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Automated Dispensing Machine Sebagai Salah Satu Upaya Menurunkan Medication Error Di Farmasi Rumah Sakit Karundeng, Dicki Julianus; Permanasari, Vetty Yulianty
Cermin Dunia Kedokteran Vol 45, No 10 (2018): Muskuloskeletal
Publisher : PT. Kalbe Farma Tbk.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (947.706 KB) | DOI: 10.55175/cdk.v45i10.583


Medication Errors merupakan penyebab kematian tertinggi keempat di Amerika Serikat. Untuk menurunkan kejadian medication errors, khususnya dispensing errors, Amerika Serikat sudah menggunakan sistem dispensing otomatis Di Indonesia, hampir semua instalasi farmasi masih menggunakan tenaga manual. Studi ini menganalisis dampak ADM (Automated Dispensing Machine) terhadap medication errors, khususnya dispensing errors di instalasi farmasi rumah sakit. Metode: Systematic Review menggunakan metode PRISMA diambil dari online database seperti Scopus, Tripdatabase, Springerlink dan Google Scholar dengan kata kunci “Automated Dispensing Machine” dan “Medication Error” dengan rentang waktu studi 10 tahun terakhir. Hasil dan Diskusi: Sebelas penelitian menunjukkan dampak positif automated dispensing machine (ADM) menurunkan dispensing errors, baik di instalasi rawat jalan maupun rawat inap. Lima penelitian menunjukkan ADM harus terintegrasi dengan ePrescription , sistem barcoding, dan Sistem Informasi Rumah Sakit, agar dapat berdampak optimal. Sistem filling ADM otomatis dapat mendukung penurunan angka dispensing error. ADM juga berdampak positif menurunkan beban kerja di farmasi, waktu tunggu obat, nilai inventory farmasi, dan biaya karyawan. Kelemahan sistem ADM adalah sulit digunakan dalam pelayanan emergency, membutuhkan sumber daya manusia terlatih, dan biaya tinggi. Simpulan: ADM berdampak positif menurunkan angka medication error. Untuk hasil maksimal ADM harus diintegrasikan dengan sistem informasi rumah sakit.Medication Errors are the 4th leading cause of death in USA; to decrease medication errors, Automated Dispensing System had been used in USA. In Indonesia, most pharmaceutical departments still use manual system in drugs dispensing. This study analyze the effect of ADM (Automated Dispensing Machine) to medication errors, particularly dispensing errors in hospital pharmacy. Method: Systematic Review with PRISMA method retrieved from online database such as Scopus, Tripdatabase, Springerlink, and Google Scholar using keywords “automated dispensing machine” AND “medication errors” studied in the last ten years. Results and Discussion: All eleven studies show beneficial effects in ADM implementation, decreasing dispensing errors, both at outpatient and inpatient ward. Five studies suggest that ADM should be integrated with ePrescription, barcoding system, and hospital information system for optimal result. Automatic filling system also decrease dispensing error. ADM also gives beneficial effect in reducing pharmacy staffs’ workload, drug waiting time, drug inventory cost, and employee costs. ADM systems have some weaknesses : difficult to apply at emergency services, need trained staffs, and high costs. Conclusion ADM gives beneficial effect in reducing medication error. For better results, ADM should be integrated with hospital information system. 
Jurnal ARSI (Administrasi Rumah Sakit Indonesia) Vol. 9, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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The incidence of patients fall is a second big issue after the incidence of medication errors. Reducing the risk of falls is one measure of service quality that is the main focus of the Hospital. This study aims to analyze the risk management of inpatient falls at Woman and Children Hospital SMB in 2020 by using FMEA tool. This research is a qualitative study by using in-depth interviews, observation, document review, and FGD as data collection methods. The results of this study indicate that factors of patient fall which become high priority potential failure modes are found in the structure and process variables. Factors in the structure variables include hospital protocols that do not regulate the mobilization of discharged patients and infrastructures that have not been provided. Factors in the process variable include inconsistent documentation and patient supervision. The potential impacts are difficulty to measure risk management of patient fall and increased risk of patient fall. Research recommendations are strengthening the monitoring system through the implementation of bedside checklist status, shift reports on patient needs related to falling prevention, optimization briefings and de-briefings of patient Safety, and improving the SOP of discharge planning.
Penerapan Metode ABC Indeks Kritis dalam Pengelolaan Persediaan Obat di Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit XYZ Pekanbaru, Riau Tahun 2018 Susanto, Monika Noviera; Permanasari, Vetty Yulianty
Jurnal ARSI (Administrasi Rumah Sakit Indonesia) Vol. 5, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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The process of making the XYZ Hospital formulary by the Therapy Pharmacy Team (TFT) has not considered the critical level of a medicine for patients. The failure to carry out the assessment has caused an unplanned purchase of the medicine that needed immediately and affecting patient safety. The ABC method can identify drugs that must always be available and worth a large investment. There is no cost control of drug supplies at XYZ Hospital because data on the value of investment in drugs have not been analyzed. This study uses a qualitative research design by applying the ABC index critical method to data on drug needs in 2018. The research data was obtained through in-depth interviews, observation and review of planning documents and drug procurement. 82% of the drugs in the warehouse are rarely used, but 53 of them are drugs that have high investment value that require special attention. Drugs that have the largest 5 (five) investment values but are very rarely used (group C usage value) are: Albuminar 25%, Octalbin 25%, Terfacef injection, Trijec 1 gram and Lanmer injection.The next XYZ Hospital formulary must issue 530 types of drugs that are not critical and have no use. The smaller number of types of drugs that enter the formulary will facilitate the process of control and storage of inventory
The Effectiveness of The Posyandu and Its Relation to Leadership and Management Maryati, Husnah; Permanasari, Vetty Yulianty
Journal of Indonesian Health Policy and Administration Vol. 1, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Data on infant mortality in the city of Bogor has increased from 26 to be 62 cases in 2013. Posyandu is one of the facility in a society that runs the health program where one goal is carrying out activities to accelerate the decline in the death rate of mothers and babies. The problems at posyandu in Bogor is the number of active cadres continue to decline while cadre recruitment insufficient, and less active of the function of The National Working team of posyandu. The report of newborn deaths by 2013 and 2014 stated that more than half (55 and 52.7 percent) posyandu where there were cases of infant death were posyandu at first and medium development level. This research would like to see how the effectiveness of the leadership factor (communication, competence), management functions (planning, organizing, implementing and controlling), work environment (system support, availability, the availability of means of support and incentives) as well as the characteristics of respondents (posyandu classification, age, number of years served and the work) to mass based activities (UKBM) in Posyandu. We used a cross sectional design. About 70 posyandu chairman cadres as the respondents. This research resulted in the most decisive factor, namely the competence of the chairman of cadres. Knowledge and competence of cadres is already good and should continue to be maintained. The Division of duties and authorities which are clearly made in the region of posyandu organization Bogor City is already good (average rating scale 6.19). The strength of leadership and good management at the operational level of posyandu makes posyandu is more effective in achieving the objectives. There is a relationship between variables, functions, management leadership, the working environment and the characteristics of the respondents against the effectiveness of the posyandu. Data on infant mortality in the city of Bogor has increased from 26 to be 62 cases in 2013. Posyandu is one of the facility in a society that runs the health program where one goal is carrying out activities to accelerate the decline in the death rate of mothers and babies. The problems at posyandu in Bogor is the number of active cadres continue to decline while cadre recruitment insufficient, and less active of the function of The National Working team of posyandu. The report of newborn deaths by 2013 and 2014 stated that more than half (55 and 52.7 percent) posyandu where there were cases of infant death were posyandu at first and medium development level. This research would like to see how the effectiveness of the leadership factor (communication, competence), management functions (planning, organizing, implementing and controlling), work environment (system support, availability, the availability of means of support and incentives) as well as the characteristics of respondents (posyandu classification, age, number of years served and the work) to mass based activities (UKBM) in Posyandu. We used a cross sectional design. About 70 posyandu chairman cadres as the respondents. This research resulted in the most decisive factor, namely the competence of the chairman of cadres. Knowledge and competence of cadres is already good and should continue to be maintained. The Division of duties and authorities which are clearly made in the region of posyandu organization Bogor City is already good (average rating scale 6.19). The strength of leadership and good management at the operational level of posyandu makes posyandu is more effective in achieving the objectives. There is a relationship between variables, functions, management leadership, the working environment and the characteristics of the respondents against the effectiveness of the posyandu.