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Jurnal Eksos LPPM adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh LPPM UPNVY, Terbit 2 kali setahun. jurnal ini untuk mempublikasikan hasil-hasil penelitian dalam bidang ilmu-ilmu ekonomi dan ilmu-ilmu sosial.
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Articles 27 Documents
PENERAPAN IFRS 6 DALAM PSAK 64 PADA PERUSAHAAN TAMBANG Noto Pamungkas; Rusherlistyani Rusherlistyani
Eksos LPPM Vol 1, No 01 (2015)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat UPN Veteran Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/eksos.v1i01.1513


Explorasi bertujuan untuk menemukan serta mendapatkan sejumlah maksimum dari cebakanmineral yang bersifat ekonomis baru dengan biaya seminimal mungkin dalam waktuseminimal mungkin. Karakteristik pendanaan produksi bidang pertambangan dan migas diIndonesia perlu adanya standarisasi yang bersifat global dikarenakan adanya kuantitas dankualitas yang berbeda pada masing-masing industri. Explorasi pertambangan memungkinkankesuksesan atas keberhasilan penemuan cadangan sebesar 80 % sedangkan explorasi dalambidang migas rasio kesuksesan keberhasilan sangat kecil sehingga perlu diadakan aturanpendanaan yang mendetail pada masing-masing industri tersebut.Paper ini menitik beratkan pada masalah perlunya adanya kajian ulang untuk mengetahuiapakah penerapan PSAK 64 yang diadopsi dari IFRS 6 Exploration for and Evaluation ofMineral Resources telah sesuai dengan karakteristik eksplorasi pada masing-masing industridi Indonesia. Oleh karena itu diperlukan klasifikasi biaya produksi pada bidangpertambangan dan migas.Keyword : Explorasi. Migas, Pertambangan, IFRS 6, PSAK 64
Eksos LPPM Vol 1, No 01 (2015)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat UPN Veteran Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/eksos.v1i01.1509


This paper discusses about flood that usually happens in some regions in Indonesia especiallyin the rain season. Flood is one of scary phenomenon for people who are not well-prepared toface it. It is believed as natural disaster because it comes from the overflow of river.However, it also happens because of human activities who unconsciously often throw rubbishinto the river, that makes the water cannot well-flown, stagnant, and the water will overflow.Another cause is illegal logging in the forest, that decrease the absorption area of rain waterand causes flood.The flood that will be discussed in this writing is flood that happens in Bojonegoro. Thepeople there are well-prepared to face it, especially at about these last 6 years. And the onewho responsible for it is Suyoto as the district leader (Bupati) of Bojonegoro. Suyoto isclaimed to be successful man to lead and prepare Bojonegoro people to face flood. He hascertain treatments to make flood not as a scary phenomenon for them. Flood is one of thegifts of God for Bojonegoro people that can help their life.The conclusion of this paper is that the good maintenance of flood in Bojonegoro maybecome the role model for other regions. The stakeholders of government and the citizens areunited as one team, together in facing flood.Keywords: Flood, good maintenance of flood
Eksos LPPM Vol 1, No 01 (2015)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat UPN Veteran Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/eksos.v1i01.1514


This writing discusses the Statement of Financial Accounting Standard (Pemyataan StandarAkuntansi Keuangan/PSAK) 60. This study is limited into the measure of time from 2010until today, focuses on standard governing the presentation and disclosure of financialinstruments. This standard is very influential on the Indonesian banking disclose detailsof financial assets and the impairment of assets in the financial statements.So, this study aimed to describe the level of compliance of banks in Indonesia to implementSFAS.This writing uses the method of data collecting from any sourcesKeywords .• Banking, Financial asset, Impairment, PSAK 50 and 60
Eksos LPPM Vol 1, No 01 (2015)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat UPN Veteran Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/eksos.v1i01.1510


Work excellency suppose to be prepaired before it come through. It needs management, andself-improvement. For improving work place relations. For improving relations at home.Environment turbulency forces organization management to prepaire suitable strategy to facethe turbulency. Transformational leadership style is the way to prepaire organization to facethe turbulency, because it is capable of improving member participation, in order to improveorganization innovation, so that organization performance grows up.This research support that telecomunication industry which has organization climate toimprove member participation capable of improving organization member performance inorder to face the turbulence. The reseach finding discussed.Keyword: leadership, improving, environment turbulency
Eksos LPPM Vol 1, No 01 (2015)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat UPN Veteran Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/eksos.v1i01.1515


Natural resources as an economical stackeholder and energy in the world become marketcrisis caused of demanding factor is lower than production of those natural resources.Moreover the purpose of exploration is to find and acquire a maximum number of neweconomic mineral deposits within a minimum cost and in a minimum time. One of naturalresources purposed for energy is coal which decreased economic phase from practices sideand efficient uses of coal with other resources. Futhermore, all of coal firm have to reevaluatecoal production's operation such as open pit minning and revision to production of portofoliowhich could be balancing between volume and quality for more suitable for market demand.This case is one of strategies for pushing of production coal which decreasing phase becauseof increasing supply from Australia, Indonesia, Rusia as decreasing market demand.Keywords : Stakeholder, economical, production cost, coal.
Eksos LPPM Vol 1, No 01 (2015)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat UPN Veteran Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/eksos.v1i01.1511


This study analyzes how corporate social responsibilities (CSR) run in the company. Inparticular, this research looks at CSR strategy of PT Pertaminna E&P Asset 5 Klamonogljycture. CSR is the continuing commitment o) compames Vo V e t e Mcontribute to economic development whilst improving tie quality of Ilk Of tllfienvironment and their families as well as local communities and society in general. tJsjugqualitative research method, the research reveals the fact that the company I analyzed hadadopted CSR into its business strategic pohcy. It focused on five aspects: health, economic,social, education, and infrastructure.Keywords : corporate social responsibility, investasi sosial
Eksos LPPM Vol 1, No 01 (2015)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat UPN Veteran Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/eksos.v1i01.1512


Seorang wanita pekerja yang sudah memiliki keluarga adalah seorang wanita yang berperansebagai ibu rumah tangga dan juga bekerja di luar rumah sebagai wanita karir. Bagi wanitayang sudah berkeluarga dan bekerja tidaklah mudah untuk menjalani kedua perannya. Dalammenjalankan tugas sehari-harinya, ibu rumah tangga seringkali menghadapi tuntutan-tuntutanyang dirasakan tidak seimbang dengan kemampuan yang dimilikinya, tuntutan-tuntutanseperti itu biasa membuat seorang wanita pekerja mengalami stres dalam bekerja. Jikaseorang wanita bekerja dalam jangka waktu yang relatif lama, maka ia memiliki kontrakpsikologi terhadap perusahan atau dengan kata lain wanita yang bekerja akan memilikikomitmen terhadap perusahan tempat ia bekerja.Ketika wanita yang bekerja memiliki komitmen terhadap perusahan pastinya ia selaludituntut untuk melakukan kewajibannya sebagai seorang karyawan akan tetapi di sisi lain iamemiliki tanggung jawab terhadap keluarga sebagai ibu rumah tangga. Apabila tanggungjawab terhadap pekerjaan dan keluarga tidak diimbangi maka pastinya akan terjadi konflikperan ganda dalam kehidupan wanita yang bekerja. Stres kerja dipengaruhi oleh konflikperan ganda. Hal tersebut terjadi karena adanya ketidakseimbangan antara kedua perantersebut, pada saat yang bersamaan seorang wanita dituntut untuk bekerja semaksimalmungkin dan di sisi lain wanita yang berperan sebagai seorang ibu dituntut selalumemperhatikan keluarga, sehingga wanita berperan ganda diharapkan dapat membagi waktudalam bekerja maupun dalam mengurus rumah tangga.Dalam hal ini wanita yang bekerja dapat memiliki kinerja yang berbeda. Bentuk lainnyaberupa adanya perasaan tertekan, merasa pelaksanaan peran yang satu akan mempengaruhihasil pelaksanaan peran lain yang muncul karena adanya pertentangan antara nilai-nilai hidupdengan peran yang dimiliki. Tujuan dari penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk mengetahuigambaran secara deskriptif tentang konflik peran ganda wanita terhadap kinerja denganmediasi stres.Kata Kunci: Konflik Peran Ganda Wanita, Kinerja dan Stres
Memetakan Kemampuan Literasi Media Digital Ibu-Ibu Rumah Tangga di Desa Maguwoharja, Yogyakarta Dewi Novianti; Siti Fatonah
Eksos LPPM Vol 2, No 1 (2020): Mei
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat UPN Veteran Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/eksos.v2i1.4154


The ability of digital media literacy housewife in the village of Maguwoharjo, Yogyakarta Indonesia is still low. Identifying media literacy skills for mothers needs to be done to provide media literacy education. This study uses methods; Interviews, focus group discussion, and media content analysis. The results of the study are mothers-housewives who use digital media only limited to entertainment, communication with family and people close, and little to the things that are knowledge. There are still mothers who are not able to apply smartphones or gadgets. They struggled to monitor the content that the kids had consumed. The role of mothers in child mentoring when interacting with the media is still very minimal. Many digital media applications are unknown and have not been optimal in assisting their children in consuming digital media. key words; Digital media literacy, housewives
Perceived Enjoyment, Compatibility dan Social Influence dalam Adopsi Media Sosial Dyah Sugandini; Mohamad Irhas Effendi; Yuni Istanto; Rahajeng Arundati; Esti Dwi Rahmawati
Eksos LPPM Vol 2, No 1 (2020): Mei
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat UPN Veteran Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/eksos.v2i1.4141


This study is a descriptive study to explain perceived enjoyment, compatibility and social influence in social media setting. This study used 100 respondents who have used social media in their daily lives. This study does not limit respondents in terms of gender or other respondents backgrounds. Data were analyzed from the average respondents answers obtained during the study. The results of this study indicate that the items used to measure perceived enjoyment, compatibility, and social influence show relatively very high answers. This research can be the basis for further research in predicting the adoption of information technology innovations by using variables of perceived enjoyment, compatibility and social influence.
Adopsi Aplikasi Berbasis Android Dyah Sugandini; Aprilivianto Aprilivianto; Bela Yudha Darasta
Eksos LPPM Vol 2, No 2 (2020): November
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat UPN Veteran Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/eksos.v2i2.4165


This study aims to analyze the relative advantages, ease and visibility of the adoption of Android-based applications. The sample of this research is consumers who have used Android-based applications with a total of 100 respondents. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics with the SPSS program. The results of this study indicate that the relative advantage, ease and visibility of the adoption of Android-based applications. Shows a high average answer. So it can be concluded that the relative advantages, ease and visibility of the adoption of Android-based applications can be used for further research related to the adoption of Android-based applications.

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