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Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu Vol. 3 No. 1: Juli, 2017
Publisher : LPPM STT Terpadu Nurul Fikri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54914/jtt.v3i1.75


Kain  tenun  merupakan  kegiatan  membuat  kain  dengan  cara  memasukan  benang pakan secara horizontal pada benang-benang lungsin, biasanya telah diikat dahulu dan sudah dicelupkan ke pewarna alami. Pewarna alami tersebut biasanya dibuat dari akar-akar pohon dan ada pula yang menggunakan dedaunan. Tenun  yang dikembangkan  oleh  setiap  suku  atau  etnis  di  Nusa  Tenggara  Timur  merupakan seni  kerajinan  tangan  turun-temurun  yang  diajarkan  kepada  anak  cucu  demi kelestarian seni tenun tersebut. Keadaan penjualan tenun ikat saat ini khususnya kepada  masyarakat  NTT,  penenun  belum  memiliki  media  khusus  untuk mempromosikan kain tenun, dan masalah yang terjadi pada pihak konsumen yaitu konsumen  harus  langsung  datang  ke  toko  apabila  ingin  mendapatkan  informasi kain  tenun  dan  hendak  memesan  kain  tenun.  Pembangunan  sistem  e-commerce penjualan  tenun  ikat  berbasis  android  merupakan  langkah  untuk  meningkatkan penjualan  dan  promosi  kain  tenun  sehingga  dapat  memberikan  keuntungan  bagi konsumen  dan  perusahaan. Tujuan  membangun sistem  E-commerce  penjualan tenun ikat berbasis android ini konsumen dapat melakukan pemesanan kain tenun tanpa  harus  datang  ke  toko, pihak  perusahaan dapat  mengatasi  masalah pengolahan kain tenun, pengolahan pemesanan sehingga memberikan kemudahan kepada konsumen  untuk  mendapatkan  informasi  tentang   kain  tenun  pada  toko tersebut. Sistem ini dibuat menggunakan program php dan database xampp dan editornya menggunakan adobe dreamweaver.  Hasil  dari  penelitian  ini  adalah dengan di implementasikan E-commerce pada toko penjualan kain tenun ini dapat digunakan sebagai sarana promosi penjualan  yang dapat diakses dimanapun dan kapanpun,  proses  pembelian  dapat  secara  langsung  tanpa  harus  datang  ke  toko, serta dapat mempermudah proses transaksi pembelian kain tenun. Kata kunci: E-Commerce, Kain Tenun, Android, Etnis.
APLIKASI LAUDRY MENGGUNAKAN SMS GATEWAY Ainulyaqin, Mohammad Syawal; Snae, Menhya
Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu Vol. 4 No. 1: Juli, 2018
Publisher : LPPM STT Terpadu Nurul Fikri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54914/jtt.v4i1.111


Laundry is a process of washing textile materials using water, washing machines, and detergents. Currently Laundry business is one of the sectors of small and medium enterprises which is rapidly developed. Nowadays, lifestyle and level of human mobility needs higher efficiency in washing and ironing clothes clean and tidy it requires expertise. This would not be possible by a busy person in his daily life. To answer this challenge, laundry business becomes the solution. Gajayana Laundry is one of the laundry business which is located at Ahmad Yani street. Currently Gajayana Laundry still apply a system that is still manual in the laundry service process by making a note receipt laundry. Employee in charge of recording information about the laundry received by writing manual or handwriting, in addition to errors due to recording information the number of laundry clothes that resulted in the loss of one of the clothing belonging to the customer, the uniformity of the letter in the laundry archive books that can confused the employees and the difficulties of the spread information to customers such as holiday information, information informing that the customer's laundry has been completed, and information price changes that certainly in the absence of such information may cause a sense of disappointment from the customers. The results of this study can be concluded that the creation of a laundry application using SMS Gateway and apply these applications to help parties Gajayana Laundry in the laundryservice and the dissemination of information. The research method used is descriptive method and data collection technique used in this research are interview, literature study, observation and questionnaire. Making this application using Visual Basic 2010 programming language andMySQL database.
Jurnal Ilmiah Flash Vol 6 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : P3M- Politeknik Negeri Kupang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32511/flash.v6i2.710


Abstract Childcare Social Institution is a social welfare business institution that has the responsibility to provide social welfare services to neglected children by carrying out assistance and alleviation of neglected children, providing replacement services for parents / guardians of children in fulfilling physical, mental and social needs to foster children so as to obtain broad, appropriate and adequate opportunity for the development of his personality as expected as part of the future generation of the nation's ideals and as people who will actively participate in the field of national development. Data collection on orphanage children that are not properly implemented is one of the obstacles in checking the number of orphanage children who have not been in homes and who are still in the institution, with education levels, origin, how long they are in the orphanage and various information related to children House. The problem is how to design and build a system for collecting orphanage children. With the aim of building a website-based orphanage data collection information system. Which is useful for facilitating access to orphanage data, archiving data on orphanages that are more efficient, facilitating the processing of orphanage data. The results of this study are an information system for data collection of website-based "Riang" orphanage. Keywords: Orphanages, information systems, data collection, foster children, archives
JITU : Journal Informatic Technology And Communication Vol 3 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Boyolali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36596/jitu.v3i1.63


Childcare Social Institution is a social welfare business institution that has the responsibility to provide social welfare services to neglected children by carrying out assistance and alleviation of neglected children, providing replacement services for parents / guardians of children in fulfilling physical, mental and social needs to foster children so as to obtain broad, appropriate and adequate opportunity for the development of his personality as expected as part of the future generation of the nation's ideals and as people who will actively participate in the field of national development. Data collection on orphanage children that are not properly implemented is one of the obstacles in checking the number of orphanage children who have not been in homes and who are still in the institution, with education levels, origin, how long they are in the orphanage and various information related to children House. The problem is how to design and build a system for collecting orphanage children. With the aim of building a website-based orphanage data collection information system. Which is useful for facilitating access to orphanage data, archiving data on orphanages that are more efficient, facilitating the processing of orphanage data. The results of this study are an information system for data collection of website-based "Riang" orphanage.