Haloho, Agustina Br.
Perdatin Pusat

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Efektivitas Pemberian Kombinasi Parasetamol 2 mg/kgBB dan Propofol Mct/Lct terhadap Pengurangan Nyeri Penyuntikan Fuyanto, Indra; , Zulkifli; Haloho, Agustina Br.
Majalah Anestesia dan Critical Care Vol 32 No 2 (2014): Juni
Publisher : Perdatin Pusat

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Propofol adalah obat anestesi yang paling banyak digunakan dan sering menimbulkan nyeri saat penyuntikan. Nyeri ini menempati posisi ketiga kondisi yang tidak diinginkan. Ada 2 macam propofol yaitu propofol LCT dan propofol MCT/LCT. Parasetamol adalah obat analgetik yang aman untuk semua usia dan dapat mengurangi nyeri penyuntikan propofol. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas penambahan parasetamol 2 mg/kgBB terhadap pengurangan nyeri penyuntikan propofol. Uji klinik acak berbanding buta ganda dilakukan di RSUP Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang pada bulan Februari–April 2014. Sampel 99 orang dan dibagi dalam tiga kelompok. Penelitian pada skor nyeri, rasa nyeri, dan kualitas nyeri menggunakan skor VAS. Analisis menggunakan uji-t, One Way Anova dan post hoc dengan program SPSS versi 20. Uji-t menunjukkan sampel penelitian bersifat homogen. Uji One Way Anova menunjukkan perbedaan skor nyeri, rasa nyeri dan kualitas nyeri antar ketiga kelompok perlakuan. Uji post hoc didapatkan kelompok P memiliki skor nyeri yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan kelompok L dan M secara bermakna. Kelompok P tidak memiliki perbedaan rasa nyeri dan kualitas nyeri yang bermakna dibandingkan dengan kelompok M. Penambahan parasetamol 2 mg/kgBB terbukti efektif mengurangi nyeri penyuntikan propofol. Kata kunci: Nyeri, parasetamol, propofol, uji klinik acak berbanding Propofol is the most widely used as anesthetic drug in general anesthesia. Pain while propofol was given, has already ranked in third place as many patients complain of pain during the injection. There are two types of propofol which is available: propofol LCT and propofol MCT/LCT. Paracetamol is known as analgesics drug which is safe for all ages and can be used to reduce the pain of propofol injection. The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of reducing the pain of propofol injection by the addition of paracetamol 2 mg/kgBW. Randomized controlled trial, double blind has been conducted at Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang hospital from February to April 2014. There were 99 samples that divided into three groups. The groups were L group, M group and P group. The research is about pain scores, pain, and quality of pain. Measurement of pain using the VAS score. Data is analyzed with t-test, One Way Anova, and Post Hoc test using SPSS program 20.00 version. T-Test showed that the respondents were homogeneous in all groups. One Way Anova test showed the differences in pain scores, pain and quality of pain among all groups. Post Hoc test showed that P group has lower pain scores differences than L group and M group significantly. It can be concluded that the addition of paracetamol 2 mg/kgBW before propofol injection can reduce the pain caused by the injection. Reference Key words: Pain, paracetamol, propofol, randomized controlled trial Reves JG, Glass PSA, Lubarsky DA, McEvoy MD, Ruiz RM. Intravenous Anesthetics. 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