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BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 8, No 4(a) (2007)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (188.112 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v8i4(a).1534


One of the scientists,whose name is still inherently kept in scientists mind nowadays, is Carolus Linnaeus. He is known as the Father of Taxonomy who has laid down the principles of taxonomy. His contributions to this discipline were inevitably giving new paradigm. Commemorating his such great and invaluable contributions on science today after 300 years, a reflection for tracking his journey, history of life and contributions to science - especially in Indonesia, is presented in this paper.
LINNEAUSS LEGACY Systematic Challenges, Past and Present Olsson, Urban
BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 8, No 4(a) (2007)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (94.117 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v8i4(a).1538


Tulisan ini menyampaikan perkembangan ilmu sistimatik. Pandangan Linnaeus menyerupai pandangan Aristotle dalam hal mengelompokkan organisme mengikuti Scala Naturae yaitu berdasarkan kemiripan. Namun pendekatannya berbeda, Aristotle lebih menekankan bahwa karakter yang berkaitan dengan gaya hidup organisme seperti bentuk tubuh sangat penting untuk klasifikasi.Sedangkan menurut Linnaeus justru karakter yang tidak terlihat, tetapi sangat penting dalam mempertahankan hidup sehari-hari justru jauh lebih penting. Saat ini kita menyusun organisme berdasarkan pohon filogenetik dengan cara mengelompokkannya kedalam kelompok monofiletik atau disebut juga kelompok alami yaitu dimasukkan kedalam suku (famili), ordo dan filum.Jenis-jenis yang termasuk kelompok tersebut harus berasal dari nenek moyang yang sama.Perbedaan yang terjadi pada bentuk tubuh atau fungsi bagian tubuh dipaparkan dengan ,cladistic.Perkembangan pesat di bidang biologi molekuler termasuk tehnik-tehnik DNA dalam beberapa dasawarsa terakhir ini sangat membantu mengurai persoalan rumit yang dijumpai dalam melakukan klasifikasi.
BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 8, No 4(a) (2007)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1361.778 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v8i4(a).1539


Pandanaceae is one of the three large and important families within the Monocotyledoneaie consisting of approximately 900 species found only in the Old World Tropics. Malesia is the region of importance for the fanmyfwhere the prominent diversity and the three principal genera (Freycinetia, Pandanus, and Sararanga) are found.Pandanaceae is also an important family of the Monocotyledoneae in the Malayo-Austronesian and^elanesian cultures.The usage of pannans in the Melanesian culture is more diverse and incorporating more number of species. Although pandan was first described by the two distinguish Dutch naturalists, Rumphius and Rheede tot Drakenstein, the introduction of pandan into the world of Botany was started and in the early stage also involved Swedish botanists, from Linnaeus to Fagerlind. Linnaeus still suggested Pandanus as a possibly member of Bromelliaceae. Linnaeus Jr. placed it as a genus of its own, Pandanus, thus laid the firm foundation for the classification of the genus and the entire family.The information on Pandanaceae encompassing morphology to history is described in this paper, including the significance of the family in relation with the Agenda 21.
BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 8, No 4(a) (2007)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (355.759 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v8i4(a).1535


A baby boy was born in Rashult, Smoland, Sweden, on 23 May 1707, who later became the world famous Swedish botanist and deservedly be called The Worlds Father of Taxonomy. The baby was baptized as Carl Linnaeus. According to Swedish customs at that time, the baby should had been named Carl Nilsson (Carl, son of Nils), since his fathers name was Nils Ingemarsson (Nils,son of Ingemar Bengtson).When Nils Ingemarsson was enrolling the University of Lund, he had - based on the university rules- to have a family name. He choosed Linnaeus as his family name, and since then Nils Ingermarsson was known as Nils Linnaeus.Carl Linnaeus (hereafter Linnaeus) finished his primary school and Gymansium at Vaxyo. After graduation from the Gymnasium,Linnaeus was trained as dress- and shoemaker before pursuing medical studies at the University of Lund in 1727.A year later he moved to the University of Uppsala. Linnaeus got his medical doctorate from the University of Harderwijk (Holland) on 23 June 1735. Before returning to Sweden, Linnaeus was working and visiting several places. He had the opportunity to meet many outstanding botanists during his visits. When he was working (1735-1737) at "Hartekamp", Leiden, and Amsterdam he published many more new findings compared to those other scientists during that time. Linnaeus returned to Sweden and married Sara Lisa Morea on 26 June 1737. They have seven children (two sons and five daughters). Linnaeus was appointed as Professor at the University of Uppsala in 1739 and in 1757 he was ennobled by the King of Sweden. In 1763, Linnaeus health was declining. In the same year Carl Linnaeus, Jr. became Professor at the University of Uppsala replacing his father. Linnaeus died on 10 January 1778 and five years later, Carl Linnaeus, Jr. died on 1 November 1783. Carl Linnaeus, Jr. was buried in his fathers grave in the Katedral of Uppsala. Sara Lisa Morea, Linnaeus wife, sold the valuable Linnaeus collection to Sir Edward Smith for 1,000 guinea in 1784. Sir Edward Smith, the First President of The Linnaean Society of London, died on 17 March 1828. There after, The Linnaean Society of London, bought the entire Smiths collection for 3,150. The Linnaeus collection is now housed safely in Burlington House, Picadilly, London.
BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 8, No 4(a) (2007)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1138.326 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v8i4(a).1540


Diversity of the Parasitoid Wasps of the Eulophid Subfamily Eulophinae (Insecta: Hymenoptera, Eulophidae) of Java, Indonesia and their distribution is presented for the first time. Most of eulophines are ectoparasitoids that attack concealed hosts in protected situations, such as leafminers, woodborers and leaf rollers. The subfamily are frequently involved in biological control programs directed against dipteran and lepidopteran leaf-mining pests, and many eulophine genera have been considered economically important. The taxonomy and distribution of the species in Asia, especially in Java, are however still poorly studied despite the fact that the subfamily is an important group for sustainable agriculture. This study is based on the specimens newly collected from many localities in Java and Bali using sweep netting, Malaise trapping, yellow-pan trapping and rearing from their hosts. All the three tribes (Elasmini, Cirrospilini and Eulophini) of the subfamily Eulophinae are recognized in the islands.A single genus of Elamini, three genera of Cirrospilini and 19 genera of Eulophini are recognized in the islands and they included 14 genera as new records for the islands and 66 undescribed species. A total of 110 species are recognized in Java and Bali; of those about 86% are new records for the islands and about 60% are undescribed species. Considering the species so far known for their world distribution pattern, eulophine species occurring in Java are mainly Oriental elements, a few species are Australian and a very small number of species is endemic, while several species that could have been artificially introduced with their hosts are worldwide in their distribution. Based on the climatic and geological features, the species diversity and geographical distribution of the Eulophine in Java and neighboring island are discussed.
BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 8, No 4(a) (2007)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (372.172 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v8i4(a).1536


BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 8, No 4(a) (2007)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (90.146 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v8i4(a).1532


BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 8, No 4(a) (2007)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (186.01 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v8i4(a).1537


Tulisan ini menyampaikan empat hal yaitu ringkasan riwayat hidup Linnaeus, sistem klasifikasi menurut Linnaeus dan Darwin,rangkaian DNA dan ilmu sistematik serta ilmu sistematik mutakhir dan penelitian keanekaragaman hayati di Swedia. Linnaeus yang dilahirkan 300 tahun lalu di Swedia selatan, sangat terkenal karena mengenalkan sistem klasifikasi dan penggunaan dua nama atau binomial untuk penamaan spesies. Sistem penamaan binomial sampai saat inf masih digunakan. Penggunaan sistem binomial untuk penamaan tumbuhan dimulai dengan diterbitkannya buku Species Plantarum* pada tahun 1753. Pada binatang, sistem ini pertama kali dikenalkan dalam edisi kesepuluh Systema Naturae pada tahun 1758, yang menjadi titik awal untuk tatanama zoology the Code of Zoological Nomenclature.Sistem klasifikasi menurut Linnaeus bertujuan untuk menyusun keragaman tanpa ada unsur evolusi. Sekitar 100 tahun kemudian Charles Darwin dalam bukunya berjudul the Origin of Speciesmemberi penjelasan lain tentang keragaman hayati yaitu evolusi. Juga Darwin memberi ilustrasi yang sekarang kita sebut pohon filogenetik. dan menyampaikan pemikirannya tentang sistem klasifikasi alami yang merefleksikan silsilah yaitu klasifikasi dan urutan organisme yang menunjukkan adanya hubungan evolusi. Pergeseran dalam ilmu biologi ini kita kenal sebagai filogenetik atau klasifikasi cladistic. Pada tahun 1950an terjadi revolusi dalam ilmu biologi termasuk sistematika, yaitu dengan ditemukannya molekul DNA seperti yang dijelaskan oleh Crick dan Watson. Untuk ilmu sistematik, hal ini merupakan suatu perubahan dramatis yang memungkinkan merekonstruksi filogeni. Rangkaian DNA menyediakan lebih banyak karakter terutama variasi genetik yang tersembunyi dan juga dapat membandingkan jarak antar takson, yang tidak mungkin dilakukan bila hanya berdasarkan karakter morfologi. Perkembangan yang pesat dalam ilmu biologi molekuler tersebut sangat berpengaruh pada ilmu taksonomi dan sistematik mutakhir. Tehnik ini sangat membantu pekerjaan kita dalam memberi nama organisme di seluruh dunia yang sejak zaman Linnaeus sampai sekarang masih belum selesai. Sampai saat ini baru sekitar 1,7 jutajenis yang sudah diberi nama dan dideskripsi, padahal jumlah jenis seluruhnya diduga mencapai 5 sampai 100 juta. Sebagai upaya, pada tahun 2001 Pemerintah Swedia mendirikan The Swedish Species Information Centre dengan programnya yang disebut Swedish Taxonomy Initiative dan sejak tahun 2005 menyediakan anggaran sebesar US$ 9,5 juta per tahun.
BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 8, No 4(a) (2007)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (275.633 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v8i4(a).1533


Three hundred years ago, a Sweden expert, Carl von Linne had laid down a very basic and strong foundation in naming all the living organisms on earth.Supposedly, without the brilliant effort of Carl von Linn6, nowadays, there may have any chaos among people around the world in naming all the living creatures, because everyone would have given the name to those organisms, due to their own sense; thus a kind species may have thousands of name. If this is happen, then all the information regarding the species (including its benefit to mankind) may have no meaning at all. All people would have spoken about a species differently, without realize that they actually regarding about the same species.The center of references such as Herbarium Bogoriense and Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense may be not existed without the work and service of Carolus Linnaeus. No one nowadays arguing the great service of Carolus Linnaeus in naming of each living organisms based on binomial nomenclature.

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