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Jurnal Alsinatuna Vol 2 No 1 (2016): December 2016
Publisher : Arabic Education Program IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/alsinatuna.v2i1.828


The basic concept of Arabic language learning is learning kinds of noun. Therefore, it is necessary for Arabic language learners to know the name of things needed in communication. One of the causes of failure and success in language learning is the use of media. There are so many teaching media used in language learning, including songs. In this case, the teacher chooses the most favorite song of the students, and then changes its lyrics with difficult words of the classic book. This media is used because it is supposed to be able to create fun and enjoyable situation and give the students ease in memorizing new vocabularies, especially in understanding the meaning of the classic books. On the other hand, the weakness of this media is that the teacher, especially those who have lack of singing abilities, found any difficulties in preparing the vocabulary of the classic book and put them into the song lyrics.
‘Amaliyyah al-Andragogiya li Mu’allim al-Lughah al_juhûd li Tarqiyyah al-Kafâ’ah al-Tarbawiyyah Faliqul Isbah; M. Fairuz Rosyid
Jurnal Alfazuna : Jurnal Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021): June
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab FTK UIN Sunan Ampel

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/alfazuna.v5i02.1042


Abstract: Teachers have an obligation to provide quality teaching. Therefore, teachers always try to develop pedagogical competencies. One of the paths taken by the teacher to achieve that goal is by practicing a lifelong learning culture or andragogy. Starting from this problem, this study aims to examine the learning culture of Arabic teachers in improving pedagogical competence. The principles and characteristics of andragogy theory are used to develop research. The study uses qualitative methods with interview data collection techniques. While the research subjects were Arabic language teachers at the High School level and equivalent in Pekalongan. Data analyzed with Miles and Hubermen stages include, data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The practice of andragogy of Arabic teachers in Pekalogan can be said to be good and centered on developing pedagogical and professional competencies while social and moral competencies are the driving force of teachers to do lifelong learning. Keywords: andragogy, Arabic language teacher and pedagogical competence. Abstrak: Guru memiliki kewajiban untuk memberikan pengajaran yang berkualitas. Oleh karena itu, guru senantiasa berusaha untuk mengembangkan kompetensi pedagogik. Salah satu jalan yang ditempuh oleh guru untuk mencapai tujuan itu ialah dengan mempraktikkan budaya belajar sepanjang hayat atau andragogi. Bertolak dari permasalahan tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji budaya belajar guru bahasa Arab dalam meningkatkan kompetensi pedagogik. Prinsip dan ciri teori andragogi digunakan untuk mengembangkan penelitian. Penelitian menggunaan metode kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara. Sementara subyek penelitian adalah guru bahasa Arab tingkat Sekolah Menengah Atas dan sederajat di Pekalongan. Data dianalasis dengan tahapan Miles dan Hubermen meliputi, pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan simpulan. Praktik andragogi guru bahasa Arab di Pekalogan dapat dikatakan baik dan berpusat pada pengembangan kompetensi pedagogik dan kompetensi profesional sementara kompetensi sosial dan moral merupakan daya dorong guru untuk melakukan belajar sepanjang hayat. Kata kunci: andragogi, guru bahasa Arab dan kompetensi pedagogik.
Al-Lughatul Al-‘Arabiyah Kamabda’i Al-Tarbawi Al-Diniy M Fairuz Rosyid; Faliqul Isbah; Ahmad Assegaf
IJAS: Indonesian Journal of Arabic Studies Vol 2, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Departement of Arabic Language and Literature, IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/ijas.v2i2.6898


Islam is the religion of love, God has chosen Arabic as the language of this true religion. Reaching the peak of proficiency in meanings and statement; Because its wonderful melodies, how can we benefit from our understanding of generous language to feel the beauty of mercy and apply it in the life of the Islamic community in this century? In this research, I try to enumerate  the reins of the Arabic statement to explain the Arabic language as the educational principle of religion, the study on Surat Al-Anbiya '107. This research starts from the Qur’an verse, Surat 107, with an objective approach to interpreting a verse, where all material and information becomes References from the literature on the topic, namely the Qur’an, and books, whether they are commentary books or other works related to the topic of this research. This endeavor is desk research so it is included in qualitative research. Data analysis was carried out three steps, namely, data reduction, data presentation and conclusions. The conclusion as follows : First, God has described Arabic as an outline, and the commentators have unanimously agreed on the meaning it “meaning the most eloquent of Arabic.” it also an indication that the language of the Qur’an exceeds the eloquence of the classical Arabic language, so God chose it in the Qur’an expression as the principle Religious. Secondly, the human behavior acquired is acquired through education, training and practice, so let us educate, train and practice ourselves to adhere to the Qur’anic behavior. دين الإسلام هو دين المحبة، و الله تعالى قد اختار العربية لتكون لغة هذا الدين الحنيف؛ لوصولها إلى قمة البراعة في المعاني و البيان؛ و لما فيها من بديع الألحان، فكيف نستفيد من فهمنا لتلك اللغة الكريمة حتى نستشعر جمال الرحمة و نطبقها في حياة المجتمع الإسلامي في هذا القرن. أحاول في هذا البحث بعون الله أن أسرّد لكم زمام البيان العربي لشرح اللغة العربية كالمبدأ التربوي الديني الدراسة عن سورة الأنبياء 107. تنطلق هذه البحث من آية القرآن سورة الأنبياء 107 ، مع منهج موضوعي لتفسير آية، حيث يتم الحصول على جميع المواد و المعلومات التي تصبح مراجع من الأدبيات المتعلقة بالموضوع، و هي القرآن، و الكتب، سواء كانت كتب تعليق أو غيرها من الأعمال ذات الصلة بموضوع هذه البحث.  يعتبر هذا المسعى بحثا مكتبيا بحيث يتم تضمينه في البحث النوعي. تم إجراء تحليل البيانات في ثلاث خطوات، و هي تخفيض البيانات و عرض البيانات و استخلاص النتائج. و الخلاصة عن الدراسة هي: أوّلا، أنّ الله قد وصف العربية بأنها مبينة، و قد أجمع المفسرون على معنى ذلك "أي أفصح ما يكون من العربية"، أيضا هنا إشارة بأن لغة القرآن تفوق فصاحة اللغة العربية الفصحى لذلك اختارها الله في التعبير القرآني كالمبدأ الديني. ثانيا، بأنّ سلوك الإنسان المكتسب يتم اكتسابها بالتعليم و التدريب و الممارسة، فلنعلم أنفسنا و ندربها و نمارسها على التحلي بسلوك القرآني.
إجراء النظام إدارة التعلّم "التلخيص" لواسطة التعليم اللغة العربية في الجامعة الإسلامية الحكومية بكالونجان Faliqul Isbah; Muhamad Jaeni; Muhammad Ulil Fahmi
Imtiyaz : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Bahasa Arab Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Desember
Publisher : IAIN Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/im.v5i2.5646


Online learning media used by lecturers in lectures requires them to provide several links to materials and assignments to students. The number of links provided has the potential to cause difficulties for students to store, remember and access these links. This study aims to explain the creation and use of the At-Talkhis Learning Management System (LMS) for learning Arabic. This research method uses the agile method, which is one method that is quite popular today because it offers flexibility, so the author can return to an earlier phase if any changes are needed. The results of this study are the process of making At-Talkhis using hyperlinks on MS Power Point to create a format (Portable Document Format), how to use it and the results of the student response survey, based on the survey results 98.7% of students gave a positive response to the use of At-Talkhis. in Arabic courses. The advantage of At-Talkhis is that it is easy to use because its features are common, cheap because the features are free for the public and can be added with various other media to support Arabic learning. the disadvantages of At-Talkhis are internet signal constraints, not all lecturers can make attractive designs and difficulties in compiling what features will be included in the Learning Management System.
استخدام طريقة الأغنية فى استيعاب المفردات بمدرسة المعهد الإسلامى مشارق الأنوار للبنات بباكن شوارنجين شربون Faliqul Isbah
Imtiyaz : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Bahasa Arab Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Juni
Publisher : UIN Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/im.v4i1.3015


Learning Arabic will not be sparated from the vocabulary, therefore we need a variety of methods and media that can facilitate the process of learning vocabulary. Especially for Islamic boarding schools which in their learning activites around Arabic texts, of course we need media that can help students so that mastery of the vocabulary can have a positive impact. Besides that in general for the linguist the more he knows vocabulary it is known that he is an expert in language. One of the media that can be used is song, because song ca increase morale, make things comfortable an easy to memorize. The use of this media by replacing the lyrics of the original song is changed with words related to modern educational vocabulary. The use of song media has a signficat influence on students ability to master vocabulary especially knowing meaning and as well pronouncing it. But the song media also has disadvantages incluiding not all vocabulary  can be taught with songs and not all the teachers are able to use it specially for those who cannot sing.
Jurnal Alsinatuna Vol 2 No 1 (2016): December 2016
Publisher : Arabic Education Program IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/alsinatuna.v2i1.828


The basic concept of Arabic language learning is learning kinds of noun. Therefore, it is necessary for Arabic language learners to know the name of things needed in communication. One of the causes of failure and success in language learning is the use of media. There are so many teaching media used in language learning, including songs. In this case, the teacher chooses the most favorite song of the students, and then changes its lyrics with difficult words of the classic book. This media is used because it is supposed to be able to create fun and enjoyable situation and give the students ease in memorizing new vocabularies, especially in understanding the meaning of the classic books. On the other hand, the weakness of this media is that the teacher, especially those who have lack of singing abilities, found any difficulties in preparing the vocabulary of the classic book and put them into the song lyrics.
Dimensi Tasawuf dalam Ilmu Nahwu: Kajian Kitab Al-Futuhat al-Quddusiyyah fi Syarh al-Muqaddimah al-Jurumiyyah Karya Ibn ‘Ajibah Miftahul Ula; Faliqul Isbah
JOUSIP: Journal of Sufism and Psychotherapy Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): JOUSIP: Journal of Sufism and Psychotherapy, May 2022.
Publisher : Jurusan Tasawuf dan Psikoterapi Fakultas Ushuluddin, Adab dan Dakwah UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (502.113 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/jousip.v2i1.6001


Ilmu tasawuf adalah ilmu yang membahas tentang gagasan batin atau spiritualitas, sedangkan ilmu nahwu merupakan ilmu yang membahas tentang bagaimana cara untuk bisa berkomunikasi verbal dengan baik. Kedua aspek tersebut harus seimbang dan sejalan pada diri manusia. Salah satu tokoh yang membahas hal ini adalah Ibn ‘Ajibah dalam karya nya yang berjudul al-Futuhat al-Quddusiyyah. Artikel ini berusaha mengungkap dimensi tasawuf dari makna-makna simbolik yang tertuang dalam ilmu Nahwu. Makna simbolik yang terdapat pada kaidah-kaidah nahwu di kitab al-Futuhat al-Quddusiyyah dari perspektif tasawuf adalah bahwa dalam pengajaran nahwu menurut Ibn ‘Ajibah memiliki makna yang dalam kaitannya dengan tasawuf. nahwu yang bersifat ilmu lahir sebenarnya juga memiliki makna batin, seyogyanya manusia memahami dua hal tersebut sehingga tidak terjadi ketimpangan dalam kehidupan. Pandangan tasawuf yang ada pada kitab ini mengerucut menjadi tiga tahapan yaitu takhalli, tahalli dan tajalli. Takhalli adalah makna simbolik fiil (kerja) sebagai sesuatu yang progresif, usaha keras untuk menghilangkan segala hambatan yang menghalangi untuk bisa mencapai makrifat kepada Allah. Tahalli adalah makna simbolik dari jazm, bermakna teguh, sabar dan konsisten menjalani mujahadah dan melawan rintangan. Makna tajalli muncul dari simbol i’rab rafa’ yang berarti tinggi derajat yang akan dicapai oleh mereka yang sudah memiliki nun al-ananiyah atau keakuan sebagai tanda i’rab rafa’.
The Semantic Meaning of the Terms of Religious Moderation in the Qur'an from the Perspective of Muqotil ibn Sulaiman Al-Balkhy/ المعنى الدلالي لتواسط الدّيني في القرآن من وجهة نظر مقاتل ابن سليمان البلخي Faliqul Isbah; Rizki Fauzi; M. Fairuz Rosyid
ATHLA : Journal of Arabic Teaching, Linguistic and Literature Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : IAIN Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22515/athla.v3i1.4386


This study aims to examine the meaning of the verses of the Qur'an related to Religious Moderation from the perspective of Muqotil ibn Sulaiman Al-Balkhy which focuses on four words, namely: al-din, al-kufr, al-syirk and al-jihad. The choice of these four terms is because they are closely related to the discussion of religious moderation in which there are certain groups who generalize the meaning of the term textually, even though every word in the Qur'an has several alternative meanings that vary. This study uses a qualitative method of library research or library research. The results of this study are that the four terms have various meanings, namely: the word al-Din has five meanings: Tawhid, Calculation (Charity), Law, Religion and Belief. The word al-Kufr has four meanings: denying the oneness of Allah, denying argument, denying favors and breaking away. The word al-Shirk has three meanings: associating partners with Allah with something else, shirk by not worshiping and showing off. The word al-Jihad has three meanings: speech, war with weapons and Charit
مشكلة القراءة لتعليم اللغة العربية بمدرسة المتوسطة المعارف كارانج أنيار بكالونجان Faliqul Isbah; Intan Kharisatun Nisak
Imtiyaz : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Bahasa Arab Vol 7, No 1 (2023): Juni
Publisher : UIN Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/im.v7i1.10031


This research is motivated by the difficulty faced by many students in reading Arabic texts, such as difficulties in pronouncing certain Arabic letters like (ش) becoming (س), (ض) becoming (ظ), and other pronunciation errors. Therefore, it is necessary to delve deeper into the problem of learning reading skills and find solutions to overcome these problems.This research is descriptive qualitative in nature, using data collection techniques including interviews, observations, and documentation. The data analysis techniques used in this research include data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The main data were obtained from Arabic language teachers and students, supported by data from the head of the madrasah and related parties.The results of this study show that the problems of learning Arabic language are both linguistic and non-linguistic. The findings indicate that the linguistic problem in learning reading skills is the lack of understanding of students about the makharij al huruf and the pronunciation rules of the Arabic language. Meanwhile, the non-linguistic problem is related to students' motivation to learn Arabic language, their educational background, and the support of the madrasah management. The solutions to these problems include motivating students, encouraging them to read the Quran, and coordinating with the madrasah management.
Pendampingan Optimalisasi Peran Masyarakat Untuk Desa Progresif Dengan Asas Kemaslahatan Di Era Reformasi Industri 4.0: (Studi Lapangan di Desa Jambearum, Kec. Patebon Kab. Kendal Jawa Tengah) Novi Cahyaningsih; Faliqul Isbah
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Radisi Vol 1 No 3 (2021): Desember
Publisher : Yayasan Kajian Riset dan Pengembangan RADISI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55266/pkmradisi.v1i3.57


Optimization and the role of the community to realize a progressive village is not something that cannot be done, this study aims to provide information on the importance of the involvement of the community's role in an effort to provide benefits for the village where they live. The research method used is qualitative, namely the type of research on the condition of natural objects. Where the researcher as a key instrument, through data collection techniques the samples taken reflect representative for the population. Continuing to collect supporting data through interviews, literature studies and several other secondary efforts that support the optimization of service. The involvement of all elements of society in realizing a progressive village with a sense of benefit is absolute. The Village Government, Community Leaders, Religion and the whole community in general must be directly involved in providing assistance, suggestions, ideas, ideas that support the success of the program. The implementation of activities that can foster community enthusiasm can be one of the solutions for achieving this program. Among them are: Teaching Service to share knowledge (MERUBEL) and get to know about the village through online media (MESEDEVO). Keywords: Optimization, Society, Progressive, Benefit