Afduha Nurus Syamsi
Jenderal Soedirman University

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Potensi Nilai Nutrisi dan Indeks Sinkronisasi Protein-Energi Berbagai Jenis Ramban Bagi Ternak Perah Afduha Nurus Syamsi; Harwanto Harwanto
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis Vol 8, No 2 (2021): JITRO, Mei 2021
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (370.815 KB) | DOI: 10.33772/jitro.v8i2.12093


AbstrakPenelitian bertujuan untuk menginventarisir nilai nutrisi indeks sinkronisasi protein-energi (SPE) berbagai jenis rambanan. Penelitian in vitro dilaksanakan dengan materi 5 jenis rambanan (kelor, nangka, singkong, pisang, dan kersen) dan cairan rumen Kambing Jawa Randu. Nilai nutrisi rambanan didapatkan melalui analisis proksimat. Indeks SPE dihitung berdasarkan rataan degradasi g protein dan Kg bahan organik (BO) per jam pada waktu pengamatan jam ke 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, 48, dan 72. Data degradasi tiap waktu diregresi untuk mendapatkan persamaan dan selanjutnya didapatkan rataan degradasi per jam. Hasil perhitungan degradasi dimasukan dalam rumus indeks SPE dan hasilnya dibahas secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelima jenis rambanan memiliki nilai nutrisi yang beragam. Hasil analisis regresi menunjukkan persamaan yang berbeda, dengan koefisien determinasi diatas 80% kecuali pada ramban pisang. Indeks sinkronisasi yang didapat yaitu kelor (0,4), nangka (0,69), singkong (0,55), pisang (0,35), dan kersen (0,47). Disimpulkan bahwa nilai nutrisi seluruh rambanan sangat potensial sebagai sumber serat dan protein bagi ternak dengan indeks sinkronisasi masing-masing secara berurut yaitu 0,46; 0,69; 0,55; 0,35; dan 0,47.Kata kunci: nilai nutrisi, indeks sinkronisasi protein-energi, rambanan, ternak perah The Potency of Nutrient Value and Protein-Energy Synchronization Index in Various Types of Browse for Dairy Livestock                                                                 AbstrACT               The study was aimed to inventory the nutrition value and the protein-energy synchronization (PES) index of various types of foliages. In vitro research was carried out with material 5 types of foliages (Moringa oleifera, Artocarpus integra, Manihot utilissima, Musa pudica, and Mungtingia calabura) and rumen liquid of Jawa Randu Goat. Nutritional value was obtained through proximate analysis. The PES index is calculated based on the average degradation of g protein and Kg of organic matter (OM) per hour at 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, 48, and 72 hours of degradation. The data of degradation are calculated in the PES index formula and the results are discussed descriptively. The results of the study showed that the five types of foliages had various nutritional values. The results of the regression analysis showed a different equation, with a coefficient of determination above 80% except for Musa pudica. The PES index obtained is Moringa oleifera (0.4), Artocarpus integra (0.69), Manihot utilissima (0.55), Musa pudica (0.35), and Mungtingia calabura (0.47). It is concluded that the nutritional value of the all foliages is very potential as a source of fiber and protein for livestock with the respective synchronization indexes, namely 0.46; 0.69; 0.55; 0.35; and 0.47.Keywords: nutritional value, protein-energi synchronization index, foliages, dairy
Pengaruh Tepung Daun Sirsak (Announa Muricata L) terhadap Karakteristik Lemak Darah dan Daging Itik Tegal Jantan Elly Tugiyanti; Soegeng Heriyanto; Afduha Nurus Syamsi
Buletin Peternakan Vol 40, No 3 (2016): BULETIN PETERNAKAN VOL. 40 (3) OKTOBER 2016
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21059/buletinpeternak.v40i3.11243


The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of soursop leaf meal on characteristics of  blood and meat  fat of male Tegal ducks. This study used completely randomized design. The study consisted of four treatments, namely: feed without supplementation of soursop leaf meal, feed with 5% soursop leaf meal, feed with 10% soursop leaves meal, and feed with 15% soursop leaf meal. Each treatment was 5 replications and each replication consisted of five ducks. The treatment given to duck for 5 weeks started from 4 to 10 weeks of age. Data were analyzed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) continued by orthogonal polynomial test. The results showed that soursop leaf meal supplementation in feed had no significant effect on levels of blood triglycerides, cholesterol, and LDL as well as meat triglycerides and cholesterol, but it affected levels of HDL significant (P<0.01), ie increase HDL levels. It can be concluded that soursop leaf meal supplementation in male Tegal duck feed by 8.36% showed the highest blood HDL levels (99.89 mg/dl), however soursop leaf meal supplementation up to 15% did not affect levels of blood triglycerides, cholesterol, and LDL as well as levels of meat triglycerides and cholesterol of 9 weeks male tegal duck.   
Volatile Fatty Acids and Methane Profile of Dairy Cattle Ruminal Fluid was Gived Legumes in Ration Based on Synchronization Protein-Energy Index Afduha Nurus Syamsi; Triana Yuni Astuti; Pramono Soediarto
Buletin Peternakan Vol 42, No 4 (2018): BULETIN PETERNAKAN VOL. 42 (4) NOVEMBER 2018
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21059/buletinpeternak.v42i4.33074


An experiment was aimed to assess the use of the legumes as a source of protein feedstuff and levels of protein-energy synchronization (PES) index in the diet of dairy cattles on volatile fatty acids (VFA) and methane (CH4) profile. The research was applied in In vitro techniques used a completely randomized design (CRD), with factorially pattern (2x3), the first factor was the two species of legumes (Sesbania and Leucaena) and the second factor was the three level of the PES index (0.4, 0.5, and 0.6), there were 6 treatment combinations and each was 4 replicates. The results showed that interaction between legumes with PES index was not significantly affected (P>0.05) on all variable. Legumes was not significantly affected (P>0.05) on all variables and PES index was significantly affected (P<0.05) on propionate, A:P ratio, and methane. The study concluded that the use of turi and lamtoro leaves combined with the protein-energy synchronization index (PES) at medium level (0.5) could increasing the production of VFA, especially propionate, suppressing A:P ratio and decreasing methane production.
Macronutrient Digestibilities and Enzyme Activities in Rumen Fluid Supplemented by Protein-Energy Synchronized Index-Based Rations Afduha Nurus Syamsi; Harwanto Harwanto; Hermawan Setyo Widodo; Yusuf Subagyo
Buletin Peternakan Vol 46, No 2 (2022): BULETIN PETERNAKAN VOL. 46 (2) MAY 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21059/buletinpeternak.v46i2.73881


The protein-energy  synchronized  (PES)  index-based  rations  can  optimize microbial  protein  synthesis  (MPS)   and   affect   enzyme   activity   and  macronutrient digestibility of ration in rumen fluid. This study aimed to examine the in vitro effect of a ration based on PES index on macronutrient digestibility and enzyme activity in rumen fluid. The research was conducted experimentally, consisting of 4 treatment rations with different  PES  indexes  (R1:  0.55;  R2:  0.6;  R3:  0.65;  R4:  0.7).  Each  treatment  was repeated 5 times, so there were 24 experimental units. The material used was the rumen fluid of the Jawa Randu Goat, which was taken at the Sokaraja Slaughterhouse shortly after  the  goat  was  slaughtered.  Each  ration consisted  of  napier  grass,  river  tamarind, coconut  meal, soybean  dregs,  rice  bran,  cassava  waste,  and  mineral  mix.  The  results showed  that  the  PES  index  significantly  affected  (P<0,01)  the  digestibility  of  protein (A),  fiber  (B),  and  fat  (C),  as  well  as  the  activity  of  protease  (D)  and  cellulase  (E) enzymes.  Theorthogonal  polynomial  test  showed  that  the  PES  index  has  a  quadratic effect on all test parameters with the following equation: A (Y= -1229.5X2 + 1540.6X -457.57; R2= 0.75), B (Y = -800.95X2+ 955.86X -264.51; R² = 0.75), C (Y = 868.92X2-1038.2X + 325.1; R2= 0.81), D (Y = -41.4X2+ 51.697X -14.982; R² = 0.77), and E (Y = -4.8538X2+  5.927X -1.6241;  R²  =  0.84).  The  protein-energy  synchronized  index-based rations increased the in vitro of macronutrient digestibility (protein, fiber, and fat) and enzyme activity on rumen fluid at a medium index level (0.6-0.63).