Aflahani, Ari Purnomo Endah
Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara

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Implementasi Teknologi pada Pembelajaran Anak Usia Dini Rohmah, Naili; Aflahani, Ari Purnomo Endah
ThufuLA: Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Guru Raudhatul Athfal Vol 7, No 2 (2019): ThufuLA: Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Guru Raudhatul Athfal
Publisher : PIAUD IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/thufula.v7i2.5743


Early Children Learning Optimization through Use of Technology. The purpose of this article is to get a detailed describe that using technology can optimize learning in the PAUD field. The rapid development of technology is inevitable in human life, but the existence of technology still has positive and negative impacts.. Almost all aspects of human life are accompanied by technology, including in education. Technology is needed in education in order to facilitate learning activities. The objective of technology can be use at all levels of education, including early childhood education (ECE) level. Some of the examples of technology products in our environment such asat home and school environment are: gadgets, mobile phones, televisions, refrigerators, dispensers, magic com, ovens, sewing machines, gas stoves, electricity, computers, irons, fans, and air conditioners. The transportations used includes: bicycles, motorcycles, cars, trucks, buses, trains, ships, and airplanes. The various of technological products. It can be used as an attempt to develop the moral, motor, cognitive, linguistic, art, and social aspects of the early childhood. It is expected that the use of appropriate technology can optimize learning for early childhood.
Implementasi Teknologi pada Pembelajaran Anak Usia Dini Naili Rohmah; Ari Purnomo Endah Aflahani
ThufuLA: Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Guru Raudhatul Athfal Vol 7, No 2 (2019): ThufuLA: Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Guru Raudhatul Athfal
Publisher : PIAUD IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/thufula.v7i2.5743


Early Children Learning Optimization through Use of Technology. The purpose of this article is to get a detailed describe that using technology can optimize learning in the PAUD field. The rapid development of technology is inevitable in human life, but the existence of technology still has positive and negative impacts.. Almost all aspects of human life are accompanied by technology, including in education. Technology is needed in education in order to facilitate learning activities. The objective of technology can be use at all levels of education, including early childhood education (ECE) level. Some of the examples of technology products in our environment such asat home and school environment are: gadgets, mobile phones, televisions, refrigerators, dispensers, magic com, ovens, sewing machines, gas stoves, electricity, computers, irons, fans, and air conditioners. The transportations used includes: bicycles, motorcycles, cars, trucks, buses, trains, ships, and airplanes. The various of technological products. It can be used as an attempt to develop the moral, motor, cognitive, linguistic, art, and social aspects of the early childhood. It is expected that the use of appropriate technology can optimize learning for early childhood.
APE Islami Sebagai Media Interaktif di RA Ianatush Shibyan Batealit Jepara Khalimatus Sa'diyah; Eko Darmawanto; Zainul Arifin Muhammad Abduh; Ari Purnomo Endah Aflahani
Journal of Dedicators Community Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (722.941 KB) | DOI: 10.34001/jdc.v1i1.438


AbstractThis community Service aims to: 1) improve innovation and teachers? creativity to create a conventional Islamic Educative Game?s Tool (APE) as interactive media learning; 2) improve understanding of the partners of creative Islamic APE 3) improve the ability of teachers in making conventional Islamic APE as interactive media learning. The expected results are: 1) increase the creativity of teachers in an effort to support learning activities; 2) the partner has the capability of conventional Islamic APE planning as an interactive medium of learning; 3) increasing the ability of partners in the learning process; 4) the Islamic APE favored by student; and 5) be able to increase lecturer?s participation in community development activities. Both in the handling aspects of the creation, quality, diversity and production, always involves the participation of partners. The partners also involved in all phase of this service. So that the product as the result are Iqro? Puppet, Iqro' Puzzle, and other creative products by teachers of RA I'anatush Shibyan.Keywords: RA, Islamic APE, educational toy, empowerment, and Interactive MediaAbstrakTujuan kegiatan untuk : 1) meningkatkan keatifitas dan inovasi guru membuat APE Islami konvensional sebagai media interaktif pembelajaran; 2) meningkatkan pemahaman mitra tentang APE Islami yang kreatif 3) meningkatkan kemampuan guru dalam teknik pembuatan APE Islami konvensional sebagai media interaktif pembelajaran. Hasil dari kegiatan ini diantaranya : 1) meningkatkan kreatifitas guru sebagai upaya menunjang kegiatan pembelajaran; 2) mitra memiliki kemampuan perencanaan APE Islami konvensional sebagai media interaktif pembelajaran; 3) meningkatnya kemampuan mitra dalam melakukan proses pembelajaran; 4) kreasi APE Islami yang disukai anak didik; serta 5) mampu meningkatkan partisipasi dosen dalam kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat. Produk APE Islami konvensional berupa Wayang Iqro?, Puzzel Iqro? dan hasil kreasi guru-guru RA I?anatush ShibyanKata Kunci: APE Islami, RA, Pemberdayaan, Media interaktif
PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) dalam kajian neurolinguistik untuk mengatasi gangguan berbahasa bagi anak disleksia Ari Purnomo Endah Aflahani; Aliva Rosdiana
JURNAL LENTERA ANAK Vol 2, No 01 (2021)

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Neurolinguistic Studies is an interdisciplinary study in the field of Linguistics and also in the field of Medicine which examines the relationship between the human brain and language abilities. Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) is considered a solution to overcome language and literacy disorders in dyslexic children. This study aims to reveal language disorders both speaking and reading for children with dyslexia and their solutions using the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS). This type of research is descriptive qualitative by taking samples as research subjects, namely elementary school students with dyslexia disorders. This study uses a single subject experimental method or single subject research (SSR) with a sample of eight students with dyslexia as a subject. The research stages that have been achieved include: (1) Introduction, (2) Theoretical Neurolinguistic Studies applied to dyslexic children, (3) Empirical tests, and (4) Products applied. The results obtained from the use of the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) method can motivate dyslexic students to practice and improve reading and writing skills.
Meningkatkan Disiplin Waktu AUD Melalui Teknik Modifikasi Perilaku Token Economic Dengan Pemberian Kupon Niken Ayu Nila Ariani; Ari Purnomo Endah Aflahani
JURNAL LENTERA ANAK Vol 2, No 02 (2021)

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This study aims to improve disciplinary behavior in early childhood through  the application of the "Token Economic" behavior modification giving coupons. The problem in this research is that early childhood has a lot of activity so they don't have time to play and lack of rest. Thus, children become lazy and result in children being undisciplined with time. The reason for choosing the topic in this research is that there are children who lack discipline to wards time. So there needs to be an effort to improve the discipline of children's time. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with a case study approach. The hypothesis proposed in this study is "There is an increase in discipline in children". Data collection methods used are interviews, observation, and documentation because they can describe the situation accurately. The results showed that from meeting 1 to meeting 7 the child's behavioral targets had been achieved as expected. The child is able to perform the task as well possible according to the agreed contract. Children fell happy to do this activity with out feeling forced.
Implementasi Teknik Modeling untuk Mengembangkan Perilaku Prososial Anak Usia 4-5 Tahun Nanik Faridah; Ari Purnomo Endah Aflahani
JURNAL LENTERA ANAK Vol 2, No 02 (2021)

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Prosocial behavior is social behavior that is helpful, constructive, and positive, which is the opposite of antisocial behavior. Its aim is to master understanding and proficiency in social problems. The phenomenon that occurs in group A, RA Masalikil Huda, has poor prosocial behavior. This was found by students who still did not want to mingle with their friends, did not want to share something they had with their friends and there was no sympathy in the students. So it needs efforts to develop the social skills of students with modeling techniques. The purpose of this study was to determine the social development of students using modeling techniques. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The subjects in this study were students from group A RA Masalikil Huda who were still in the low category of prosocial behavior. Data collection techniques in this study using interviews, observation and documentation. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the model teacher (researcher) in group A class uses several stages in the modeling process including: attention, giving stimulus, production, motivation and reinforcement. Through these stages, it turns out that it makes it easier for the model or teacher to develop the social for group A's children. Modeling techniques in developing students 'prosocial behavior are said to be effective in order to foster, develop and even improve the quality of students' prosocial behavior.
Pengaruh Modifikasi Perilaku Penghapusan (Extinction) Pada Perilaku Membanting Pintu & Melempar Barang Saat Marah Pada Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Isna Umroatul Farihah; Ari Purnomo Endah Aflahani
JURNAL LENTERA ANAK Vol 2, No 02 (2021)

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Early childhood is a child who is just learning to know himself, including his emotional social. At this time they are also new to feeling happy, sad, angry, disappointed and so on. Most young children are still not able to manage and express their emotions properly. This condition is caused by many factors such as children's communication, parenting patterns and children's environment. For this reason, behavior modification is used as a strategy to overcome deviant behavior in children. There are many methods, approaches, concepts and techniques that can be used in behavior modification. Extinction is also a strategy to stop reinforcement of inappropriate or inappropriate behavior. This is because many inappropriate behaviors are maintained due to positive reinforcement for these behaviors. This study aims to determine the effect of a behavior modification program to reduce the behavior of slamming doors and throwing things when angry with the elimination method (extinction). This study uses a case study method with a single subject, so that the effects of the modifications that have been given can be evaluated properly. The data collection method used in this study was interviews accompanied by observation. The subjects in this study amounted to one person, aged 5 years 5 months, and experienced non-adaptive behavior, namely slamming doors and throwing things when angry. The results of this study indicate that the behavior modification program with the elimination method to reduce the subject's behavior can be said to be successful. Changes in the frequency of behavior slamming doors and throwing things decreased significantly. Even though until now the subject sometimes still wants to throw things when angry even though in the end he puts the things back. This is because parents are less strict in applying the rules at home. This change in the subject's bedwetting behavior which is quite good is inseparable from the role of parents who are willing to assist researchers in implementing the rules for implementing this behavior modification at home.
Pendampingan Deteksi Dini Tumbuh Kembang Anak pada Guru dan Wali Murid RA Muslimat NU Gembong Pati Ari Purnomo Endah Aflahani; Indah Sa'adah
JURNAL LENTERA ANAK Vol 2, No 02 (2021)

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This community service aims to provide understanding as well as provision for partners, namely the father and mother of teachers and guardians of KB students, Shofa Azzahro and RA Muslimat NU in Gembong District, especially in Gembong Village. The material presented was in the form of mentoring for Early Detection of Child Growth and Development for Teachers and Guardians of RA Muslimat NU Gembong Pati in accordance with the Ministry of Health's SDIDTK (Simulation of Early Detection of Growth and Development) Interventions to improve the understanding of teachers and guardians of students in early detection of growth and development. The implementation method includes socializing the definition, the importance of early detection and assistance in accordance with the SDIDTK book with direct practice. The method of implementing community service that has been carried out consists of three stages. The first stage is the socialization and preparation of Assistance for Early Detection of Child Growth and Development in accordance with SDIDTK. The second stage is the training of Assistance for Early Detection of Child Growth and Development in accordance with the Ministry of Health's SDIDTK. Our hope after the implementation of this service is that there will be an increase in applying Assistance for Early Detection of Growth and Development, so that when there is a delay, developmental deviations are immediately detected. The results of the dedication of teachers and guardians of students are enthusiastic in participating in mentoring and immediately applying them to their respective students.
Modifikasi Perilaku Dalam Mengatasi Perilaku Phobia Terhadap Kegelapan (Nyctophobia) Pada Anak Usia Dini Indah Sa'adah; Ari Purnomo Endah Aflahani
JURNAL LENTERA ANAK Vol 2, No 01 (2021)

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This study aims to determine the effectiveness of behavior modification programs in overcoming dark phobic behavior or commonly known as Nyctophobia in early childhood using flooding methods and systemic desensititation. This research uses a qualitative approach with a single case study method. The data collectoin techniques used assessment, interview, and observation. Subjects in this study amounted to one person, aged 6 years 3 months, and experiencing phobia conditions. The results showed that the behavior modification program using flooding methods and systemic desensititation to overcome phobic behavior, can reduce the level of phobic anxiety against darkness but has not been maximally successful. Until now, the subject sometimes still has difficulty overcoming excessive anxiety against dark phobia. Where this happens  because there are still excessive traumatic and hallucinations experienced by the subject.
Modifikasi Perilaku Dalam Mengatasi Perilaku Phobia Terhadap Kegelapan (Nyctophobia) Pada Anak Usia Dini Indah Sa'adah; Ari Purnomo Endah Aflahani
JURNAL LENTERA ANAK Vol 3, No 1 (2022)

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This study aims to determine the effectiveness of behavior modification programs in overcoming dark phobic behavior or commonly known as Nyctophobia in early childhood using flooding methods and systemic desensititation. This research uses a qualitative approach with a single case study method. The data collectoin techniques used assessment, interview, and observation. Subjects in this study amounted to one person, aged 6 years 3 months, and experiencing phobia conditions. The results showed that the behavior modification program using flooding methods and systemic desensititation to overcome phobic behavior, can reduce the level of phobic anxiety against darkness but has not been maximally successful. Until now, the subject sometimes still has difficulty overcoming excessive anxiety against dark phobia. Where this happens  because there are still excessive traumatic and hallucinations experienced by the subject.