik sebagai lembaga pendidikan vokasional merupakan wadah yang tepat untuk mengimplementasikan program SCL yang berbasis multimedia karena sistem pengajaran yang dirancang melalui SCL memberikan metode pengajaran praktik 80% dan teori 20%. Metode ini akan lebih menarik apabila diimprovisasikan dengan program IT berbasis multimedia tersebut.
JURNAL ARBITRER Vol 3, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/ar.3.1.36-45.2016


Penelitian ini membahas terjadinya bahasa kiasan dalam karya Victor Hugo yang berjudul Les Miserable melalui pendekatan semantik. Tujuan skripsi ini adalah (1) untuk memahami bahasa kiasan perbandingan dan pertentangan yang di temukan dalam novel “Les Miserables” karya Victor Hugo,(2) untuk memahami bahasa kiasan hubungan yang di temukan dalam novel “Les Miserables” karya Victor Hugo, (3) untuk memahami bahasa kiasan perulangan yang di temukan dalam novel “Les Miserables” karya Victor Hugo. Peneliti didukung oleh teori Leech (1981) dalam semantik terutama untuk makna konotasi dan Dancygier dan Sweetser (2014), Keraf (1994) dan Cruse (2006) untuk bahasa kiasan. Metode kualitatif digunakan dalam penelitian ini dan penelitian pustaka sebagai teknik yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data. Peneliti mengambil 55 sampel dari bahasa kiasan dari novel. Bahasa kiasan perbandingan dan pertentangan yaitu 3 personifikasi, 6 metafora, 6 simile, 6 hiperbola, 2 litotes, and 5 paradox. Bahasa kiasan hubungan yaitu 1 metonimi, 6 sinekdot, 4 alusi, dan 1elipsis. Bahasa kiasan perulangan yaitu 2 pleonasme, 2 klimaks, 1 anti-klimaks, 6 retorika, dan 4 repetisi.Temuan dari penelitian ini adalah dari 55 sampel dari bahasa kiasan yang ditemukan dalam novel, peneliti menemukan yang paling banyak 28 bahasa kiasan yang terjadi pada majas perbandingan dan pertentangan, diikuti denagn 15 bahasa kiasan yang terjadi pada majas perulangan, dan yang paling sedikit 12 bahasa kiasan yang terjadi pada majas hubungan dari setiap kategori.

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