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ISSN : 19796765     EISSN : 25499246     DOI : 10.18196/jkm
Jurnal Komunikator terbit dua kali setahun pada bulan Mei dan November. Berisi tulisan yang diangkat dari hasil penelitian dan pemikiran konseptual di bidang komunikasi. Penerbit menerima sumbangan tulisan yang belum pernah diterbitkan di media lain. Tulisan dapat langsung di input ke dalam sistem e-journal komunikator pada laman ini dengan cara registrasi terlebih dahulu. Naskah yang masuk akan disunting untuk keseragaman format, istilah dan tata cara lainnya.Jurnal Komunikator diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.
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Articles 271 Documents
Pelaksanaan Pull Marketing Jokowi Ahok dalam Pemenangan Pemilukada DKI Jakarta 2012 IQBAL, LALU MUHAMMAD
Komunikator Vol 5, No 02 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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The victory of Jokowi-Ahok in 2012 Jakarta Governor Election was the result of integrated political marketing activity with prominent pull marketing factor. Jokowi-Ahok utilized optimally the power of media which is very effective in providing information for the people of Jakarta. This study aims to observe how far pull marketing was used with other elements. In political marketing, there are nine elements which become the important parts. One of these nine important elements is pull marketing, which has a significant role for Jokowi-Ahok. Based on the analysis of the data, it shows that pull marketing strategy was the strategy which was mainly used. The use of media in Jakarta Governor Election was an important instrument in succession of regional leaders, in addition to the mass mobilization supported by political parties and sympathizers. Based on result of data processing, it shows that pull marketing strategy worked quite effectively. The combination of media, figures, and campaign methods was then mixed into strategic moves that made Jokowi-Ahok surpass all their competitors. Keywords: Pull Marketing, Media, Governor Election
Komunikasi Alquran: Bahasa sebagai Media Ekspresi Verbalistik AULIA, ALY
Komunikator Vol 5, No 01 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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Language is a symbol or emblem of the most widely used. primary means to express thoughts, feelings, intentions, and goals. This is done by using words to represent different aspects of reality. Language can represent a lot of facts, phenomena, and even something abstract that is around humans. No exception to the Qur’an, the holy book would not want to use language as a medium. In this study described how language functions with a series of words to express the essence, meaning, form, something that is not there, past, present, future, and other things that certainly can not be separated from the context of the discourse with all its elements. Keyword: Communication of the holy Quran, Language, and Media
Nude Photography, Eksploitasi Tubuh Pengatasnamaan Seni BOER, KHEYENE MOLEKANDELLA
Komunikator Vol 4, No 01 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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Photography as media of communication has become more and more popular today. The existence of photography has now entered sensual domain which is done in the name of art. This type of photography is known as “nude photography”. Nude photography is a photography technique which is full of lighting trick to show up the artistic side of human bodies, especially women. This kind of art has become commodity and changed into a masterpiece which has high value. Then women are forced to follow the beauty standard which is defined by men to avoid discrimination by the society. . This paper tries to correlate the relationship between body exploitation and art by referring to the concept of feminism which proves that there are inequities between men and women. Nude photography has violated ethics by showing off the vulgarity of each woamn body part. Women’s bodies, in fact, always become an endless discussion. This kind of exploitation cannot be minimized if there are many misuses in the name of art in patriarchal culture. The question is what women should do in order to save themselves from exploitation. Keywords: Nude photography, Exploitation of woman’s body, Art
Gelombang Ekonomi Ke Empat, Gelombang Ide dan Gagasan SUTANTO, M. HIMAWAN
Komunikator Vol 6, No 01 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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This paper attempts to analyze the development of creative economy in Indonesia. The main substance of this paper is based on the development of democracy that provides fresh air for the creativity. The key of creativity itself is the idea that is treated well. It especially happens in democratic countries. In the context of democracy, the idea can develop fast and get high appreciation. Idea is a new force which is capable to develop the world economy. For a long time, people had been thinking that product was the main capital of the economy. Creative industries will thrive with the assurance of a healthy and proper democracy. Keywords: Idea, Creative Industries
Representasi Ironisme Kemanusiaan dalam Industri Musik Populer AS AMALIA, AYU
Komunikator Vol 5, No 02 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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Music is one of media product which is not able to be separated from Political Economy of Media even though it is packaged as leisure time entertainment product. Music which is particularly in Alternative subgenre is not far from its main genre which is Rock. In fact, this subgenre has a solid and prominent fan base which consists of young people who enjoy dynamic and fast-tempo music which tells the struggle of youngsters in their life. Ironically, the tragic incidents which surround the band personnel of ‘The All-American Rejects’ are used to increase the popularity of their single entitled ‘Move Along’. Keywords: Popular Music, the Political Economy of Media, Commodification, Discourse Analysis
Reception Audiens Ibu Rumah Tangga Muda Terhadap Presenter Effeminate dalam Program-program Musik Televisi DEWI K. N, IDA NURAINI
Komunikator Vol 4, No 02 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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It is true that effeminacy or transgender still become a kind of social deviation. However, it seems that their existence is increasingly accepted by the society. This is indicated by the number of media which use effeminate figures in entertainment industry and television. This study is a reception analysis of young housewifes towards effeminate presenters on Music Television’s programs. The purpose of this study is to understand young housewifes acceptance towards effeminate presenters on Music Television’s programs which recently have become one of the most popular programs in several television stations. This study also attempts to reveal the factors that affect their acceptance towards effeminate presenters. The theoretical framework used in this study is the audience analysis and the factors that influence the acceptance. On the other hand, the method used in this research is the fracture method and faction method. This study reveals that the position of the housewives as the figures who are responsible for all domestic tasks has become one of the factors that have strong influence in taking a position of decoding negotiation. There are three correlated aspects which intensely affect the position of decoding information which are economic factors, social relation, and media related to entertainment. Keywords: reception analysis, housewives, effeminate
Civic of Culture: Media, Kaum Muda, dan Mengenali Ke-Istimewaan Yogyakarta Anissa, Firly
Jurnal Komunikator Vol 7, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Jurnal Komunikator

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Ideally local media has special spaces to present special characters of culture in a particular area. The objectives are to improve the pride and sense of belonging as well as cohesive correlation of the society especially the young generation. The study is aimed to investigate an analysis “How is the role of local media in Yogyakarta, both local TV Jogja TV and mass media Kedaulatan Rakyat in presenting special characters of Yogyakarta culture in shaping Civic culture?” so young generation are able to admit those characters. The object research of local media will be chosen qualitatively during July-August 2014 by looking at the kinds of local culture presented in the medias and analyzing the roles of local media. Choosing both medias was based on the biggest and the most influential local medias in Yogyakarta. The study uses qualitative analysis to investigate local wisdom in the medias, and then the researcher would have focus groups discussion (FGD) to young generations who were born, grown, and living in Yogyakarta at least 20 years. The result of the research is going to give an image of thinking pattern as well as sense of belonging from young generation to see special characters of Yogyakarta..    Keywords: local media; social culture; young generation  
Jurnal Komunikator Vol 7, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Jurnal Komunikator

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Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) declared themselves as an Islamic community. Rebel movement of ISIS is based on the goals of what is right and what is wrong of what ISIS believe. They have been done give bad impact to the way people see Islam itself. It is getting worse by the intense ISIS news covered by mass media. Christians, known as the most people who get the most disadvantage caused by ISIS. This is why it is interesting to know deeper of what the Christians in another place feel of this issue. The research is to see how the Christians get the conclusion of how mass media covering the ISIS news.The research is going to be a descriptive with an interactive qualitative analyzing research, to discuss in a forum as a place for nine Christians as member of Gereja Baptis Indonesia Saman, district of Sewon, Bantul Region, Yogyakarta. The goal is to know the affection, cognition, and conation, to know how Christians behave in daily life based on massive mass media reported about ISIS and to know the damage of harming the name of Islam because of the conflicts that often  Keywords: ISIS, Christian, mass media news, the trilogy of mind 
Jurnal Komunikator Vol 7, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Jurnal Komunikator

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Movies in international relations can not be separated from the imaging of a country to realize the access to information can influence people, groups and other countries in instilling the ideology and interests. As the theme of the film in general is holding on to the genre standard, the Asian Development Bank as a lending institution to fund the development of lagging countries and developing countries start and courage in carrying the theme of environment and sustainability, especially the availability of clean water.Keywords: Movie, Theme, Environment, Water.
Jurnal Komunikator Vol 7, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Jurnal Komunikator

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Abstrak- Pembentukan sumber daya manusia suatu negara bukan hanya tanggung jawab utama pemerintah saja. Melainkan setiap komponen yang ada dalam suatu negara baik bersifat kelompok maupun organisasi. Komponen tersebut memiliki fungsi dalam mewujudkan kesejahteraan sosial dan pengembangan kualitas hidup masyarakat. Disisi lain dunia bisnis juga memiliki peran dalam menciptakan dan mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi yang sehat dan mendukung. Bisnis yang kondusif pada perkembangannya saat ini tidak lagi hanya memikirkan dan memperhatikan pada aspek finansial semata, melainkan juga pada aspek sosial dan aspek lingkungan. Terwujudnya sinergis diantara ketiganya baik aspek keuangan, sosial dan juga lingkungan merupakan kunci dari konsep pembangunan yang berkelanjutan. Oleh karena itu implementasi pembangunan infrastruktur dan teknologi komunikasi masa ini begitu penting terutama untuk komunitas para nelayan. Ini menunjukkan bahwa saat ini para nelayan diharapkan tidak lagi menggunakan cara-cara konvensional dalam menangkap ikan di laut. Melainkan memanfaatkan infrastruktur dan teknologi komunikasi akan lebih memudahkan para nelayan untuk menangkap ikan dan bisa jadi ikan yang ditangkap dengan memanfaatkan teknologi komunikasi hasilnya akan lebih banyak. Pengenalan dan edukasi teknologi komunikasi saat ini tidak hanya dilakukan kepada orang dewasa saja. Namun pengenalannya sudah dilakukan sejak anak-anak. Selain itu juga implementasi pengenalan teknologi komunikasi sudah dilakukan secara terus-menerus dimulai dari pendidikan dasar, lanjutan, menengah, sampai perguruan tinggi. Dengan mengetahui cara penerapan teknologi komunikasi yang baik berarti setiap orang di Indonesia dapat berinteraksi dengan orang lain tanpa mengenal batas ruang dan waktu. Sedangkan untuk paradigma penelitian sendiri peneliti menggunakan interpretive social science dengan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Kata kunci: Pembangunan Infrastruktur, Teknologi Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Masyarakat. 

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