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Al-Qalb : Jurnal Psikologi Islam Vol 10, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15548/alqalb.v10i1.826


The orientation of decision making is actually supported also by one’s experience, while attitudes toward experience itself are related to one’s emotional maturity. Emotional maturity is a valuable capital. People who have more mature emotions will be able to choose what is best and what they must avoid. The emotional maturity of an employee can be seen from the way he faces challenges, how his responsibilities towards work, and how his life views the world, so that the difficulties faced in making a decision will be lighter than employees who have lower emotional maturity. Emotional maturity is characterized by how conflicts are solved, and how difficulties are handled. People who are adults, in this case are emotionally mature, see their difficulties not as catastrophe, but as challenges, so that when he is faced with a situation where he has to choose an alternative offered to him, armed with the knowledge and experience he has it will be easier to make decisions that are considered most appropriate. He is willing to take risks, but still based on the most appropriate estimates that can be obtained.
Economos : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Vol 2, No 2 (2019): ECONOMOS : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (100.294 KB) | DOI: 10.31850/economos.v2i2.523


This study aims to explain and analyze the influence of factors of education, motivation, mutation and promotion of positions in relation to the performance of human resources and what factors are the least dominant contribution to the human resources performance at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Tbk Pinrang Regency. The population in this study were employees of PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Tbk Pinrang Regency, with the census method, all existing employees as well as respondents.Data collection used was observation and questionnaire. The data obtained were then analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression. The results showed that the variables of education, motivation, mutation, and promotion simultaneously had a positive and significant effect on employee performance at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Tbk Pinrang Regency. Mutation variable is the least dominant variable on the human resources performance at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Tbk Pinrang Regency.
Economos : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Vol 3, No 2 (2020): ECONOMOS : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31850/economos.v3i2.670


Onion (Allium ascalonicum L) is one of high economic value and strategic agriculture commodities, in term of the fulfillment of national consumption, raw material of bio-industry, as income source of farmer and its potency as foreign exchange income as well as for the dependence of imported onion in a particular period. The onion commodity development program is implemented by the government since 2014, so it needs a strategy in developing their farming. The research aimed to analyze the feasibility of red onion farming and formulate an alternative strategy of onion development in Parepare City. Method used in analyzing data was R/C Ratio analysis for the farming feasibility and SWOT analysis for formulating the strategy of onion development. The result of research showed that mean score of onion farming income level for each planting season was Rp. 9,633,9134.33/0.25 ha or equivalent to Rp. 38,535,563.33/ha, and R/C ratio value was 1.91. Thus, onion farming in Parepare City was efficient economically and feasible to be cultivated and developed. Furthermore, alternative strategy implemented in order to develop onion farming in Parepare City, namely: 1) improving the production and quality of product to meet market demand through illumination, training, and collaboration among farmer; 2) empowering farmer group to implement their function and role optimally; and improving the potency of farmer entrepreneurship through entrepreneurship training and comparative study or apprentice for the farmer.
BALANCA : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Vol 3 No 02 (2021): BALANCA : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Parepare

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35905/balanca.v3i02.2633


Superior human resources and have a good work ethic can be influenced from the educational background and work experience possessed by the individual because the work ethic cannot be separated from the quality of the human resources themselves. Increasing the quality of employees can be achieved if there is an even and quality education, accompanied by an increase and expansion of education, expertise and skills so that the activities and productivity of employees as economic actors increases. In daily life as Muslims, in addition to being ordered to worship, God commands to work. In the Qur'an and the Hadith it is clear about good work and how we obtain sustenance in a way that is acceptable to Allah SWT. Discipline is one of the important factors in improving the quality of the work ethic, therefore discipline in employees must be increased every day.
JUPE : Jurnal Pendidikan Mandala Vol 7, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pendidikan Mandala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58258/jupe.v7i2.3466


Economics is known among the people for centuries. In Islam, economics was known intimately at the time of the Prophet Muhammad with the concept of trade that was present to suppress the economic development of the capitalism and socialism systems which became a problem in the welfare of society. The emergence of Islamic Economics in order to be able to solve economic problems that are rampantly controlled by the world with this system. So that the Islamic economic system is considered capable of providing a way out of the economic problems of the ummah and can provide welfare to the community. This paper aims to discuss more deeply about Islamic economics through a philosophical review and compare it with Western Economics. This study used the literature research method, how Islamic economics was formed with philosophical foundations starting from etymology, ontology and epistemology as well as the development and comparison of Islamic economic theory and other theories. This study reveals that the thing that distinguishes Islamic economics from other economics is the economic approach, both to fellow humans and to the creator (God), in contrast to other economic systems that prioritize profit or individual interests. Philosophy can be said to be in line with the Islamic economic system where in short philosophy has the meaning of love of wisdom which implies giving goodness to others.
Sistem Kegiatan Pemasaran Dalam Perspektif Etika Ekonomi Islam Muhammad Satar; Siradjuddin Siradjuddin; Musmulyadi Musmulyadi
Jurnal Mirai Management Vol 7, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : STIE AMKOP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37531/mirai.v7i2.2366


Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui secara teoritis bagaimana sistem kegiatan pemasaran dalam perspektif etika ekonomi Islam. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode library research atau studi kepustakaan. Akhir dari penelitian ini, etika sangat mempengaruhi aktivitas seorang pebisnis. Dengan adanya etika yang baik maka, konsumen atau pihak dalam lingkungan tersebut akan lebih segan dan lebih merasa aman dalam lingkup pebisnis tersebut. Sebaliknya etika yang buruk justru membuat kesan para konsumen menjadi buruk meski produk yang ditawarkan memiliki kualitas yang sangat baik. Dalam Islam, Etika dalam berdagang banyak dijelaskan dalam Kalam Allah SWT. Tentu juga baginda Nabi Muhammad SAW menjadi tauladan etika bagi para pengusaha Muslim dalam menawarkan produknya. Pemasaran dengan etika justru menambah nilai dari produk yang ditawarkan tersebut, akan senantiasa di ingat oleh konsumen. Kata Kunci : Etika, Pemasaran, Etika dalam Islam
Pemanfaatan Barang Gadai Dalam Tinjauan Hadits Nabi Muhammad Saw Muhammad Satar
Al-Bayan: Jurnal Ilmu al-Qur'an dan Hadist Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Januari
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Al-Qur'an Wali Songo Situbondo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35132/albayan.v6i1.250


Islam in the development of fiqh muamalah recognizes the term pawn. Pawn is the transfer of the right of use owned as collateral for the loan they take. Of course this has been practiced in Islam since the time of the Prophet who later found various hadiths about pawning and its use. This study then aims to contain an in-depth explanation of how to use pawned goods as in the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. The research method used in this study is the library research method or literature study related to the hadith of the use of pawned goods. This study contains the hadith of how the pawn occurred and how the pawned goods were used in accordance with the hadith that became the basis and in this study contained the narrators of the hadith that were raised as well as criticisms of the sanad and the matan of the hadith. Keywords: Hadith, Pawn, Sanad, Matan
Pawn (RAHN) In The Perspective Of The Hadith Of The Prophet Muhammad SAW Muhammad Satar; La Ode Ismail Ahmad
Economos : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Vol 5 No 2 (2022): ECONOMOS : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (142.615 KB) | DOI: 10.31850/economos.v5i2.1806


The life advocated and described in Islamic Law is to live by helping each other in various ways. In this regard, loans based on Islamic law provide certainty of benefits for its creditors. The term pawn transaction where in Islam is Rahn. A lien or Ar-Rahn is an agreement for the granting of property as collateral for what will be borrowed or in this case a debt that will be carried out as a guarantor when the creditor is unable to pay off the debt. Islam basically allows a lien transaction where a person obtains goods by paying them first and then agrees between the debtor and the creditor provided that the creditor or borrower must provide guarantees to the debtor. The guarantee or marhun and the value of its use used as a guarantor is a right for the borrower which is not allowed to be used by the guarantor. Instead, there must be permission from the debtor or borrower.