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Homeostasis Vol 7, No 2 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/ht.v7i2.13233


Abstract: Wibowo and Randhawa score are preoperative scoring systems to predict the difficulty of laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Allegedly, the duration of surgery lengthens as the score increases. Variable difference of the two scores may also be associated with their effectiveness difference in predicting the difficulty of surgery. This study aimed to determine the correlation and difference between Wibowo and Randhawa score with the difficulty of laparoscopic cholecystectomy. This study is an observational analytical correlation and comparative study with a prospective cohort approach. The correlation between the score and the difficulty of surgery was analyzed by simple linear regression test, while the effectiveness difference was analyzed by binomial logistic regression test. There was a weak positive correlation that’s significant between Randhawa score and the difficulty of surgery (r = 0,406; B = 3,017; p = 0,009) and moderate positive correlation that’s significant between Wibowo score and the difficulty of surgery (r = 0,540; B = 3,618; p = 0,001). There was no significant difference between the two scores in predicting the difficulty of surgery (RR 1,523; p = 0.498). An increasing score would lengthen the duration of surgery. Wibowo score was more effective than Randhawa’s, but not significant. Keywords: laparoscopic cholecystectomy, Wibowo score, Randhawa score, level of difficulty, duration Abstrak: Skor Wibowo dan Randhawa merupakan sistem skoring preoperatif untuk memprediksi tingkat kesulitan kolesistektomi laparoskopi. Peningkatan skor diduga berhubungan dengan pemanjangan durasi operasi. Perbedaan variabel penilaian pada kedua skor diduga juga berhubungan dengan perbedaan efektivitasnya dalam memprediksi tingkat kesulitan operasi. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan dan perbedaan antara kedua skor tersebut dengan tingkat kesulitan kolesistektomi laparoskopi. Penelitian bersifat observasional analitik korelasional dan komparatif dengan pendekatan kohort prospektif. Hubungan kedua skor dengan tingkat kesulitan operasi dianalisis dengan uji regresi linier sederhana, sedangkan perbedaan efektivitasnya dianalisis dengan uji regresi logistik binomial. Terdapat korelasi positif tingkat lemah yang bermakna antara skor Randhawa dengan tingkat kesulitan operasi (r = 0,406; B = 3,017; p = 0,009) dan korelasi positif tingkat sedang yang bermakna antara skor Wibowo dengan tingkat kesulitan operasi (r = 0,540; B = 3,618; p = 0,001). Tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara kedua skor tersebut dalam memprediksi tingkat kesulitan operasi (RR 1,523; p = 0,498). Peningkatan skor menyebabkan pemanjangan durasi operasi. Skor Wibowo lebih efektif daripada skor Randhawa, tetapi tidak bermakna. Kata-kata kunci: kolesistektomi laparoskopi, skor Wibowo, skor Randhawa, tingkat kesulitan, durasi
INSIDENSI SINDROM PASCA KOLESISTEKTOMI PADA PASIEN KOLELITIASIS Ridhana, Achmad; Wibowo, Agung Ary; Yuliana, Ida; Rosida, Lena; Poerwosusanta, Hery
Homeostasis Vol 7, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/ht.v7i1.12356


Abstract: Post-cholecystectomy syndrome can reduce the recovery of patients with cholelithiasis. This study aims to analyze the incidence of post-cholecystectomy syndrome in patients with cholelithiasis. This study was descriptive longitudinal co-hort prospective with follow up patients 2 and 7 days post cholecystectomy using guided interviews. The incidence of post-cholecystectomy syndrome based on clinical symptoms of 54 subjects 2 and 7 days postoperatively was 38.9% and 14.8%. Of the 54 subjects there were clinical symptoms of biliary colic pain 2 and 7 days after cholecystectomy, many felt moderate and mild pain, percentages of 50% and 88.9%. Fever 2 and 7 days after cholecystectomy many did not feel it percentage of 70.4% and 100%. Jaundice 2 and 7 days after cholecystectomy was mostly not felt by 90.7% and 98.1%. Jaundice 2 and 7 days after cholecystectomy was mostly not felt by 90.7% and 98.1%. Vomiting 2 and 7 days after cholecystectomy was not experienced by 74.1% and 88.9%, respectively. Dyspepsia 2 and 7 days after cholecystectomy was mostly not felt by 74.1% and 83.3%. Diarrhea 2 and 7 days after cholecystectomy was not experienced by 100% and 87%, respectively. Abdominal cramps 2 days after cholecystectomy were mostly felt by 87%, 7 days after cholecystectomy were mostly not felt by 92.6%. Most subjects 2 and 7 days post cholecystectomy did not experience post-cholecystectomy syndrome. Keywords: incidence, post cholecystectomy syndrome, cholelithiasis Abstrak: Sindrom pasca kolesistektomi dapat menurunkan kesembuhan pasien kolelitiasis. Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis insidensi sindrom pasca kolesistektomi pada pasien kolelitiasis. Penelitian ini deskriptif longitudinal  co-hort prospektif dengan  follow up pasien 2 dan 7 hari pasca kolesistektomi menggunakan wawancara terpimpin. Insidensi sindrom pasca kolesistektomi berdasarkan gejala klinis dari 54 subjek 2 dan 7 hari pasca operasi sebesar 38,9% dan 14,8%. Dari 54 subjek terdapat gejala klinis nyeri kolik bilier 2 dan 7 hari pasca kolesistektomi banyak merasakan nyeri sedang  dan ringan persentase 50% dan 88,9%. Demam 2 dan 7 hari pasca kolesistektomi banyak tidak merasakannya persentase 70,4% dan 100%. Ikterus 2 dan 7 hari pasca kolesistektomi banyak  tidak merasakannya persentase 90,7% dan 98,1%. Ikterus 2 dan 7 hari pasca kolesistektomi banyak tidak merasakannya persentase 90,7% dan 98,1%. Muntah 2 dan 7 hari pasca kolesistektomi banyak tidak merasakannya persentase 74,1% dan 88,9%. Dispepsia 2 dan 7 hari pasca kolesistektomi banyak tidak merasakannya persentase 74,1% dan 83,3%. Diare 2 dan 7 hari pasca kolesistektomi  banyak tidak merasakannya persentase 100% dan 87%. Kram perut 2 hari pasca kolesistektomi banyak merasakannya persentase 87%, 7 hari pasca kolesistektomi banyak tidak merasakannya persentase 92,6%. Sebagian besar subjek 2 dan 7 hari pasca kolesistektomi tidak mengalami sindrom pasca kolesistektomi. Kata-kata kunci: insidensi, sindrom pasca kolesistetomi, kolelitiasis.