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Jurnal Imejing Diagnostik
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Jurnal Imejing Diagnostik (JImeD) memuat tulisan ilmiah dalam bidang radiologi berupa hasil penelitian dan non penelitian (konseptual). Jurnal Imejing Diagnostik (JImeD) terbit 2 kali dalam satu tahun yaitu pada bulan Januari dan Juli oleh Jurusan Teknik Radiodiagnostik dan Radioterapi, Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Semarang. Jurnal Imejing Diagnostik (JImeD) memuat artikel ilmiah dalam bidang radiologi, meliputi : radiografi konvensional, digital radiografi, CT scan, MRI, kedokteran nuklir, radioterapi dan ilmu lainnya yang berkaitan dengan radiologi.
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Articles 9 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 6, No 2: JULY 2020" : 9 Documents clear
Analisis Variasi Slice Thickness Terhadap Informasi Anatomi Potongan Axial Pada Pemeriksaan MSCT Cervical Pada Kasus Trauma Rizki Aditya Nugroho; Jeffri Ardiyanto; Sigit Wijokongko
Jurnal Imejing Diagnostik (JImeD) Vol 6, No 2: JULY 2020
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31983/jimed.v6i2.5824


Background: One step to create a good image is by doing slice thickness reconstruction. Slice thickness is thick slices or pieces of the object checked out. The examination procedure of MSCT in case of Cervical trauma in Radiology Installation RSUD Tugurejo Semarang using slice thickness 3 mm. This contrasts with Seeram (2016), which explained that the examination of adult MSCT Cervical Spine using slice thickness between 1-2 mm. This research aims to know the difference of anatomic information resulted by 5 slice thickness variation in MSCT Cervical Spine and to find out which slice thickness can provide optimum anatomic information.Methods: The type of this research is quantitative with an experimental approach. Data is performed by reconstructing the 5 images of MSCT cervical of trauma patients using 5 slice thickness variation which is 1 mm, 1.5 mm, 2 mm, 2.5 mm and 3 mm. The final images are evaluated by two Respondents to see the differences in anatomic information and then analyzed by using a different test (Friedman Test) from the SPSS version 24.0.Results: The results showed there is a  significant difference in anatomic information on the corpus, lamina, spinous process, transverse process and fragment fracture between variations in slice thickness of 1 mm, 1.5 mm, 2 mm, 2.5 mm, and 3 mm on the MSCT Cervical examination with a significance value of 0,000 or p 0.05.Conclusion: The most optimal slice thickness to provide anatomic information on the cervical MSCT examination is 1 mm slice thickness with a mean rank value of 3.64.
Deteksi Tepi pada Citra Rontgen Penyakit COVID-19 Menggunakan Metode Sobel Muhammad Ghozali; Heni Sumarti
Jurnal Imejing Diagnostik (JImeD) Vol 6, No 2: JULY 2020
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31983/jimed.v6i2.5840


Background: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) discovered at the end of 2019 occasioned by coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) causing severe acute respiratory syndrome and expanded globally so that World Health Organization (WHO) declare a global pandemic. There was a delay of socialization and delivering information to society about this disease. The doctors did a method to detect COVID-19 by reading the correct X-ray images of patients who affected by a coronavirus.Methods: With advances in the field of computers in the application of image processing techniques method of this research use application to get better digital image results for COVID-19 X-ray images, so make it easier to analyze the X-ray images. There are 13 samples of X-ray images that are processed through the clean the stage with high-pass filtering, then segmented with thresholding technique in the lung area, then the edge detection method is used to mark the area that makes the image detail.Results: The result of this detection form the pattern of objects and regions of the spread of coronavirus, then there is a limit on the image looks clear enough, with the Sobel method producing white pixels that are so visible as well.Conclusions: This study to make a simulation of x-ray thorax COVID-19 and know the region of virus infection using Sobel method with thresholding technique that can see the spread of coronavirus and shown that edge detection use Sobel method as one of diagnosing for COVID-19 disease.
Nilai Contrast to Noise Ratio (CNR) Radiograf Thorax PA antara menggunakan Grid dengan tanpa Menggunakan Grid Angga Yosainto Bequet; Luthfi Rusyadi; Fatimah Fatimah
Jurnal Imejing Diagnostik (JImeD) Vol 6, No 2: JULY 2020
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31983/jimed.v6i2.5653


Background: In the Thoracic Radiography Technique, applying the use of a grid to control scattered radiation almost never occurs, because the organ that is radiologically examined is classified as soft tissue dominance. Consideration of using grid is very important when the thickness of the thoracic organ exceeds 10 cm, thus potentially increasing scattering radiation which will affect the value of the Contrast to Noise Ratio (CNR). The purpose of this study is to examine the difference between the use of grid and non-grid for the chest radiography techniques in the context of CNR values.Methods: In the study, a hundred healthy patient uderwent the chest posteroanterior (PA) radiographic examination, a half of the total patients was examined with grid whereas the rest without the grid embedded. All the resulted images were analyzed by means of the pixel value measurements at the specific organs of interest (costea and pulmonary tissues) in inside and outside of the lung organs, using 1,5 mm of ROI  from Dicom software. The statistical analysis of the CNR values was performed by comparing the results between the groups.Results: There is a significant difference in the contrast values on the PA radiographs between those using the Grid and without using the Grid (p-value 0.001). The average contrast value on the chest radiograph with Grid is 2283.60, while without Grid is 1878.58. In the Noise values, it also deems significance (p-value = 0.001). The average of the noise values employing the Grid in the technique is 25.32, whereas without Grid is 17.84. In the Contrast to Noise Ratio (CNR), the diference seems to be significant (p-value 0.001). The average CNR radiograph of the PA chest using the Grid is 100.79, while the non-grid is 125.62.Conclusions: The application of the grid in radiography technique gives significant difference in the image results (contrast, noise, and CNR), when compare to the radiographic techniques without the grid. Using the grid in the Technique improve the qPA-thoracic quality of the chest images.
Analisa Informasi Citra MRI Cervical Potongan Sagital Pada Variasi Nilai Time Repetition (TR) Dengan Sekuens Short Tau Inversion Recovery (STIR) Siti Masrochah; Fatimah Fatimah; Nurdianty Yunitaningrum
Jurnal Imejing Diagnostik (JImeD) Vol 6, No 2: JULY 2020
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31983/jimed.v6i2.5822


Background: STIR sequences used in the cervical spine due to the cervical spine is surrounded by lots of fluids and fat, to reinforce the picture of the cervical spine. According to Braun in 2003, TR on STIR used is 4000 ms. Meanwhile, according to Erika J. Ulbribh in 2011, TR on STIR sequences was used that 4860 ms. Based on the writer's observation in several hospitals with the same flight characteristics, the value of TR on STIR sequences different - different. At one hospital using TR 5000 ms, then at other hospitals using the TR 3000 ms. TR value is used based on the theory of 2000 ms.Methods: This research is a quantitative study with an experimental approach. Data were collected from May to June 2016 in the. The subjects of this study are volunteers by using a variation of the value of Time Repetition. It is caused during data capture none of the patients with the diagnosis of the lesion or tumour. image of five variations Repetition Time value is 4090 ms, 5190 ms, 6290 ms, 7390 ms and 8490 ms. Selection of variation based on the value of TR used.Results: From the statistical test result known that There are differences in image information MRI Cervical on the variation of the Time Repetition 4090 ms, TR 5190 ms, TR 6290 ms, TR 7390 ms, and TR 8490 ms to the value of ρ value of 0.000 (ρ 0, 05).That is because Repetition Time (TR) sequences Inversion Recovery (IR) should be long enough to provide opportunities so that Net Magnetization Vectors (NMV) can be in full recovery before the next 180 RF pulse inversion. If TR is too short then each network will be recovery with different levels which will ultimately affect the weighting (weighting) is generated.Conclusion: There are differences in Cervical MRI image information on the variation of the value of 4090 ms Repetition Time, TR 5190 ms, TR 6290 ms, TR 7390 ms, and TR 8490 ms to the value of ρ value of 0.000 (ρ 0.05).
Pengujian Kebocoran Apron Tahun 2019 Oktavia Puspita Sari; Dila Nelvo Dasril; Chairun Nisa; Almaiza Almaiza
Jurnal Imejing Diagnostik (JImeD) Vol 6, No 2: JULY 2020
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31983/jimed.v6i2.5826


Background: Based on observations made by researchers found incorrect apron storage. According to Permenkes No. 1250 of 2009, storage and placement of Pb aprons may not be folded and may not be hung. The purpose of this study is to determine whether or not there are leaks in the apron.Method: Types of quantitative research approaches with experimental approaches. This research was conducted at the radiology installation. The testing is done by giving x-ray exposures on the surface of the apron. Based on the results of the exposure, the extent of the leak is in the apron. The measurement results will be compared with the theory Lambert 2001.Results: According to Lambert, apron leakage is still acceptable if the critical area is less than 15 mm2 and if the non-critical area is less than 670 mm2. The results showed that of the 15 aprons studied three aprons leaked, namely apron 4, apron 7, and apron 13 with each leakage area being 562.84 mm2, 312,174 mm2, 14,304 mm2 71,818 mm2.Conclusion: The total number of tested was 15 aprons, 3 aprons leaked and there was 1 apron which had no leakage. Leakage is caused by often placing an apron on the back of a chair, hanging an apron on a hanger, dropping an apron on the floor, and folding an apron on an examination table. Apron storage should be placed on a special rack in a horizontal position so as not to cause indentations or fractures on the lead.
Analisis Prosedur Pemeriksaan Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) Pada Kasus Tumor Otak Putri Susilowati; Widya Nurmayanti
Jurnal Imejing Diagnostik (JImeD) Vol 6, No 2: JULY 2020
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31983/jimed.v6i2.5823


Background: Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) is a method for measuring or assessing changes in the chemical elements of brain tissue in abnormalities such as tumours, stroke, epilepsy, metabolic disorder, infections, and neurodegenerative disease. MRS sequences require techniques to suppress fat and water signals, so the value of metabolic elements such as NAA Choline, Creatine, Lipids, and Lactate not been covered by fat and water. The peak amplitude of metabolic elements in MRS depends on the parameter used in the MRS sequences especially TE. Some studies suggest that variation and combinations of TE can provide more complete information on metabolite element, and can even be used to grading tumour stages.Methods: Type of this research is a qualitative study with an observational approach. Data collection was conducted in June 2019 at Radiology Department with observation method, unstructured interview, and documentation related to Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy procedures. Data processing and analysis are carried out descriptively related to the result of observation, interview, and documentation.Results: The Head MR Spectroscopy examination procedure is a follow-up procedure of contrast MRI of the head. The main metabolite elements assessed on MRS are NAA, Choline, and Creatine, while those calculated and analyzed are the Area Under Cover (AUC) Integrals which are a collection of NAA and Choline signals. MRS sequences use Multi Voxel Spectroscopy (MVS). Chemical Shift Imaging (CSI) is used to suppress fat and water signals. TE parameter used in MRS sequences is only intermediate 135 ms. 
Efek Perubahan Dosis Radiasi Dan Kualitas Gambar Pada Hasil Radiograph Dengan Luas Kolimasi Berbeda Surdiyah Asriningrum
Jurnal Imejing Diagnostik (JImeD) Vol 6, No 2: JULY 2020
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31983/jimed.v6i2.5772


Background: The use of variations of collimation will provide a low dose to the patient and radiographic results that provide a good quality image. This research is to examine the effects of various collimation sizes on the image quality and radiation doses when using x-ray machine at Radiology laboratory of  Al-Islam Polytechnic, Bandung. How much the change in density values that occur and to find out of scattering radiation received by the patient in the Radiology laboratory of  Al-Islam Polytechnic, Bandung.Methods: This type of research is an experimental study with participatory observation data collection. at the Radiology Laboratory of the Al-Islam Polytechnic, Bandung The independent variable is variations of collimation, the dependent variables are quality image and doses radiation. Data collection was carried out by exposing a Stepwedge stored on a 35 x 35 cm radiographic cassette with different irradiation areas and pendose as a measure of radiation. Radiograph results were analyzed by a densitometer. Then the results will be analyzed using digraph to know the movement of each different irradiation field area.Results: The results showed that there were influences of changes in the variation of collimation.  Density value and scattered radiation of each different irradiation field area produces are different values. The smaller area of the irradiation field. Is, the higher density value and low dose. Thus, to get the best density value and the low dose is required to reduce the width of the collimation field conducted.Conclusions: There was an influence variation of collimation on the quality of the image and dose to the patient.
Teknik 3D Conformal Radioterapi (3DCRT) Pada Keganasan Sinus Paranasal Dengan Modalitas Linac Fitri Agustina; Jeffri Ardiyanto; Siti Masrochah
Jurnal Imejing Diagnostik (JImeD) Vol 6, No 2: JULY 2020
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31983/jimed.v6i2.5825


Background: Radiotherapy is a radiation therapy action using ionizing radiation. To obtain the maximum dose of radiation in the tumour and the lowest possible dose on critical organs required a technique of radiation technique 3 Dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy (3DCRT). Radiotherapy Unit Radiology Installation Dr Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta using 3DCRT technique. This research aims to know the radiotherapy procedure on paranasal sinus cancer using 3DCRT technique, to know the implementation of bolus beam modifier and dose optimization with the addition of electron radiation.Methods: The type of research in this thesis is qualitative research with case study approach. The research was conducted at Radiotherapy Unit Radiology Installation Dr Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta after published Ethical Clearance.  Methods of data collection in this study are observation, interviews, and documentation.Result: The results of this study indicate that the radiotherapy procedure in paranasal sinus cancer using 3DCRT technique can produce a homogeneous dose distribution, the implementation of bolus beam modifier is capable of generating dosage homogeneity on uneven target surfaces, and the distribution of doses with electron radiation on the target in the surface area can be optimal.Conclusion: With these techniques, the goal of radiotherapy can be achieved is to give the maximum dose in the tumour and the minimum dose possible in healthy tissue located in the vicinity.
Analisis Dosis Paparan Radiasi Pada General X-Ray II Di Instalasi Radiologi Rumah Sakit Muhammadiyah Semarang Ida Septiyanti; M. Ardhi Khalif; Edi Daenur Anwar
Jurnal Imejing Diagnostik (JImeD) Vol 6, No 2: JULY 2020
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31983/jimed.v6i2.5858


Background: This study analyzes the Radiation Dose of the General X-ray Radiology Installation at Roemani Hospital  Muhammadiyah Semarang to determine the dose received by the radiographer, the community around the room and to know the value of the effectiveness of radiation protection and to determine the pattern of radiation exposure distribution in the general X-ray radiology installation room II.Methods: Measurements were taken during general X-ray exposure and without exposure using a 451P ion chamber survey. Measurement of dose data received by the radiographer and the community around the room is taken at the point of the operator’s room, service room, waiting room. As for the measurement of the effectiveness of radiation protection taken at the point in the operator’s room and the general X-ray II and the radiation distribution pattern taken at points A, B, C, D and E with a distance of 40 cm, 80 cm and 120 cm in the room general X-ray II.Result: The result of measurements in the operator room are 0.0354 µSv / hour, waiting rooms with a distance of 3.5 m at 0.0146 µSv / hour, in the service room and waiting room with a distance of 8 m at 0 µSv / hour. The value of the effectiveness of radiation protection in the operator station is 83.33% and the general X-ray II door is 84.09%.Conclusions: Based on the results of the data obtained the value of the dose received and the value of effectiveness is quite safe from excessive radiation exposure. The radiation distribution pattern, the farther the distance from the radiation source, the measured radiation exposure value will be lower. 

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