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Jurnal Penelitian Vol 13, No 2 (2019): JURNAL PENELITIAN
Publisher : LP2M IAIN kUDUS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/jp.v13i2.6396


Abstract:Education is an effort to create a superior generation and be able to compete in the global world. Because education is actually a process of changing one's paradigm of good thinking. Pendidina also able to change one's mindset so that they can explore themselves, therefore in Islamic educational institutions, especially Islamic-based Islamic boarding schools in the archipelago are needed in the development of technology and science.This research is a type of field research (fileld research), with a phenomenological approach. Data collection method in this study uses interviews with stakeholders in Islamic boarding schools based on the archipelago, not only that researchers also use observation methods related to the implementation of technology and science based on the archipelago of Islam, as well as documentation related to documents on the implementation of technology and science in Islamic schools archipelago-based Islam. In analyzing the data the researchers used data reduction and triangulation techniques to obtain accurate data related to the application of technology and science in Islamic-based Islamic boarding schools in the archipelago.
Kenakalan Remaja dan Psikososial Utomo, Sigit Tri; Ifadah, Luluk
Dakwah Vol 5 No 2 (2019): AGUSTUS
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Syarifuddin Lumajang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (586.448 KB)


Remaja identik dengan perkembangan mental baik dimensi fisik, sosial maupun spiritual. Remaja juga diindikasikan sebagai masa pencarian jati diri mereka berupaya menemukan jati diri melalui adaptasi dengan lingkungan tempat berinteraksi baik lingkungan belajar, lingkungan tempat bermain, maupun lingkungan masyarakat. Beberapa remaja yang tidak tepat dalam berinteraksi dengan lingkungan yang baik akan memberikan dampak negatif pada perkembangan mental mereka. Mereka melakukan tindakan anarkis, brutal, bahkan yang terjerat asusila, narkoba dan masuk penjara. Disinilah penulis memaparkan pentingnya penanganan dalam perkembangan mental spiritual remaja sehingga mereka tidak terjerumus pada pola westernerisasi.   Kata Kunci: Remaja, Kenakalan, Psikososial, Pencarian Jati Diri
Wahana Akademika: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial Vol 6, No 1 (2019): Vol. 6, No. 1, April 2019
Publisher : Kopertais Wilayah X Jawa Tengah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/wa.v6i1.4143


Educators are human resources who contribute in the exploration of students at an educational institution. In general, educators should have four competencies such as professional competence, paedagogik competence, personality competence, and social competence.As an educator who has the task of developing the potential of learners, it is clear that a teacher should improve his ability with various efforts, including by writing, discussing, following scientific activities, following seminars, and other activities that are able to hone his noble duty as an educator. Because some competencies to be developed are social competence, competence, pedagogy, and professional competence. A good teacher is those who meet the requirements of professional skills either as educators. Herein lies the importance of teachers' professional quality standards to ensure the quality of teaching and learning process.In addition to being a professional educator, with the certification of teachers is expected to be an economically prosperous educator. In addition to the economic welfare it will obviously increase the motivation of teachers to develop their professional tasks through several activities such as delegation of subject teachers work (MGMP), KKG, seminars, discussion activities and even motivation to continue higher education. Because of the cost of functional allowance to teachers who have passed a certified teacher can really focus on the task of becoming an educator in an effort to educate the nation by no longer thinking about the family economy that has been the burden of teachers in Indonesia. Because we know there are still many teachers who are still far from welfare. Many who have a double profession other than to be a teacher like a buyer of used goods, public transportation drivers, newspaper delivery, fried sellers, and so forth. So ultimately the dignity of a teacher can occupy at the highest social stratification through this certification program.                   Methods of data collection in this study using literature study. In this stage, the researchers try to select the data (books) that have relevance to the professional policy of madrasah teachers through certification program in improving the quality of Islamic education. Then the authors also use the synthesis analysis that is by handling of certain scientific objects by combining the understanding of one with another understanding, which ultimately can be obtained by the new knowledge of professional policy of madrasah teachers through certification program in improving the quality of Islamic education. The author also uses content analysis that is research conducted on the information documented in the recording, good pictures, sounds, writings and others.                    With this method will be done data analysis and processing scientifically about the content of writing policy of the profession of madrasah teachers through certification program in improving the quality of Islamic education research results indicate that the government certification to teachers intended as an effort to project teachers into educators who are actually able to do their duties with good and professional who have a predetermined standard of competence. Specifically, the objectives of teacher certification are: To improve the competence of madrasah teachers in their field of knowledge, to strengthen the teaching ability of madrasah teachers, to develop madrasah teacher competence holistically so as to be able to act professionally and improve the ability of Madrasah teachers in scientific research and activity activities, information communication technology for learning purposes Keywords: Profession Policy of Madrasah Teachers, Certification, Quality of Islamic Education 
Model Pengembangan Pembelajaran PAI di Sekolah Melalui Berbagai Pendekatan Utomo, Sigit Tri
Wahana Akademika: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial Vol 4, No 2 (2017): Wahana Akademika: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial
Publisher : Kopertais Wilayah X Jawa Tengah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/wa.v4i2.2072


Abstract:The learning of Islamic education today is at the heart of the character formation of learners. Because true education changes the way people view from bad to good, from being unable to be from unable to be able. With PAI learning model in School through various approaches expected education process in effort of character formation can be optimal. This research is a qualitative research using library approach, which is an approach that examines and uses literature as reference and reference in managing data. In this case the object is the model of PAI learning development in schools through various approaches.Methods of data collection in this study using literature study. In this stage, the researcher seeks to select the data (books) that have relevance to the model of PAI learning development in schools through various approaches. Then the author also uses synthesis analysis that is with the handling of certain scientific objects by combining the meaning of one with another understanding, which ultimately can be obtained new knowledge that is the urgency of the library as an effort to reduce the behavior of students' deviations in school. The author also uses content analysis that is research conducted on the information documented in the recording, good pictures, sounds, writings and others. With this method will be done data analysis and processing scientifically about the contents of the writing model of learning development of PAI in schools through various approaches.The results showed that in the development of learning PAI there are several models such as Faith Approach, Approach Experiences, Approach Habituation, Rational Approach, Emotional Approach, Functional Approach, Exemplary Approach, and others.
Jurnal Penelitian Vol 13, No 2 (2019): JURNAL PENELITIAN
Publisher : LP2M IAIN kUDUS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/jp.v13i2.6396


Abstract:Education is an effort to create a superior generation and be able to compete in the global world. Because education is actually a process of changing one's paradigm of good thinking. Pendidina also able to change one's mindset so that they can explore themselves, therefore in Islamic educational institutions, especially Islamic-based Islamic boarding schools in the archipelago are needed in the development of technology and science.This research is a type of field research (fileld research), with a phenomenological approach. Data collection method in this study uses interviews with stakeholders in Islamic boarding schools based on the archipelago, not only that researchers also use observation methods related to the implementation of technology and science based on the archipelago of Islam, as well as documentation related to documents on the implementation of technology and science in Islamic schools archipelago-based Islam. In analyzing the data the researchers used data reduction and triangulation techniques to obtain accurate data related to the application of technology and science in Islamic-based Islamic boarding schools in the archipelago.
Wahana Akademika: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial Vol 6, No 1 (2019): Vol. 6, No. 1, April 2019
Publisher : Kopertais Wilayah X Jawa Tengah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/wa.v6i1.4143


Educators are human resources who contribute in the exploration of students at an educational institution. In general, educators should have four competencies such as professional competence, paedagogik competence, personality competence, and social competence.As an educator who has the task of developing the potential of learners, it is clear that a teacher should improve his ability with various efforts, including by writing, discussing, following scientific activities, following seminars, and other activities that are able to hone his noble duty as an educator. Because some competencies to be developed are social competence, competence, pedagogy, and professional competence. A good teacher is those who meet the requirements of professional skills either as educators. Herein lies the importance of teachers' professional quality standards to ensure the quality of teaching and learning process.In addition to being a professional educator, with the certification of teachers is expected to be an economically prosperous educator. In addition to the economic welfare it will obviously increase the motivation of teachers to develop their professional tasks through several activities such as delegation of subject teachers work (MGMP), KKG, seminars, discussion activities and even motivation to continue higher education. Because of the cost of functional allowance to teachers who have passed a certified teacher can really focus on the task of becoming an educator in an effort to educate the nation by no longer thinking about the family economy that has been the burden of teachers in Indonesia. Because we know there are still many teachers who are still far from welfare. Many who have a double profession other than to be a teacher like a buyer of used goods, public transportation drivers, newspaper delivery, fried sellers, and so forth. So ultimately the dignity of a teacher can occupy at the highest social stratification through this certification program.                   Methods of data collection in this study using literature study. In this stage, the researchers try to select the data (books) that have relevance to the professional policy of madrasah teachers through certification program in improving the quality of Islamic education. Then the authors also use the synthesis analysis that is by handling of certain scientific objects by combining the understanding of one with another understanding, which ultimately can be obtained by the new knowledge of professional policy of madrasah teachers through certification program in improving the quality of Islamic education. The author also uses content analysis that is research conducted on the information documented in the recording, good pictures, sounds, writings and others.                    With this method will be done data analysis and processing scientifically about the content of writing policy of the profession of madrasah teachers through certification program in improving the quality of Islamic education research results indicate that the government certification to teachers intended as an effort to project teachers into educators who are actually able to do their duties with good and professional who have a predetermined standard of competence. Specifically, the objectives of teacher certification are: To improve the competence of madrasah teachers in their field of knowledge, to strengthen the teaching ability of madrasah teachers, to develop madrasah teacher competence holistically so as to be able to act professionally and improve the ability of Madrasah teachers in scientific research and activity activities, information communication technology for learning purposes Keywords: Profession Policy of Madrasah Teachers, Certification, Quality of Islamic Education 
Epistemology of Islamic Education Al-Jabiri Perspective of the Conservative-Modernist-Neo Modernist Flow and Burhani-Bayani-Irfani Utomo, Sigit Tri; Mu’anayah, Nur Alfi
International Journal Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din Vol 22, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Walisongo Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4053.817 KB) | DOI: 10.21580/ihya.22.2.5673


This research is a qualitative study using a library approach, the object is the epistemology of Islamic education, conservative-modernist-neo-modernist and burhani-bayani-irfani. The data collection method in this research uses literature study. In this stage, the researcher tries to select data (books) in the epistemology of Islamic education, conservative-modernist-neo-modernist and burhani-bayani-irfani. In this writing, the analysis used with hermeneutics, namely the author explains that behind the text there is context meaning or behind the explicit meaning there is an explicit meaning if interpreted literally can be interpreted as an interpretation or interpretation of the epistemology of Islamic education, conservative-modernist-neo-modernist and burhani-bayani- irfani. The author also uses content analysis, namely research conducted on information documented in recordings, both images, sounds, writing and others. With this method, data analysis and scientific processing will be carried out on the epistemological content of Islamic education, the conservative-modernist-neo-modernist and burhani-bayani-irfani schools. The results showed that science continues to develop throughout the history of thought such as rational flow of viewing educational activities as actualizing the potentials of individuals so that according to this flow the essence of education is the transformation of various potential potentials into actual abilities. The success of the transformation of the various potentials that exist in this rational flow, is largely determined by how much the optimization of the functions of sense powers and ratios. Baby epistemology is an epistemology that emphasizes the authority of the text as an indicator of truth. Reason in this epistemology is only as a support text and does not have a good space or in other words lower when compared to the text. In object Bayani tradition can be seen in fiqh. Second, Burhani epistemology is knowledge gained from demonstrative analogies which in this case gives the role of reason and senses in human beings. Third, the epistemologist irfani is knowledge gathered from the human heart.