yunadi, frisca dewi
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Edukasi dan Deteksi Dini Komplikasi Kehamilan dengan Pemeriksaan Laboratorium Septiyaningsih, Rochany; Kusumawati, Dhiah Dwi; Yunadi, Frisca Dewi; Indratmoko, Septiana
Poltekita: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian & Pengabdian Masyarakat Poltekkes Kemenkes Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (279.646 KB) | DOI: 10.33860/pjpm.v1i2.98


The World Health Organization (WHO) states that maternal mortality worldwide due to complications during pregnancy and childbirth in 2017 is estimated at around 810 cases. Between 2000 and 2017 there was a decline in the ratio of MMR around the world by 38%. WHO also states that 94% of global maternal deaths occur in low and middle income countries. In Indonesia, maternal deaths due to complications from pregnancy or childbirth every year are estimated at 20,000 mothers died from five million births. Delivery assistance by trained health workers in health facilities can be an effort to reduce MMR and IMR. In addition, awareness of pregnant women is also important for the importance of having a pregnancy with a health worker. This community service aims to increase the knowledge of pregnant women about anemia and to detect early pregnancy complications by laboratory examinations. The target of this activity is 15 pregnant women. The dedication activity is conducting educational activities, laboratory examinations in Tambakreja Village, Cilacap Regency. Based on the results of this activity it was concluded that there was an increase in knowledge of pregnant women about anemia and found 2 pregnant women experiencing anemia from 15 pregnant women and urine examination found all negative pregnant women
Senam Hamil dalam Upaya Persiapan Fisik dalam Persalinan Septiyaningsih, Rochany; Yunadi, Frisca Dewi; Kusumawati, Dhiah Dwi
Poltekita: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian & Pengabdian Masyarakat Poltekkes Kemenkes Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1957.034 KB) | DOI: 10.33860/pjpm.v1i2.100


One of the health problems in Indonesia is the Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR). The World Health Organization (WHO) states that maternal deaths are deaths that occur during pregnancy, childbirth, or within 42 days postpartum which can be caused either directly or indirectly to pregnancy. Pregnancy is a happiness that can be felt by pregnant women who plan and look forward to it. During pregnancy, changes will occur both physical and psychological changes. Psychological changes also occur in pregnant women especially just before delivery. Pregnant women feel anxious because of hormonal changes and thoughts before delivery. Exercise and relaxation techniques during pregnancy are needed to reduce the anxiety of pregnant women. Pregnant gymnastics is one of the sports activities that mothers can do during pregnancy. The aim of community service is to increase the knowledge of pregnant women about pregnancy exercise and teach pregnancy exercise. The target community service is 10 pregnant women in Tambakreja Village. This service begins with health education about pregnancy exercise and then continues with pregnancy exercise practice. As a result of community service, there was an increase in knowledge by 38% from before counseling to counseling. Pregnant women are also able to practice pregnancy exercises properly.
Jurnal Kesehatan Al-Irsyad Vol. 14 No. 2 (2021): Vol. 14, No. 2 Edisi September 2021
Publisher : UPT PPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Al Irsyad Al Islamiyyah Cilacap

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (66.318 KB) | DOI: 10.36760/jka.v14i2.192


Berdasarkan Laporan World Bank Tahun 2017, dalam sehari ada empat Ibu di Indonesia yang meninggal akibat melahirkan. Angka ini menempatkan Indonesia sebagai Negara dengan angka kematian tertinggi kedua di Asia Tenggara setelah Laos dengan AKI 357 per 100 ribu(WHO, 2017). Penyebab kematian Ibu terdiri dari penyebab langsung dan tidak langsung. Penyebab langsung kematian ibu disebabkan karena perdarahan sampai saat ini masih memegang peranan penting sebagai penyebab utama kematian maternal. Perdarahan dapat terjadi disetiap usia kehamilan, pada kehamilan muda ssering dikaitkan dengan abortus, misscariiage, early pregnancy loss. Perdarahan yang terjadi pada umur kehamilan yang lebih tua terutama setelah melewati trimester III disebut perdarahan antepartum.(WHO, 2017) Survey pendahuluan yang dilakukan pada tanggal 4 Januari 2019 dan didukung data pada Profil Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Cilacap, selama tahun 2016 sebanyak 25 kasus, 2017 sebanyak 20 kasus dan 22 kasus selama Tahun 2018. Penyebab kematian ibu sebagian besar terjadi pada saat persalinan dan segera setelah persalinan yaitu perdarahan (30,37%), eklampsia (32,97%), infeksi (4,34%), Gangguan sistem peredaran darah 8%, Gangguan metabolism 4,34 %, dan lain-lain 0,87 % .(Endang L Achadi, 2019) Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk Mengetahui Pengaruh Kadar Hb terhadap kejadian perdarahan antepartum di RSUD Cilacap Tahun 2016 – 2018. Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitik dengan metode pendekatan case control yang bertujuan Pengaruh Kadar Hb terhadap kejadian perdarahan antepartum di RSUD Cilacap. Tekhnik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini adalah dengan total sampling dengan kriteria inklusi rekam medik lengkap. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah Chi-Square. Hasil Penelitian: Berdasarkan hasil analisis Kadar Hb terhadap kejadian perdarahan dengan p value 0.005 yang berarti ada pengaruh faktor Hb terhadap kejadian perdarahan antepartum dengan OR: 1,867. Kesimpulan: Kadar Hb ibu hamil dengan Anemia berpengaruh 1,867 kali lebih besar terhadap perdarahan antepartum dibanding dengan usia yang tidak anemia Key Word : Perdarahan Antepartum, Kadar Hb