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DESIGNING FOR ERGONOMIC GAWANGAN BY USING A ROLLER Novrianti; Chandra Dewi, Diana; Handayani, Corry; Bayhaqi, Imam
Jurnal Kreatif : Desain Produk Industri dan Arsitektur Vol. 12 No. 1 (2024): Vol.12, No. 1, April 2024
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Applied Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46964/jkdpia.v12i1.560


Batik craftsmen needed a tool to help them while writing on the carving fabric (covering the motif on the fabric) with wax. They use gawangan for buffering the writing fabric for the sake of the easiest way for the writing process and the fabric is not folded. This is because if the fabric is pleated, the wax on the fabric will harden, break off, and come off the fabric. For this long time, the craftsmen still used the wooden gawangan, and only wrote a unit of batik once a time in the production process. The main problem is how to make the fabric after the wax process saving safely. Gawangan that using roller is a kind of innovation that has never been made before, in Jambi, moreover in Indonesia or maybe in the world. The dimension of the design will use anthropometric data so that the gawangan is ergonomic. The main purpose of this design is to ensure that the fabric that has been long waxed is safe, without any anxiety about the motif on the fabric breaking due to broken wax. Further, this gawangan is designed to accommodate rolls of fabric up to 100 meters.
Supply Chain Pengiriman Buah Pinang Kering dari Kelompok Tani Ke Pabrik (Studi Kasus: Desa Kelagian) Ikbal, Muhammad; Bayhaqi, Imam; Handayani, Corry
Journal of Industrial View Vol 5, No 2 (2023): Publikasi Ilmiah Teknik Industri
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/jiv.v5i2.10589


AbstractAreca nut is a commodity that has high economic value. The areca nut produced by Jambi Province in 2020 is 320,260 tons per year. West Tanjung Jabung Regency produces ± 12,266 tons of areca nut per year. There are obstacles in the distribution of dried betel nuts to the factories, namely in terms of inadequate transportation facilities such as roads from the plantations to the factories which are damaged and some of the land has to pass through the river. Delivery is made to factories that have collaborated with farmer groups, so farmer groups must fulfill requests in accordance with factory requests. Due to the varying number of requests from factories and varying amounts of inventory, farmer groups must choose the optimal delivery route for the transportation costs that will be incurred. The transportation method is a method for solving distribution problems optimally so that the distribution costs incurred can be minimized. This research will use a transportation method, namely the Vogel Approximation Method (VAM) to optimize the cost of shipping areca nut to the factory. Furthermore, it is optimized again using the Stepping Stone method. Transportation costs for sending betel nut from the location of the farmer group to the factory have been optimal at a cost of IDR 4,558,000 per month, with the shipping route from Teluk Perupuk Hamlet sending 8 tons of areca nut to PT Bintang Selatan. Kayu Aro Village sent 7 tonnesof areca nuts to PT Ruby Privatindo. Sungai Rambai Village sent 2 tons to PT Ruby Privatindo, 1 ton to PT Bintang Selatan, and 2 tons of areca nut to PT Asnap Group.AbstrakBuah pinang merupakan salah satu komoditi yang memiliki nilai ekonomi yang tinggi. Buah pinang yang dihasilkan daerah Provinsi Jambi di tahun 2020 sebanyak 320.260 ton pertahun. Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat menghasilkan buah pinang ± 12.266 ton per tahunnya. Ada kendala dalam pendistribusian buah pinang kering ke pabrik, yaitu dari segi fasilitas transportasi yang belum memadai seperti jalan dari kebun menuju pabrik yang rusak dan sebagian lahan harus melewati sungai. Pengiriman dilakukan ke pabrik-pabrik yang telah kerjasama dengan kelompok tani, sehingga kelompok tani harus memenuhi permintaan sesuai dengan permintaan pabrik. Dengan adanya jumlah permintaan yang beragam dari pabrik dan jumlah persediaan yang beragam pula menyebabkan kelompok tani harus memilih rute pengiriman yang optimal terhadap biaya transportasi yang akan dikeluarkan. Metode transportasi adalah suatu metode untuk memecahkan masalah pendistribusian secara optimal sehingga biaya distribusi yang dikeluarkan dapat diminimalkan. Dalam penelitian ini akan menggunakan metode transportasi yaitu Vogel Approximation Method (VAM) untuk mengoptimalkan biaya pengiriman buah pinang ke pabrik. Selanjutnya di optimalkan lagi dengan menggunakan metode Stepping Stone. Biaya transportasi pengiriman buah pinang dari lokasi kelompok tani menuju ke pabrik telah optimal dengan biaya sebesar Rp 4.558.000 per bulan, dengan rute pengiriman dari Dusun teluk perupuk mengirim ke PT bintang selatan sebanyak 8 Ton pinang. Desa Kayu Aro mengirim ke PT Ruby Privatindo sebanyak 7 Ton pinang. Desa sungai rambai mengirim ke PT Ruby Privatindo sebanyak 2 Ton,mengirim ke PT Bintang Selatan sebanyak 1 Ton, dan mengirim ke PT Asnap Group sebanyak 2 Ton pinang