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Accounting Analysis Journal
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The Influence of Experience and Time Budget Pressure on Audit Quality with Compensation As Moderating Variable Najib, Muhammad Ihda Ainun; Suryandari, Dhini
Accounting Analysis Journal Vol 6 No 3 (2017): November 2017

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/aaj.v6i3.17795


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi kualitas audit meliputi pengalaman sebagai faktor internal auditor, tekanan anggaran waktu dan kompensasi sebagai faktor eksternal auditor. Populasi pada penelitian ini auditor yang bekerja pada Kantor Akuntan Publik di Kota Semarang. Sampel pada penelitian ini diambil dari auditor Kantor Akuntan Publik di Kota Semarang yang bersedia untuk menjadi objek pada penelitian. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan convenience sampling. Jumlah sampel yang diolah 61 responden. Teknik analisis statistik yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linear berganda dan uji interaksi untuk menguji pengaruh variabel moderasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan pengalaman dan tekanan anggaran waktu berpengaruh negatif terhadap kualitas audit. Sedangkan kompensasi berpengaruh positif terhadap kualitas audit. Hasil dari kompensasi sebagai variabel moderasi yaitu kompensasi tidak dapat memoderasi pengaruh pengalaman terhadap kualitas audit, namun kompensasi mampu memoderasi pengaruh tekanan anggaran waktu terhadap kualitas audit. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini, auditor yang tidak berpengalaman tetap dapat menghasilkan kualitas audit yang baik karena hasil pekerjaannya dikoreksi oleh auditor senior terlebih dahulu. This study aims to determine the factors that may affect the quality of audit include experience as an internal factor auditor, time budget pressure and compensation as an external factor auditor. The population in this study auditors who work at Public Accounting Firm in Semarang City. The sample in this study was taken from the auditor Public Accounting Firm in Semarang City that is willing to be the object of research. The sampling technique uses convenience sampling. The number of samples processed 61 respondents. Statistical analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis and interaction test to test the influence of moderation variables. The result of this research shows that experience and time budget pressure affects audit qualitynegatively. Besides, compensation has a positive effect on audit quality. The result of compensation as a moderating variable is that compensation can not moderate the effect of experience on audit quality, but compensation is able to moderate the effect of time budget pressures on audit quality. The conclusion of this study, inexperienced auditors can still produce a good quality audit because the work is corrected by the senior auditor first.
Factors Affecting Tax Avoidance on Manufacturing Companies Listed on IDX Falistiani Putri, Tiara Riza; Suryarini, Trisni
Accounting Analysis Journal Vol 6 No 3 (2017): November 2017

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/aaj.v6i3.18198


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh corporate social responsibility, kompensasi rugi fiskal, profitability, leverage, kepemilikan institusional, dan ukuran perusahaan terhadap tax avoidance. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 121  perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2011-2015. Teknik yang digunakan dalam pengambilan sampel adalah purposive sampling, sehingga diperoleh sampel akhir sebanyak 33 perusahaan manufaktur atau sebanyak 165 unit analisis. Analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi data panel dengan Eviews 9.0. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial corporate social responsibility, kompensasi rugi fiskal, dan profitability berpengaruh negatif terhadap tax avoidance, ukuran perusahaan berpengaruh positif terhadap tax avoidance, sedangkan leverage dan kepemilikan institusional tidak berpengaruh terhadap tax avoidance. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa hanya ukuran perusahaan yang mampu meningkatkan praktik tax avoidance. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of corporate social responsibility, fiscal loss compensation, profitability, leverage, institutional ownership, and firm size on tax avoidance. The population of this research are 121 manufacturing company listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange during 2011-2015. The technique used in sampling is purposive sampling, so that the final sample are 33 manufacturing companies or 165 unit analysis. Research data analysis using panel data regression analysis with Eviews 9.0.. The results of this research show that partially corporate social responsibility fiscal loss compensation, and profitability have negative impact on tax avoidance, firm size has positive impact on tax avoidance, while leverage, and institutional ownership does not have impact on tax avoidance. Based on the research result can be conclude that the factors that can improve the practice of tax avoidance is firm size, where the large of firm size will also increasingly complex of firm’s transaction so that it may cause a variety of loopholes to minimize corporate tax expense.
The Effect of Emotional Intelligence and Auditor’s Experience on Audit Quality with Independence as A Moderating Variable Kusuma, Satria Panji; Sukirman, Sukirman
Accounting Analysis Journal Vol 6 No 3 (2017): November 2017

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/aaj.v6i3.18218


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji peran independensi dalam memoderasi pengaruh kecerdasan emosional dan pengalaman auditor terhadap kualitas audit. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh auditor yang bekerja pada Kantor Akuntan Publik Provinsi Jawa Tengah dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta yang terdaftar di Otoritas Jasa Keuangan. Anggota populasi sebanyak 24 KAP dengan jumlah auditor sebanyak 348. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode kuesioner. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah convenience sampling yang menghasilkan sampel sebanyak 80 auditor. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif, analisis regresi berganda, dan uji nilai selisih mutlak dengan alat uji SPSS versi 21. Temuan penelitian menunjukan bahwa kecerdasan emosional berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kualitas audit. Pengalaman auditor berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kualitas audit. Independensi mampu memoderasi pengaruh kecerdasan emosional dan pengalaman auditor terhadap kualitas audit. Simpulan penelitian ini yaitu auditor yang memiliki tingkat kecerdasan emosional dan pengalaman yang baik akan mempermudah proses pengauditan, yang akan menghasilkan kualitas audit yang baik pula. Ditambah dengan independensi yang baik akan memperkuat pengaruh kecerdasan emosional dan pengalaman yang dimiliki auditor terhadap kualitas audit yang dihasilkan. This study aims to examine the role of independence in moderating the influence of emotional intelligence and auditor experience on audit quality. The population in this study are all auditors who work at the Public Accounting Firm of Central Java Province and the Special Region of Yogyakarta registered in the Financial Services Authority. Members of the population were as many as 24 Public Accounting Firm with a total of 348 auditors. Data collection used questionnaire method. The sampling technique is a convenience sampling that produces a sample of 80 auditors. Methods of data analysis using descriptive analysis, multiple regression analysis, and test the value of absolute difference with SPSS test tool version 21. Research findings show that emotional intelligence significantly positive effect on audit quality. The experience of auditors has a significant positive effect on audit quality. Independence is able to moderate the influence of emotional intelligence and auditor experience on audit quality. The conclusion of this study is that auditors who have a level of good emotional intelligence and good experience will ease the auditing process, which will result in good audit quality as well. Good independence will strengthen the influence of emotional intelligence and experience of the auditor on audit quality.
The Effect of RGEC Method, Management, and Cooperation Identity on The Health Level of BMT Candra, Vivi Ely; Jayanto, Prabowo Yudo
Accounting Analysis Journal Vol 6 No 3 (2017): November 2017

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/aaj.v6i3.18350


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh dari metode (RGEC) Risk profile, GGC, Earnings, Capital , manajemen dan jatidiri koperasi terhadap tingkat kesehatan BMT. Populasi penelitian ini adalah BMT yang tergabung dalam Perhimpunan BMTI Indonesia di Kota Semarang. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, dan didapat 3 sampel BMT dan 41 responden yang terdiri dari pengurus serta pengelola BMT. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode kuesioner. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) dengan Partial Least Square (PLS) Path Modelling dengan alat analisis SmartPLS 3.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel risk profile dan jatidiri koperasi tidak berpengaruh signifikan positif terhadap tingkat kesehatan BMT di PBMTI Kota Semarang. Variabel good corporate governance, earnings, capital, dan manjemen berpengaruh signifikan positif terhadap tingkat kesehatan BMT pada PBMTI Kota Semarang. Saran bagi peneliti selanjutnya untuk menggunakan instrumen lain seperti wawancara supaya mendapatkan informasi yang lebih akurat dan terhindar dari timbulnya perbedaan maksud dan tujuan pernyataan. The aim of this research is to examine the influence of RGEC method, management, and identity of cooperation to health level of BMT. The populations of this research is association of BMT Indonesia in Semarang City. Purposive sampling was used to collect samples, from 50 population got 41 sample consisting of employees and manager of BMT incorporated in PBMTI Semarang City.. Data collection used questionnaire method. The analysis method used Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) Partial Least Square (PLS) Path Modelling with analysis tool SmartPLS 3.0 The results showed that risk profile and cooperative identity variable did nothave a significant positive effect on the health level of BMT in PBMTI Semarang City. Variable good corporate governance, earnings, capital, and management have a significant positive effect to the health level of BMT at PBMTI Semarang City. Suggestions for further research are to use other instruments such as interviews to obtain more accurate information and avoid the emergence of differences in the intent and purpose of the statement.
Determinant of Capital Structure Policy on Infrastructure, Utility and Transportation Companies Yunianto, Yunianto; Subowo, Subowo
Accounting Analysis Journal Vol 6 No 3 (2017): November 2017

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/aaj.v6i3.18374


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh profitabilitas, ukuran perusahaan, struktur aktiva, growth dan effective tax rate berpengaruh terhadap kebijakan struktur modal. Populasi dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 56 perusahaan infrastruktur, utilitas dan transportasi yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) periode 2012-2015. Berdasarkan metode purposive sampling, diperoleh sampel sebanyak 17 perusahaan dengan 68 unit analisis. Penelitian ini menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan statistik inferensial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa profitabilitas berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap struktur modal. Growth dan effective tax rate berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap struktur modal, sedangkan ukuran perusahaan dan struktur aktiva berpengaruh positif namun tidak signifikan terhadap struktur modal. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah profitabilitas, growth dan effective tax rate berpengaruh terhadap kebijakan struktur modal. Variabel profitabilitas, ukuran perusahaan, struktur aktiva, growth dan effective tax rate secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap struktur modal. Perusahaan besar dan perusahaan yang memiliki struktur aktiva tinggi lebih memilih menggunakan pendanaan internal berupa laba ditahan dari pada pendanaan eksternal berupa utang. The aim of this research is to analyze the effect of profitability, firm size, asset structure, growth and effective tax rate effect on capital structure policy. The population in this research are 56 infrastructure, utilities and transportation companies listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) for the period 2012-2015. Based on purposive sampling method, obtained by a sample 17 companies with 68 unit of analysis. This study uses descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The results showed that profitability has a negative and significant effect on capital structure. Growth and effective tax rate have positive and significant effect to capital structure, while firm size and asset structure have positive but not significant effect on capital structure. The conclusion of this research is profitability, growth and effective tax rate effect on capital structure policy. Variable profitability, firm size, asset structure, growth and effective tax rate simultaneously affect the capital structure. Large companies and companies with high asset structures prefer to use internal financing in the form of retained earnings rather than external financing of debt.  
Determinant of Auditor Ability to Detect Fraud with Professional Sceptisism as A Mediator Variable Adnan, Jahari; Kiswanto, Kiswanto
Accounting Analysis Journal Vol 6 No 3 (2017): November 2017

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/aaj.v6i3.18415


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh bukti empiris mengenai pengaruh fraud risk assessment, time pressure, dan pelatihan terhadap kemampuan auditor dalam mendeteksi kecurangan melalui skeptisisme profesional sebagai variabel pemediasi. Populasi penelitian ini adalah Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP) Kota Semarang. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, dan diperoleh sampel sebanyak 44 auditor dengan menggunakan kuesioner.Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis regresi berganda dan uji sobel test. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa fraud risk assessment dan skeptisisme profesional berpengaruh positif, time pressure berpengaruh negatif, sedangkan pelatihan tidak berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan auditor dalam mendeteksi kecurangan.Skeptisisme profesional mampu memediasi hubungan antara fraud risk assessment dan time pressurenamun tidak mampu memediasi hubungan pelatihanterhadap kemampuan auditor dalam mendeteksi kecurangan. Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini adalah kemampuan auditor dalam mendeteksi kecurangan dipengaruhi oleh faktor eksternal seperti fraud risk assessment yang diberikan dalam penugasan audit serta adanya time pressure dalam penugasan audit tersebut. This research is conducted to obtain the empirical evidence the influences of fraud risk assessment, time pressure, and training to the auditors ability in detecting fraud through the professional skepticism as a mediating variable. The research’s population is Public Accountant Firm in Semarang. The sampling technique applied in this research is purposive sampling technique. It is obtained the sample as many 44 auditors by using questionnaires. It uses multiple regression analysis and sobel test as the method of data analysis.The results of the research show that fraud risk assessment and professional skepticism have a positive, time pressure has a negative, influence whereas training doesn’t give the influence to the auditors ability in detecting fraud. Professional skepticism is able to mediate the relationship between fraud risk assessment and time pressure. However, it is unable to mediate the training relationship to the auditors ability in detecting fraud. This research can be concluded that the auditor’s ability in detecting fraud is influenced by the external factor such as fraud risk assessment that exists in the audit’s assignment along with the existence of time pressure in that assignment.
The Influence of Information and System Quality Towards SIREMUN Veranika, Putri; Murtini, Henny
Accounting Analysis Journal Vol 6 No 3 (2017): November 2017

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/aaj.v6i3.18453


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi implementasi sistem remunerasi Universitas Negeri Semarang (Siremun). Sebagai upaya transparansi laporan keuangan dalam mewujudkan clean government dan good university governance. Penelitian ini membandingkan persepsi perancang dan pengguna Siremun. Populasi penelitian ini adalah karyawan Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) sebesar 1667. Sampel diperoleh melalui kuesioner kepada 85 responden sebagai perancang dan pengguna Siremun. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik kuesioner. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah probability sampling yaitu propotionate stratified random sampling. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis statistik deskriptif, analisis regresi berganda dan independent simple t-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas sistem dan kualitas informasi berpengaruh positif terhadap kepuasan. Hasil analisis lanjutan, terdapat perbedaan persepsi antara perancang dan pengguna sistem pada kepuasan implementasi Siremun. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kepuasan implementasi Siremun dipengaruhi oleh kualitas informasi dan kualitas sistem. This study aims to evaluate the Implementation Remuneration System of Universitas Negeri Semarang (Siremun), as an effort to transparency of annual report to create clean government and good university governance. This study compares the perceptions of developer and user of the system. The research population is 1667 employees of Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES). The sample in this study was conducted with a survey by using a questionnaire to 85 respondents as developer and users of Siremun. Data collection is using questionnaire technique. Sampling technique used is probability sampling that is proportionate stratified random sampling. The analysis technique used is descriptive statistical analysis, multiple regression analysis and independent simple t-test. The results showed that the quality of system and information has positive effect on satisfaction. Results of continuation analysis show that there is a difference of perception between the developer and the user system towards implementation satisfaction of Siremun. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the satisfaction implementation Siremun is influenced by quality of information and quality of system.
The Effect of Profitability, Activity Analysis, Industrial Type and Good Corporate Governance Mechanism on The Disclosure of Sustainability Report Sinaga, Korentina Juniasti; Fachrurrozie, Fachrurrozie
Accounting Analysis Journal Vol 6 No 3 (2017): November 2017

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/aaj.v6i3.18690


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh profitabilitas, rasio aktivitas, tipe industri, komite audit, dewan direksi, dan komisaris independen terhadap pengungkapan sustainability report. Populasi penelitian ini adalah 31 perusahaan LQ45 yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2013-2016. Pemilihan sampel penelitian ini menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Berdasarkan metode purposive sampling, sampel yang masuk kriteria sebanyak 11 perusahaan. Unit analisis sampel sebanyak 44 perusahaan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah dengan metode dokumentasi. Sedangkan, teknik analisis data yang digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis yaitu analisis statistik deskriftif dan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tipe industri dan dewan direksi  berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap pengungkapan sustainability report. Variabel profitabilitas menunjukkan pengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap pengungkapan sustainability report. Variabel rasio aktivitas, komite audit, komisaris independen tidak pengaruh terhadap pengungkapan sustainability report. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa variabel tipe industri dan dewan direksi dapat memberikan peran penting dalam pengungkapan sustainability report. The purpose of this research is to know the effect of profitability, activity ratio, industrial type, audit committee, board of directors, and independent commissioner to disclosure of sustainability report. The population of this study are 31 LQ45 companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2013-2016. Selection of this research sample used purposive sampling method. Pursuant to purposive sampling method, samples entering criteria as many as 11 companies. The sample analysis unit is 44 companies. Technique of collecting data used is by method of documentation. Meanwhile, data analysis techniques used to test the hypothesis of descriptive statistical analysis and multiple regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that industry type and board of directors have a positive and significant impact on the disclosure of sustainability report. Profitability variables show a negative and significant influence on the disclosure of sustainability report. Activity ratio variables, audit committees, independent commissioners have no influence on the disclosure of sustainability report. Based on the result of  research, it can be concluded that industry type and board variable can give an important role in sustainability report disclosure.
The Effect of Financing Risk on Sharia Compliance Performance and Profitability Performance Dzulkurnain, Achmad Riqi; Asrori, Asrori
Accounting Analysis Journal Vol 6 No 3 (2017): November 2017

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/aaj.v6i3.18700


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji dan menganalisis Pengaruh Risiko Pembiayaan yang dipresentasikan dengan risiko pembiayan mudharabah, risiko pembiayaan musyarakah, dan risiko pembiayaan murabahah terhadap kinerja kesesuaian sharia dan kinerja profitabilitas. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh bank umum sharia yang di Indonesia periode tahun 2011-2015. Metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah dengan metode purposive sampling. Jumlah sampel yang diuji sebanyak 7 bank umum sharia dengan 35 unit analisis yang menjadi objek pengamatan. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah SPSS 21. Penelitian ini menganalisi laporan tahunan bank umum sharia dengan metode analisis regresi linear sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa variabelrisiko pembiayaan mudharabah dan murabahah tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja kesesuaian sharia sedangkan variabel risiko pembiayaan musyarakah berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kinera kesesuaian sharia. Sementara itu variabel risiko pembiayaan mudharabah, musyarakah dan murabahah berpengaruh terhadap kinerja profitabilitas bank unit sharia yang ada di Indonesia. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa hanya risiko pembiayaan musyarakah yang berpengaruh terhadap kinerja kesesuaian sharia dan masing-masing risikopembiayaan mudharabah, musyarakah dan murabahah berpengaruh terhadap kinerja profitabilitas. The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the Influence of Risk Financing which was presented at the risk of Mudharabah financing, Musharaka financing risks, and risks to the performance of conformity murabaha financing sharia and profitability. The population is all the Islamic banks in Indonesia during the period 2011-2015. The sampling method used purposive sampling methode. The number of samples tested by 7 Islamic banks with 35 units of analysis which is the object of observation. The analytical tool used was SPSS 21. This study analyzed the annual reports of Islamic banks with a simple linear regression analysis method. The results showed that the variables the risk of financing and murabaha does not affect the performance of the suitability of sharia while Musharaka financing risk variables significant positive effect on the suitability sharia performance. While the variable risk of financing, Musharaka and murabaha has effect on sharia bank profitability performance unit in Indonesia. Based on the results of this study concluded that only Musharaka financing risks that affect the performance of the suitability of each of sharia and risks of financing, Musharaka and murabaha effect on profitability.   
Analysis of Factors Affecting Non Performing Loan on Cooperation Sakti, Andik Dwi; Anisykurlillah, Indah
Accounting Analysis Journal Vol 6 No 3 (2017): November 2017

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/aaj.v6i3.18720


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bukti empiris mengenai pengaruh character, capacity, capital, collateral, condition, waktu pinjaman, tingkat balas jasa pinjaman terhadap kredit bermasalah pada koperasi Jasa Keuangan Syariah (KJKS) yang ada di Kota Semarang. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah nasabah koperasi yang memiliki pembiayaan atau kredit bermaslah pada koperasi Jasa Keuangan Syariah (KJKS) yang ada di Kota Semarang. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu dengan menggunakan metode convinience sampling dengan 82 responden. Pengujian instrumen penelitian menggunakan uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif dan analisis statistik inferensial. Alat analisis yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah SPSS 21. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa character, capacity, capital, collateral, condition, waktu pinjaman, tingkat balas jasa pinjaman berpengaruh secara simultan terhadap kredit bermasalah. Secara parsial caharacter, capital berpengaruh negatif terhadap kredit bermasalah dan tingkat balas jasa berpengaruh positif terhadap kredit bermasalah. Sementara capacity, collateral, condition dan waktu pinjaman tidak berpengaruh terhadap kredit bermasalah. Simpulan dalam penelitian ini yaitu tingkat kredit bermasalah dapat diminimalisir dengan character nasabah yang jujur dan capital yang nasabah yang mampu, serta tingkat balas jasa yang ditetapkan koperasi. This study aims to obtain empirical evidence about the effect of character, capacity, capital, collateral, condition, loan term, loan repayment rate on non-performing loans at Sharia Cooperative (KJKS) in Semarang City. The population in this study are cooperative customers who have non-performing loans on Sharia Cooperative (KJKS) in Semarang City. Sampling technique in this research is by using convinience sampling method with 82 respondents. Testing of research instrument using validity test and reliability test. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistical analysis. The analysis tool used in this study is SPSS 21. The results of this study indicate that character, capacity, capital, collateral, condition, loan term, loan repayment rate simultaneously affect the non-performing loans. Partially, caharacter, capital has a negative influence on non performing loans and the rate of payments has a positive influence on non-performing loans. While the capacity, collateral, condition and loan term have no influence on non-performing loans. The conclusions in this study are the level of nonperforming loans can be minimized with the character of an honest customer and the capital that the customer is capable, as well as the level of loan repayment rate set by the cooperative.

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