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Jurnal Prestasi Olahraga Vol 1, No 4 (2018)
Publisher : Jurnal Prestasi Olahraga

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Abstrak Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi mengenai adanya data mengenai profil kemampuan fisik dan teknik pemain bolabasket Western Basketball Surabya kelompok umur 12 Tahun. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tingkat kemampuan fisik dan teknik pemain Western Baskeball Surabaya kelompok umur 12 tahun. Jenis penelitian ini deskriptif. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survei denga teknik tes dan pengukuran. Subyek penelitian ini adalah pemain bolabasket Western Basketball Surabaya kelompok umur 12 tahun yang berjumlah 15 pemain. Instrument tes yang digunakan, terdiri dari 5 item tes kemampuan fisik dan 1 item tes kemampuan teknik. 5 item tes kemampuan fisik terdiri dari tes daya tahan yang diukur dengan beep tes, komponen kecepatan diukur dengan sprint 30 m, komponen kelentukan diukur dengan sit and reach, komponen kelincahan diukur dengan hexagonal obstacle tes, komponen otot kaki diukur dengan standing broad jump. 1 item tes kemampuan teknik diukur dengan Jr.NBA Skill Challenge. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif yang dituangkan dalam bentuk presentase. Berdasarkan analisis hasil tes dengan t-score secara umum kemampuan fisik dan teknik dapat disimpulkan bahwa, kemampuan fisik pemain bolabasket kelompok umur 12 tahun western basketball Surabaya sebanyak 1 pemain (6,7%) pada kategori ?baik sekali?, 5 pemain (33,3%) pada kategori ?baik?, 4 pemain (26,7%) pada kategori ?sedang?, dan 5 pemain (33,3%) pada kategori ?kurang?. Kategori kemampuan teknik pemain bolabasket kelompok umur 12 tahun western basketball Surabaya sebanyak 1 pemain (6,7%) pada kategori ?baik sekali?, 4 pemain (26,7%) pada kategori ?baik?, 5 pemain (33,3%) pada kategori ?sedang?, 4 pemain (26,7%) pada kategori ?kurang?, dan 1 pemain (6,7%) pada kategori ?kurang sekali?. Kata Kunci: Profil, kemampuan fisik, dan teknik, bolabasket Abstract This research is distributed about the existence of data concerning the physical and technical ability of the profile player was Western Basketball Surabaya group aged 12 years. The purpose of this research is to know the level of physical abilities and techniques players Western Basketball Surabaya group aged 12 years. Type of this research is descriptive. The research method used was survey methods with test and measurement techniques. The subject of this research is the player was Western Basketball Surabaya age group 12 years totalling 15 players. The test instrument use, consists of 5 physical ability test and item 1 item ability test techniques. 5 physical ability test items consist of a test of endurance as measured by the beep test, the components of the velocity measured by sprint of 30 m, measured with a flexibility component of the sit and reach, components measured by the agility obstacle hexagonal test, the components of the leg muscle was measured with a standing broad jump. 1 engineering ability test items measured by the Jr. NBA Skills Challenge. Analytical techniques descriptive analyses quantitative data using poured in the form of a percentage. Based on the analysis of the test results with a t-score in General physical and techniques abilty it can be concluded that, the physical capabilities of the players was the group aged 12 years western basketball Surabaya as much as 1 player (6.7%) in the category "excellent", 5 players (33.3%) in the category "above average", 4 players (26.7%) in the category "average", and 5 players (33.3%) in the category " bellow average ". Category technique abilities of players was the group aged 12 years western basketball Surabaya as much as 1 player (6.7%) in the category "excellent", 4 players (26.7%) in the category "above average", 5 players (33.3%) in the category ?average", 4 players (26.7%) in the category of "bellow average", and 1 player (6.7%) in the category of "poor". Keywords : Profile, physical ability, and technique, basketball