Resmiyati, Resmiyati
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Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 8 No 1 (2019): Mei 2019
Publisher : Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Semarang

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ABSTRAK Penelitian tindakan kelas ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pelaksanaan pembelajaran teks eksplanasi dalam model Discovery Learning, memaparkan peningkatan hasil belajar siswa, dan menjelaskan keaktifan siswa melalui stimulation, problem statemen, data collection, data processing, verification, dan generalization.               Pelaksanaan penelitian dilakukan dengan dua  siklus. Masing-masing siklus terdiri atas dua pertemuan dengan empat tahap yaitu perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Penelitian dilakukan di SMAN 1 Klaten tahun pelajaran 2018/2019 semester 1. Subyek penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI MIPA 7 SMAN 1 Klaten . Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik tes dan nontes. Teknik tes dilaksanakan dengan cara siswa menyusun teks eksplanasi menggunakan  teknik silang literasi. Sedang teknik nontes dengan cara wawancara siswa dan  observasi.                   Teknik silang literasi dalam model pembelajaran discovery learning berpengaruh positif pada keaktifan dan hasil belajar siswa pada materi teks eksplanasi. Hal ini terbukti pada meningkatnya keaktifan siswa dan hasil belajar siswa dari pra siklus sampai siklus II.                    Pada tahap pra siklus siswa yang tuntas secara klasikal sebesar 25% atau hanya 7 siswa yang tuntas. Pada siklus I siswa yang tuntas sebanya 23 atau 74,19%, dan pada siklus II sebanyak 31 siswa yang tuntas atau 100%. Penggunaan teknik silang literasi dalam model pembelajaran discovery learning pada pembelajaran materi teks eksplanasi meningkatkan rata-rata siswa 11,55 dan prosentase ketuntasan klasikal dari pra siklus smpai siklus II sebesar 70,96%                     Kata kunci : silang literasi,  discovery learning, teks                      eksplanasi.     ABSTRACT This class act research as a purpose to explain the realization of learning about explanatory text in model descovery learning, explain increasing result of student learning and try to explain how liveliness with stimulation, problem statemen, data collection, data processing,  verification,  and generalization. The realization this research done by two cycle.  Each cycle consist two meeting with four step, that is planning, acting, obseving, and relfecting. This research was conducted in SMA negeri 1 Klaten, 2018/2019 academic year, first period.  For the subject of this research is student from XI IPA 7. The aggregate of the data use test and note technique.  Test technique is done by make some explanatory text use cross literation technique. In other condition , mote technique done by interviewing and observing. The literation cross technique in discovery learning model affect a positive effect at liveliness and the students study result at the explanation text. This is proven by the invrease of studebt liveliness and their study result from pre cycle until the second cycle. At the pre cycle step, the students who get done classicaly by 25% or only seven students. At the first cycle just around 23 or 74,19% students who get done. And at the second cycle there are 31 students or 100%. Usemen of the literation cross technique in discovery learning model at material learning explanation text increas student's average 11.55 and the percentation of completeness classicaly from pre cycle until the second cycle. Keywords : cross literation, doscovery learning, explanation
Manajemen transisi kurikulum 2013 menuju kurikulum merdeka di SD Negeri Pandeyan Yogyakarta Resmiyati, Resmiyati; Ringko, Fitri Mela; Pramesti, Rahmadhita; Zasilaturrohmah, Dwi Evrilia; Tallo, Maria Desti Bui; Alfriansyah, Adhitya; Prasanti, Arista Nida; Rachmadhani, Nisakurin; Wahyuni, Dini
Indonesian Journal of Educational Management and Leadership Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Educational Management and Leadership
Publisher : Kuras Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51214/ijemal.v2i1.770


Purpose − The aims of this research are (1) to describe the preparations of SD N Pandeyan in implementing the Independent Curriculum, (2) to describe the steps for implementing the 2013 Curriculum to the Independent Curriculum at SD N Pandeyan, (3) to describe the challenges and obstacles at SD N Pandeyan which has implemented Independent Curriculum. Method − This research is qualitative research with a case study approach, with interviews as a data collection technique. The data source in this research is the Principal of SD N Pandeyan. The data analysis technique uses an interactive data analysis technique which consists of data collection, data display, conclusion: drawing/verifying, and data condensation. Findings − The research results show that one of the preparations that needs to be done is training educators, especially class I and IV teachers. Meanwhile, the steps for implementing the Independent Curriculum are carried out by combining it with the previous curriculum, and the Independent Curriculum emphasizes character education, not just mastery of knowledge. In implementing the Independent Curriculum, of course several challenges and obstacles arise, such as the need to learn a lot from various sources that have been provided, such as when training/workshops are held.