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Jurnal Kesehatan Olahraga Vol 4, No 4 (2016): Edisi November 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Kesehatan Olahraga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Latihan beban merupakan suatu bentuk latihan yang menggunakan media alat beban untuk menunjang proses latihan dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kebugaran, kekuatan otot, kecepatan, pengencangan otot, hypertrophy otot, rehabilitasi, maupun penambahan dan pengurangan berat badan. Strength atau kekuatan, yaitu suatu kemampuan kondisi fisik manusia yang diperlukan dalam peningkatan prestasi belajar gerak karena dapat membantu meningkatkan komponen-komponen seperti kecepatan, kelincahan dan ketepatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik Random Sampling. Populasi penelitian ini yaitu Mahasiswa FIK Unesa Surabaya. Instrument pengambilan data adalah dengan mengambil data tes awal (pretest) dan data tes akhir (posttest) menggunakan instrument yakni tes kekuatan otot dada (push and pull dinamometer).Pretest dan Posttest tersebut untuk mengetahui tentang peningkatan pengaruh latihan beban dengan menggunakan alat mekanis dan non mekanis terhadap kekuatan otot dada mahasiswa FIK Unesa Surabaya. Berdasarkan uji Paired Sampel t Test setelah melakukan perhitungan diketahui rata-rata kekuatan otot dada Mahasiswa FIK Unesa Surabaya sebelum dan sesudah diberi treatment dalam latihan beban pretest mekanis diperoleh rata-rata 17,10/kg dan pretest non mekanis 21,10/kg. Sedangkan untuk nilai posttest mekanis diperoleh rata-rata 21,30/kg dan posttest non mekanis 25,70/kg. Setelah melakukan program latihan beban, rata-rata mamber mengalami peningkatan mekanis sebesar 4,20/kg sedangkan non mekanis mengalami peningkatan 4.50/kg. Sehingga latihan beban dengan alat non mekanis mengalami peningkatan lebih besar dari pada latihan beban dengan alat mekanis. Data hasil uji paired sample t test pada data hasil pretest kekuatan otot dada, terlihat bahwa diperoleh hasil nilai t sebesar -2,329 dengan nilai signifikan 0,045 < 0,05. Sedangkan data hasil posttest kekuatan otot dada, terlihat bahwa diperoleh hasil nilai t sebesar -2,325 dengan nilai signifikan 0,045 < 0,05. Dari hasil tersebut dapat diartikan bahwa hasil penelitian ini terdapat pengaruh latihan beban dengan menggunakan alat mekanis dan non mekanis terhadap kekuatan otot dada khususnya mahasiswa FIK Unesa Surabaya. Kata Kunci : Latihan Beban, Mekanis Dan Non Mekanis, Kekuatan Otot
Perancangan Coran Baja Cor SKD6 Menggunakan Simulasi Perangkat Lunak Pada Produk Side Core SD25R Kusnowo, Roni; Ery Hidayat
Manutech : Jurnal Teknologi Manufaktur Vol. 13 No. 01 (2021): Manutech: Jurnal Teknologi Manufaktur
Publisher : Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (547.873 KB) | DOI: 10.33504/manutech.v13i01.168


This study aims to produce a casting design for SD25R sidecore products with SKD6 material to be able to produce sound casting products or castings products that are free from defects with a scale of 1: 1. The sidecore SD25R is a casting product made for molded components for car wheels. This component is an imported product and in Indonesia no one has succeeded in supplying the needs of this component. The methodology used is simulation method, which is a method used to predict the defects of a cast material by using the SOLIDcast 8.2.5. Starting with the calculation of the channel system and the addition and design simulation using software as a tool in modeling the process metal casting before the actual metal casting process is carried out to reduce the risk of failure. In addition, this simulation can predict freezing temperature, cooling speed, the hottest area, and the porosity that occurs will be seen from this simulation, so it will reduce the trial and error process in the field. Based on the calculation of the gating system, the dimensions of the runner are 11x22x33 mm, the gates is 12x48 mm, the diameters of downsprue is 33 mm, and uses 2 top risers with a diameter of 150 mm, with a casting yield of 59.5%.  The simulation results with this software showed that the gating system design from the above calculations and the use of the top riser is more effective to produce a better product or sound casting product.
Peningkatan Nilai Impak Baja Hadfield Mn 12 Melalui Proses Perlakuan Panas Homogenisasi Bertahap Ery Hidayat; Beny Bandanadjaja
Jurnal Energi dan Teknologi Manufaktur Vol 1 No 02 (2018)
Publisher : Polinema Press, Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33795/jetm.v1i02.20


Hadfield manganese steel is the steel with a composition of 1.0-1.4% C and 10-14% Mn, where the C: Mn ratio is made at 1:10. In as-cast conditions, the steel has a structure of carbide (Fe, Mn) 3C at the grain boundary, formed during slow cooling in the sand mold. The carbide existence can cause brittle properties of the material and needs to be eliminated by a heat treatment process that is homogenization (or solution treatment). In this study, a stepped heat treatment process was carried out by giving preheating at temperatures below the austenitizing temperature of 600 oC and 700 oC. The austenitizing temperature is given lower than the conventional method which usually uses 1050 oC, wherein this study austenitizing heating was given at 980 oC. Rapid quenching is performed using water with agitation or stirring to ensure that the cooling rate is fast enough to generate a 100% austenite structure. The results achieved that the sample with a stepped heat treatment process with a preheating temperature of 600 oC and followed by austenitizing of 980 oC could perform finer austenite grains, with the highest impact value of 255 Joules. A fracture of the impact sample resulting very ductile behavior which can be seen that the impact sample is not completely broken.
Empowering unemployed people to process corn cob waste into briquettes as an alternative fuel in Ciherang village Irwan, Yusril; Hidayat, Fery; Firmansyah, Eka Taufik
REKA ELKOMIKA: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 5, No 2 (2024): REKA ELKOMIKA
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26760/rekaelkomika.v5i2.117-124


When the corn harvest season arrives, the problem in Ciherang village is that corn cob waste that becomes rubbish. The solution is these corn cobs will be made into briquettes as an alternative fuel to replace LPG gas. Unemployed youth are trained to make corn cob briquettes, starting from the theory of making them to using briquette making tools. Then field practice of the pyrolysis process, crushing charcoal, sieving, mixing, pressing, and drying the briquettes. The instructors of this activity are students taking the course MSB 398 Applications of Mechanical Engineering to Society. From the results of the training, the young people who have been appointed by the village head can make corn cob briquettes correctly and can also provide input that supports the process of making these briquettes better and produce larger quantities in a faster time.
Perancangan Cetakan dan Simulasi Proses Manufaktur untuk Teknologi HPDC: Studi Kasus Produk Plakat Komara, Asep Indra; Sidik, Barik; Hidayat, Ery; Wigenaputra, Dadan Heryada
JTRM (Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa Manufaktur) Vol 6 No 1 (2024): Volume: 6 | Nomor: 1 | April 2024
Publisher : Pusat Pengembangan, Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarat (P4M) Politeknik Manufaktur Bandung (Polman Bandung)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.48182/jtrm.v6i1.156


POLMAN Bandung plaque is a thick product with a relief shape on the surface of the product. The product was originally made using sand casting technology, but now it needs to be developed using high-pressure die casting (HPDC) molding technology. This process was hampered by the absence of technical documentation, so development started from the available sand-casting products. This development was carried out in two stages, first product design, and second tool design. Based on the results of the research carried out, an optimal HPDC design has been produced according to the desired specifications. Product designs are obtained through 3D scanning technology to obtain appropriate geometric data. Then the data generated for mold design and the HPDC process includes a specific casting pressure of 400 bar; casting locking force of 1311 kN; piston diameter of 40 mm; 31.6% fill rate; piston movement (V(x)): first phase 0.497 ms-1 to 307 mm, second phase 2.08 ms-1 to 390 mm. The analysis process in the shot-sleeve simulation has produced the right data for the production process so that machine control is more precise, effective, and efficient.