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Jurnal Sumberdaya Lahan Vol 14, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Agriculture Land Resource Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (639.341 KB) | DOI: 10.21082/jsdl.v14n1.2020.25-36


Abstrak. Optimalisasi lahan sawah tadah hujan memberikan kontribusi terhadap ketersediaan pangan nasional yang sebagian besar masih dipasok dari lahan optimal sawah beririgasi. Lahan suboptimal sawah tadah hujan berpotensi dalam mendukung ketersediaan pangan nasional. Lahan sawah tadah hujan sangat rentan terhadap dampak perubahan iklim terutama cekaman kekeringan dan serangan organisme pengganggu tanaman. Antisipasi dampak perubahan iklim di lahan sawah tadah hujan dilakukan dengan penerapan teknologi adaptif dan sekaligus sebagai upaya mirigasi gas rumah kaca. Beberapa teknologi adaptif yang berpotensi meningkatkan produktivitas padi sawah tadah hujan adalah penggunaan varietas unggul baru, penentuan waktu tanam dengan kalender tanam, pengelolaan sumberdaya air dengan teknologi embung, pengendalian OPT terpadu dan pengelolaan lahan. Teknologi mitigasi seperti pengairan berselang, penggunaan varietas rendah emisi, penggunaan bahan amelioran, pemupukan secara berimbang, dan integrasi tanaman padi ? ternak efektif menurunkan emisi gas rumah kaca di lahan sawah tadah hujan. Integrasi tanaman pangan-ternak bebas limbah merupakan salah satu upaya mensinergiskan aksi adaptasi dan aksi mitigas terhadap perubahan iklim di ekosistem lahan sawah tadah hujan. Abstract. Optimization of rainfed lowland rice contributes on national food availability which is still generally supplied from irrigated lowland rice. The sub-optimal rainfed lowland is quite susceptible to climate change impacts, especially drought stress and incidence of pests and diseases. Anticipating climate change impacts in rainfed lowland are approached by applying adaptive technology as well as greenhouse gase mitigation. Some adaptive technologies which potentially increase rainfed rice productivity are new superior varieties, cropping calendar for determining planting time, water resources management with small water reservoir, and integrated pests and diseases control. Some mitigation technologies such as intermittent irrigation, high yielding varieties with low emissions, ameliorant materials use, balanced fertilization, and integrated food crop-livestock reduce effectively greenhouse gas emissions in rainfed lowland rice areas. Integrated food crops-livestock with zero waste systems is one of synergic efforts between adaptation and mitigation actions on climate change impacts in ecosystems of rainfed lowland rice.
Jurnal Tanah dan Iklim (Indonesian Soil and Climate Journal) Vol 37, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sumberdaya Lahan Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jti.v37n1.2013.35-44


Abstrak. Pemantauan konsentrasi nitrat pada Sub DAS di areal budidaya tanaman sayuran di dataran tinggi perlu dilakukan mengingat praktek aplikasi pemupukan nitrogen yang berlebihan yang sering dilakukan petani. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) Mengetahui dosis pemupukan N yang diterapkan petani budi daya tanaman sayuran di daerah pertanian dataran tinggi, dan (2) Mengetahui dampak pemupukan N terhadap konsentrasi nitrat air sungai. Penelitin ini dilaksanakan pada sub DAS Klakah, DAS Serayu di Kabupaten Wonosobo pada musim penghujan 2008-2009 dan di musim kemarau 2009. Penelitian menggunakan penedekatan kuantitatif meliputi format deskriptif ex post facto dan analisis contoh air. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa Dosis pupuk N yang diterapkan petani pada tanaman kentang, kubis, dan jagung berturut-turut adalah 312, 167, dan 43 kg N ha-1 per musim atau setara dengan 678, 363, dan 93 kg urea ha-1 dan lebih tinggi 70 dan 6% dari dosis rekomendasi untuk tanaman kentang dan kubis, sedangkan untuk tanaman jagung masih di bawah dosis rekomendasi. Pemberian pupuk N anorganik dan pupuk organik kotoran ayam memberikan korelasi nyata pada produksi kentang yang ditunjukkan oleh koefisien korelasi (R) masing-masing 0,5564 dan 0,5806. Pemupukan N dosis tinggi berpengaruh nyata (pada taraf 0,05) meningkatkan konsentrasi nitrat dalam air sungai sebesar 64% dan 68% lebih tinggi dari konsentrasi nitrat air sungai di bagian hulu masing-masing pada musim kemarau dan hujan. Namun, konsentrasi nitrat di semua lokasi pengamatan menunjukkan nilai yang lebih rendah (24,00-40,97 mg nitrat-NO3-L-1 pada musim kemarau dan 6,91-17,88 mg nitrat-NO3-L-1) dari konsentrasi nitrat-NO3- yang diperkenankan untuk air minum (45 mg L-1). Jumlah nitrat yang terbawa air sungai dalam satu hari masing-masing sebanyak 187 kg nitrat-NO3- atau setara dengan 90 kg urea pada musim kemarau dan 380 kg nitrat-NO3- atau setara dengan 90 kg urea. Abstract. Monitoring the concentration of nitrate in sub-watershed in the area of vegetable cultivation in the highlands needs to be conducted considering the frequent excessive nitrogen fertilization practiced by farmers. The aims of the study were to (1) know dose N fertilizer applied by farmers in highland vegetable cultivation area, and (2) examine the impact of N fertilization on stream water nitrate concentrations. The research was carried out in Klakah sub-watershed, Serayu watershed of Wonosobo District in rainy season of year 2008-2009 and dry season of year 2009. This research used quantitative approach including descriptive format of Ex Post Facto and analyzing water samples. The results show that the rates of N fertilizer applied by farmers on potato, cabbage, and corn were 312, 167, and 43 kg N ha-1 per season, respectively, which were equivalent to 678, 363, and 93 kg urea ha-1 and higher 70 and 6% of the recommendation rate for potato and cabbage crops, meanwhile the application for corn was still below the recommendation rate. Inorganic N fertilizer and organic fertilizer from chicken manure gave significant correlation in potato production indicated by the correlation coefficient (R) 0.5564 and 0.5806, respectively. High rate of N fertilization significantly (at 0.05 level) increased the concentration of nitrate in river water by 64% and 68% higher than the nitrate concentration in the upstream of river water in the dry and rainy seasons, respectively. However, nitrate concentrations in all sampling sites showed lower values (24.00 to 40.97 mg nitrate-NO3- L-1 in the dry season and from 6.91 to 17.88 mg nitrate-NO3- L-1) of allowable nitrate-NO3-concentrationsfor drinking water (45 mg L-1). Amount of nitrate carried by river water in one day was 187 kg nitrate-NO3-, equivalent to 90 kg of urea in the dry season and 380 kg of nitrate-NO3-, equivalent to 90 kg of urea.
Response of Peanut due to Application of Dolomite Plus Sutriadi, Mas Teddy; Setyorini, Diah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5400/jts.2012.v17i2.143-150


Most developing areal for peanut crop (Arachis hoypogeae) is upland, that is dominated by parent soil and has acidcharacteristis. Main constraints for this soil are pH and low soil productivity. Dolomite plus is a dolomite ameliorant,with phosphate nutrient. The dolomite plus beside as the ameliorant and a source of magnecium and calciumnutrients, also as a source of phosphate nutrient. The objective of the research was to study effectivity of dolomiteplus on peanut growth in Inceptisols soil. This research was conducted in the greenhouse using a randomizecompletely designed with 8 treatments and 5 replications. The treatments were control, NPK, and combinations ofNPK with six dolomite plus levels. Relative Agronomic Effectiveness (RAE) analyses was used determine to theeffectivity of dolomite plus. The result showed that application of dolomite plus 1,600 kg ha-1 with NPK fertilizerincreased dry weight of grain yield untill 27% (11.53 to 14.65 g plant-1) compared to NPK fertilizer application alone,that was showed by RAE > 100% or among 171-251%. Application of dolomite plus with NPK increased soil pH, soilavailable P (Bray 1), Ca and Mg exchangeable, and CEC as 1.9 unit; 6.2 mg kg-1; 15.87 cmol(+) kg-1; 14.27 cmol(+)kg-1; and 17.29 cmol(+) kg-1 respectively. Maximum rate of dolomite plus was 2,500 kg ha-1 with the yield was 14.2 gplant-1 grain dry weight. The rate of dolomite plus that was higher than 2,500 kg ha-1 could decrease the yield[How to Cite: Sutriadi MT and D Setyorini. 2012. Response of Peanut due to Application of Dolomite Plus. J Trop Soils 17: 143-150. Doi: 10.5400/jts.2012.17.2.143] [Permalink/DOI:]
Agroforestry as an approach to rehabilitating degraded tropical peatland in Indonesia Jaya, Adi; Dohong, Salampak; Page, Susan E.; Saptono, Mofit; Supriati, Lilies; Winerungan, Shella; Sutriadi, Mas Teddy; Widiastuti , Lusia
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management Vol. 11 No. 2 (2024)
Publisher : Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15243/jdmlm.2024.112.5453


Peatland is a unique ecosystem with water saturation; peatland regulates hydrological processes, climate, environmental conditions, and biodiversity. Poor management practises regarding peatlands can lead to land degradation, and peatland degradation typically has negative effects. Recent tropical peatland research in Indonesia has predominantly revolved around the examination of the ecological consequences resulting from various management approaches. There is little study on farmers' agroforestry efforts to preserve and restore degraded peatlands. A comprehensive examination was undertaken to assess a range of facts, information, and scholarly articles pertaining to the practise of agroforestry on peatlands in Indonesia. The primary incentive for farmers to adopt agroforestry systems originates from their recognition of the impending scarcity of trees. By integrating intercrops with cultivated trees, farmers anticipate generating adequate money to fulfil their family's economic requirements. Farmers who choose intensive intercropping practises are motivated by market demand, whereas farmers who do not adopt this approach tend to favour crops that necessitate less rigorous management. The provision of governmental assistance holds significant importance, and there is a pressing need for additional guidance and support. The potential for rehabilitating degraded peatlands by the implementation of agroforestry practises of native tree species is considerable. Their growth patterns contribute to enhanced vegetative coverage, resulting in heightened moisture levels, reduced temperatures, diminished fire hazards, and improved peat soil quality. The relationship between the physiography of the land and the depth of the peat is directly associated with the patterns and components of agroforestry in peatland environments.