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Jurnal Prestasi Olahraga Vol 3, No 1 (2018): Jurnal Mahasiswa PKO
Publisher : Jurnal Prestasi Olahraga

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ABSTRAK Cabang olahraga bola basket merupakan cabang olahraga yang mendewakan statistik terbukti disetiap pertandingan basket selalu terdapat hasil statistik pertandingan dan pada laman web basket terdapat data statistik tiap tim bahkan tiap masing-masing individu. Statistik pertandingan sangat berperan penting sebagai acuan dan bahan evaluasi sehingga pelatih dapat menentukan taktik permainan yang lebih efisien kedepannya. Untuk meraih kemenangan diperlukannya bermain secara effisien dengan penguasaan teknik bola basket yang bagus, komponen yang perlu diperhatikan yaitu field goal, free throw, turnover, assist, steal, blocked shoot, personal fouls, dan foul drawn. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari hasil rumusan masalah yang dicari peneliti, yaitu bagaimana kemampuan teknik bermain tim Jawa Timur Kriteria Umur 14 dalam Kejuaraan Nasional 2017 di Jakarta berdasarkan data statistik. proses pengambilan data dengan cara mengambil data sekunder, berupa data statistik pertandingan bola basket. Dari data yang telah diuraikan pada total 6 kali pertandingan pada ajang Kejuaraan Nasional 2017 diperoleh hasil tim Jawa Timur bermain dengan field goal tertinggi digame ke-22 dengan 24,81% dan terendah digame ke-13 dan 17 dengan 12,40% dari total keseluruhan yang berhasil, free throw tertinggi digame ke-7 dengan 31,91% dan terendah digame ke-22 dan 32 dengan 8,51%, offensive rebound terbaik digame ke-32 dengan 26,03% dan terendah digame ke-22 dengan 10,96%, deffensive rebound tertinggi digame ke-7 dengan 19,75% dan terendah digame ke-22 dengan 12,96%, assist tertinggi digame ke-26,39% dan terendah digame ke-8,33%, turnover tertinggi digame ke-17 dengan 24,09% dan terendah digame ke-22 dengan 7,30%, steal terbanyak digame ke-29 dengan 23,91% dan terendah digame ke-13 dengan 9,78%, blocked shoot tertinggi digame ke-29 dengan 22,22% dan terendah digame ke-7 dan 17 dengan 11,11%, personal fouls terendah digame ke-22 dengan 7,21% dan tertinggi digame ke-7 dengan 23,42%, foul drawn tertinggi digame ke-7 dengan 28,57% dan terendah digame ke-22 dengan 5,49%, dan dari keseluruhan game tim Jawa Timur bemain paling effiesien pada game ke-22 dengan 36,19% dan terendah digame ke-13 dengan 6,34%. Kata kunci: Analisis, teknik Bola Basket, Statistik,Kejuaraan Nasional, Tim Jawa Timur ? ABSTRACT Basketball is a sport that mends the proven statistics in every basketball game there are always match statistics and on basketball web pages there are statistical data of each team even each individual. Game statistics play an important role as reference and evaluation materials so the coach can determine the game tactics more efficiently going forward. To achieve the victory needed to play efficiently with the mastery of a good basketball technique, the components that need to be considered are field goals, free throw, turnover, assist, steal, blocked shoot, personal fouls, and foul drawn. This study aims to find out the formulation of the problem sought by the researcher, that is how the ability of East Java teams Criterion Age 14 techniques in the 2017 National Championships in Jakarta based on statistical data. the process of taking data by taking secondary data, in the form of statistical data basketball game. From the data that has been described in a total of 6 matches at the 2017 National Championship event, East Java team results obtained by playing with the highest field goal of 22nd digested with 24.81% and the lowest being 13th and 17th with 12.40% of the total which succeeded, the highest throw 7th free throw with 31.91% and the 22nd and 32nd lowest with 8.51%, the best offensive rebound to 32nd with 26.03% and the 22nd lowest digom with 10, 96%, deffensive highest rebound was 7th with 19.75% and lowest was 22th with 12.96%, highest asset was 26.39% and lowest was 8.33%, highest turnover digame to -17 with 24.09% and the lowest was 22th with 7.30%, the 29th highest stained with 23.91% and the 13th lowest by 9.78%, the 29th highest blocked shoot in the 29th 22.22% and the lowest was 7th and 17th with 11.11%, the lowest personal fouls were 22nd with 7.21% and 7th highest by 23.42%, foul drawn tertin ggi was 7 games with 28.57% and the lowest was 22nd with 5.49%, and from the overall East Java team game played the most effiesien in the 22nd game with 36.19% and the lowest was 13th with 6 , 34%. Keywords: Analysis, Basketball techniques, Statistics, National Championships, East Java Team