Mamahit, Ferry Yefta
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Hermeneutika Peleburan Dua Horizon Anthony Thiselton dan Tantangan dari Antropologi Lintas Budaya Mamahit, Ferry Yefta
Veritas : Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan Vol 18 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi SAAT

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (817.446 KB) | DOI: 10.36421/veritas.v18i1.320


Masalah klasik dalam hermeneutika alkitabiah adalah bagaimana menjembatani kesenjangan antara teks Alkitab yang berkonteks budaya kuno dan pembacanya yang berkonteks budaya modern. Salah satu pendekatan yang diajukan untuk mengatasi persoalan tersebut adalah model peleburan horizon-horizon (the fusions of horizons), yang kemudian dikembangkan oleh Anthony Thiselton dengan peleburan dua horizonnya (the fusions of two horizons). Meski pendekatan hermeneutis yang dilakukan oleh Thiselton sangat komprehensif dan serius dalam menjembatani kesenjangan ini, pendekatan konteks berkultur tunggalnya (baca: budaya Barat) ini belum dapat menjawab tantangan dari antropologi lintas-budaya, khususnya kompleksitas konteks budaya pembaca modern yang berkarakter beragam, berlapis dan bersilang. Jadi, pendekatan ini perlu mempertimbangkan pendekatan hermeneutis yang lebih sensitif terhadap kompleksitas tersebut sebagai tambahan atau pelengkap pendekatan peleburan horizon-horizon (addenda hermeneutica).            Kata-kata Kunci: Anthony Thiselton, hermeneutika alkitabiah, peleburan-peleburan horizon, kompleksitas konteks budaya, hermeneutika kontekstual   English : The classic problem in biblical hermeneutics is how to bridge the gap between the ancient cultural context of the biblical texts and the modern cultural context of the reader. One of the approaches proposed to deal with this issue is the model of the fusion of horizons that is later on developed by Anthony Thiselton with his fusions of two horizons. Albeit comprehensive and severe in bridging the gap, his mono-cultural (Western) approach to the context has not yet answered the challenge from cross-cultural anthropology, especially the complexity of the culture of the modern reader characterized by varied, multi-layered and cross-culturally. The approach thus needs to consider a hermeneutical approach that is more sensitive to that complexity as addition into or compliment to the fusions of horizons approach (addenda hermeneutica).    Keywords: Anthony Thiselton, biblical hermeneutics, the fusions of horizons, the complexity of cultural context, contextual hermeneutics
The Correlation Between Adolescent Experiences of Violence and Parental Attachment With Adolescent Desire to Use Online Pornography Timisela, Nancy Rosita; Elia, Heman; Mamahit, Ferry Yefta
Veritas : Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan Vol 20 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi SAAT

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36421/veritas.v20i2.404


The increasing curiosity and various hormones (partic­u­lar­­ly sexual hormones) are problems for adolescents, which fre­quent­ly cause them to become unstable. Another factor that con­tri­butes to the complexity of adolescent problems is technological advances. Apart from being a useful means of information tech­nology that is generally beneficial to human life, the internet may also become a threat to adolescents by facilitating access to explicit sexual content, namely online pornography. Besides the above factors, this research exam­ined other factors associated with adoles­cents’ inclination to con­sume online porno­graphy. The purpose of this study is to discover whether there is a correlation between past experiences of vio­lence and parental attachment to the desire to use online por­no­gra­phy. The research method is quantitative and the research subjects were adolescents (N=167, male=70.1%, female=29.9%, M=15–19 years). The findings revealed two things: first, there was no correlation between the past experiences of violence and the desire to use online porno­graphy (r=0.102; p>0.05); and second, parental attachment had a negative cor­relation with the desire to use online pornography (r=–0.157; p<0.05). The contribution of this research is to reaffirm the significance of quality adolescent-parent attachment in fostering a whole­some emotional sense of security and developing a healthy sexu­al identity.