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Pengembangan Kualitas Kepribadian Guru Oktradiksa, Ahwy
Nadwa Vol 6, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Nadwa

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Teachers play a role in improving the quality of education. As individuals, the teacher is the embodiment of all the unique characteristics according to its position as the teaching profession stakeholders. Personality is the primary foundation for self-realization as an effective teacher in carrying out their professional duties. This requires a teacher to be able to realize effective personal to carry out the functions and responsibilities. Teachers must know himself and is able to develop in the direction of the realization of a healthy personal and plenary. Teachers personality is an important factor for the success of ter-learning students. Personality of the teacher becomes an example for their students. Teachers personality into the factors that determine good or bad personality of the child. Good personality became a teacher requirements.
Kebijakan Pembelajaran Terpadu dalam Meningkatkan Minat Konsumen Pendidikan Fatkuroji, Fatkuroji
Nadwa Vol 6, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Nadwa

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Quality educational services to the challenge of pen-education development in Indonesia. Quality education will produce quality human resources as well. Impact many institutions offer learning system integration. It becomes a policy in response to the needs of consumers in an era of globalization and technology era. Learning is useful in solving the problems facing educational institutions and consumer needs. Learning is expected to meet the complexities of the human personality as the integrity of national education goals. Learning system is expected to improve the intellectual and spiritual competence of learners. This policy should be used as a basis for the development of education in this country.
Peningkatan Mutu Madrasah melalui Modal Sosial Ju’subaidi, Ju’subaidi
Nadwa Vol 6, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Nadwa

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This paper attempts to examine the important role of social capital in the meninges-forces madrasah education quality. Madrasah as national education subsystem has a heavy burden in carrying out the mandate of the law. The biggest problem is the activity of improving the quality of education that is determined by the achievement of the ultimate goal of education effectively and more efficiently. That goal is the realization of academic ability, moral and social. Structure and values of the communities around it is actually a social capital that should be used by the madrassa to improve the quality of education. Social capital is a means of achieving national education goals.
Relevansi Kewibawaan dan Kewiyataan dengan Hasil Belajar Siswa Abdillah, Abdillah
Nadwa Vol 6, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Nadwa

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This paper elaborates student echivement based on authority, education, and quality of students’ learning. The study shows that the relationship between au-thority, education, and quality of students’ learning activity toward learning result in middle school category is bigger than high or low school category. The quality of students’ learning activity is oppointed by authority and education implemented by the teachers in learning process. The authority, education, and quality of students’ learning have relation significantly to the student echive-ment. The relationship of authority, education, and quality of students’ learning is definitly difference in predicting their echivement. Trough authority and edu-cation in learning process, the student’s echivement can be increased.
Manajemen dan Kepemimpinan Pendidikan Islam di Era Globalisasi Tobroni, Tobroni
Nadwa Vol 6, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Nadwa

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Many researches appoint that to change from negative cycle become positive cycle or change from bad quality school become good quality school, leadership factor is an important and defined role. The good education institution is leaded by good leader, although not all of good leader can make it become good educa-tion institution. For Islamic education institution which faces difficult affairs and has a great mission (education and missionary work), needs to be led by a leader who has powerful strength. Conventional leadership models like situational, transactional, and transformational leadership need to be completed with spir-itual leadership. Spiritual leadership is a leadership which bases its leadership vision, mission and attitude on theology values.
Peningkatan Mutu Madrasah Tsanawiyah di Kota Jambi Rahman, K.A.
Nadwa Vol 6, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Nadwa

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This research is aimed to analyze the meaning or the role of the headmaster leadership contribution, the organization climate and the society participation for the quality of Madrasah, and to find the strategy of Madrasah quality devel-opment. Trough survey with quantitative approach and questioner technique, it’s found that the headmaster has a significant contribution toward madrasah quali-ty. The headmaster has not communicated the school programs to society. The organization climate gives a significant contribution too toward the madrasah. There is no optimal interaction between the teachers and the headmaster. The society participation has a significant contribution toward the school quality. Research finding appoints that madrasah hasn’t completely involved society yet. The quality of madrasah increases by motivating the students to often participate in the competitions, training communication skill, and by encouraging them to achieve some achievements that can increase their confidence.
Membangun Pendidikan Tanpa Kekerasan melalui Internalisasi PAI dan Budaya Religius Kunaepi, Aang
Nadwa Vol 6, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Nadwa

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In order to realize a non-violent education, it is considered to develop an effec-tive hedge, to applicatehumane learning methods, and to internalize Islamic values, moral and religious culture in the educational process. Education with-out violence is not limited on idea but it should be forwarded to the national education reform movement, institutionalization, and even imperative action, led by the perpetrators of education, educational institutions, teachers, students, education committee, school board, government and other stakeholders related to the overall educational process. Concrete steps to apply this thinking to be done urgently, so the nation can apply learning to live together, and sit along-side mutual respect for differences, harmonious, and hand in hand towards peace and prosperity together.
Model Peningkatan Minat Masyarakat terhadap Madrasah Ibtidiyah di Jawa Tengah Sofanudin, Aji
Nadwa Vol 6, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Nadwa

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This study aims to determine the model of the increase in the public interest to send their children to the MI MaArif Grabag 1 Magelang. The result is: that the interest of the public to send their children to madrassas is relatively high as indicated by the number of parents who participated guardian to register sons and daughters to the madrassa. Management of educational institutions include the flagship program and habituation. Model increase public interest to send their children at the school by offering excellent programs, familiarize noble character, academic achievement and superior non-academic achievements and establish intense cooperation with various parties.
Penguatan Pendidikan Agama Islam pada Madrasah Aliyah di Kudus Ihsan, Ihsan
Nadwa Vol 6, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Nadwa

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Madrasah as an educational institution even stronger existence. Existing regula-tion has delivered madrassas in equal position and equal even the same as pub-lic schools. This condition exposes madrasas on the challenges and dilemmas that are difficult, especially when associated with objective conditions. General impact of the new status, decreased ability / mastery religious madrassa gradu-ates. This is caused by the demands of teaching general science which is equiva-lent to public schools in addition to teach theology. But it must be admitted, madrasa is an alternative education model because it has a plus compared to schools, namely Islamic religious education is sufficient.
Pembiasaan sebagai Basis Penanaman Nilai-nilai Akhlak Remaja Rohman, Abdul
Nadwa Vol 6, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Nadwa

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establish people who has good behavior requires a long process through many stages. It requires many conditions that allow an individual to behave as someone who has morals expected. This condition requires a habituation habit-uation in the implicit presence of exemplary. In integrated cooperation of all the components well in school, family and community is needed to create an envi-ronment that is able to familiarize the childs behavior. In learning process can be considered some of the learning model that can be selected according to the circumstances that surrounded him, namely: the model considerations, the es-tablishment of a rational, value clarification, cognitive moral development, mod-els of non-directive.

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