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Gambaran Limfosit, CD4 21+ dan CD8+ serta rasio CD4+ : CD8+ pada Pekerja SPBU di Kota Medan Sukaisi, Sukaisi
JURNAL HEALTH REPRODUCTIVE Vol 3 No 2 (2018): Jurnal Health Reproductive

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Berbagai zat adiktif dicampur menjadi bahan bakar kendaraan dan dapat mempengaruhi sifat dan toksisitas bahan bakar kendaraan. Banyak dari bahan bakar kendaraan beracun, beberapa seperti benzena bersifat karsinogenik. Uap bahan bakar kendaraan ini berbahaya bagi udara dan dapat menyebabkan sesak nafas di area tertutup, ventilasi yang minim atau rendah. Salah satu zat terkandung pada bahan bakar kendaraan adalah benzena. Benzena dinyatakan secara internasional sebagai bahan kimia karsinogenik pada manusia. Target utama pajanan benzena pada manusia adalah sistem hematopoietik dan sistem imunitas. Limfosit dianggap salah satu parameter yang paling sensitif terhadap pajanan benzena. Penelitian ini bersifar deskriptif, untuk mengetahui gambaran Limfosit, CD4, serta rasio CD4+: CD8+ pada pekerja SPBU. Pengambilan sampel darah dilakukan di SPBU tempat bekerja responden. Pengukuran limfosit dilakukan dengan metode Impedance dengan alat Hematology Analyzer ABX Micros 60, di RS Universitas Sumatera Utara Medan. Pengukuran CD4 dan CD8+, rasio CD4/CD8 sel T dilakukan dengan metode Flowcyto-metry, dengan alat Reagen tritest CD3 FITC/CD4 PE/CD45 di Laboratorium Prodia Jakarta. Responden dipilih secara konsekutif sampling berjumlah 43 orang. Ditemukan nilai limfosit masing-masing nilai mean dan median sebesar 3,1 10, dengan nilai tertinggi limfosit sebesar 4,4 10 3/mm3. Nilai mean CD4+ sel T sebesar 899 cell/uL, nilai terendah sebesar 454 cell/uL. Nilai median CD8+ sel T sebesar 838 cell/uL, nilai tertinggi sebesar 1748 cell/uL. Rasio CD4/CD8 nilai terendah sebesar 0,57 dan nilai tertinggi sebesar 1,94. Ada kenaikan nilai limfosit pada pekerja SPBU Kota Medan. penelitian lebih lanjut mengukur dampak lama bekerja pajanan
JURNAL HEALTH REPRODUCTIVE Vol 5 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Health Reproductive

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Background: The prevalence of obesity has increased significantly in the world, including the prevalence of obesity in Indonesia. Obesity in adolescents is at risk of metabolic syndrome disease. Obesity in women related to menstrual disorders and decreased fertility in adolescence and group years. Methods: This study is a descriptive study with the aim of obtaining an overview of the menstrual cycle in adolescents. This study was conducted on 52 obese adolescents with a BMI> 30 in grade 12 at SMAN6, aged 17-18 years, who were healthy and had no history of disease and drug consumption. Measurement of the menstrual cycle using a questionnaire, categorized as regular and irregular. Results: Obtained from 52 obese adolescents with abnormal menstrual cycles 32 people (61.5%). Conclusion: the term obese adolescent is characterized by irregular menstrual cycles. There needs to be continued research related to menstrual cycle fluctuations with normal BMI
Relationship between knowledge and mother’s attitude towards the growth and development of children aged 0 12 month in Nagori Sahkuda Bayu Gunung Malela District Simalungun Regency Sukaisi
Jurnal Ilmiah PANNMED (Pharmacist, Analyst, Nurse, Nutrition, Midwivery, Environment, Dentist) Vol. 16 No. 3 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah PANNMED Periode September - Desember 2021
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (530.952 KB) | DOI: 10.36911/pannmed.v16i3.1192


Child health care efforts are aimed at preparing future generations to be healthy, intelligent, and of high quality and to reduce child mortality. The achievement of optimal child growth and development depends on the biological potential. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between mother's knowledge and attitudes towards the growth and development of children aged 0-12 months in Nagori Sahkuda Bayu, Gunung Malela District, Simalungun Regency. This study is an analytic survey, conducted on 77 mothers. In this study to measure the knowledge, attitudes of mothers about growth and development of children aged 0-12 months and measure the growth and development of children. Knowledge and attitude data was collected using a questionnaire, and measuring children's growth and development was using the Developmental Pre-Screening Questionnaire (KPSP). The data is processed by Chi-Square. The respondents in this study were generally 20-30 years old, with low education and average housewives. The results obtained from the mother's knowledge about child growth and development with sufficient knowledge (40.2%), the mother's attitude generally agreed (62.3%) for growth and development, and the measurement of child growth and development with KPSP was good. There is a significant relationship between knowledge and attitudes of mothers with child growth and development. The role of health workers in assisting mothers to monitor knowledge and child development.