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Search results for , issue "Vol 4, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Wasian" : 6 Documents clear
Carbon Stock Dinamics of Gmelina (Gmellina arborea Roxb.) based Agroforestry in Private Forest, Tasikmalaya and Banjar District, West Java Mohamad Siarudin; Yonky Indrajaya
Jurnal Wasian Vol 4, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Wasian
Publisher : Balai Penerapan Standar Instrumen Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (BPPLHK)Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jwas.v4i1.2743


This research aims at measuring carbon (C) stock of gmelina (Gmelina arborea Roxb.) agroforestry system and its carbon diynamics due to several harvesting rotations. Observation was conducted during March – October 2014, on 17 plots in private forest, located in Tasikmalaya and Banjar District, West Java Province. The C-stock measurement followed Rapid Carbon Stock Appraisal Method (RaCSA) with some additional analysis. The dynamic of C-stock was measured based on biological rotation, technical rotation-1 (harvesting at tree diameter of 15 cm) and technical rotation-2 (harvesting at tree diameter of 20 cm). The result of the study shows that average of C-stock in gmelina agroforest stand is 170 ton/ha, consisted of 64 ton/ha above ground C and 106 ton/ha below ground C. Biological rotation (8 years) results in maximum C-stock of 15 ton/ha  at harvesting time, while the time averaged-C stock is 7 ton/ha/year.Technical rotation-1(14 years) and technical rotation-2 (24 years) result in maximum C-stock of 23 ton/ha and 28 ton/ha respectively, while the time averaged-C-stock are 12 ton/ha/year and 18 ton/ha/year respectively.Keywords: agroforestry system, biological rotation, gmelina, technical rotation
The Potential of Vegetation Species Diversity for Ecotorourism Development at Nature Reserve of Panjalu Lake Encep Rachman; Aditya Hani
Jurnal Wasian Vol 4, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Wasian
Publisher : Balai Penerapan Standar Instrumen Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (BPPLHK)Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jwas.v4i1.1985


The Nature Reserve of Panjalu Lake is one of the oldest conservation area in Indonesia. As a conservation area, Panjalu Lake has different species of flora that are useful as germplasm conservation, science and education. This study aims to know the potential of vegetation species diversity for ecotourism development at Nature Reserve of Panjalu Lake. The inventory method used is line plot sampling with intensity 15 % in two paths of 500 m (adjusted according length of the area) and 20 m width. Spacing between lines is 200 m and spacing between observation plot is 100 m. Within each path, 50 m x 20 m observation plots were established. The results showed that there are three species of seedlings with highest IVI, namely: Dysoxylum densiflorum Miq. (47.64 %), Calamus zollingerii (47.64 %), and Sterculia macrophylla Vent. (44.37 %). The four species at sapling stage with highest IVI are: Litsea cassiaefolia (114.29 %); Dysoxylum densiflorum Miq (57.14 %); Litsea sp. and Endiandra rubescens Miq (14.29 %). Three species at pole stage with highest IVI, namely: Dysoxylum densiflorum Miq. (143.04%); Litsea cassiaefolia (99.78 %) and Artocarpus elasticus Reinw 9.53 %). Three species at tree stage with highest IVI, namely: Dysoxylum densiflorum Miq (147.924 %), Litsea cassiaefolia (68.753 %), and Eugenia fastigiata Miq ( 31.410 %). Keywords: conservation area, Nature reserve of Panjalu Lake, vegetation structure, Important Value Index
The Effect of Weaning Tecnique to Survival Rate and Height Growth of Nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum) Plant Ady Suryawan; Arif Irawan
Jurnal Wasian Vol 4, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Wasian
Publisher : Balai Penerapan Standar Instrumen Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (BPPLHK)Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jwas.v4i1.1493


Technical rehabilitation planning of BPDAS Tondano on coastal area has reached 10,000 hectares, thus require many seedlings. Nyamplung has potential as rehabilitation plant in coastal at the same time it can support national demand of biofuel. However the nurseries of nyamplung in North Sulawesi are not optimal and need appropriate information of weaning method. This research used completely randomized design with three treatment factors, namely 1) Cutting the leaves consist of two levels ie D1 (pair leaves) and D2 (intact leaf); 2) Cutting intact seeds, consists of two levels i.e B1 (removed seed) and B2 (intact seeds); and 3) Cutting the roots lenght consist of three levels i.e A1 (5 cm), A2 (10 cm) and A3 (15 cm). There were 180 seedlings taken from seed that germinated using cocopeat media. Results of variance analysis showed that the applied treatment only affect the heigth growth. The survival rate is not affected by all treatments or in the other words survival rate reached 100 %. The treatments on leaves and seeds gave significant effect, on the contrary with root treatment. The treatment of intact leaf (D2) and intact seeds (B2) produced the best height growth responses i.e 4.60 cm and 4.63 cm. Keywords: Calophyllum inophyllum, survival rate, weaning technique, height
Shade Effect on Growth and Quality of Cempaka Wasian Seedling (Magnolia tsiampaca (Miq.) Dandy) in Nursery Arif Irawan; Hanif Nurul Hidayah
Jurnal Wasian Vol 4, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Wasian
Publisher : Balai Penerapan Standar Instrumen Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (BPPLHK)Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jwas.v4i1.889


Cempaka  wasian (Magnolia tsiampaca (Miq) Dandy )) is one tree species with high economic value. Cempaka wasian development in the form of community forests in the province of North Sulawesi needs to be supported by the availability of quality seeds. Generally, plant has different effect towards light it received. This study aimed to determine the effect of shade intensity on the growth of seedlings in the nursery. The experimental design used in this research is completely randomized design. The treatments were tested among other shade with a density of 25 % (± 37,350 lux light intensity), the shade with a density of 50 % (± 19,100 lux light intensity) and shade with a density of 75 % (± 8,018 lux light intensity). The results showed that treatment with 50% shade density (± 19,100 lux light intensity) gives the best effect on the growth and quality of seedlings in the nursery.Keywords : cempaka wasian , shade , seeds
Vegetation Characteristics of the Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus morio) Habitat in the Riparian Forest of Menamang, East Kalimantan Tri Sayektiningsih; Amir Ma'ruf
Jurnal Wasian Vol 4, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Wasian
Publisher : Balai Penerapan Standar Instrumen Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (BPPLHK)Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jwas.v4i1.2617


This study aimed to obtain information on vegetation characteristics of the orangutan’s habitat, including diversity, composition and structure, in the riparian forest of Menamang. Data was collected using a line-plot sampling method. The diversity index of trees and saplings was higher than seedlings. It was found that Lagestroemia speciosa showed the highest value of IVI at tree stage, accounted for 24.71 %. Fordia splendidissima then was dominant species at sapling stage with IVI of 29.94 %. Furthermore, Pterospermum diversifolium grew in abundance at seedling stage with IVI of 26.87 %. Overall, vegetation in the research location was consisted by relatively young trees characterized by the abundance of trees with diameter of ≥ 10 - 20 cm and height of < 15 m.Keywords: riparian forest, East Kalimantan, Pongo pygmaeus morio, composition and structure of vegetation
Species Composition and Structure of Secondary Forest at Nunuka, North Bolaang Mongondow Nurlita Indah Wahyuni; Yermias Kafiar
Jurnal Wasian Vol 4, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Wasian
Publisher : Balai Penerapan Standar Instrumen Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (BPPLHK)Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jwas.v4i1.2371


Secondary forest of Indonesia covered about 24.2 % of total land area and dominated by post logging forest. The discourse to manage all forest area into Forest Management Unit (FMU) as the smallest management unit has been established, including post logging secondary forest. Therefore, understanding the diversity of secondary forest vegetation will help to decide its future management. This research aims to analyze composition, diversity and structure of post logging secondary forest at Nunuka, North Bolaang Mongondow of North Sulawesi. In order to accomplish the proposed objectives 30 plots of 20 m x 20 m were established in research area where number and name of tree species were identified and counted. The research was conducted on November 2014. The result recorded 84 tree species in research area. Anthocephalus macrophyllus dominated tree phase, whereas Eugenia sp. dominated both of poles and sapling. Shannon-Wiener index indicated low and medium diversity, whereas species abundance of tree, ploes and sapling were almost spread evenly. Vegetation density over all vegetation phases was 485.83 tree/ha, the average basal area of the forest was 35.15 m2/ha and the size class distribution did not resembled a reserved J-shaped pattern as found in primary forest. However J-shaped pattern showed in graphs of ten dominant species in both of tree and sapling level. Keywords: species composition, structure, secondary forest, North Bolaang Mongondow

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