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Using Gauss - Jordan elimination method with The Application of Android for Solving Linear Equations Hasanudin, Muhaimin; Kristiadi, Dedy Prasetya; Yuliana, Khozin; Tarmizi, Rasyid; Kuswardani, Dwina; Abdurrasyid, A
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies Vol 1, No 6 (2019): October 2019
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/ijevs.v1i6.1670


Problems involving mathematical models appear in many scientific disciplines. Complex mathematical models sometimes cannot be solved by analytic methods using standard algebraic formulas. Computers play a major role in the development of the field of numerical methods because the calculation uses numerical methods in the form of arithmetic operations, the number of arithmetic operations is very large and repetitive, so manual calculations are often tedious and errors occur. This study aims to develop software solutions for linear equations by implementing the Gauss-Jordan elimination(GJ-elimination) method, building software for linear equations carried out through five stages, namely: (1) System Modeling (2) Simplification of Models, (3) Numerical Methods and algorithms, (4) programming languages using The Android Studio and (5) Simulation programs. Overall regarding content, proper software that can be used by students and lecturers in implementing numerical methods because there are ways to use the application and steps to solve linear equation problems using the GJ-elimination method.
The Effect of Adventure Video Games on the Development of Student’s Character and Behavior Kristiadi, Dedy Prasetya; Hasanudin, Muhaimin; Sutrisno, Sutrisno; Suwarto, Suwarto
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies Vol 1, No 4 (2019): August 2019
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/ijevs.v1i4.1456


The gaming world development and applications in information and communication technology are increasing in the digital era nowadays. Activities in video games can be a hobby or to fill your spare time. Games can be media education that contain learning orientation, skills and cooperation. Video games can also affect the behavior of special players and the environment in general. One type of video games that provides it, is adventure video games which are the result of combining survival methods for specific purposes that contain knowledge of the surrounding environment and skills in exploiting opportunities. The main player character is often presented in video games in the form of problem solving and thinking ability in complete the adventure or the game itself based on the character for the purpose of learning about characters that are strengthened with certain skills. Video games with the main character elements in them can reflect the discovery of new ideas, approval of ideas, completion of skills or reconfiguring ideas, so playing an adventure video game can lead to positive values that influence players' thought also motivate them to complete adventure challenges. In this study, we want to know the effect of adventure video games on the development of student’s character and behavior.  From the calculation of the Wilcoxon test it can be concluded that; (1) adventure video games influence the development of student character (2) Adventure video games influence the development of student behavior.