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International Journal of Arabic Language Teaching IJALT
ISSN : 2684690X     EISSN : 2686214X     DOI :
Articles published in International Journal of Arabic Language Teaching IJALT covers the results of qualitative and quantitative field research; conceptual; and literature review. covering several areas: Arabic Language Education Arabic History Arabic Literature Arabic Linguistics Applied Arabic Linguistics
Articles 56 Documents
Musykilatu at-Taraduf fi Tarjamati Riwayah Al-Hubb Daiman li Amil Muhamad Syata Nur Fitriyani Hayati
Jurnal Internasional Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Vol 1 No 02 (2019): International Journal of Arabic Language Teaching (IJALT)
Publisher : Postgraduate of IAIN Metro Lampung Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32332/ijalt.v1i02.1789


This research discusses the translation problems of synonymous words in the Arabic novel Al-Hubb Daiman. This novel written by Amil Muhamad Syata, consists of ten episodes and published in 2009 by خوارزم العلمية للنشر والتوزيع Jeddah. In addition to the story, this novel also mentions several events and situations in the city of Mecca and the surrounding area, its food, culture and so on. So, this novel is interesting to be translated into Indonesian. After the researcher translated the entire text of the novel into Indonesian. One of the problems that faced by the author in translating the novel Al-Hubb Daiman the translation of several words that are synonymous. Literally the word synonym is another name for the same thing. Synonym is a phrase which is more or less the same meaning as another expression. The research results that there are three ways to translate synonymous words: 1). Two words that are synonymous translated with one word. The words that are synonymous in this initial step the author found as many as 33 words, 2.) Reduce the words that are synonymous. In this second step synonyms are found as many as 7, and 3). Two words that are synonymous with both. In this step the writer found 8 words. The total number of words synonymous in the Al-Hubb Daiman novel that the author found was 48 words.
مشكلات الصراع الداخلي وحلّها في القصة القصيرة " البنت والأسد" لمحمد عطية الإبراشي Faridl Hakim
Jurnal Internasional Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Vol 1 No 01 (2019): International Journal of Arabic Language Teaching (IJALT)
Publisher : Postgraduate of IAIN Metro Lampung Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32332/ijalt.v1i01.1591


This research examine a child's story or can be called by Cernak by Muhammad Athiyah al Ibrasy. In his book entitled Psychology of Literature, Albert states that psychology symptoms take many forms, for example: shame, love, sadness and so on. So, these form of emotions is the concept of clarifying emotions. Thus, by knowing and identifying these form of emotions the researcher can determine inner conflict. In addition, the researcher also add or display the efforts of the characters in solving the forms of problems experienced by the characters. Through this emotion clarification, the researcher can determine, that in the story there is an inner conflict. Emotion clarification is very helpful for the researcher in analyzing so that the researcher gets the results. This research adopted the descriptive method. Researcher found two components in this story. First, the story has a long process of inner conflict and has stages, so the conflict that experienced by the characters also varies such as a sense of love, sadness, scared and each other. Second, clarification of emotions owned by the characters such as the persistent nature of the collisions that befall themselves and their environment, has an intelligent nature, has a nature of courage, merciful, love and so on.
problematika penerjemahan kolokasi dalam kumpulan cerpen "Amiiroh fil Mir'ah" karya Lina Kaylani Nur Fauziah Fatawi
Jurnal Internasional Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Vol 2 No 01 (2020): International Journal of Arabic Language Teaching (IJALT)
Publisher : Postgraduate of IAIN Metro Lampung Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32332/ijalt.v2i01.2095


Translator is an effort to move the meaning of the source text into the target language the transfer of meaning related to the message the writer wants to convey. Likewise in the translation of the book Ami>rah Fi> al-Mir'a>h by Lina Kaylani. The problem of translation arises when the collocation is translated by following the original Arabic pattern without adjusting to the target language, be it context, vocabulary, or sentence structure. Collocation is a permanent association between words and other words that coexist in a sentence. Mona Baker states that collocation is a rather flexible language pattern which allows several variations of form. The purpose of this study is to find the collocation expressions (‘Iba>rah al-Mutas}a>h}ibah) and how to translate it. This research results that the researcher found 23 kinds of collocation expressions and has two ways in translating them, as follows; The translator must choose the exact and appropriate words for the collocation expressions in the Arabic language, or the translator must search for their equivalence and the translator must search for the same phrase in the Indonesian language, the phrase in which it is considered accompanying.
Istikhdam Flashcards li Isti‘abi ‘ala al-Mufradat fi Madrasati Tri Bhakti at-Takwa ats-Tsanawiyyah Raman Utara Lampung Dian Risky Amalia; Indra Pranata; Rizky Hidayatullah
Jurnal Internasional Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Vol 1 No 02 (2019): International Journal of Arabic Language Teaching (IJALT)
Publisher : Postgraduate of IAIN Metro Lampung Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32332/ijalt.v1i02.1790


In teaching Arabic language it is necessary to use teaching aids, because it is a foreign language. Therefore, the teacher must use it in learning. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the use of flashcards for seventh grade students in the Junior High School Tri Bhakti at-Taqwa Rama Puja Dance for the 2018/2019 academic year. The kind of research is experiment. This research choose pseudo experiment methods in the form of experiment control and non-control, and to overcome the researchers’ data using tests, documents and observations. The data analysis methode is the Lilliefors method based on calculations and based on calculations before the normal life test of experimental separation is 0.152 and the adjuster is 0.149. A significant level of 0.05% indicates that the two study samples were normally distributed, and then the calculation testing the normal life of the experiment separation was 0.286. And the non-control class was 0.192, and a significance level of 0.05% showed that the two study samples were normally distributed. This 2,065 <1,771. So the data can be concluded that we tested the normal distribution. An alternative hypothesis is the influence of the use of flashcards to master the vocabulary of seventh semester students in the Tri Bhakti Junior High School Rama Puja for the academic year 2018/2019 is a profoundly acceptable effect.
أهمية مادة فقه اللغة العربية في تعليم اللغة العربية Rodhy Harisca
Jurnal Internasional Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Vol 1 No 01 (2019): International Journal of Arabic Language Teaching (IJALT)
Publisher : Postgraduate of IAIN Metro Lampung Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32332/ijalt.v1i01.1592


The objectives of this article is to classify the importance of Arabic philology subject in teaching Arabic language and to explain the basic theory of Arabic philology (its concept, topics, and issues). The article adopted the descriptive method as the researcher analyzed the importance of Arabic philology in teaching Arabic language. The article findings indicated that Arabic philology subject has an important value and useful in the field of teaching Arabic language, as discussing about Arabic language matters. Based on the research findings, the researcher recommended conducting a research study about the rest contents of this subject for achieving the educational goals. In order to face global interaction using Arabic language which known as one of the international languages and then later to understand the message of Islam which originated in Arabic.
Tahlil al-Akhta’ an-Nahwiyyah fi at-Ta’bir at-Tahririy fi IAIM Metro Lampung Dian Risky Amalia; Nanda Fitriana Lukya
Jurnal Internasional Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Vol 2 No 01 (2020): International Journal of Arabic Language Teaching (IJALT)
Publisher : Postgraduate of IAIN Metro Lampung Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32332/ijalt.v2i01.2088


The writing as a language skill is not a simple skill. However, writing skills are the most difficult language skills to master because writing is a very complex cognitive process. One of the rules of writing that should be taken into account is the writing of grammar (grammar). The purpose of this study was to determine how grammatical errors in the editorial expression of the third mannequin of the University of Islamic Knowledge Metro Lampung. Based on an analysis of the data that was conducted. Type of this research It is qualitative and descriptive the researcher used methodically, qualitative research is a process of research and understanding based on the methodology that investigates the social phenomenon and human problems. The results of the research found that there are 20 errors in the editorial expression of students of the third stage of the University of Islamic Knowledge metro Lampung with details of 5 errors in the category of al ism almarfu’ (2 errors in the mubtada’, 1 errors in the na’at, 1 errors in the‘athaf, 1 errors in the fa’il), 5 errors In the category of al ismu almanshub (2 errors in the maf’ul bih, 3 errors in the ‘athof), 10 errors in the category of al ism almajrur (4 errors in the idhafah, 1 errors in the badal, and 4 errors in the syibh aljumlah). The final result presentation result is 25% erors in the category of al ism almarfu’, 25% errors In the category of al ismu almanshub and 50% in the category of al ism almajrur. Key words: writing, grammar, error analysis
asy-Syi’ru “Man ‘Allamani Hubban Kuntu lahu ‘Abdan” li Nizar Qabbani (at-Tahlil as- Simiyai li Michael Riffaterre) Abdul Latif; Nur Safitri
Jurnal Internasional Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Vol 1 No 02 (2019): International Journal of Arabic Language Teaching (IJALT)
Publisher : Postgraduate of IAIN Metro Lampung Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32332/ijalt.v1i02.1791


The poetry was "Who taught me love I used to be his slave" was born from the pen of the contemporary poet Nizar Qabbani. This poetry tells of a servant's optimism in a teacher’s search that he can teach many things. But his research into the teacher who taught him many things was still scattered in verses of poetry. The semiotic theory of Michael Riffaterre aims to find the unity of meaning in poetry. Therefore, the researcher used in this research the semiotic theory of Michael Riffaterre. The research results obtained by the researcher are the unity of meaning mentioned in the pattern of poetry, which is the optimism of the person in the teacher’s research and learning from him to obtain the knowledge he wants. The models in this poem are "Who taught me how to love a woman to the point of delirium." The actual hypogram that represents the background of this poetry is in the story of optimism of the Prophet Moses to learn from the Prophet of Khidr in Surat Al-Kahf. The potential hypogram in this poetry is optimism and love, because love, which can give us an optimistic way to search for something we want.
Maharah al-Kalam al-‘Arabiy wa Mukawwanatuha wa Ahdafuha wa Taqwimuha Khoirurrijal Khoirurrijal; Erlina Erlina
Jurnal Internasional Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Vol 1 No 01 (2019): International Journal of Arabic Language Teaching (IJALT)
Publisher : Postgraduate of IAIN Metro Lampung Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32332/ijalt.v1i01.1605


The speaking ability is the important skill of Arabic teaching. The ability of Arabic speech is the skill to perform the voice and expressing something meaningful in the mind of the speaker. This research aims to find out the component, the purpose, and the evaluation of Arabic speech. This is library research. This research found that the components of Arabic speech are pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar. The purpose of Arabic speech skills is the students are able to speak fluently and correctly and performing vocabularies that they learn and including the meanings that can send information to others in the social situation. Evaluation of Arabic speech skills is insist of the integrity of the vocabulary with pronunciation on the condition of the right situation, the validity of using vocabulary that acceptable in the tongue of the Arabs, and the validity of using Arabic stylistics that Arabian used.
The Philosophy of Language Acquisition in Stephen Krashen's Theory based Multiple Intelligences Classroom Suci Ramadhanti Febriani; Wildana Wargadinata; Zainul Arifin
Jurnal Internasional Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Vol 3 No 01 (2021): International Journal of Arabic Language Teaching (IJALT)
Publisher : Postgraduate of IAIN Metro Lampung Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32332/ijalt.v3i01.2417


Language acquisition and language learning among scientists tend to be different. This is based on the fact that the language acquisition process is supported unconsciously and is limited to a certain time. Meanwhile, the language learning process can be done consciously and is not limited by time. Through these two arguments, according to Stephen Krashen the acquisition process has certain characteristics. He believes that language acquisition can be obtained in adults. Based on this information, the researcher wants to describe and analyze the philosophy that encourages Stephen Krashen to develop a theory of language acquisition through classroom management based on Multiple Intelligences. This study used a qualitative research design with a case study method at SD Plus Al-Kaustar Malang, Indonesia. Data collection included observation, interview and documentation study through an analysis technique consisting of three steps; data collection, reduction and conclusion. The results showed that the philosophical background built in the theory of Stephen Krashen based on Multiple Intelligences is a empiricism philosopgy. This is known through the process of language acquisition which is formed through an adequate language environment carried out by the sensory experiences of students with the help of their cognitive thinking processes. These findings indicate that language acquisition can be done through a good environmental design even though it has passed the age limit for first language acquisition.
Tahlil al-Jinsi fi Kitab al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyyah min I’dadi Wizarati asy-Syuun ad-Diniyyah Khoirul Huda; Ida Rusnita
Jurnal Internasional Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Vol 3 No 01 (2021): International Journal of Arabic Language Teaching (IJALT)
Publisher : Postgraduate of IAIN Metro Lampung Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32332/ijalt.v3i01.3329


In the Arabic language book Curriculum 2013 for fourth-grade students, in the third lesson, the profession of gender-biased vocabulary was found: In that lesson, various types of professions for females and males are mentioned, such as the word (employee - female employee) except in the word “policeman - soldier - driver) it is mentioned for males only. And in the word (sewing - nurse) it is mentioned for females only. Based on what the researcher mentioned in the background of the research, the researcher’s problems are: How does gender analysis in the Arabic language book for primary school students based on the 2013 syllabus look from the context of the word and the presentation of images? How are disadvantages and advantages in the Arabic language textbook for primary school students based on the 2013 syllabus viewed from a gender context? The type of research used by the researcher in this research is library research. A gender analysis in the Arabic language book for primary school students based on the 2013 syllabus looks from the context of the word and the presentation of the images, and is done by counting the word used in the third, fourth, fifth and sixth grade book. Most of the words found in the Arabic language book are chapters that indicate that they are gender-responsive.