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Kodifikasia Vol 9, No 1 (2015)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (307.064 KB) | DOI: 10.21154/kodifikasia.v9i1.796


The Muslims in Indonesia, they appreciate the tradition?s value so much, remarkably, the one which becomes the part of the religiousity practices and becomes one with it. Therefore, the Islamic religion manifestation in every community group is different, because of the tradition?s differences cover it; the position of tradition and the ancestors precepts which are placed equally with religion,it is toward the invisible matter or supernatural. Their exiatences are worshipped, honored, respected and even considdered cult, treated as the God in religion. Supernatural is often anthropomorphic, it means that the supernatural is often treated as the other creatures which have the ability and characters like human, animals, or plants. The community divinity concept and perception is not purely monotheism, but it is monopluralistic. Tradition which is accomodated by the in their religious practices is often connected to the myth existence in it. The myth truth is the community faith matter, emotion and mental. All of the religion processes related to doctrine, history and its development can not be separated from the existence of the myth, included religion which is claimed as the revelation religion. The myth element becomes very important in this contextual Islam, because the myth knowledge is considered as the holy story, the primordialic event about the universe genesis, the past time, and the other life. Frazer describes that the myth position in the community religion, is like the holy book in the modern religion. In every tribe and group who claim as Muslim, they have the myth practices which become the base in arrenging local Islamic practices. In the study of anthropology and sociology, the function and the role of myth, religion, and tradition can not be substancially distinguished, since everyone contains the invisible element. The myth as a story which is considered sacred as like the holy book which is able to describe the transendental primordial event. Myth is related to the traditional religion and the holy book is related to modern religion. The Sociology defines that myth is as the social stucture in creating the community condition. As a belief which is able to strengthen the community mystical side in order to be able to conserve the adhesive social values in the community.
Desacralization of Marriage in the Islamic Community of Javanese Farmers Sardjuningsih, Sardjuningsih
PALASTREN Jurnal Studi Gender Vol 13, No 1 (2020): PALASTREN
Publisher : STAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/palastren.v13i1.7412


Field research with a phenomenological approach, in the District of Kabuh-Jombang. The barren rural socio-geographical setting makes tradition basics a reference and measure of norms of action. The uniqueness of this study with previous research is the process of reducing the sacredness of marriage by placing the status of Widower or Widow better than the status of an old spinster or old age. Research with a Phenomenological approach with Robert Merton's Structural-Functional analysis knife rests on deep interview techniques of 20 informants consisting of couples who experience young and divorced couples, families, and community leaders. produce conclusions that the tradition of underage marriage is a social fact, a habit that still continues to this day, constructed with noble and sacred meaning. In the social process the Nobleness of meaning is not supported by other social facts, that being a widower or widow is better than being an old woman or old woman. This puts divorce better than maintaining marriage. This pragmatic outlook is contrary to the ideal ideals of a sacred marriage. The result of a complex divorce is a negative new social fact that is neglecting the rights of children to be paid by their parents. This negative social fact is due to the dysfunctional social control and social structure of the process of adaptation to change.
EMPIRISMA: JURNAL PEMIKIRAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN ISLAM Vol 29, No 1 (2020): Agama dan Budaya Nusantara
Publisher : IAIN Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30762/empirisma.v29i1.2161


Tradisi buwuhan telah ratusan tahun menjadi sarana kohesi sosial pada masyarakat perdesaan. Dalam hubungan sosial buwuhan dapat dikonsepsikan sebagai negosiasi ekonomi dengan menggunakan pendekatan pertukaran. Sebagai sub-budaya, buwuhan menjadi alat strategis dalam menandai tahapan kehidupan seseorang, yang digelar pada acara pesta perkawinan dan khitanan. Dalam masyarakat perdesaan pertukaran ekonomi ini terorganisir melalui pencatatan. Kesadaran akan adanya norma sosial kesalingan menuntut nilai pertukaran dibayarkan kembali minimal sepadan. Di era modern tradisi buwuhan mengalam pergesera nilai, menjadikan tradisi buwuhan sebagai sarana untuk mengambil keuntungan pribadi, yang dibungkus dengan nilai kesetiakawanan dan kerukunan. Terutama pada masyarakat perkotaan dan masyarakat yang sedang megalami tranformasi sosial seperti masyarakat pinggiran kota. Hal ini karena modernisasi mengubah pola pandang masyarakat terhadap nilai uang. Pemaknaan ini lebih jauh menimbulkan praktek buwuhan dilaksanakan tidak dengan semestinya, dipaksakan, dimanfaatkan, dengan modus dan strategi demi keuntungan materi. Makna buwuhan menjadi subyektif, berdasarkan kepada kepentingan individual. Untuk melestarikan nilai tradisi buwuhan, harus ada rekonstruksi sosial yang mengembalikan makna tradisi ini kedalam fungsinya sebagai kohesi sosial yang dapat diterima oleh norma masyarakat modern, yang lebih rasional, realistis, intertain, familiar, dan harmonis.Kata kunci: Buwuhan, Kohesi Sosial, Komersialisasi, Modernisasi
EMPIRISMA: JURNAL PEMIKIRAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN ISLAM Vol 29, No 1 (2020): Agama dan Budaya Nusantara
Publisher : IAIN Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30762/empirisma.v29i1.2161


Tradisi buwuhan telah ratusan tahun menjadi sarana kohesi sosial pada masyarakat perdesaan. Dalam hubungan sosial buwuhan dapat dikonsepsikan sebagai negosiasi ekonomi dengan menggunakan pendekatan pertukaran. Sebagai sub-budaya, buwuhan menjadi alat strategis dalam menandai tahapan kehidupan seseorang, yang digelar pada acara pesta perkawinan dan khitanan. Dalam masyarakat perdesaan pertukaran ekonomi ini terorganisir melalui pencatatan. Kesadaran akan adanya norma sosial kesalingan menuntut nilai pertukaran dibayarkan kembali minimal sepadan. Di era modern tradisi buwuhan mengalam pergesera nilai, menjadikan tradisi buwuhan sebagai sarana untuk mengambil keuntungan pribadi, yang dibungkus dengan nilai kesetiakawanan dan kerukunan. Terutama pada masyarakat perkotaan dan masyarakat yang sedang megalami tranformasi sosial seperti masyarakat pinggiran kota. Hal ini karena modernisasi mengubah pola pandang masyarakat terhadap nilai uang. Pemaknaan ini lebih jauh menimbulkan praktek buwuhan dilaksanakan tidak dengan semestinya, dipaksakan, dimanfaatkan, dengan modus dan strategi demi keuntungan materi. Makna buwuhan menjadi subyektif, berdasarkan kepada kepentingan individual. Untuk melestarikan nilai tradisi buwuhan, harus ada rekonstruksi sosial yang mengembalikan makna tradisi ini kedalam fungsinya sebagai kohesi sosial yang dapat diterima oleh norma masyarakat modern, yang lebih rasional, realistis, intertain, familiar, dan harmonis.Kata kunci: Buwuhan, Kohesi Sosial, Komersialisasi, Modernisasi