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Jurnal Teknik Kimia Vol 22 No 1 (2016): Jurnal Teknik Kimia
Publisher : Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sriwijaya

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Zeolit merupakan mineral yang banyak terdapat di alam, salah satu fungsi yang dimiliki zeolit adalah sebagai katalis pada proses hydrocracking. Sebelum digunakan sebagai katalis, zeolit harus diaktifasi agar permukaan pori-pori zeolit lebih besar dan bersih dari senyawa pengotor yang terperangkap di dalam pori-pori zeolit. Pada penelitian ini, zeolit diaktifasi dengan cara direfluks selama 6 jam dengan larutan H2SO4 0,5 M. Zeolit yang telah diaktifasi (berupa H-zeolit) harus dinetralkan untuk menghilangkan asam yang masih tersisa. Proses penetralan zeolit yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah dengan metode fluidisasi dengan variasi laju alir udara yaitu 1,0 lpm; 2,0 lpm; 3,0 lpm serta distributor udara yang digunakan adalah distributor tunggal; ganda; dan melingkar. Alat yang digunakan adalah kolom fluidisasi yang berdiameter 5,5 cm dan tinggi 200 cm. Air cucian H-zeolit yang keluar dari kolom fluidisasi diukur pH nya dalam interval 10 menit sampai dicapai pH 6,28 (netral). Waktu fluidisasi sempurna terpendek yang didapat pada penelitian ini adalah 15 menit yaitu pada laju alir udara 3 lpm dan penggunaan distributor tunggal. Hasil penetralan terbaik yang didapat dari penelitian ini adalah ketika laju alir udara 2 lpm dan penggunaan distributor udara tunggal dengan waktu penetralan selama 90 menit.
Jurnal Teknik Kimia Vol 22 No 3 (2016): Jurnal Teknik Kimia
Publisher : Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sriwijaya

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Pada proses reaksi kimia seperti hidrogenasi, cracking maupun hydrocracking, dibutuhkan katalis perengkah yang merupakan katalis heterogen. Salah satu jenis katalis heterogen adalah katalis logam-pengemban, yang terdiri dari logam yang diembankan pada bahan pengemban padat seperti zeolit alam aktif. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan pengembanan katalis logam kobalt ke dalam zeolit alam aktif melalui metode impregnasi. Variabel yang diteliti pada penelitian ini adalah rasio berat reaktan (Co dan zeolit alam aktif) pada impregnasi katalis dengan variasi 2:20; 3:20; 4:20; 5:20 dan 6:20 serta suhu reduksi dengan variasi 250oC; 300oC; 350oC; 400oC dan 450oC. Produk katalis Co/ZAA dianalisa tingkat keasamannya dengan cara adsorpsi amoniadan piridin. Luas permukaan katalis Co/ZAA dianalisa menggunakan Surface Area Analyzer dengan metode BET. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin besar rasio berat reaktan kobalt/zeolit alam aktif maka semakin besar pula keasaman dan luas permukaan katalis yang terbentuk. Keasaman dan luas permukaan katalis Co/ZAA juga mengalami kenaikan seiring dengan kenaikan suhu reduksi. Keasaman katalis terbesar pada penelitian ini adalah pada rasio reaktan Co/ZAA 6:20 dan pada suhu reduksi 450 oC yaitu masing-masing 6,4615 mol/g dan 7,5202 mol/g (keasaman dengan adsorbat amonia), 2,6047 mol/g dan 3,6662 mol/g (keasaman dengan adsorbat piridin). Luas permukaan katalis terbesar pada penelitian ini adalah pada rasio berat reaktan Co/ZAA 6:20 yaitu 32,63 m2/g dan pada suhu reduksi 450 oC yaitu 38,95 m2/g.
Synthesis of Catalyst Cobalt Impregnated on Activated Natural Zeolite, Co/ANZ Tri Kurnia Dewi; Zainal Fanani
IJFAC (Indonesian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Chemistry) Vol 2, No 1 (2017): February 2017
Publisher : IJFAC (Indonesian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Chemistry)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24845/ijfac.v2.i1.01


Research has been done on the synthesis of catalyst Co/Activated Natural Zeolite. The variables studied were the mass ratio of Cobalt to Zeolite and temperature of reduction during catalyst activation. The catalyst produced were analysed in their acidity and surface area. Acidity was presented in the form of ammonia and pyridine adsorption on the catalyst surface. The results showed the increasing Cobalt to Zeolite mass ratio will increase acidity of the catalyst produced. Reduction temperature during catalyst activation also gave same effect as Cobalt to Zeolite mass ratio did. Best ratio within the range of this study was Cobalt to Zeolite mass ratio of 6:20, which was found at reduction temperature of 400 C. This ratio gave catalyst acidity correspond to ammonia adsorption of 6.4615 mmol/g, and to pyridine adsorption of 2.6047 mmol/g catalyst. The best reduction temperature was 450 C at ratio of 6:20. The acidity of this catalyst was of 7.5202 mmol/g as in ammonia adsorption, and was of  3.662 mmol/g as in pyridine adsorption. Catalyst surface area of the best ratio was 32.63 m2/g, whilst catalyst surface area of the best reduction temperature was 38.95 m2/g. Keywords: catalyst, cobalt, activated natural Zeolite 
Preparation And Characterization Of Cr/Activated Carbon Catalyst From Palm Empty Fruit Bunch Zainal Fanani; Dedi Rohendi; Tri Kurnia Dewi; Muhammad Dzulfikar A
IJFAC (Indonesian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Chemistry) Vol 1, No 2 (2016): June 2016
Publisher : IJFAC (Indonesian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Chemistry)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24845/ijfac.v1.i2.35


Preparation and characterization of Cr/activated carbon catalyst from palm empty fruit bunch had been done. The research were to determine the effect of carbonization temperature towards adsorption of ammonia, iodine number, metilen blue number, and porosity of activated carbon and Cr/activated carbon catalyst. The determination of porosity include surface area, micropore volume and total pore volume. The results showed the best carbonization temperature activated carbon and Cr/activated carbon catalyst at 700°C. The adsorption ammonia of activated carbon and Cr/activated carbon catalyst as 6.379 mmol/g and 8.1624 mmol/g. The iodine number of activated carbon and Cr/activated carbon catalyst as 1520.16 mg/g and 1535.67 mg/g. The metilen blue number of activated carbon and Cr/activated carbon catalyst as 281.71 mg/g and 319.18 mg/g. The surface area of activated carbon and Cr/activated carbon catalyst as 1527.80 m2/g and 1652.58 m2/g. The micropore volume of activated carbon and Cr/activated carbon catalyst as 0.7460 cm3/g and 0.8670 cm3/g. The total pore volume of activated carbon and Cr/activated carbon catalyst as 0.8243 cm3/g and 0.8970 cm3/g.Keywords : activated carbon, palm empty fruit bunch, porosity, catalyst, chromium
Conversion of Waste Oil into Fuel Oil : Tri Kurnia Dewi
Sriwijaya International Seminar on Energy-Environmental Science and Technology Vol 1, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Sriwijaya International Seminar on Energy-Environmental Science and Technology

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Research has been conducted to convert waste lubrication oil into fuel oil. This work is the second part of a bigger work entittled “Conversion of Waste Oil into Fuel Oil”. The first part dealing with the production of catalyst and the effect of temperature, whilst this part studying the effect of catalyst ratio. This work was done with procedure similar with the first part of the work. Convertion of waste lubrication oil into fuel oil was done using hydrocracking process with catalyst of combination of chromium and activated natural zeolith (Cr/ZAA). Controlled variables used for this researh were the type of waste oil (lubrication oil), feed volume (40 ml), temperature (500°C), and hydrogen gas rate (20 ml/sec). The weight ratio of the catalyst and waste oil feed was varied at 1/8, 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, and 2/3. The parameters used to analyse the results were the amount of hydrocracking product, percentage of cracking fraction (gasoline, kerosene and solar) in the product and the heating value of the product. Analytic works were carried out with GC for cracking fraction and bomb calorimeter for heating value of the produced fuel oil. Results showed that the amount of hydrocracking product decreases with the increase of catalyst ratio. Increasing catalyst ratio increases gasoline fraction lineary, decreases kerosene and solar fractions. The heating value of the product lineary increases with catalyst ratio. Best catalyst ratio for this work was 1/8 to get maximum amount of product (13.16 ml for 40 ml feed), and 2/3 to get maximum gasoline fraction (56.70%), and highest heating value (44.92 kJ/gr).