Maulana Surya Kusumah
Program Studi Sosiologi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Jember

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Analisis Wacana Gerakan Sosial Baru Mahasiswa: Studi tentang Gerakan Pendidikan Nonformal oleh Swayanaka di Jember Sulistyowati, Anggun; Kusumah, Maulana Surya
e-Sospol Vol 4 No 2 (2017): Kelembagaan Pengelolaan Sampah Berbasis Komunitas
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract This article discusses about the new social movement which male students as the movement actor by the study of non formal education movement in Jember. In this case, the new social movement called Swayanaka. Swayanaka is a student organization which made non formal education as the educational basis. Swayanaka comes as the alternative solution and supporting education during the time that we can say having the unsimilar in the quality especially in Jember and around it. This article uses qualitative method, because it aims to give detail explaination what about the action that have done by Swayanaka and how Swayanaka does the action using the concept of new sosial movement approach and discourse analysis as the theory to analyze the data. This research gives the description on how Swayanaka has a discourse itself in doing the activity process. Swayanaka lifts a text about education, by making an awareness toward children and health as a diskurtif practical. Afterthat diskurtif practical make to be social practical by focusing the movement on the health and awareness toward children. Social practical is such of Swayanaka strategy to create assisted village and develop networking, do some approaches, and do another activities which related to the Swayanaka activity process
The Meaning of Education for Children of Orange Farmers in Sambimulyo Banyuwangi: A Status Reorientation Setiawan, Hafid Kuncoro; Kusumah, Maulana Surya
Jurnal ENTITAS SOSIOLOGI Vol 7 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Laboratorium Sosiologi FISIP Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/jes.v7i2.16634


Citrus fruit farming in Sambimulyo Village has succeeded in improving the welfare of local farmers. Their success did not make them think of sharing their knowledge of citrus fruit farming to their children. They choose the education field as an appropriate way for their children. Citrus fruit farmers thought that education as the critical point to get knowledge and job and also an important thing to create a better future. The same thought also had by the citrus fruit farmer's children. This research used a qualitative method by the descriptive research design. The rational theory of James Coleman chooses as the theory in the preferential mind and optimization process; thereby, it explained the development of mind mapping and rational action, which is selected by the farmer. The research question is how the status reorientation as the meaning of education to citrus fruit farmer's children in Sambimulyo Banyuwangi. The researcher identifies the concept of knowledge and the implementation of it. Moreover, how the citrus fruit farmer faced the direct impact from the orientation of education primarily related to citrus fruit agricultural in Sambimulyo. It implemented on differing views between the old generation and the young generation. The difference is in how they used the education itself, and the same is in the way to get knowledge and a better life. Keywords: status reorientation, the meaning of education, rational choice, orange farmer. Referensi: Ahmadi dan Uhbiyati. 2007. Ilmu Pendidikan. Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta. Buku Profil Desa Sambimulyo Tahun 2011 – 2015. Bungin, Burhan, 2001. Analisis Data Penelitian Kulaitatif: Pemahaman Filosofis dan Metodologis ke Arah Penguasaan Model Aplikasi. Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada. Coleman, James. 1994. Dasar-dasar Teori Sosial (Foundations Of Social Theory). Terjemahan oleh Imam Muttaqien, Derta Sri Widowatie, Siwi Purwandari. 2011. Bandung: Nusa Media. Creswell, Jhon W. 2016. Research Design “Pendekatan Metode Kualitatif, Kuantitatif, dan Campuran. Terjemahan oleh Achmad Fawaid dan Rianayati Kusmini Pancasari. 2016. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Belajar Miles, Matthew dan Huberman, A. Michael. 1992. Analisis Data Kualitatif: Buku Sumber Tantang Metode-Metode Baru. Terjemahan oleh Tjetjep Rohendi Rohidi. 2009. Jakarta: UI Press. Notoatmodjo, Soekidjo. 2003. Pendidikan dan Perilaku Kesehatan. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta I.B Wirawan, Teori-Teori Sosial Dalam Tiga Paradigma (Fakta Sosial, Definisi Sosial, Perilaku Sosial), 2012, Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group. Alhadi, Robith Abdillah. 2015. Sejarah Pertanian Jeruk di Desa Sambimulyo Kecamatan Bangorejo Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Jurnal : Universitas Jember. (Skripsi tidak diterbitkan)
The Farmer’s Strategy in Maintaining the Sustainability of Organic Farming in Rowosari Village, Jember Regency Mardani, Dwi; Kusumah, Maulana Surya
Jurnal ENTITAS SOSIOLOGI Vol 7 No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Laboratorium Sosiologi FISIP Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/jes.v7i1.16639


The Tani Jaya 2 farmer group is the only farming community that can develop their organic farming and survival since it was founded. As farmers who grow organic crops, they need special efforts to maintain their existence. Using a qualitative research design, researchers found that organic farmers face many challenges in managing their organic agriculture. For this reason, they must develop and ensure the sustainability of organic farming. Efforts to build farmers' knowledge in maintaining organic farming were established and influenced by the success of the strategies they used. Their plans include, firstly, empowering through the assistance of agricultural capital. Second, maintaining product quality. Third, build an external cooperation network. By relying on this effort, organic farming in Jember District can survive. Keywords: awareness construction, organic farmer strategy, organic farmer empowerment. Referensi: Basrowi. 2005. Pengantar Sosiologi. Bogor: Ghalia Indonesia. Creswell, John W. 2014. Research Design: Pendekatan Metode Kualitatif, Kuantitatif, dan Campuran. Terjemahan oleh Achmad Fawaidi & Rianayati K.P. 2016. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. Damsar & Indriyani. 2009. Pengantar sosiologi ekonomi. Jakarta: Prenadamedia Group. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. 1991. Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka. Harker, R., Mahar, C., dan Wilkes, Chris. 1990. (Habitus X Modal) + Ranah = Praktik: Pengantar Paling Komprehensif kepada Pemikiran Pierre Bourdieu. Terjemahan oleh Pipit Maizier. Yogyakarta: Jalasutra. Henslin, James M. 2006. Sosiologi dengan Pendekatan Membumi (6 ed.). (W. Hardani, B. A. Yoso, Eds., & K. Sunarto, Trans.). Jakarta: Erlangga Khotimah, Aidah Chusnul. 2016. Konstruksi Pengetahuan Tentang Pertanian Organik Pada Petani Desa Wates Kabupaten Tulungagung. Skripsi. Jember: Sosiologi. Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik. Universitas Jember. Moleong, Lexi J. 2000. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif. (Tjun Sujarman, (Ed.). Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya. Mubarok, J. Ifnul. 2012. Kamus Istilah Ekonomi. Bandung: Yrama Widya Pribadi, Deki. 2016. Strategi Kelompok Tani Mandiri dalam Mewujudkan Pertanian Organik dan Wisata Organik di Desa Lombok Kulon Kecamatan Wonosari Kabupaten Bondowoso. Skripsi. Jember: Sosiologi. Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik. Universitas Jember. Ritzer, George dan Goodman, D. J. Teori Sosiologi Modern. Terjemahan Oleh Alimandan. 2003. Jakarta: Kencana. Soekanto, Soerjono. 1983. Kamus Sosiologi. Jakarta: CV. Rajawali. Soetriono. 1993. Dasar Ilmu Pertanian. Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Jember. Sutanto, Rachman. 2002. Pertanian Organik: Menuju Pertanian Alternatif dan Berkelanjutan. Yogyakarta: Kanisius. Universitas Jember. 2012. Pedoman Penulisan Karya Ilmiah. Jember: Jember University Press. Internet: Firli, Andhika. 2013. Revolusi Hijau dan Dampak Buruknya. b457b. diakses tanggal 03 Oktober 2016.
Labour Knowledge Construction Regarding Labour Rights (Study of FSPMI in Labour Movement at Pasuruan) Muqtafiah, Muqtafiah; Kusumah, Maulana Surya
Jurnal ENTITAS SOSIOLOGI Vol 8 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Laboratorium Sosiologi FISIP Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/jes.v8i1.16647


Demonstrations carried out by workers represent the construction of labor awareness. FSPMI supports the awareness-building process. The researcher focused this research on how awareness construction was carried out by FSPMI. FSPMI not only mobilizes workers to carry out demonstrations but also builds labor' awareness regarding labor rights, work relations, both related to regulations and systems or other labor issues. By using a qualitative research design, the description or review provided is descriptive. Researchers also use the constructivist approach. This constructivism approach becomes essential because to know about how the construction process is carried out by FSPMI, a further and in-depth approach is needed. The results showed that the process of building labor' awareness in the FSPMI labor association was carried out through education. FSPMI carried out its activities through several stages called (CLA) concept-lobby-action. The construction produced through education makes labors more aware of their rights and is also involved in politics. Construction carried out through education has created critical awareness of workers. Keywords: Awareness Construction, Labor Rights, Labor Movement, Role of FSPM Referensi: Akrom, 2011. Prespektif Karl Marx tentang Kelas Sosial. Jurnal Primary. 3 (1) 109-115 Amin, Muryanto. 2011. Fragmentasi Gerakan Buruh di Indonesia Pasca Orde Baru. Jurnal Ilmu Politik. 3 (1): 47-56 Iqbal, Said. 2011. Buruh dan Politik. Jurnal Sosial Demokrasi. 10 (4): 54-61 Launa. 2011. Buruh dan Politik Labour and Politics. Jurnal Sosial Demokrasi. 10 (4): 4-15 Meretas Kesadaran Merajut Ideologi. 10 (4): 70-77 Haq, Yusfia A. 2015. Upaya Perempuan Aktivis Buruh Dalam Memperjuangkan Hak-Hak Normative Buruh Perempuan di Perusahaan Dalam Negeri Kabupaten Mojokerto. Jurnal Politik muda. 4 (1):13-20 Hendrastomo, Grendi. 2010. Menakar Kesejahteraan Buruh: Memperjuangkan Kesejahteraan Buruh diantara Kepentingan Negara dan Korporasi. Jurnal Informasi. 16 (2):1-17 Setiawan, Ade. 2012. Gerakan Serikat Buruh : gerakan penolakan/penuntutan revisi ranperda ketenagakerjaan 2011 oleh serikat buruh di Kabupaten Gresik. Jurnal Politik Muda. 1 (1) Vidi, Muhammad RA dan Affandi Muhammad. 2015. Gerakan Perlawanan Serikat Buruh dalam Sistem Outsourcing dan Sistem Pengupahan di PT JAPFA Comfeed Sidoarjo. Jurnal Paradigma,3(1):1-8 Winata, Ria A. 2015. Gerakan Federasi Serikat Pekerja Metal Indonesia Dalam Memperjuangkan Penolakan Sistem Outsourcing di Kota Surabaya tahun 2012-2015. Jurnal Politik Muda, 4(3):259-267 Syahputra, Ganda. 2009. Peranan Serikat Buruh Dalam Memperjuangkan Hak Upah dan Politik (Studi Kasus Serikat Buruh Medan Indonesia. Skripsi. Medan.Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Sumatera Utara Wisnutomo, N H. 2014. Peran Serikat Pekerja Dalam Penentapan Upah Minimum Buruh dan Penyelesaian Masalah Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja (Studi Pada Serikat Pekerja Nasional Kota Salatiga). Skripsi. Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Salatiga Wulandari, Bety. 2014. Bentuk-Bentuk Protes Karyawan Terhadap Manajemen Pabrik Kertas Leces. Skripsi.Jember: Jurusan Sosiologi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Jember Handik, Andi. 2015. Gaji di bawah UMSK, Buruh PT Nestle Datangi Disnaker. [ 17 Desember 2015] Hartik, Andi. 2015. Bupati Akan Panggil PT Halim Jaya Sakti Terkait Persoalan Buruh. [17 Desember 2015] Hujjah, S. 2015. Dalam Sehari, Ratusan Buruh Pasuruan Demo di Tiga Lokasi.,_ratusan_buruh_pasuruan_demo%20_di_tiga_lokasi.html#.VnNEaGdRZ8Q [17 Desember 2015] Hujjah, Shohibul. 2015. Ratusan Buruh Sarbumusi Datangi Kantor DPRD Kabupaten Pasuruan. [17 Desember 2015] Marza, Ade. 2015. Tak digaji 3 Bulan, Buruh Demo di Pasuruan. Syairwan, Irwan. 2015. Buruh Pasuruan Tuntut Keberadaan PHI. [17 Desember 2015] Yoenianto, Arie. 2015. Demo Buruh Lumpuhkan Surabaya-Malang. [17 Desember 2015] ( diakses 17 Desember 2015
Jurnal Sosiologi Pendidikan Humanis Vol 5, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Sosiologi Pendidikan Humanis
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um021v5i1p71-85


In this article that focuses on issues of youth, sexuality and sexual harassment. The existence of culture in the reality of adolescent habits about permitting sexual harassment behavior. Besides sexuality is still considered taboo to be discussed in public spaces. Sociologically this phenomenon can be said as a form of failure of the construction of sexuality in adolescents. This assumption is supported by the knowledge of adolescent sexuality that allows sexual harassment and is considered a joke. Sexuality as a production of knowledge is taken from the point of view of adolescents and environments that have direct relations. The discourse of sexuality comes with a variety of operators. This article is the main issue narrated using the knife of Michel Foucault's analyst about sex, power and knowledge. In addition this study aims to describe the knowledge of adolescent sexuality in Puger. In its methodological consequences this article uses the Foucault genealogy to narrate the knowledge of adolescent sexuality. Researchers try to see how basic problems that arise can be solved by a historical framework. Then the key informants were teenagers / students from junior high schools (Public Schools) and senior high schools (Religious Schools) in Puger Kulon.Pada artikel ini akan fokus pada isu remaja, seksualitas dan sexual harassment. Secara konseptual argumentasi peneliti lebih merujuk pada kehidupan remaja hari ini. Adanya budaya dalam realitas kebiasaan remaja tentang diijinkannya perilaku pelecehan seksual. Selain itu seksualitas masih dianggap tabu untuk diperbincangkan di ruang publik. Secara sosiologis fenomena ini dapat dikatakan sebagai suatu bentuk kegagalan konstruksi seksualitas pada remaja. Asumsi ini didukung dengan adanya pengetahuan seksualitas remaja yang mengijinkan pelecehan seksual dan dianggap sebagai lelucon. Pengalaman remaja tentang pelecehan seksual di lingkungan sekolah seperti komentar seksual, lelucon, gerakan, serta menunjukkan video porno. Seksualitas sebagai suatu produksi pengetahuan diambil dari sudut pandang remaja serta lingkungan yang memiliki relasi secara langsung. Diskursus seksualitas hadir dengan ragam operatornya. Artikel ini menjadi isu utama yang akan dinarasikan dengan menggunakan pisau analisisi Michel Foucault tentang seks, kekuasaan dan pengetahuan. Selain itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengetahuan seksualitas remaja di Puger. Pada konsekuensi metodologisnya artikel ini menggunakan genealogi Foucault untuk menarasikan pengetahuan seksualitas remaja.