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Journal of English and Education
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Indonesian two-week fieldwork in Australia: Great or no impact? Anita Sartika Dewi
Journal of English and Education (JEE) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2008): VOLUME 2 NO 1 JUNE 2008
Publisher : English Education Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jee.v2i1.6446


This paper is a sociolinguistic study on the impact of a two-week fieldwork experienced by English Diploma Program students of Universitas Islam Indonesia(UII)Yogyakarta in Australia. The aspects to be scrutinized are the effect of the program on the students' self development and their understanding of Australia and how their return to Indonesia influences their fellow students at the Islamic university.  Impact of the two-week field work is seen from two theoretical backgrounds language perception (Lowe, 2000) and orientation (Gardner, 1985). Data collection was carried out through email questionnaires. Several themes occurred were expectation on the fieldwork, expectation on life in Australia, family expectation, reality faced in Australia, most meaningful experiences, and returning to Indonesia.Results of the study show that the fieldwork has brought an "instrumentally oriented" impact on the students' self development and understanding of Australia. Even though the students gained more than previously expected, more could have been achieved as there was no strong influence on other UII students, yet.   
The Role of Parentese in First Language Acquisition: A psycholinguistic Study Titik Sudartinah
Journal of English and Education (JEE) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2008): VOLUME 2 NO 1 JUNE 2008
Publisher : English Education Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jee.v2i1.6451


This paper discusses one of the major topics in psycholinguistics, language acquisition. It describes how children learn and acquire their first language, as well as the factors affecting the acquisition. Parentese and baby talk, among many other factors, are unique in their nature and characteristics. There are some benefits of using parentese in relation to language learning: children develop more vocabulary, understand abstract concepts easier, learn grammar naturally, and understand conversation routines.  
English Indonesian BilingualAttitudes Toward Codeswitching In Classroom Communication Margana Margana
Journal of English and Education (JEE) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2008): VOLUME 2 NO 1 JUNE 2008
Publisher : English Education Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jee.v2i1.6447


This paper deals with the attitudes of English teachers and first grade students toward code-switching in classroom communication at junior high schools in Yogyakarta. It aims to describe their attitudes towards CS and to seek out practical implications for English language teaching and learning in Indonesia. To achieve the objectives, 240 first grade students and60English teachers from selected junior high schools volunteered to participate in this study. They were selected by a purposive sampling technique. Data was gathered thorough questionnaires and analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively using the statistical software of SPPS. The results revealed that(1)CS was positively perceived by participants, and(2) no significant difference in participant attitudes toward CS was found, in terms of gender, age, onset of English study, and teaching experience.
Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye: When Beaaty Turns Out To Be Hegenomy Ririn Kurnia Trisnawati
Journal of English and Education (JEE) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2008): VOLUME 2 NO 1 JUNE 2008
Publisher : English Education Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jee.v2i1.6452


The United States of America is a race-conscious society that those who are colored (as opposed to white) have generally been put in inferior positions and treated accordingly. Consequently, apparently White Anglo Saxon Protestants (WAPS)has been inherently put as the dominant group whereas the African American is consciously placed as one of the subordinate ones. Theory of hegemony proposed by Antonio Gramscihas been believed as a means to understand the position of the superior and the inferior groups in the society. Meanwhile, the concept of beauty is an example of cultural institution; hence, the standard of beauty is based on the dominant group e.g. White people, so there is the White beauty standard as a means of hegemonic practice in the American society. This phenomenon is thoughtfully depicted by Toni Morrison in The Bluest Eye. Therefore, this writing aims at describing the phenomena when beauty turns out to be the hegemonic practice of White beauty standard in African American society as it is depicted in Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye.lhc study shows that White beauty standard has been the hegemonic practice that is consciously alive in the African Americans as the society members involved in the story. The hegemony itself is from the beauty standards which are standardized using the White people's beauty standards e.g. light skinned, blue eyes, blonde, slimmer body image, etc. The White beauty standard hegemony is not solely the single reason of maintaining domination and power; in fact, society members, and their will and consciousness have also participated in it. Therefore, the implications occur within the society under the hegemonic practices or the hegemonized society, so do the characters in this novel. Those implications are extracted from the characters living in the novel as the characters are the hegemonized subject in practice. It is the fact that White beauty standard hegemony has led to the emergence of intra-racial discrimination happening within the African American society as it is reflected in the literary work due to the characters' efforts to seek for White's approval. The second is the emergence of the self-loathing upon the characters in the novel, and the third is the emergence of the self identity degrading.
Creating A Standardized Test For The Vocational High School English Final Examination: An Alternative Ashadi Ashadi
Journal of English and Education (JEE) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2008): VOLUME 2 NO 1 JUNE 2008
Publisher : English Education Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jee.v2i1.6448


The final examination has a significant impact on all stakeholders in corresponding education. It has become a general measurement of success among them and the results reflect the students' and teachers' performance. The ministry of education has selected TOEIC as the vocational high school English final examination in response to the implementation of the Competency-Based Curriculum since 2004. The last two trials of the examinations created a lot of controversies both in the number of failures and their implications to scoring system.This article conveys reasonable objections to the adoption of international wide scale testing to the English education in Indonesia. Several issues will be addressed to the concern which leads to these failures including the decision to apply TOEIC to measure students' language competencies, the ethical issues in language testing, validity and reliability. These all lead to further idea of the construction of a good standardized English test as high school English final examination.
How To Choose Suitable English Coursebooks To Be Used In The English Teaching-Learning Process: Doing A Micro Evaluation Kharis Sukarno Muhammad
Journal of English and Education (JEE) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2008): VOLUME 2 NO 1 JUNE 2008
Publisher : English Education Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jee.v2i1.6453


English course books are one of the main elements determining the success of the English teaching-learning process to meet the pre-determined objectives. Currently, the teachers of, English in Indonesia face a  complicated tasks in choosing suitable English teaching materials in die form of English course books. The purpose of the article is to discuss an appropriate way to choose English course books suitable with the students' socio-economic cultural backgrounds to facilitate students' learning. The intended way is that the teachers of English do an empirical evaluation of the course books they are using, a retrospective evaluation. The evaluation can be done through either macro or micro evaluation. The tangible and practical evaluation to do is a micro evaluation in which the teachers of English retrospectively and thoroughly evaluate certain parts of the English course books representing the whole content The criteria to valuate include goals, students' backgrounds (topics and vocabulary related to students' lives), cultural acceptability, language skills to develop quality of practical materials in the classroom (activating students' participation), roles, sequencing of the materials (procedure), formats, instructions, and visualization. If the teachers of English find out such English course books through their evaluation, they can use the course books in the following terms. It a wise way to choose English course books to be used to optimally reach the pre-determined objectives. If the teachers of English do not find such suitable English course books through their evaluation, they can add materials to or reduce the content of the course booksand finally they will have teachers' edition English teaching materials.
Droppings, Adding, And Spelling Deviations In Georgia Doyle Jhonson's Fredrick Douglas And Loraine Hansberry's (A Rais In The Sun) Nizamuddin Sadiq
Journal of English and Education (JEE) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2008): VOLUME 2 NO 1 JUNE 2008
Publisher : English Education Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jee.v2i1.6449


Language is reflected by pronunciation, syntax, and lexicon. So is the American African English. A sit is considered non-standard dialect, the American African English pronunciation is assumed to have its own characteristic different from the standard American. English. Furthermore, according to a linguist, pronunciation of a community is clearly patterned and systematic. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to describe pronunciation of the American African English in Georgia Doyle Johnson's Frederick Douglas And Loraine Hansbeiry's A Raisin In The Sun, in the viewpoints of droppings, addings, and spelling derivations.This paper is descriptive linguistics rather than a stylistic study as it does not focus on literary style. The data taken was classified into linguistic elements and was tested to the theories of informal English in general; African American English in particular and Standard American English rules of pronunciation. The research findings were summarized and discussed to conclude the research.The result of the research demonstrates that African American English, a variant of informal English, is different from the rules of Standard American English In terms of pronunciation, African American English speakers tend to pronounce words as they like. Therefore, the pronunciations of words are very different from Standard English Words maybe dropped or shortened and some additional sounds included or changed. Words such as jes', fallin', 'em, fore', mo', yo' cap'n, yes'm, alissenin', figger, bleve, sho, enuf, wus, whut, mek, s'ed, agin, git, lak, yaw, ur, yore, etc. frequently occur and are common in African American English. Thus, African American English pronunciation is difficult to understand and strange for students of non-English speaking countries.  
Hawthorne's Attitudes Toward His Ancestors' Religious Belief As Reflected In "Young Goodman Brown" Niken Anggraeni
Journal of English and Education (JEE) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2008): VOLUME 2 NO 1 JUNE 2008
Publisher : English Education Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jee.v2i1.6450


This paper discusses Hawthorne's attitudes toward his ancestor's religious belief depicted in his work "Young Goodman Brown". The analysis is conducted by using sociological approach as this approach concentrates on the social context of writing or on die literary text and its social meaning. It also explores the relationship between the artist and society as this approach believes that the writers are part of the world they describe. Thus, the biographical sketch of the author is also presented to support the analysis.Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that "Young Goodman Brown" reveals Hawthome's skepticism toward Puritanism, his ancestors' religious belief. The main character's inner conflict dealing with his religious belief portrays the writer's question on the worth of the very strict doctrine that his ancestors possessed. Expressing his anti-Puritan view, he creates the setting of the story which reminds his audience of the outrageous trials conducted by Puritans in 1692 known as Salem Witch Trials. He also borrows the characters' names from the victims of those trials. The downfall of his tragic hero caused by his distrustful feeling toward his own religion also indicates Hawthome's skepticism to Puritanism.  

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