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Journal : Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia

What Makes People Use Digital Library?: A Study of iJakarta Users Ratnasari, Dini; Hendriyani, Hendriyani
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 7, No. 3
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Layanan publik telah mengalami transformasi digital. Pemerintah Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta telah menyediakan perpustakaan digital iJakarta sebagai cara untuk mengembangkan rencana Kota Jakarta Pintar. Dengan mengembangkan model konseptual yang terkait dengan minat orang untuk menggunakan aplikasi perpustakaan digital, penelitian ini menggunakan kerangka teori Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) Memberikan penjelasan tentang pengaruh persepsi kemudahan penggunaan dan persepsi kegunaan pada minat menggunakan iJakarta, dan (2) Menggambarkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi hubungan keempat konsep, yaitu pengalaman, domain pengetahuan, aksesibilitas, dan relevansi. Data dikumpulkan dalam survei pada 130 pengguna iJakarta menggunakan sampel acak sederhana. Menggunakan analisis jalur, hasil penelitian mmeperlihatkan dukungan pada teori TAM dalam memahami minat orang untuk menggunakan aplikasi iJakarta. Studi ini menemukan bahwa faktor yang mempengaruhi minat pengguna untuk menggunakan iJakarta paling banyak adalah manfaat yang dirasakan, meskipun ada pengaruh signifikan dari persepsi kemudahan penggunaan. Kegunaan yang dirasakan dipengaruhi oleh aksesibilitas, relevansi, dan persepsi kemudahan penggunaan dengan variabel relevansi yang paling berpengaruh. Pada saat yang sama, faktor signifikan yang mempengaruhi persepsi kemudahan penggunaan adalah pengetahuan domain dan aksesibilitas dengan variabel pengetahuan domain yang paling berpengaruh. Public service has undergone digital transformation. The government of Special Region of Jakarta has provided iJakarta digital library as a way to develop the government’s Jakarta Smart City plan. By developing a conceptual model associated with people’s intention to use the digital library application, this research uses Technology Acceptance model (TAm) as its theoretical framework. The objectives of this research are (1) to provide explanation of the influence of perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness on intention to use, and (2) to describe the factors which influence the relations of the four concepts, namely computer experience, domain knowledge, accessibility, and relevance. data was gathered in a survey on 130 users of iJakarta using simple random sample. Using path analysis method, the outcome of the research strongly supports the theory of TAM in understanding people’s intention to use iJakarta application. This study finds that the factor that influences users’ intention to use the most is perceived usefulness, despite the significant influence of perceived ease of use. Perceived usefulness is affected by accessibility, relevance, and perceived ease of use with relevance variable having the most influence. At the same time, the significant factors affecting perceived ease of use are domain knowledge and accessibility with domain knowledge variable having the most influence.
Mapping Citizen Journalists’ Profiles: A Case Study on Indonesian NET Citizen Journalist (NET CJ) Program Rastiya, Asty; Hendriyani, Hendriyani; Pratidina, Indah Santi
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 7, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Makna dari kata “warga” dalam konsep “jurnalisme warga” terus dibahas oleh para akademisi di bidang ini. Pembahasan berfokus pada keterampilan dan modal yang diperlukan jika seseorang berkeinginan untuk menjadi seorang jurnalis warga yang ideal. Jurnalis warga telah lama menghadapi prasangka karena minimnya pengetahuan akan jurnalisme dan rendahnya kualitas berita yang mereka buat. Terlepas dari itu, jurnalisme warga di Indonesia telah berkembang, sebagian besar karena pertumbuhan yang cepat dari telepon pintar dan pengguna media sosial. Penelitian ini menggunakan kasus program NET Citizen Journalist (NET CJ), sebagai komunitas jurnalis warga terbesar di Indonesia. Dengan memetakan profil anggota program CJ NET berdasarkan latar belakang geografis, psikografis, demografi, dan perilaku mereka, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan latar belakang sosio-ekonomi tertentu yang mungkin memotivasi anggota program untuk berpartisipasi. Selain itu, pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang latar belakang anggota dapat menghasilkan strategi yang lebih efektif untuk mengidentifikasi dan mendidik calon jurnalis warga. Studi ini menyimpulkan bahwa anggota program NET CJ memiliki sejumlah karakteristik yang dapat ditemukan pada warga lainnya. Potensi mereka untuk menjadi jurnalis warga yang dapat dipercaya cukup besar, dan jika sepenuhnya dibuka, dapat mempercepat perkembangan demokrasi berita di Indonesia. The meaning of “citizen” in the concept “citizen journalism” continues to be discussed by scholars in the field. The discussion centres on the skills and capitals that are required if one aspires to be an ideal citizen journalist. Citizen journalists have long faced prejudices for lacking the knowledge in journalism and quality in their news content. Regardless, citizen journalism in Indonesia has flourished, largely due to the rapid growth of smartphone and social media users. This study uses the case of the NET Citizen Journalist (NET CJ) program, which as Indonesia’s largest community for citizen journalists. By mapping the NET CJ program’s members’ profiles based on their geographic, psychographic, demographic, and behavioural backgrounds, this study aims to pinpoint certain socio-economic backgrounds that might motivate the program’s members to participate. Moreover, a better understanding of the members’ background may produce more effective strategies to identify and educate potential citizen journalists. This study concludes that NET CJ program’s members possess traits that can be found in other highly informed citizens as well. Their potential to become a bona fide citizen journalist is considerable, and if fully unlocked, may accelerate the development of news democracy in Indonesia.
Influence of Use of Social Media of Government Agencies on Trust to the Government: Study on Social Media Owned by Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu Provinsi DKI Jakarta Marpianta, Dina Anggia; Hendriyani, Hendriyani
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 8, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This research examines the influence of social media usage in government agencies toward trust in the government. This study focuses on the social media owned by the Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu Provinsi DKI Jakarta [the Office of Investment and One Stop-Intergrated-Services]; namely Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook account @layananja-karta. This is a quantitative survey that takes a sample from followers of those social media accounts, conducting in Jakarta byasking the respondent to fill out an online questionnaire. PLS Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) is used to analyse obtained data, to test and estimate relationships with the integration of factor analysis and path analysis. This study finds that using social media could increase trust toward the government as long as the public perceives transparency and interactivity in social media communication.
Analisis Isi: Sebuah Pengantar Metodologi yang Mendalam dan Kaya dengan Contoh Hendriyani, Hendriyani
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 2, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Crisis Communication in Non-Tectonic Tsunami Disaster Management Policy in Indonesia: The Application of Soft Systems Methodology Based Multi-Method Akhyar, Dani; Hendriyani, Hendriyani; Hardjosoekarto, Sudarsono
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 12, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This study aims to discuss disaster crisis communication policies for non tectonic tsunami in Indonesia. The case study was selected from the Sunda Strait tsunami that occurred in December 2018 and claimed more than 400 lives. The disaster is unusual since it is included as a non-tectonic tsunami and unable to be detected by the current tsunami early warning system. This study was conducted at the macro level, namely an analysis of disaster communication policies, specifically Law No. 24/2007 on Disaster Management. The data were collected through big data analysis of the word disaster, textual network analysis of disaster laws, and in-depth interviews with six national disaster stakeholders. The discussion applied Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) based Multi-Method with a combination of Social Network Analysis (SNA) and Textual Network Analysis (TNA) in the stage 2 of SSM, namely compiling a Rich Picture. The application of SSM based Multi-Method has provided a new methodological variant of SSM. The findings of this study contribute to: First, proving the lack of coordination between disaster regulations stipulating several disaster agencies, leading to the faulty operation of the non-tectonic tsunami early warning system. Second, providing recommendations to disaster policy makers to amend Law No. 24/2007. Third, suggesting the transformation of an integrated crisis communication system among national disaster agencies. Fourth, confirming the involvement of Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) and Indonesian National Police (Polri) in the process of disseminating information and communication, considering that these two institutions have networks that reach the lowest levels of society. Fifth, proposing the importance of increasing disaster education to disaster stakeholders at the central to regional levels as well as the community on a massive basis, particularly in areas prone to potential disasters.
Privacy Management of Sexting in Young Adult's Dating Relationships Kirana, Dewi Chandra; Hendriyani, Hendriyani
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 12, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Abstract: This study explains young people's experience in Indonesia with their privacy management regarding sexting in dating relationships. The research uses Communication Privacy Management (CPM) Theory. This study uses qualitative research, collecting data by doing in-depth interviews with 10 informants of young adults who have sexting with their partners. Thematic analysis of the data finds that how informants perceive sexting, the function of sexting in their relationship, and the risk of sexting influence the way they carry out privacy management. The informants think it strengthens the connection and trust with their partners. However, they are fully aware of the risk of sexting: the text could easily leak to others, which could be harmful to their reputation. There are influences from gender and cultural context on what is called privacy and its risks. Therefore, they implement very complex privacy management, such as choosing the safest chat application; making rules about how the pictures or videos must not show a background that can be used to identify the sender of sexting; and keeping the passwords of all social media accounts owned by their partners. They also have their own 'language,' by using emoticons and codes, which are only understood by them and their partners. Hence, those who engage in sexting protect their privacy by establishing complex privacy boundaries that they mutually agree on.
Crisis Communication Management in Law Enforcement Support Agencies (Study of the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center) Andriyanto, Tri; Hendriyani, Hendriyani
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 13, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This study aims to analyze and evaluate crisis communication management in institutions that support law enforcement, with a study at a national institution that supports law enforcement. The analysis is carried out by integrating theories and concepts from crisis communication management in the pre-crisis, during-crisis, and post-crisis stages and their relation to the image restoration strategy that is carried out when a crisis occurs when an institution discloses a case to the public. This study is qualitative research supported by issue monitoring data. Data were obtained through in-depth interviews with internal and external informants as the main data, and document studies in the form of media monitoring reports and related documents. The findings of this study indicate that crisis communication carried out by institutions that support the law enforcement process does not comply with the ideal process/stages of crisis communication management. The reorganization in 2022 has removed the name of public relations from the organizational chart and moved the position of public relations staff to another division, which has reduced the role and number of public relations personnel. Confidentiality of data and information causes barriers between units that make public relations have difficulty identifying the substance of the problem when potential crises begin to appear in the public. However, several crisis responses undertaken have played a role in resolving the crisis as well as restoring the image of the institution, such as in the use of the evade responsibility strategy which states that the actions taken are follow-ups from related institutions.