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Journal of English Language Studies
ISSN : 25277022     EISSN : 25415131     DOI : -
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Journal of English Language Studies is a registered journal with p-ISSN 2527-7022 and e-ISSN: 2541-5131. This journal is formally published twice annually – every March and September. It covers articles in the fields of English education (EFL/ESL), linguistics, and literature.
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Tracing Back the Issue of Speaking Anxiety among EFL Learners: From Possible Causes to Practical Implications Yogi Saputra Mahmud
Journal of English Language Studies Vol 3, No 2 (2018): Available online in September 2018
Publisher : English Department - University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (364.574 KB) | DOI: 10.30870/jels.v3i2.3580


Through the exploration of related empirical studies in the field, this essay aims to scrutinize the possible causes of speaking anxiety issue among EFL learners and the critical implications to alleviate the issue. Although several studies have discussed the causes of speaking anxiety, those studies do not emphasize the interrelationship between each cause. Hence, this paper attempts to enrich the related field by tracing back the interconnected relationship between the causes of speaking anxiety, including the new ways to address this adverse issue. The possible causes of speaking anxiety in the EFL classrooms are further classified into two primary causes, including the affective-related and linguistic-related causes. The promotion of cooperative learning atmosphere and the needs to rebalance the focus of achieving linguistic accuracy and providing broad speaking opportunities are the critical solutions to cope with the issue. The implications can be essential references for both the EFL teachers and learners in the classroom.
Integration or Segregation? (Teachers’ Perception on the Use of Whole Language Method) Istiqlaliah Nurul Hidayati; Deddy Sofyan
Journal of English Language Studies Vol 3, No 2 (2018): Available online in September 2018
Publisher : English Department - University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (587.094 KB) | DOI: 10.30870/jels.v3i2.3576


The research is aimed at finding out the perception of English Education Study Program lecturers on the teaching and assessment of language skills whether they need to be taught in segregation or integration. The respondents of the research were 68 lecturers of English Education Study programs united at APSPBI, an association of English Education Study Program. The research employed descriptive method with the instruments of online questionnaires, interview, and documentation. The online questionnaires consisted of six questions and they were spread out through social media. The interview was conducted to five lecturers of different universities and the documents analyzed were books on speaking, reading, listening and writing skills used at the universities where the respondents teach. The result shows that 80% of the respondents still teach the English skills separately. However, 64% from the total number agree that the skill should be taught in integration. 50% of books used by the lecturers are integrated. Even though mostly the lecturers agree to the skills integration, in fact some of them still find themselves focusing on one skill to be emphasized in one meeting. Mostly the lecturers prefer the assessment to be conducted in integration yet most of the books still separate the assessment based on the skills.
Translation Methods in A Walk To Remember Novel Translated Into Kan Kukenang Selalu Syafrizal Syafrizal; Cucum Rohmawati
Journal of English Language Studies Vol 3, No 2 (2018): Available online in September 2018
Publisher : English Department - University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (429.576 KB) | DOI: 10.30870/jels.v3i2.3449


This research is aimed to identify and describe the translation methods used in translating novel A Walk to Remember into Kan Kukenang SelaluChapter I and Chapter II. The data were analyzed through a translation methodstated by Newmark (1988), they were Word for Word Translation, Literal Translation, Faithful Translation, Semantic Translation, Adaptation Translation, Free Translation, Idiomatic Translation, and Communicative Translation. Descriptive qualitative method was implemented in this research. The data were taken from each sentence written in English (as the Source Language/SL) into Indonesian (as the Target Language/TL). Finally, the writer found that: 1) all types of translation methods occurred in A Walk to Remember into Kan Kukenang SelaluChapter I and Chapter II; they are they were Word for Word Translation (8%), Literal Translation (14%), Faithful Translation (12%), Semantic Translation (20%), Adaptation Translation (10%), Free Translation (18%), Idiomatic Translation (10%), and Communicative Translation (8%). The most frequent types of translation method found in A Walk to Remember into Kan Kukenang SelaluChapter I and Chapter II were Semantic Translation (20%) and Free Translation (18%).Keywords: Translation, Translation Methods, Novel,
Lexical Analysis on Writing Interference of Medical Students Muhammad Rudy; Diah Kristina; Sri Samiati Tarjana
Journal of English Language Studies Vol 3, No 2 (2018): Available online in September 2018
Publisher : English Department - University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (450.61 KB) | DOI: 10.30870/jels.v3i2.3381


One of the impacts that can be observed on language differences during learning English is interference. Indonesian medical students have problem with writing; what they said did not reflect what they meant to. This descriptive analysis study identified the interference on medical students while doing writing activity in the class. Four students were chosen randomly as the subjects to give their written diagnosis. The analysis was done on basis of lexical interference after categorizing formal error on their writing. The result showed that error distributions were omissions, coinage, claque, misselection, borrowing, misordering and overinclusion, where the most prominent was omission. This problem may happen due to first language, language learning process and the English words themselves. The strategy of writing instruction can be started from vocabulary understanding to minimize writing errors. 
A Pragmatics Study of Indirect Speech Acts in President Joko Widodo's State Address Nurul Fitriani; Tri Pujiati
Journal of English Language Studies Vol 3, No 2 (2018): Available online in September 2018
Publisher : English Department - University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (431.518 KB) | DOI: 10.30870/jels.v3i2.3256


Language is an inseparable part of our everyday lives. Language is the main tool used to transmit messages, to communicate ideas, thoughts, and opinions. Language is also said to be a vehicle of culture. It consists of the culture of communicating which implies that there are certain typical institutions in language activities. When people use a language, we can guess their culture, espoused values, or even their beliefs or religions. We also can understand their manners, way of thinking, and the honesty they have. Indirectness is a widely used conversational strategy. People tend to use indirect speech acts mainly in connection with politeness since they want to lessen the unpleasant message contained in requests and orders, for instance. The purpose of this paper is to obtain an overall understanding of indirect speech acts found in some State Address by the President of Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, regarding various things. The President wants to convey diverse messages to the people through indirect speech acts, and at the same time, to increase the force of the message communicated.
Environment Influences on the Emotion of Usher’s Friend in the Fall of the House of Usher Santa Maya Pramusita
Journal of English Language Studies Vol 3, No 2 (2018): Available online in September 2018
Publisher : English Department - University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (360.27 KB) | DOI: 10.30870/jels.v3i2.3074


Nature is deeply powerful that it can give either bad or good influence toward human’s life. In this paper, the influence of nature toward the emotion of Usher’s friend as one of the characters in the story ‘The Fall of The House of Usher’ by Edgar Allan Poe is discussed. The main aim of this paper is to disclose how nature around the house or the environment is represented in the story and how its presence affect human’s emotion in the lens of ecocriticism. As for the methodology used in this research is qualitative-descriptive method in which the researcher read the story and some related references to gain deeper comprehension, after that critically analyze the story based on the theory of ecocriticism. From this analysis, the writer finds out the ecological imbalance in the environment of Usher’s house which is marked by the dead trees, dead lake, and poor quality of air. While the inner side of his house is just as bad. It is deeply dark and unkempt, making a lot of germs live in. Such thing indeed spreads bad influence to the emotion of Usher’s friend as the visitor in the house.
Using Flash Card as Instructional Media to Enrich the Students' Vocabulary Mastery in Learning English Welliam Hamer; Nur Azmi Rohimajaya
Journal of English Language Studies Vol 3, No 2 (2018): Available online in September 2018
Publisher : English Department - University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (338.154 KB) | DOI: 10.30870/jels.v3i2.3875


The purpose to be reached in conducting this study is to share information about the use of flash card as instructional media to enrich the students’ vocabulary mastery in learning English. It is true to say that there are lots of instructional media available in such a way that they can be used as the assistance for the teachers to deliver the materials as well as for the students to understand the materials. Accoding to certain research findings done by the students of English department of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University, it is recommended that the teachers should apply various media to improve the quality of teaching and learning English in the classroom, such as role play, flash card, and picture series. However, the are many students from elementary school up to university level still get difficulties when they learn English. The students cannot listen carefully and get misunderstanding, they also hesitate to speak English, they do not understand the difficult words when they read English passage, and they cannot write good sentences and/or paragraphs in English as well. From those points above, it is clear that the use of flash card can be expected to be the solution to solve the problems occurred in attempts to increase the vocabulary mastery for the students when learning English. Besides, the use of flash card can also make the vocabulary learning become enjoyable and interesting. Flash card can be an excellent media to be used because there are many students interested in flash card. In flash card they can stimulate their imagination to develop their ideas and they can learn and find new vocabulary.
Portraying Character Education in Junior High School Textbooks of the 2013 Curriculum Dio Permana; Rita Inderawati; Machdalena Vianty
Journal of English Language Studies Vol 3, No 2 (2018): Available online in September 2018
Publisher : English Department - University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (606.609 KB) | DOI: 10.30870/jels.v3i2.3079


It cannot be denied that character education is the key to avoid moral degradation. This study aimed at investigating character education in three English textbooks for Junior High School of the 2013 Curriculum. Content analysis technique was employed in this current study. The result of the study showed that character values Related to Self gained a very large majority percentage which obtained (56.69%). Then it was followed by character values Related to Others (32.83%) and a very small number of Related to Environment (8.30%), Related to Nation (1.42%) and Related to God (0.75%) as the least percentage occurrence. It also found that there were four additional character values namely Confidence, Courtesy, Wisdom, and Humility existed in the textbooks. These results lead to the conclusion that the textbook authors should reconsider the existence of 18 character values in each English textbook for Junior High School.Keywords: character education; content analysis; English textbook
The Relationship Between Reading Habits and Reading Comprehension of English Department in UNTIRTA Tri Septiarini; Aceng Rahmat; Darmahusni -
Journal of English Language Studies Vol 3, No 2 (2018): Available online in September 2018
Publisher : English Department - University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (419.661 KB) | DOI: 10.30870/jels.v3i2.3174


 This study aims at determining whether there is a positive relationship between reading habits and reading comprehension of English Department in UNTIRTA. The study carried out in the students of the second semester in English Department at UNTIRTA. The study subjects are 98 respondents. This study used the descriptive quantitative approach with correlation analysis. Data collecting techniques are tests, questionnaires, and documentation. Technical analysis of prerequisite test data obtained from normality test, homogeneity test, and linearity test by using SPSS 23. Hypothesis test obtained from simple correlation by using SPSS 23 with a significance level of 95% (a=0,05). The study result consists of (1) A normality test showed the value of probability = 0,573 > significance level = 0,05, H0 accepted. It means that the variables data spread normally. (2) A homogeneity test showed the value of probability test = 0,587 > significance level = 0,05, H0 accepted. It means that the variables data are homogeneous. (3) Based on linearity test result, the equation is Ŷ= 7,913 +  0,148 X. (4) Based on correlation test result, Tcount = 6,571 > Ttable= 1,66. It means that there is a positive relationship between reading habits and reading comprehension of students in English Department at Untirta.
The Effects of Self-Confidence and Vocabulary Mastery on Students’ Speaking Skill suryadi suryadi
Journal of English Language Studies Vol 3, No 2 (2018): Available online in September 2018
Publisher : English Department - University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (327.97 KB) | DOI: 10.30870/jels.v3i2.3158


The purpose of this research are; 1) to determine the effects of self-confidence and vocabulary mastery on students’ speaking skill. 2) to know the effect of self-confidence on students’ speaking skill. 3) to know the effect of vocabulary mastery on students’s speaking skill. 4) to know the correlation between self-confidence and vocabulary mastery on students’ speaking skill. This research used is descriptive verification method with ex post facto and survey approach. The instruments used are questionnaires distributed to students. The results of this research are; 1) there is effects of self-confidence and vocabulary mastery on students’ speaking skill. 2) there is effect of self-confidence on students’ speaking skill.3) there is effect vocabulary mastery on students’ speaking skill. 4) there is a correlation between self-confidence and vocabulary mastery on students’ speaking skill.Keywords: self-confidence; speaking skill ; vocabulary mastery

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