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Pendidikan Resolusi Konflik Berbasis al-Qur’an Pasir, Supriyanto
Nadwa Vol 7, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Nadwa

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Conflict is a fact of human history due to the inherent incompatibility between the two powers. Among the instruments to resolve conflict is education through an integrated curriculum on conflict resolution. Conflict resolution is defined as a process which utilizes spectrum communication skills and analytical and creat-ive thinking to prevent, manage and resolve conflicts peacefully. Study of conflict resolution education is based on the Qur’anic verse. By using the method of the-matic analysis found at least twelve conflict resolution activities and the values of the Koran can be used as a conflict resolution education, namely: restraint and forgiveness, communicate wisely, do good and respect, mutual understand-ing, fraternity, open network, called for peace, back to the book of Allah, avoid prejudice, not degrading, vying for the better, to understand the meaning of ji-had.
Hubungan antara Tingkat Pendidikan Ibu dan Kecerdasan Logika-Matematika Siswa R.A. Muslimat N.U. Ponorogo Hidayati, Kurnia
Nadwa Vol 7, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Nadwa

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This study describes the relationship between mothers education level and students’ logic-mathematical intelligence at the RA NU 074 Ronowijayan Ponorogo. This study was conducted with a quantitative approach through the study of documentation and questionnaires. The data is processed by the formula percentages and standard deviations and analyzed by correlation of contingency coefficients. The results showed that (1) The level of maternal education were high for as many as 10 people or 50%, the categories are as many as 7 people or 35% and the low category as many as 3 people or 15%; (2) Logical-mathematical intelligence which include high category with a score of> 62.103 as many as three people, the medium category with a score of 44.697 to 62.103 as many as 13 people and low category with a score of <44.697 of 4 people and (3) There is a positive and significant relationship between mothers education level and logic-mathematical intelligence RA NUs 074 students Ronowijayan Ponorogo at a significance level of 5% with Φ0> table or 0.6000606> 0.444 then H0 is rejected and Ha accepted.
Pendidikan Karakter: Konsep dan Aktualisasinya dalam Sistem Pendidikan Islam Mudlofir, Ali
Nadwa Vol 7, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Nadwa

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Islam highly emphasizes character that becomes the substance of the religi-on. The character used as the basis of the education system in Islam. Cha-racter education is an attempt to make influence the soul of the students to inculcate morals, to shape the human personality and virtuous in accordan-ce with the teachings of Islam. Character education becomes essential for life. Characters are formed by at least covers: religious, honest, tolerant, disciplined, hard-working, creative, independent spirit of nationalism, pa-triotism, recognize excellence, friendship/communicative, love peace, love reading, environmental care, social care and responsibility. These values are a form of social piety which must be actualized in the education system so that they can ward off the crisis and stem the multidimensional towards the formation of personal morality. The characters must be actualized in the education system so as to form a virtuous man.
Islamisasi Pengetahuan dan Model Pengembangannya pada Madrasah Mukhibat, Mukhibat
Nadwa Vol 7, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Nadwa

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Madrasah in Indonesia have exciting development because of its integration with modernity and political support of the state that aligned with the public schools. However, it is recognized that the model of madrasah education in the countrys legislation, led to dualism education system in Indonesia, which has not been resolved until now. The problem is a challenge in realizing the ideal madrasah. Through a historical-philosophical approach, this study examines the redefinition of the Islamization of knowledge by tracing historically the initial idea of Islamization of knowledge in responding to the challenges facing the madrasah. Through critical analysis examines the implications of the redefinition of the Islamization of knowledge and development models at the madrasah. There are at least three models of Islamization of knowledge that can be developed in the development and empowerment of the madrasah, the purification of the model, the model of modernization, and the model of Islamic neo-modernism.
Tantangan Pengembangan Pendidikan Keguruan di Era Global Oviyanti, Fitri
Nadwa Vol 7, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Nadwa

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Globalization barrage pass major changes to the world order as a whole. This era is characterized by the process of life worldwide, the advancement of science and technology, especially in the field of communication as well as the transfor-mation and cross-cultural. Changes brought about by globalization are also experienced by the world of education with teachers as practitioners. Challenges faced by teachers in the global era, such as the development of science and tech-nology are so rapid and fundamental; moral crisis that swept the nation and the state, social crisis and a crisis of identity as a nation. All that obviously requires prospective teachers and qualified professionals. Teacher education programs must be able to provide excellent service to the students so that they can esta-blish qualified teacher. Improving the quality of education will foster public confidence that still exist in the future?
Integrasi Pembelajaran Active Learning dan Internet-Based Learning dalam Meningkatkan Keaktifan dan Kreativitas Belajar Effendi, Mukhlison
Nadwa Vol 7, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Nadwa

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The learning process in higher education can use constructivist learning strategies for activeness and creativity of students. This study aimed to des-cribe the integration of active learning and internet-based learning and to explain the factors supporting and inhibiting. From the observation data, in-terviews and documentation of the 31 students of the Department of Teacher Education for Islamic Primary Education (PGMI) and the lecturer of STAIN Ponorogo can be seen that the integration of active learning and Internet-based learning can enhance the activeness and creativity of student learning in the course. Factors supporting this result are the application of learning strategies, giving clear guidance, student learning motivation high and the availability of learning facilities and infrastructure. The factors that inhibit is the limited time, the dominance of smart students and unpreparedness of students receiving new material.
Ilmu Ladunni dalam Perspektif al-Ghazali Sutiyono, Agus
Nadwa Vol 7, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Nadwa

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Science Ladunni inspiration is flowing light, which can occur after improvement (taswiyah). Rationally, all knowledge can be acquired through learning. This is key in pursuing the events and education trips. Learning becomes important when one wants to reach the succes top life in understanding the science. How to get the science ladunni according to al-Ghazali, namely; first, trying to grab all the knowledge and take the highest ration of science the most. Second, proper training (ar-riyad ash sad iqah) and supervision are valid (al-muraqabah as sahihah), and still a fraid God with truth. Third, thinking (tafakur), if the soul has learned and trained to be a science, then he bertafakur. Fourth rabbaniyah purify hearts decorated with zikrullah.
Antisipasi Degradasi Moral di Era Global Muthohar, Sofa
Nadwa Vol 7, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Nadwa

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In the globalization era, environment has a broad definition. Someone could very easily find an atmosphere that he likes. It brings to positive or negative effects. Teenagers (aged 12-22 years) are the generation most vulnerable to the negative influences that lead to moral decadence. This problem is very difficult to overcome if it just rely on the secular West psychological the-ories. Islamic education is expected to provide a solution to these problems through functional strategy, integral and progressive. Religious teachings not only memorized but should also be presented in the spirit to assist young people in solving the problem. This strategy could be: guiding problem solv-ing in dealing with problems themselves and society as well as the formation of an integral understanding of his relationship with God. Teens should have spirit that can transform itself into a superior person.
Madrasah dan Ujian Nasional Supa’at, Supa’at
Nadwa Vol 7, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Nadwa

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This research analysis the implication of the policy of the national final exams (Ujian Nasional-UN) in basic to high school that conducts every year by the government, the ministry of education and culture. This researchnot discussabout the validity of UN as government policy, butthe main focus of this research is the implication of UN to madrasah as Islamic education ins-titution that has unique and different character from general school. AsIslamic education,curriculum of madrasah based on the Islamic teachings which the sublime behavior as the final objective of Islamic education. In reality, the policy of UN has caused madrasah to become trapped in prac-tical efforts to help student pass by focusing on repetitive practice of test in examination subject.The defication of test scores and the application of the policy standardization have result in the process education causing fear in students, teachers, and madrasah management. Finaly, students experient stress and depressiondue to fear of failing the UN.
Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Nilai Otaya, Lian G.
Nadwa Vol 8, No 1 (2014): Kepribadian Anak
Publisher : FITK UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/nw.2014.8.1.571


Internalization of values-based character education on student himself can be done through an objective and transparent assessment system. This will be useful to foster honesty, discipline, and responsibility of students. Objective assessmentwas actually born of conscience. The real truth in it as something that is produced by conscience is something that is pure and candid. Transparent assessment of the implementation of the assessment should be known, from the aspect of the valuesobtained, the basic decision-making, processing until the final result indicated value, and acceptable. With such a rating system that would give birth to a student who has a character to help form a strong mental. Strong mental is precondition to be qualified competitive human.AbstrakInternalisasi pendidikan karakter berbasis nilai pada diri mahasiswa dapat dilakukan melalui sistem penilaian yang objektif dan transparan. Hal ini akan berguna untuk memupuk kejujuran, kedisiplinan, dan tanggung jawab pada diri mahasis-wa. Penilaian yang objektif itu sebetulnya terlahir dari hati nurani. Kebenaran sejati ada di dalamnya karena sesuatu yang dihasilkan oleh hati nurani merupakan sesuatu yang murni dan apa adanya. Penilaian yang transparan harus diketahuipelaksanaan penilaiannya, dari aspek nilai yang didapat, dasar pengambilan keputusan, pengolahan nilai sampai hasil akhirnya tertera, dan dapat diterima. Dengan sistem penilaian yang demikian akan melahirkan mahasiswa yang memiliki karakter dalam membantu pembentukan mental yang kuat. Mental yang kuat merupakan prasyarat untuk menjadi manusia yang berkualitas dan kompetitif.  

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